NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 · NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and


NASA/TM-1998-206936 NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 Susan H. Stewart and Harriet B. Machie, Compilers Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia National Aeronautics and Space Administration Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199 February 1998 2018-06-09T05:53:56+00:00Z

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NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (3)


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical

Information Outputs1997

Susan H. Stewart and Harriet B. Machie, Compilers

Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199

February 1998 2018-06-09T05:53:56+00:00Z

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (4)

Available from the following:

URL address:

NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI)

800 Elkridge Landing RoadLinthicum Heights, MD 21090-2934

(301) 621-0390

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

5285 Port Royal RoadSpringfield, VA 22161-2171

(703) 487-4650

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (5)


This report contains a listing of the NASA Langley Research Center's publicly available

scientific and technical research output for C.Y. 1997.

The intent of this report is to provide a greater awareness of the broad scope of results

and the importance of the research and development work conducted by scientists and engi-

neers at Langley. This current awareness is mandated by the National Aeronautics and Space

Act of 1958, which provides for the widest practical dissemination of NASA research.

During C.Y. 1997, Langley's contributions to NASA and non-NASA literature included

60 NASA Formal Reports, 13 Conference Publications, 77 High-Numbered Technical Memo-

randums, 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and Book Publications, 426 Meeting

Presentations, 34 Technical Talks, and 31 Patents.


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (6)

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (7)


The NASA Langley Research Center is one of the Nation' s leading laboratories for

research and development in the sciences of aeronautics and space technology. Langley con-

ducts basic and applied research in the areas of Airframe Systems, Aerodynamics, Atmospheric

Science, and Structures and Materials.

This document contains a bibliography of Langley's publicly available scientific and tech-

nical research output for 1997 which is processed through the Center's Information Systems

and Services Division, an integral part of NASA's Agency-wide Scientific and Technical Infor-

mation (STI) system. The results of Langley' s research are disseminated in a variety of NASA

and non-NASA scientific and technical media and information systems. This document is

intended to be a reference summary for researchers and a current awareness publication for the

scientific, research, and academic community. Details of the availability of the research refer-

ences in this document are found in the section, "Availability," on page vii.

Many Langley reports are available electronically on the Langley Technical Report Server

(LTRS) at or the Institute for Computer Applica-

tions in Science and Engineering (ICASE) Technical Report Server (ITRS) at via the World Wide Web (WWW). The relative

Uniform Resource Locators are noted below citations for reports available electronically.

The citations are grouped by the Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR)

subject categories and listed alphabetically by author or innovator. The Langley organization to

which the senior author or innovator is assigned and the Research and Technology Objectives

and Plans (RTOP) number are noted below citations when appropriate and included in the


Patents listed are those which were issued in 1997 and owned by Langley Research Center.

Publication of some journal articles was not known at press time for the 1996 issue of thisdocument. These articles are therefore listed in the 1997 issue.

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (8)

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (9)


NASA Reports


Patent Application Specifications

Printed Copies



NASA Center for AeroSpace

Information (CASI)

800 Elkridge Landing Road

Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-2934

(301) 621-0390

National Technical Information

Service (NTIS)

5285 Port Royal Road

Springfield, VA 22161-2171

(703) 487-4650

NASA Center for AeroSpace

Information (CASI)

National Technical Information

Service (NTIS)

Commissioner of Patents and


U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Washington, DC 20231


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (10)

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (11)


Preface .......................... iii

Introduction ........................... v

Availability .......................... vii











01 Aeronautics (General) ......

02 Aerodynamics .........

03 Air Transportation and Safety ....

04 Aircraft Communications and Navigation

05 Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance .

