Tin; uaiia mmni HlflHKS A MrCRKWiT. IYWi.Ihhbhj! Thoh. Hunhks Kdltor H. T. VijChsimht.
Bus. Mf. and City Kd I.I.I.Htll DAILY mi miKLI, Aoclatl Press Afternoon Teles-rams, Oll'idal Paper of Bernalillo Countr. Large City awl Connty Circulation The New Meilco ClrrnlaMnn lArswt North Arlrona Clrrnilatlnn AI.M'Ql KRyl K. JINK 1.
Nkari.y all ins women In In I'hlllp- aniiike. hut then tlteae Inland are jiot plan. The weather nma In now at HNrty to bring us downpour whenever he can arrange It. I'RTIL the report of Agntnalilo'a death I eonOrrueil it might be a well for Mr. Atkinson to refrain from either oonfere- tng through hie hat or swathing It la crape, It Is reported on the best of authority that the coal supply of Kngland will be nhausted In Qftr yean, which will make the fuel question burning one before long.
The effort to eatalillah a Sunday new, paper In London baa been abandoned. After reading the ordinary London paper ell day In the week the public I eurely entitled to a rest. Tol'Kki, like mmtt of the other KanM town, ha at last fallen from grace They now think that they are truly good because the chief of police ha ordered the front door of the ealoone closed on Sunday. It 1 a rurlou fart that northern democrat are generally against eipan elon and the very neat rgg of antt expansion la Botljn. The eouthern democracy are represented generally for eipanelon and In thle respect they agree with the great went.
Thi Citizkn print. In to day' Issue the official program of exercises for the Rangb Kldera' retiulon at Las Vegas. It 1 now understood here that besides Col. Roosevelt, lieneral Joe Wheeler and Leonard Rood. Hon.
Henry Cabot Lodge and Heuator Chaunoey Depew will aim attend the reuntou. Thr Iteration and reiteration of the phrases "(it riuau Amerlrau" and "Irish-Anierlcan," grow somewhat wearisome. How long will It be before our otherwise admirable, cttinns of derman and Irish descent come to realiia that their proudest boast In that they are American clti-nn, plain and elmple? On a of thewe day aome man or men of mema will give New Mexico a Manilou In the great Jeturt mountain, and then the wonder will be that the want wa not supplied Hooner. The money that the New Mexico people epeud elsewhere very summer would build In thi territory a world faninus resort. Thi Kl Paso Herald's scissors has found a new paper In New Mexico and baa named It the Socorro Citizen.
In Its New Ueiico Items, the Her.tlil Clip half dozen parairrep'is from Tbk Auilyt kk gtiR Cm.KN and blunders by crediting the Item to a paper not known In th territory, namely the Socoirt Citizen. Auonh the creditor of Henry C. Van C. (Ionian, a New Yorker, who Bled a petition In bankruptcy, were twenty-eight doctor, one veterinarian, three dentists aud seven lawyers, all of whose claims were for professional services. The total liabilities were of which sum 11.100 wa for carriage hire.
fur rent and for board. The asset consisted of clothing valued at 75. Ho-man was a broker. NOT long ago a charming Washington woman sailed on Secretary Long and urged the appointment of a dlstaut relative as a marine lieutenant Mr. Long promised to do so, but absent mlndedly put her naini on the list Instead of the candidate's.
The society woman was astonished few days later to receive from the department a letter directing her to appear at the office of Gen lley-wood, commander of the marine corps, an 1 undergo the necessary physical ex-auiluatlon, ir la hrtaa eosEH. It Is the momentum of Advertising tbat carries a business along. It is like the steam power which carries along the railroad train. Cut off the steam and the train will move on for some distance without any perceptible diminution of speed. But gradually It come to a full atop.
It Is the same way with advertis ing. It Is the only way to keep the bus! nee engine going, whether the engineer be an Individual or a combination, is to keep up steam. WATTKHSOM'a UKAtrill WOHI1H. lion. Henry Watterson, the distln-gulsed Kentucky editor aud orator, mude the principal address at the Memorial day exercise at New Albany, lud.
