The Newcastle Sun from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

THE NEWCASTLE SUN, THURSDAY, 1928 Remarkable! Remarkable! THIS APPLIES to JOHN'S WONDERFUL PURCHASE AT RIDICULOUS PRICES Coats, Frocks AND Evening Shawls VELOUR TOP COATS. These are, in the newest shades, smart styles, with wide Coney Fur Collar. Sizes: 38, 40, 42. Usual Price Special Purchase, ANOTHER SMART COAT in Good Quality Velour, Collars trimmed Coney Fur. Usual Price Special Purchase X.O.S.

Frocks These are Smart Styles in CASHA FLANNEL, smart, quiet shades. Usual Price Special Purchase Sensational Purchase TEN ONLY. EVENING SHAWLS. These are in Tinsel Brocaded, and Fancy Silks, finished wide Silk fringe. BOUGHT HALF PRICE SELLING HALF PRICE Usual to Half to John's Silk Store Not Winning a Race "This not winning horse White In Newcastle District Court the reproof of Judge to-day, when there among the spectators after gave its "People who have no knowledge what is proper and seemly court should not attend." added "The jury to "TIN HARES" Hobart Park Meeting SELECTIONS will The Australian Coursing Association hold its usual two days coursing meeting with the mechanical hare on Hobart afternoons.

Park to- morrow and Saturday The draw is as Cook's Hill Stakes: Mandolin, Prince Sulvance, Lady Duckenneld, Kia-Ora Lass, Raisen Bread, Vaida's Arab, Silver Lady, Sweet Stella, Foote, Hamilton La Stakes: Turning Point, Lady Dassie, Bill's Pride, Black seal, Beau Rayl, Hurricane, Optimist. Giebe Stakes: Black Wolf, Bulga Boy, Prince Silent, Regret, Mountain Dawn, Royal Red, Lucky Dream, Black Bird. Nobby's Stakes: Hawk's Envy, Waldara, Pearl Gate, Yarinda, Bramble, Kandon, Newcastle Mingay, Riveries Hope. Stakes: Queen Gate, Emerson Girl. Jolt's Pride, Numa, Riverlen Boy, Shandy Gaff, Moronsa, Morning Dew.

A.C.A, Maiden Hurdles: Slow Motion. Red Crow, Tarro Lad. White Sand. Black Jerry. Irish Folly, Gillette, White Lass.

Broadmeadow Stakes: Mina Yareen, Pendant, Havoc Belle, Bravo, Ked Peer. Spanish Love, Lannie's Queen, Denver's Rusty. Real Grit, Bashful Three-Furlong Golden Stakes: Chance, Bob, King Determined, Brown, Lady Wal, Brown Joe, Lady Jim King. SATURDAY Cook's HIll Stakes: Cynasure, Denver's Rusty, Kaisen Bread, Lannie'a Queen, riddie Back. Little Shamrock, Great Abbey, Sliver Lady.

Hamliton Stakes: Mandolin, Sweet Stella, Miss Anvil, La Dazzle, Beau Kayl, Outenst, Priuco Silent, queen Talgal. Gleba Stakes: Lord Bramble, Hawk's Envy. Brown Street, Rosie Turpin, New Butch, Nobbys Kilulin, Stakes: Begin Again, Cyclops, Bega's Image, Mins Regret. Hooper, Emerson Girl. Madam Sheridan.

Shamus Dickens, Kandos, ing Newcastie Stakes: Johnny Forts, Minn Zeb, Chrisimac, Riveries Boy. Red Wings, Sweet Limes, Llewellyn, Queen Gate. A.C.A. Hurdles: Micawber a Hope, Stroller, Little Alf, Brasso, Special Chief, White Lass, Slow Motion, Red Crow. Broadmeadow Stakes: Talgai Lass, Jeff a Pride, Numa, Moronga, Winalot, "The Blackbird, Taloomba, Three- Gipsy King.

Furlong Stakes: Brilliant Dollar, Real Grit, Golden Chance, Kidlaw, Reprieve, King Brown, Brown King. Riverles Hope, Selections Cook's HIll Stakes: Valda's Arab 1, Ora Lass 2, Prince Sulvance 3. Hamilton Stakes: Lady Foote 1, Optimlat 2. Black Seal 3. Glebe Stakes: Royal Red 1, Mountain Dawn 2, Prince Silent 3.

Nobbys Stakes: Hawk's Envy 1, Riverlen Hope 2, Mingay 3. Newcastle Stakes: Numa 1. Emerson Girl 2, Moronga 3. A.C.A. Maiden Hurdles: Tarro Lad 1.