06 Aircraft Instrumentation ........

07 Aircraft Propulsion and Power ......

08 Aircraft Stability and Control ......

09 Research and Support Facilities (Air) ....

• 1


..... 10

..... 12

..... 12

..... 17

..... 18

..... 19

..... 20


Category 13 Astrodynamics ...................... 21

Category 15 Launch Vehicles and Space Vehicles ............... 22

Category 16 Space Transportation .................... 22

Category 17 Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking .23

Category 18 Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance ......... 24

Chemistry and Materials

Category 23

Category 24

Category 25

Category 26

Category 27

Category 28

Category 29

Chemistry and Materials (General) ............... 27

Composite Materials .................... 27

Inorganic and Physical Chemistry ............... 35Metallic Materials ..................... 35

Nonmetallic Materials ................. 40

Propellants and Fuels ................... 46

Materials Processing ................... 46


Category 31 Engineering (General) ...........

Category 32 Communications and Radar .......

Category 33 Electronics and Electrical Engineering ......

Category 34 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer ......

........ 46

........ 47

........ 48

........ 50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (12)

Category 35 Instrumentation and Photography ................ 58

Category 36 Lasers and Masers ................... 60

Category 37 Mechanical Engineering ................... 61

Category 38 Quahty Assurance and Reliability ................ 61

Category 39 Structural Mechanics .................... 62


Category 43 Earth Resources and Remote Sensing .............. 67

Category 45 Environment Pollution ................... 68

Category 46 Geophysics ....................... 69

Category 47 Meteorology and Climatology .............. 76

Life Sciences

Category 52 Aerospace Medicine .................... 83

Mathematical and Computer Sciences




Category 62 Computer Systems.

Category 63 Cybernetics .....

Category 64 Numerical Analysis .

Category 65 Statistics and Probability.

Category 66 Systems Analysis . .

59 Mathematical and Computer Sciences (General) ........... 84

60 Computer Operations and Hardware ............... 85

61 Computer Programming and Software .............. 89

.................. 90

.................. 91

................. 91

................. 96

................. 96








70 Physics (General) ..................... 96

71 Acoustics ....................... 97

72 Atomic and Molecular Physics ................ 106

73 Nuclear and High-Energy Physics ............... 107

74 Optics ....................... 108

76 Solid-State Physics ................. 108

Social Sciences

Category 81 Administration and Management ............... 111

Category 82 Documentation and Information Science ............. 111

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (13)

Space Sciences

Category 92 Solar Physics

Category 93 Space Radiation




Category 99 General ....................... 115

Author Index ....................... 117

Organization Index ....................... 133

RTOP Index ................................ 137


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (14)

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (15)

Scientific and Technical Publications


Category 01 Aeronautics (General)

Abel, I.: Research and Applications in Structures at the NASA Langley Research Center.

NASA TM-110311, January 1997, 26 p. 110311 .ps.Z

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

2 Abel, I.: Research and Applications in Structures at the NASA Langley Research Center.

Presented at 37th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, February 26-27, 1997,

Tel Aviv, Israel. In Proceedings, p. VII-1-XXV-25. 110311 .ps.Z

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

3 Burn, M.; Carey, J.; Czech, J.; and Wingrove, E. R., III: The Flight Track Noise Impact

Model. (NAS2-14361 Logistics Management Institute.) NASA CR-201683, April 1997, 45 p.


Organization KC RTOP 538-08-11

4 Holmes, B. J.: (Re)inventing Government--Industry-University R&D Collaboration.

Presented at SAE General, Corporate, and Regional Aviation Meeting and Exposition,

April 29-May 1, 1997, Wichita, Kansas.

Organization KC RTOP 538-07-22

5 Horvath, T. J.; and Hannemann, K.: Blunt Body Near Wake Flow Field at Mach 10. Presented

at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Rent, Nevada.

AIAA Paper No. 97-0986.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /ajaa_NAS

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Kaplan, B. J.; Lee, D. A.; Retina, N.; Wingrove, E. R., III; Malone, B.; Hall, S. G.; and

Houser, S. A.: The ASAC Flight Segment and Network Cost Models. (NAS2-14361 Logistics

Management Institute.) NASA CR-201679, April 1997, 198 p.