Ho spoke In substance as follows: "The duty which draws us together and the day although appoluted by law come to us laden by a deeper meaning than they have ever borne before; and the place which witnesses our coining luvesls the occasion with lucre tsed solemnity aud sigulQcauoe. vYithlu the preciucts of this dread, but beautiful city consecrate in all ou hearts aud ail our homes for here Us our loved ones two plots of ground, with but a hillock between, have been set aside to mark the resting plans of the dead of two armies that In life were called hostile, the army of the union and auuy of the confederacy. Me come to decorate the graves of those who died lighting for the uuiou. I'reseiitlv others shall come to decorate the graves of those ho died fighting for the confederacy. Vet, If these (ljwer covered mounds could open and the brave men who Inhabit them c.uld rise, not as disentailed stunts, hut in His sentient llesh and blisxl which they wore when they went hence, lliey would rejoice as do that the hopes of both l.avs luten at last fill-tilled, aud that the confederacy swallowed up by the union, lives airalu in American manhood ami brotherhood.
such as were contemplated by the makers of the republic H4I1K HOOK Mrs. IVrly VYaHon, at the Albemarle has In her possession collection of books which Is quite a curiosity. They are titty In number, and all were pub lulled In different places of the old world, aome being printed in Venice and borne, and other iu Bpalu and (ierniaoy, due ol it ii-if books Was I in the year I and another at an earlier date. Many of the lunks are printed In Latin, aud Considering the age the typographical appearance I remarkably well preserved, demonstrating the fact that the quality of printer' Ink and paper at that early period wa not overrun by the trusts as at thi late day The greatest peculiarity Is that scholar of Latin are unable to translate the exact wording, and can recognl only a few word used in the earlier day. The books contain from i to l.iM) page, and some of the covin are in vie of wood.
lea'her, hoskln and heavy stra hoard. Mr. VYason has expanded a large amount of money to secure these lisiks, and ha had many opportunities to dispose of them at very fancy llgures, but she ha declined all offers. Hland Herald. Amarlrsn Hula a riaaen.
flnaln believe that American rule In the Philippines will prove a fiasco, hpain also believed It utterly Impossible for America to whip her. After vigorous aigument Spain changed her mind on one point, and she may yet on mother. I here Is uo more cnatice or America falling to do what she ha made tip her mind to do than there Is of Hott tter's Htomarh Hitters falling to cure any etom ach trouble, or any ttiease arising from a weak stomach. The bitters an Amer lean remedy which never lis failed hich cannot fail. It has cured more earns of colistlDatton, IndlgMloti, Dials rla.
fever and ague, liver ana Kinney troubles tbau any other remedy. All drnggists keep It. It will cure you. Soft Snapa. I have for sale two beautiful homes, one ot'poelte the park on Copper aveuue, and the other on north Hecond street; a fine furnished hotel with itU) feet street front at Oolden, aud real estate In any part of the city.
All cheap and on easy term. A complete tlrst-clas live stamp mill and concentrator, all In perfect order. Horses, harnesses, buggies, phaetons, pianos, safes, two sets of bar fixtures, billiard tables, complete bowling outllt, etc. I will atteud to any business yon wish ti ansacted, for a small commission. Auction sale and abstracting titles a specialty.
11. 8. Kniiiht. WIIRN RATIHI Needs assistance It may be beet to render it promptly, hut one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and nmet simple and gentle remedy Is the Syrup of Mm, manufiictured by the California Klg Syrup Co.
To Thoaa Interested In a Hammer Vacation. The last (ifUctal bulletin, just Issued for the National Kducatlonal association at l.os Angeles, announces the fol lowing clieup rate or one first class fare plus (2 for the round trip. Hli overs allowed loth going ami returning. rickets on sals from June 'io to July H. Inclusive, 1,01 for return September 4, I WW.
Any Information gladly furnished by Mrs. Klr.Hbth Jackson, di rector and manager for New Mexico, Silver City, N. M. Played Oat. Hull headache, pains In various psrts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loes of appetite, feverlHhnese, pimples or sores are all pimitlveevldeiieee or Impure Ii'ishI.
mutter now it tie cams so It must he nurtlled In order tn obtain good health. Acker's Blood Kllxer has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphllltin poisons or any other blood dis ease. It is cert iinlv a wonderrui rem edy, and we sell every hnltlaou a positive guarantee. .1. H.
Keilly A o. itaerar. ol Ointments lorl'atharr tbat Con tain M.reary. as rueenry will surely destroy the sense if smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good von can inmsIoIv derive from them Hall Catarrh Lure, manufactured by .1.
Cheney fc Toledo, contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting llrectly upon the blood and mucous snrf aces of the systym. lu buying Hull's i alarm tire lie sure you get the genu ine. It Is taken Internally and is made In Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney A Co.
Testimonials free. tWttold by Druggists, price 75o per bottle. There Is a time for all things. The time to take IV Will's Little Ktrly Kisers Is when you ars stiff Ting from instlpa-tlon. hlloiii-uses, sick headache.