Red Crow 2. Slow Motion 3. Broadmendow Stakes: Lannie's Queen 1, Havoc Belle 3, Bravo 3. "The George" Three- Stakes: King Brown 1, Bashful Boh 2, Lady Wai Speedway Draw Following is the draw for the meeting on Course: Fumed Staple, Texas Girl. Mention, Miner's Friend, Lady Jewell, Black Wolf, Flying Scrooge, Beryl G.

Second Course: Dick Millieme, Grenock Bell. Pastime, Beam Wireless, Grit zel, Agility, Countess Christo, Black Dinmond. Third Course: Bully Micawber, Marchink Melody, Pittapat, Lucky Hit. Mina Emerson, Bexley Boy, Abel Garland, Prince Silent. Fourth Course: Glenrock'a Hope, White Ash, Bonnie Johnnie, Waringa, Dinnio Hazel, Oriental King, Son o' Mine, Tarspark.

Fifth Course: Miss Magpie, Black Fanny, Black Cheque, Plain Jane, Sercah, Royal Red, Bega's Image, Whisky Boy. Sixth Course Silver tream. Silent Hooper, Golden Gift, Dudley, Corinthia; Bright Sandal, Mountain Dawn, Maid of Honor. Seventh Course Panacre, Double Break. Laddie Kirk, Tongala, Golf Ball.

Fearless George, Low Comedy, Bashful Bob. Hurdles; Master Harold. Hypol, Slippery Jim. Cull. Hawkesbury, Grecian Bend, The Persian Lady, Cessnock Draw Cessnock Electric Coursing Association's usual "tin hare" carnival will be ducted at Cessnock Sports Ground on Saturday afternoon, The draw is as Stakes: Heady, Alice Hazel, Silent Douglass, Peter Pat.

Zinthia, The Crow. Antoford, Neen'a Pride. Aberdare Stakes: Little Flower, Thrilling Boy, Pale Face, Silver Verse, Evelyn Cinder, Black Pass, Kenn's Boy, Anvil Brown. Weston Stakes: Silent Jack, Nancy Determination, Brass Mane, Bandy Joe, Lucy Jeff, Silent Black, Royal Cobber, Gladstone. Celanock Stakes: Lady Dear, Wang's Choice, Scoutmaster, Sweet, Arab, Cyron, Brown King.

Baby Arab, Just a Hope. Kurri Stakes: Christmas Star. Bronzess. Young Arthur, Extended, Snow, Dud Francis, Merry Planet, Blue Saten. MicawSingleton Stakes: Royal Pride, ber Bess, Saya Dickens, Raven, Boyd's Beauty, Ribbons, Cash Box, Belford Lass.

Bellbird Stakes: Irene Bell, Dark Anvil. Royal Iona, Selwyn, Lady Owendale, Brunswick Black, Grey Prince, Our Favor, Maiden Hurdle: Young Walter. Sir Comedy. King of Mirth, Cliffdale, Blue Pass, Half a Note, Willie Win, Mowlight. To Have Hair Like Mary Pickford's Curls DON'T SPOIL IT WASHING WITH SOAP Only hair that is regularly shampooed- not with soaps containing harsh alkali which dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle)-will catch the beautiful lights and show the deep shadows such as we all admire in Mary Pickford's famous curls, The best thing to use is colinated cocoanut oil shampoos, for this la pure and entirely greaseless.

Merely moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that la required. It make an abundance or rich. creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly and rinses out, The hair dries quick and evenly, and is soit, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to handle. Besides, it loot. ens and takes out every particle of excess perspiration, dust, dirt, and dandruff.

It's very cheap and brats anything else all to pieces, You can get colinated cocoanut oil at uny chemist's, and a few ounces will Just long time, -Advt. IN THE THEATRES THEATRE ROYAL Story of the Spanish Main Rod La the Rocque is the hero of "The Cruise of Jasper the tion at the Theatre Royal to-day. attrac- He seen in a different role to that for which he la noted. Nevertheless, Rod Rocque is fascinating and antic. comedy in la addition introduced.

to thrilling scenes, Main The when story goes pirates back looted to the Spanish treasure galIcons. Into these elementa introduced a weak-hearted, soft-muscled, of piratical ancestry. The open- young man ing scene shows the Jasper B. daDeing before a fair wind under full sail. On her deck Spanish beauty is the centre of all attraction.

It is not the gold that causes the fierce fighting and thrilling incidents, but the charm of the Spanish girl, In the early part of the picture Rod La Rocque la seen as a pirate, who depends largely on luck rather than strength for his living. In the latter part, when the rom calls for daring, steady nerves and physical strength, he is quite another man, and gives many exhibitions of physical strength, quite unlooked for from the star of many drawing-room stories. Mildred Harris, as the daughter. supplies the romantic side of the picture, with much interest. Jack Ackroyd and James Mack are also in the cast.

"The Branded Sombrero." with Buck Jones as the hero, is the porting picture, STRAND THEATRE "Latest from Paris" In 'The Latest from Paris," the picture showing at the Brand Themire to-day, Norma Shearer shows how the modern woman makes her sex an asset, instead of a hindrance. As the live wire travelling saleswoman of wholesale fashion house, she pita her wits against the representative of a rival Arm, and besides stealing his customers successful in stealing him. The picture riven Norma Shearer many opportunities in showing her talent as a comedian. Her belief that all la fair in love and war gets her Into A lot of trouble. George Sidney and Tenan Holts are responsible for much of the humor, playing the roles of two Jewish ners in wholesale fashion Arm.

Ralph Forbes plays the leading male role, Margaret Landis and Bert Roach are nino in the cast. One Woman," starring ard Barthelmess, the supporting picture. "SPOOKS" Victoria Theatre Mystery "Spooks." the American mystery play in three acts, which Sir Benjamin and John Fuller will present at the Victorin Theatre next Saturday afternoon and night for a season of one week, is claimed to be one of the best mystery plays staged in Australia. It will be played by Hal Parks's comedians and comes direct from the Grand Opera House, Sydney, and the Palace Theatre, Melbourne, where it scored a big success. The company in headed by Phil Smith, well known comedian, who han the congenial role of 1 negro who flies from superstition.

Many novelties are crowded into "Spooks." The picce opens during a realistic thunder storm and many of the characters make their entrance from the stalls in 2 manner which grins the audience at the outset. The atmosphere is NO arranged In the new play that a shrill shriek from the stalla startles the audience before things happen--that 18. before "Spooks" actually appear. The metting la novel and the entrance to the haunted house 18 an innovation. la said to provide a night of mirth and mystery.

It is different from any play Newcastle audiences have seen for some time. The season 1s limited to six nights, The last two nights are announced of the Hermle Ward revue company. which has proved a big success in Newcastle, HERBERT'S THEATRES Flaming Youths Two old boys with young ideas, 18 the story told in "Two Flaming Youths," the picture to be shown at Herbert's Theatres to-night, The youths are played by Chester Conklin and W. C. Fields, whose great friendship undergoes many amusing changes, principally through their unfortunate love affairs.

Fields is seen as the owner of side-show, which is showing in little town, where Conklin happens to be the sheriff. The sheriff has, for many years, considered himself engag. ed to the town's prettiest girl, a young and charming widow. played by Cissy Fitzgerald. It is because the showman gets the idea of marrying the widow that all the trouble starts.

The dramatic picture to be shown with to-night's programme is "The 13th Juror." starring Anna Q. Nilsson, Lyric Theatre One of the impressive scenes In the "King of Kings," which will terminate 8 season at the Lyrle TheaIrt on Saturday, shows animal sellers and money-changers, and their stock being di'ven forth from the outer courts. Through the great western gate of the temple come the disetples, acclaiming "Hosanna to the Son of David." and seeking to crown him King of Kings, The reproduction of the Second Temple la one of the achievements in the making of "The King of Kings." RICHMOND PONIES Selections for To-morrow SYDNEY, Thursday. Selections for Richmond ponies to be held to- inorrow Handicap, fret division: Zoe 1, Lochowle 2. Glen Almond 3.

Second Division: Wintrim 1, Sarinah 2, Widgeon 14.2 Novice Handicap: Burmire 1, 01d Fred 2. Flying Handicap: Linsira 1, Bobialla 2, Seaplane 3. Novice Handicap, first division: Green Cross 1, Lord Cambridge 3, Lady Panacre 3. Second Division: Regatta 1, Mogan Tray Bit 3. Encourage Stakes: Clargo 1, Memento Sardonic 3.

Richmond Handicap: Silent Rose PeRKy Dighton 2, Jundah 3. TYRRELL'S Got Another Hit. MY TREASURE Best Record for Months, "Phone 1819. A.J.C. RACES Winter Meeting ACCEPTANCES SYDNEY, Thursday.

Acceptances for A.J.C. winter meet. Ing on Baturday HURDLE RACE About two miles. (1 p.m.) Plidin Pindarus Grosvenor Triplex Coybeau Castles Burratorm. Stony The Ringer Tedwin Bronzino' Embark Dream FLYING HANDICAP furlongs.