Indigestion or other stomach or liver troubles. Berry Hrug Co. Kinging In ears, noises In head, twitching of eyelids. Hud) an cures. Fifty cents.
All druggists. Carpels Carpels I Carpetat We can save you money on Ihsir coverings. May ft Kaber, (tract building. When it comes to light underwear, an examination of our stock will convince you that we have the right goods at the right price htinou Stern, the Railroad avenue clothier. Kxperience Is the beet teacher.
I'se Acker's Kngllsh lteuiedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should It fall to give Immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. and 6o eta. J.
H. O'K-llly ft Co. If we don't do the business of the town this week we would like to know why? Hid you ever see such low prices? H. II eld ft Co. Headaches, sallowness, falling fensii-Hons, liver troubles.
Hudyau cures. All druggists, 50 cents. The famous W. H. corsets.
New line of size and colors just received. We sell any -tyle) W. H. corset at Hi ceuts, (iolden Hule Iiry Hoods company. Chamberlain's Couh Keiuedy has savi-d the live of thousands of croiipy children.
It 1 without an equal for colds and whooping cough Kor sain by all drug' gists. We havs just opened a new line of ties, especially selected for this time of the year, in duo ties, imws. four in hands and puffs, to 7o cents: call and see them, they ars beauties Hiiuou Hern, the Railroad avenue clothier. Never was there as One au assortment of carpets, limiting aud linoleum shown In this city hefnre as Is now tlliplnye I ut May ft Kttber'a. Ho5 Hal 'road Straw and crush hats for men and bojs on special etle, commencing today at the tiolden ile nry liootls o.
Awarded Highest Honors -World' Pair, Uold Mrd.nl, Mid Inter Pair. T7L' CREAM wi ia warn Pur fifip Crtia ol Tartar Powder. ns 4 -vwr 4 ge 4 TOE HEUNIoN PROGRAM. The Meeting of th Rough Lit Vtf il. Kldcrl at COt.
OOSEVItt WILL BI MISIM. The following Is the rftlelsl program as accepted by Major Llewellyn, chair man of the committee of arrangements for the Hough Hlders: Sa orday, 14 Kmiiih R'dcr inramiiment. Lincoln Paik. I.hh etfss. N.
M. in. Ad.lr-s i l' eislore Nirvelt. Ail.ln- iii I'ol A.tf Kioilif. prrldent ol n-1 iintn1.il trtt.iirHliyii.
keiiiii l.irut.J l. irirt, n-cretsty rel. mro ill ors I- let linn ol nlllrrrs for rnslllng Vest, kt rrvlrw Uy toloiifl Kotmevelt ami in iti'd S'ii SATI'MIIAV APTICHSIION. II li Ki'iimt'lilsl psrsde. p.
in Kt'Hiiiif'isl minion sod rrrellnn nt 1 Mint sn Ihmos, nl whit Hildri'ms will ts rn.tde ty o'l" ers. trtsii.ers and invited guests tif the rt-Hlli'vnt. Stmrlsy, e.t. II a in l'n Ion iiieiiHin.il nrvke, Duncan tilera home. r.ii tiisitnia every lioiir, Las mm to Hot MprniKii and rrtiitn.
i nat red runcert. Uuntsn ojs'ra lioiise. Mftntlny, June VO. Ra in. irand m.ena and military parade, tive military bsntltt.
FRMtKM. Kor the aniiiemeiit and entertatiiment of all vimtor. llivilrtl sneitU Slid nvil and military ttif iihxena o( l.Hn esas have Mrl'Sit-d Hit- tiillu intf iriitaiti, covrrins the rutin three ila) ul the reunion. An immeiiMr Miami aianil to an oinnm lair the srestctni inline ol oeiiple HI In- errt lr'l at me nnrtn rrtil of ntli lit-el, near tilt eity limits, here 11 he tfiten the ri'ihrf cimtettts, oruneho ndiiis, SOU races of every tleet futltitl, aa fol-lowa; Satiinlay. 94 1 p.
-I'aradeof nil horea partlcip.it- liw in the tiiiirnament. Mie-nnaner-mile nittn, Tree lor an-ririn prii', aiiiii aet'timl prixe, vih; entrance iee, 1 hree hiiniireri.yarn Hash inr aauiiie i it iee rirat prite, 101 nrcentl pri.e, em, nice. Kiiir Tonrnaini nt -Urat prle, gold medal', -t mid price, ailvrr mrtlal. Base ball. Snntlsy, tit.