(1.55 p.m.) Anrangi Cyon Preposterer Arledon Adjong Padicol Kapuys Less Noise Whitta Factor Shanakiel Nandillyan 13 Goodstead A.J.C. STEEPLE About three miles. (2.35 p.m.) Epergne Chandonia Mendit 10 Eastern Scot Namera Absurdee Grey Friar Monstrooper Perpetuni Goblin SECOND NURSERY HANDICAP Sis furlongs. (8.16 p.m.) Casque D'Or 13 Bir Cyllene Clargull Belastre Roma Oil Moryah Travail Saison D'Or Vertoy Franciscan Hecarol Bank Draft WINTER STAKES One mile and five furlongs. (3.50 p.m.) Dion 13 Firefly Bagpipes 12 Divulge King Cyllene.

10 Hinchinbrook Luddenhatn 10 Misty Lad Asterdale EXETER HANDICAP One mile. (4.25 p.m.) Ulah 12 Deferential Bollinger Pigeon Pie Cute Bird Lady Clara Colmern Somnolent Cenan Lia Bright Flower Zuleika Mahatma FINANCE BILL Second Reading Passed Special) LONDON, Wednesday, Mr. P. Snowden (Lab.) submitted Labor amendment in the House of Commons to-day, objecting to the recond reading of the Finance BIll, because it did not relleve workers of the heavy tax burden. The amendment WAS defeated and the BIll passed the second Mr.

P. Snowden ing by 322 votes to 135. Stock Exchange Sales SYDNEY, Thursday. Sales on the Sydney Stock Exchange today Bonds, 6 per 1928, £101 5m: £100 Bonds, 5 1-4 per 1933. Bank of Commerce.

36: A. Hordern'a (150). 228 9d; Farmers, 3d; and Waddington, 48 11d: Winchcombe, non. 338 9d: Broken Hill Proprietary, 238 3d: New Guinea Osmiridium, 28 5d: Ratrut. 6d.

mix weeks 27s 7d: Roma Oil, £6 10s: Queensland Antimony (paid), 9d. Ask for O.K. Jams Accommodation VACANCIES for Respectable Boarders in Macquarie House, (lean beds, good table. Tariff, Bed, breakfast. 58 -per day 88; for week Wattstreet, City, GOLDMAN'S FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.

291 HUNTER-STREET Funerals The Funeral of the late ALBERT N. BONARIUS will leave from his residence, -street, on FRIDAY AFTERNOON. At 2.15 o'clock, for the Presbyterian Cemetery, Sandgate. WALTER NEVE, Funeral Director, and Friends of MR. THOMAS DUNN, are invited to attend his Funeral: To move from the residence of his Son, Mr.

D. Dunn, Main-road, Belmont, TO-MOUROW (FRIDAY) AFTERNOON, at 3.30 o'clock, for Presbyterian Cemetery, Belnont. JAMES MURRAY, Funerul Director. U.G.L. OF N.S.W.

LODGE STAR IN THE WEST, No. 189, ADAMSTOWN. Members of the above Lodge and Sister Lodges are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of our late Bro. THOS. DUNN: To leave his Son's rentdence, Main-road, Belmont, for the Presbyterian Cemetery.

Belmont, at 3.30 p.m. TO- MORROW (FRIDAY). Lodge of Sorrow p.m. Regalia at grave. mide.

THOS. C. REID. Wor. M.

JOHN A. N. USHER, SecEGGLESTON'S FLORAL SERVICE, Combined with the Best Quality Floral Work. Ring at any time. 'Phone 360.

EGGLESTON. 239 Newcastle, WREATHS AND FLORAL DESIGNS SHORTEST NOTICE. 'Phone Newcastle 1611 nt any time. J. H.

THOMAS FLORIST. 471 HUNTER-STREET WEST. JUNE 7, 1928 LOUNGE SUITES Sacrificed at Light's STOCK- TAKING GREAT Sale! Other 3-piece Suites Suites at Sale Prices 3-piece FIGURED VELVET SUITE. Usual Price, Sale Price £31 3-piece GENOA VELVET SUITE. Usuai Price, Sale Price 3-piece JACOBEAN SUITE.

Usual Price, Sale Price 3-piece ROSEWOOD THE "KINGSFORD" Of Carpets SUITE. Usual Price, Above is illustrated a most desirable 3-piece Suite. le is upholstered in Tapestry, exceptionally well sprung OF AI Sale Price and Usual we Price are knocking $5 off its price. Arranged Easy The "Shirley" 3-piece MO- Sale Price Without Interest. QUETTE SUITE.

Usual Price, All Deliveries Free Sale Price Odd Lenghts of Carpet Almost Given Away Length and Width Usual Sale Length and Width Usual 10 yds 221 ins Velvet Carpet 119 yds 27 ins Velvet Carpet yds 27 ins Velvet Carpet 5 5-12 yds. 27 ins Axminster Carpet a 21 yds 27 ins Velvet Carpet 3 5-12 yds 27 ins Imperial Carpet, 6 5-12 yds 27 ins Axminster Carpet 101 yds 27 ins Imperial Carpet 6 yds 27 ins Imperial Carpet 112 yds x27 ins Imperial Carpet 5 1-8 yds 1. 27 ins Imperial Carpet M. LIGHT SON LTD. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 575.81 HUNTER-STREET WEST, NEWCASTLE AND AT VINCENT-STREET, CESSNOCK.

'Phones: Newcastle, 428; Cessnock, 264 Public Notices Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. IRON AND STEEL WORKS NEWCASTLE. 28in. FINISHING MILL The above mill WILL RESUME OPERATIONS, at 8 Friday, 8th instant.

MANAGER. South Maitland Railways WINTER PRINCIPAL PASSENGER TRAIN ALTERATIONS. With the introduction of the Winter -tables on Sunday, 10th June, 1928, the following passenger train alterations will take SERVICE BETWEEN NOCK AND NEWCASTLE The foliowing trains will run through and passengers will not require to change at West 3.20 p.m. and 65 Newcastle to Ceasnock. 6.7 p.m., to Newcastle.

PAY-SATURDAYS. 6.40 a.m. and 9.0 a.m., Newcastle to Cessnock, 6.15 a.m. and 9.8 a.m., Cessnock to Newcastle. The following trains will be SUNDAYS.

a.m., East Greta Junction to Camsnock. 7.0 a.m., Cessnock to West Maitland. MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS, INCLUSIVE. 10.0 a.m. and 2 28 p.m., West Slaitland to Kurri Kurrl.

9.23 a.m. and 12.25 p.m., Kurrl Kurri to West Maitland. MONDAYS TO THURSDAYS. INCLUSIVE. 10.15 p.m., West Maltland to Cessnock.

11.20 p.m.. Cessnock to West Maitland. The following trains will each run 10 minutes earlier than at 9.0 p.m. and 11.5 p.m., Cessnock to West Maitland, 9.30 p.m. and 10.50 p.m., Kurri Kurri to West Maitland.

10.0 p.m.. West Maltland to Cessnock. 10.10 p.m., West Maltland to Kurri Kurri. SATURDAYS ADDITIONAL. moThe will 4.55 run p.m, West minutes Maitland earlier to than at present.


CASH AND CARRY TWO DOORS FROM CORNER OF ROBEY AND PATRICK STREETS, MEREWETHER, TRAM-LINE, FANCY WOOL PULL OVERS SPECIALS Very Various cosy, FUJI-DE-LUXE designa and GOLF and shadings. SHIRTS regular bargain at the price. MEN'S PURE FUR FELT HATS Cut or bound edges, in all the very latest colorings, Special Price, Excellent range, of WINTER CAPS Newest shapes and designs. Special Prices, to AKUBRA, BORSALINO AND WOODROW HATS Now being offered in the latest shades and shapes, to fit ADY head from 61 to 71. -LINED SINGLETS Winter weight, sizes.

Spiendid value. Special Price, WINTER WEIGHT FLEECY. LINED UNDERPANTS All sizer, Extra Special, MERINO COTTON SINGLETS All sizes. very good quality for the money. A Trainload OF Immense Values Here's a special consignment of values that will meet with your hearty approval, both in regard to quality and exceptional price.

Each line depicts worth that you will not find elsewhere the price. So you would be smartly fitted up for the winter months- inspect these values now. NATURAL AND DARK GREY FLANNELS All wool, splendid valne. BLACK CASHMERE SOX A line you should not miss If you favor the plain black shade. pr.

MEN'S SILK BROADWAY TIES All the very latest designs for your selection Also a wide Va. riety of colors, and MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAB All aizes and stripes. Priced at MEN'S ALL WOOL SINGLETS. A line which is particularly cony and will last a long time. MEN'S ALL WOOL UNDER.

PANTS Another good line for solid wear. Price, MEN'S FRENCH BRACES MEN'S COTTON AND WOOL MERINO UNDERPANTS Nothing better offering at the SINGLETS To match the above, money. Specially Priced pr. PLAIN GREY AND STRIPED Do Not Miss MEN'S COTTON UNDERPANTS AND WOOL HARVARD WORK SHIRTS Offering at pr. These Bargains Alex DIFFERENT TAILORS 79.


The Newcastle Sun from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.