Ms m. Hlryi-lr race, ami yarda, free for ill -liMt irize, aiti: arcti tl prise, Iluii ami hub im-ie race, home trams. 300 yards-l'nr. II yt ie race lor Dtiya yram anu uimri, --j. yarda, one inilr-rirat prue, arc- oml pnxe, Itlcvclr rai tor Kiria yrars anil miner, our.
quarter mile prlle.suld medal; second prue, al vcr medal. (iltv-vanl flua boys in years anil unurr- Klrrit pnii', arcoml pure, 4 do. Iliise uull. Momtey, ml iii.m Oue-ouartrr-milf daah, free for all htrt priae, ro; arcuiio pnr, am; rniiaiice, fulato race-nrai prue, wl bccuiiu ynr i pne, lt; aet otid pmc. rntram e.
l. 1 hree nunilii'il yam uaaii ttir ii'unrw up Ilriilicho rioilis rirt iirne. hiii, main plonvhlp badse; urcmid 'jrt. Mk ycle rat e. irre itir an, tiiir-mmitei illicit n.1 tune.
lo: Mccoml tirixr. er. itratitl roi ins toutrat rirt prize, f0; arc Hie hionlreil-yani tiatn, iur imi'ikii riiii-ii inly rirst n. tin; miuihI prue a.no. llasr ball enr the aelltn, lint prize, S100 in June JM-iiraiul reteinion iinu oau, Duncan oprra house.
MOTKS. Your local railway asent will autiily all nec ratioy inhumation an to no roail i.tiea, etc. Miliu ..,1 over all blu-a maltum Conner tlima with the AtcbiiHiii. loprka at Mania rr raiiwav. lintel itccfimmtidalltina tintt claaa and amble, ror full llilorniatiim as tti reuuiui.
Iiolrl ratea, rtsims, aililrea A. II. HiTMtiHK, I'rt-ablrnt Or K. ankin, iruiy, tta rsaa, New Alellco. War Over Fifty ears.
An Old and Wrix-Third Kkmrov. Mrs. WIunIow's Soothing Syrup hae been nsed for over Ufty years by milling of mothers tor their children while teetn- tig. with perfect success. It soothes the titld, softens the gtiuis, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aud Is the nest remedy for diarrhoea.
It Is pleasant to the taste. -told by drugglHts In every part of the world, iweuiv-nve cents a notiie. its vslue Is Incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's Southing Syrup and Uke no other kind.
Summer Fararelnne In th Partita Ooaat, The Santa Ks route will sell cheap excursion tickets to Los Angnles, Sau lUego, Kedondii Keach or Hituta Monica on the following dates, tor 1 10 from Albuquerque and return: 7. 17 aud 21; July 1, 12, 22 aud August 0. ill, 21 a-id There will be a big crowd at the sea shore this year, especially during July aud August, when the National Kducatlonal Association people are there. San Dtego has many attractions of bay and ocean, as well as many places of Interest on laud. In July they will have a big festival at Tia Juuna, that quaint little Mexican bordertnwn.
The governor of Lower California aud staff will be there and his olllctal band with brass buttons, gold lace aud music The program will consist of a barbecue. bull light and Spanish games. Kor fur ther particulars inquire or A. L. Con ha li, Agent.
'dol Dyspepsia Cure completely digests food within the stomach and lutes Hues, aud renders all cIhsssh of food capable of being assimilated and converted Into strength giving and tissue-tiuili'lng substances. Berry Drug Co. PROCLAMATION IRAORDlRARY. Issued by Rev. J.
f. Wattos, of Ibe A. H. E. Church, lo the People.
A proclamation solemn and extraordinary, calling upon all the religious denominations and even the reminder of tint Afro-American race to reverentially an -I sacredly observe and consecrate Krl-d iy, the second day of June, proximo, as a day of fastiug and prayer to Almighty (l id, the father of all mercies, for aid and succor In our deplorable aud la mentable condition lu this country at the present time: Krl lay. Juue 2, a a day of self denial mmm 212 TEST THIRD LOS ANOIXES, CAL. ell-year iustilotiim, and now oflrra special advantages and ratea to all who wish li A IV sumuirr nuintlia in ciati and drlightlul a Angrlra. Cnnnirrci.il, Sh 1 Auuying and High Sihtsil braiitirs l.oil.t by ci.iinl. II.LUVIFATFD CATALOtiUK I'KUK.
in aostaiulng from the ins ol fmnt and forbear from levity and aelMndnlgsnre and to devote the hour of the day to prayerful and pious reflection and thn call upon the god of all merries to vouchsafe relief from the micttve conditions now surrounding us and threatening our very existence a a race. A we spend the day In fnstlng and prayer let publicly and privately confess our own sins, short-conilnrs and failures In the performance of any duty enj lined by our heavenly master. Let ns ask for wisdom from on high and heavenly Inspiration and vowing to do the right In every particular. Let lie lay aside a'l utallce, thought of revenge iward those who may have ma le ns the victims of their Injustice and persecution, and throw ourselves upon the bosom of that Of who fashions and shape the destinies of pml i and nations, for I'm judge of all the earth will durl In addition to ihi day for faetlng and prayer, we will have a service. Service of prayer and d-votlon will be observed at the Coal avenue A.
M. church. Sunday. Jnne 4, for divine blessing upon onr people and even upon thi entire nation, which I Indifferent to Ihs sorrows, wail and lamentations of million of Its Inhabitants, who have been true to Its every Interest In the past, aud who may be wanted In it peril and revolutions In the future, for they will surely coins. We request all of onr people of the city to be at the service at 11 a.
m. or 8 p. Sunday. All ars welcome at the meet ing. J.
P. Watson, I'astor. Reneaa t'lty Merest. Kansas City. June head.
Market, steady. 1. tlva steers, steers. I.OOU&.OO; Texas cows, 00; ua live cows and heifers, t2 25(it5-lo; strik ers and feeder, :roo5.dO; bulls, t'i 1'xa t.i0. Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head; market, steady.
Lambs, $5 0007.00; mutton, 5.25. Capt. Wm. Horchert, formerly of this eity, has been heard from. Sines leaving bre some time ago he prospected for precious metals In Arizona, with varied success, and wa anoul to giv up in despair, when he struck some gold and copper bearing ledge In Yuma county, and now writs that he can claim hi in self In good financial circumstances.
He ha a proposition to sell his mines, and will pass through Albuquerque In a few days on his way to Chicago for the pur- pose of closing the deal for the proper ties. Working Nialil anrl Day, The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever, was made Dr. King's New Life Tilts Kvery pill Is a sugar coated globule of health that changes weuknees Into strength, llstlessness luto energy, hralu-fsg Into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the health, tlnly 'Joe per box, at J. tl.
O'Ktelly ft Co a drug store Hon. M. 3 ntero. of this city, ha donated to lir Hot Springs something over an ace i ground In the center of town, es a building site for a school house. Is cxpi ctrd thit a new schcot building will probably be begug In a few week CATARRH OF THE STOMACH Is a rhrnnlc Slaeaae.
There la an Inflaram tlou of the Inner coaling nf the stomach. A thick, ropy raucos terms and this cellars the atore pronouni edSTaptorjie. It rvmaltia lit the atumach and decouipoara. Thau, of rourae, dlgeailon cannot be properly perform. rd.
The (real vegetable remedy HI lTaj never falls tn effect a care. HI UVAN eaa be had of all drtigalata fir OOo. per paikaga. etady your Tnintnnisrarrfnttyfrnm thltchsrt. Kaohaum' 1st rrpreaenta a aviiipimn or agroupof eymp- Imna.
You have the ayinptooia. Use III VAN aud tay will dlaappesr. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: I. BILIOUS HtEADACnn. Tbta ts Blurs iiriiniiiiiicnt In the munillig.
HUD YAN will relieve the headache. 8 KFID AND WATERT BYES. MUDYAN will cams the redueaa to aiiap. spisrsr and make the oaa aaauute their aer. nial, healthy appearance.
4. COATED TONOUE AND FOETID BIIISATH AND DID TASTE IN THE MOUTH. MUDYAN will clear the UuiKiie, make the breath pure sad sweet aud cauae the bad tuaie to diaaiiear. S. PAIN AND TENUKHNE8S IN T11II STOMACH Tina la due In Indiges tion, alt I) VAN will cniKe the food to be come dlge'trd and the pain sad trnderueaa will dianistar.
6 ENLAROEMENT OF TOE L1VEU. HUDYAN will leasea theoongea. tlon end reduce the eulargad liver lo It aer- aial aire. Hl'DVAN will rellere yen the above srinptouta end make vuu wf II. Ie ant delay (to lo your driurirlat at mii-e and pnure a packaKe of Kl UVAN' Iur or fur II v.nir ilruptfiHt iha-a nut keep It, aeiul direct tu the IIIIIVIH HkMtlll (Oni'ANV San Kritlii l.
ii, and they will ai nd It to vim. Vuu call fulmull lliu great IIMIVV.N 1iM TOIttt rllliK. Ho nut fnrK't that, all ami see them II inn Winn. uu may call and ace llieiu, or write, aa you dealre, Addroa HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cer, (locatoa, Market aad Illia 8as fraaaiaee, Cel. A Small Leak Will Sink a Ship in time, and a small leak In your drain pips in ins cellar will nl-iinlniite von et i re house with disease germs.
Only me tit si sanitary piuiiiwlng can eave your IP ins from fevers, dltitlierlu and germ dl-essss. As anltary plumbers we ar experts, an 1 we iiihk.i a i I tlly of tlisnouiplets llltii up nf lurl tinifs, holi es and stares In ihs iuihI skll ul maimer Kstiinat's ars uiveii to con tractors and Imil i rs A Kl I.I. LINK (IK litltl'KN HUSK. BRQCKMEIER COX, I2U Gold Avenue, P.it... J- J10 CrAa-l "zoo oiicacj kiinrv I Thy let vour nelthhora know it? And why give them a chance tn guess you are even five or ten yesr mnrai" Belter Rive them good reasons for guersing the other may.
It is very easy; for nothing tells of age ao quickly as gray hair. I a youth-renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never fail to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out alto.
It feeds the hslr bulbs. Thin hair hecomt a thick hair, and abort hair becomes long hair. It cleansea the scalp; removes all dun dm IT, and prevents Its formation. we nave a oooa on rne in rne rv gladly Hair which we will send you. If -nil do Hot ohttilll fall th hTlV flu viiii ntDsH'ti'4 fr'rtii tliMUtrnf the K.
VlgTor. Writ 1h lrtiir tmiit rrriiManiv mere ia ainio uimtuity witn hif jrnrr aiiiani wniral liiTDf will itiwiTm. Aonrtssji, "0 Uf J. Ayer, Loarell, Mass. Orchestrion Hall.
TO-NIGHT! T1IK- KOSESTILLMAN STOCK COMPANY. In ti Karclcal Ccmerty Charlie's Aunt Matinee Saturday. iy- v-itmutv awe -t. i vicna. syt ANO 'ur I-np-t-tK -lit ltiiMioc jj -LI ll.fi ol Kirlxe.
MANHCOO tuMiocH and wjaTtanff pbiaa, of cirrt my4 fw nil to fitV clvkf ami fv i i Mr-. A fc -w IMrf the li-t vh. Uy m.tl i swT bet, bo OP. SO; wtth vMirmM cure or rciund ihe noni a oiv fr writtca tfciat(e (ure or rtUtna ihe n0Mv. lOHN r.
HIKHr, Allaqrirqn, N. CRESCENT GOAL UW. GALLUP COAL Beat Domestic Coal in use. Ye-rd opposite Freight A. J.
CuAWFOED, Agent. New Telephone No. 164. Old Telephone No. 25...
Leave orders Trimble's stable MELlNl EAK1N Wholesale Liquors and Cigars. We handls eerything In our Hue. lllHtlllers' Aients. 8peMal Distributors Tuylor A Wtlllama, Uiuisviiie, Kentucky. Ill South Klrst flt Albuquerque.
N. II J. STARKEL. Painter and Paper Hanger OKUKKS Htll.lC'ITKD. 209 EAST RAILROAD AVE.
Atlantic Beer Hall BCHNKIDKU MX, Props. Cool Keg Heertin drauglit; Ihe lineal Natlva Wine and the very beat of tlrat-claee I.lgniira. tilvrueacall at an snail A vswes. AlsrgtiSHora TUKI)(hBKKNAItl)0 LAS CRUCES, N. M.
Everything New and Clean. Good Service Guaranteed. Special consideration glveu the traveling public MORRIS FREUDENTH AL Proprlele Don't fall to call at the (OLD STAU SALOON F. KUHN, Proprietor, Old Albuquerque New Mexico Kor all kind i of 0 sal Cigars ami 1,1 iu1 1 It 'fi'isli'iie us. FOlt SAliK.
1 1 iin, 111 .11 Tiu nil undor Fence a ni south nf and al-joiiurg properir known as "Midvale," allMliS stilt t'ASIi. A l-tt. in Ite-t leiiee, corner property, limxlo'i II sniiel House ami Hlable, l.irgn Hliai.i Irses. Kruit I're-st, Hhrub-tierv. Flowers, (truw ami It ism M.
ilire. an attractive ami ii'eitsatit iue, terms to suit. II It. KIMHALli, 3Hi North 12th street ONE FOR A OOSE PIIIQ Uraora IMmp.ra, Praien th Ulos J. I I tiEaJ A tuvi-mul i that Ik iVrli tlay id om Minlow shailee below cost.
Whitney vompaoy. IV Aprs Good Intentions Are Poor Assets To leave to jour family. Many nun tutfiul lo protect tlieir loved ones by assurance, luit never even try to turn llieir intention into action. Many others do try, but not until too late. Kor example: (hiring iHySahne ihe tletlinetl Ihe applications of persons for $3i3' 8,878 of assurance.
Don't you think you hail better pit jtnir intention into execution before it is too Idle? Tlic Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. WALTER N. PARKHURST, Uentral Mannqrr, NewMeilooand Arizona Department, ALBHQUKRQI'K, N. M. AUTOMATIC TKLKPHONK 4S0.
W. II. ItK.NTKK, I'roprleter. 214 West Cold Avenue. IO THK PLHUC: Havlns aet-ured the aervit ea of a ftrat-rlaaa Cook ami Wlilte Waiters.
I am lire- laretl to serve llie tteat art I'fcMTM MKA1.S TIIKLI I fatronaKe atilltlted. SINGER SEWING MACHINES Hold on liiatalmt nt. Kree triitl at your tionie. THK SINUKIt MAM'KACTrillMi CP JOS (it ll. Al.llfUl KKul K.
N. M. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclally diijeststlicfood and alda Nature in HtreiiKthening and recoa-tructlns the exhausted diKestive or-(fana.
It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency, iv in tantly relleTesand PTspcpaia, Indigestion, Heartburn Flatulence, Sour Stomach, jViuaea. Sick Headache, Gftst raltila.Crsniiis.Hnd allother result. of I miivrftM't dilution. Prepared by t.
C. DeWitt Cb-caao. Herry'e Oma Albnqnerqiie. N. M.
AKMIJO BLOCK, oppoelte flfeld UHire a. in. to I p.m.; 1 HO p. m. to 5 m.
Autiuriatic telephone No. atiil Appointmenta niaiie by mail. UVMICIAMS, KAaTKKUA BANTrKOAf OKKICK and realilent-e. No. 419 weat Hold avenue.
Telephone No. JIH. tirlice tioura a toe a. I to and 7 to u. m.
14. 8. Kaaterday, at. 11. J.
H. Kaalenlav, M. II. w. u.
Horn, M. u. OKKII'K HDL'KS-Untll 8 a. m. and from I to a and from 7 to p.
m. irtice and reaidence. 'e'4u weat liuld avenue, Albu-Queruue, N. LAVVVKBa. lir.HNARU a.
KUPEV, A TTDK.NhV-AT-LA Albugiierune, N. f-roiiipi aueniion Kiven lo all uiial. neae periaiiiuiK lo tne prolea.ltiti. will prac. life 111 nil court, of the territory and before the United Statea land ottke.
I. M. IIONU. OKIt'K 4-1 8TKKKT N. WASII-IliMloll, l.
C. K.f'et-liil atteiilion In titl.l-Ilea, bt'tiite and plot llitf pay for vtiltllllet'ra. C. IKI.IIKH. J.
S. IKI.HKH. rir i.UKK a ne.i.iiKH, Atltirneya at l.aa, Silver City, N. M. WILLIAM U.
I.KK, ATTt A A iftire, room 7, Annuo bit 1 1. titiki Will prattice In all therourtaot the terrtttny. joiiaaTON a riMiuAL, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Altinguerqne, N. M. I irtice, room.
6 and Ural allium! Hank building. K. W. I. HKYAN, TTCHNhY AT LAW, Albtiguergoe, i H.
UUice, l-inrl National Hank builjing rKANH W. f'LAMVY, TH'KNhY-AT LAW, rooma 9 and 8, T. Arinilo building, Albugiiergue, N. B. W.
IMIIiaOM, TTOKNKY AT LAW. lirtJr. over Mob. i erteou i grocery atore, Albttgueigue, at, DINING mm New 'Phone No. 147.
O. W. STRONG PROFESSIONAL Mk, fmbilmer WILL CO TO ANY PART $1 A C'mplete Line In Especial Attention to r-. AfSStxia I NTKONfi, Altant. (jratluate U.
Sihool of ICnilia'mirj'r, New York City; Massachu setts College ol r.mlialmtnrr, lioston; Lh mpion Lollege of Kmbalininir, ISpringlield, Ohio. Ho! For the Sulphur Hot Springs! The Famous Resort W. L. Trimble Four-Horse Stage Line Leave Thornton. Tnearldf a.
TInirmlHr and Saturdara at 8 a. arrive at Btund 12 norm; leave Bland at I p. arrive at the, Siilplium at p. m. of tba seine day.
Htitee returns from the SiHiiliiira on Mondays, Wednemlava aud Krldays. 1 ne road runs through the mint picture que mountain scenerv la the world. A Rood hotel Is now eetHblielieit at the famous resort. Kaund trip tickets for sale by W. L.
TRIMBLE CO Albuquerque, N. M. O. BACH ICC 1 1 1. Commercial House and Hotel (KSTAIILISIIKI) lssd.) WIIOI.KSVI.K AND KKTAIL.
DKALKKS IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Bar and Billiard Supplies. General Agent for Le nip's St. Louis Beer. P.iltitn 1 Vineyard Wine Co. of California.
We carry the largest stofk of Whiskies, Champagne and other Wines of any home in the Southwest. Special attention given to oiiMule orders. Free delivery in city. Special prices on Whisky, Wines and Cigars. 107 and 109 SOUTH FIRST STREET.
6 PEGAMOI (TKAliK luminum WaehuhlK, I'litaruiaiia'ilrt, Durable, Water, Oil and Weather Pr.f. Kaslljr applied. llrltM Kapldly. Looks I.lks KriHle.1 miver. The latest application of the nnterfiil Mstal Aluminum.
Inillspensahle to th') IIoihIi il I. tlis M.ii'hliie Hliap and the Kiiglnser. I'hmh uiilliiilteil. WESTERN AGENCY SAN FRANQSCO, CALIFORNIA. Kor Inspection at tln otllw tif the WATER SUPPLY ALHUQUKRQUK, N.
M. few? ft 'A Albuquerque Wool Scoulng Company, JVMKS WILKINSON', BEARRUP EDIE, LUSSMKS, (JlMillATOKS AND FORWARDING AGENTS. ailvaiK'L's niatlo on consinnn-nls. ALBUQUERQUE. N.
M. HENRY, M. D. Thlrty-Sn i'raitu the Ten in Denver, L'ol A cure Busrautee i in ever mi i ii i Mrt mi le I a in ira hioib biui possible, liinorrtioea. Bleu anl stricture sptetilr cirel wltn Itr.
K'corif V. I .1 iveiueiiinw. DMnniiratn Mriit ih'iui ii hi tore it ija. wotsl (lit or Cotisilia me.1. Sinriutt rr fiei, sstti ml ptsjes, uiifltt arulssinns.
In- wwiti on nr ti)illiia iiwi, 'nu'ti or i'a aiu ii ii uiiiiv muinnii'iiii soninlH.ileHpoinleiicy raillcillr cureil Kii'onl's tuetliot praclicet In tlie Worlil lloepltal, I'aris. Kefereuce over Jllii ii patients succssefuUy treateil ami cnri vtithlii the Iset ten yen's. -fer 10 pit in cil'e li prtiitwloil. luvestltf'! lllllBes. t7 8evetit itli street, n-ar I'll inipi, II I'jI.
Kiiir I ill. Kriictl, man, roliNli, UiishIsii ant ihiouian Mimke.i. t' uiiuliutioii an one Dia'niuatlt II- ntiitinia, 1l.epiilllirili'J any ruir-il II I. free. L'orrespimle ice Mnliiuteil; strU'tly Albuquerque foundry and Machine Works R.
I'. HALL, I'UOI'UIRTOK. Iron ami Brass ('a-dings; Coal su I Lumlier Cars; Shafting, Fullers. Urailw Bars, Baliliit Metal; Columns mi Iron Fronts for Ruililinirs; Kepairs on Miuiiitf aiil Mill Miu'tilnerj a Specialty, KOl'MHtY- HIHK HAII.KOAI) TKACK. ALRI'QI'KKfjl'K, N.
iXntlva a La ia aft Bulia.of Paver ilwayi la Htoek Kirti St. and Lead Old 'Phone No. 75. and Funeral Director OF THE TERRITORY. all Every Particular.
Telegraphic Orders In the Jemcz Mountains. rJ. GIOMI. MAKK). aint.
II 113 vVeat Railroad Ave AIIL'UL'KKUL'K, N. M. plain" facts ON SHOES! Small rrotlta and Quick Selling tthoea. Fine UJiei' Shoe (or 2J to $3.00 per pair. $00 Pain of P.
Ford. Celebrated Shoei to be told at $2.50 per pair. Hijh and Low Cut Shoe and Nclion'i Wtn'i Shoes, Goodyear Welt, $2 W. a apiriALTr. Mn Onlv Treated lt.
in thu ivit-tinin turtititi ji'itvinri ii 1 1 l.aal.ul anil flllPMll llivastle'tts. tori, iur- mluatitiii coiitl'lentlal. fjfor 1(11, Bun, Midi, rtutir Udi, Cuii tmnmmmttm Albuquerque 1 RHAPI IN Ulllll Ull.