Organization KC RTOP 538-08-11

Lee, D. A.; Kostiuk, R F.; Hemm, R. V.; Wingrove, E. R., HI; and Shapiro, G.: Estimating the

Effects of the Terminal Area Productivity Program. (NAS2-14361 Logistics Management

Institute.) NASA CR-201682, April 1997, 106 p.


Organization KC RTOP 538-08-11

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (16)

Roberts,E.; andVillani, J.A.: ASACExecutiveAssistantArchitectureDescriptionSummary.(NAS2-14361LogisticsManagementInstitute.)NASA CR-201681,April 1997,191p.

OrganizationKC RTOP538-08-11

9 Roberts,E.;Villani, J.A.; andRitter,P.:Aviation SystemAnalysisCapability(ASAC)QuickResponseSystem(QRS)TestReport.(NAS2-14361LogisticsManagementInstitute.)NASACR-201680,April 1997,178p.ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_997/cr/

OrganizationKC RTOP538-08-11

10 Wingrove,E.R., III; Johnson,J.E; Sickles,R. G.; andGood,D. H.: TheASAC Air CarrierInvestmentModel (SecondGeneration).(NAS2-14361LogisticsManagementInstitute.)NASA CR-201678,April 1997,77p.

OrganizationKC RTOP538-08-11

Category 02 Aerodynamics

11 Alter, S. J.: Surface Modeling and Grid Generation of Orbital Sciences X34 Vehicle (Phase I).

(NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Company.) NASA CR-97-206243,November 1997, 117 p. DA RTOP 242-80-01

12 Anderson, C. J.; Giuhano, V. J.; and Wing, D. J.: Investigation of Hybrid Fluidic/Mechanical

Thrust Vectoring for Fixed-Exit Exhaust Nozzles. Presented at 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/

ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 7-9, 1997, Seattle, Washington. AIAAPaper No. 97-3148.

Organization DA RTOP 522-21-11

13 Anderson, W. K.; and Bonhaus, D. L.: Aerodynamic Design on Unstructured Grids for

Turbulent Flows. NASA TM-112867, June 1997, 11 p.

ftp ://techreports. larc 112867 .ps.ZOrganization DF RTOP 522-31-21

14 Anderson, W. K.; and Venkatakrishnan, V.: Aerodynamic Design Optimization on

Unstructured Grids With a Continuous Adjoint Formulation. Presented at 35th AIAA

Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA PaperNo. 97-0643. DF RTOP 505-59-53

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (17)

15 Asbury,S.C.: IntemalPerformanceof a Fixed-Shroud Nonaxisymmetric Nozzle Equipped

With an Aft-Hood Exhaust Deflector. NASA TM-97-206255, November 1997, 75 p.

ftp :_/techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts__arc/ _997 _tm_NAS A-97-tm2_6 25

Organization DA RTOP 522-25-31

16 Bartels, R. E.; and Edwards, J. W.: Cryogenic Tunnel Pressure Measurements on a

Supercritical Airfoil for Several Shock Buffet Conditions. NASA TM-110272,

September 1997, 14 p.

Organization DS RTOP 522-22-21

17 Berry, S. A.; Bouslog, S. A.; Brauckmann, G. J.; and Caram, J.M.: Boundary Layer

Transition Due to Isolated Roughness: Shuttle Results From the LaRC 20-Inch Mach 6

Tunnel. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997,

Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0273.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

18 Bibb, K. L.; Peraire, J.; and Riley, C. J.: Hypersonic Flow Computations on Unstructured

Meshes. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9,

1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0625.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/aiaa/

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

19 Blanchard, A. E.; Lachowicz, J. T.; and Wilkinson, S. P.: NASA-Langley Mach 6 Quiet Wind

Tunnel Performance. AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 1, January 1997, p. 23-28.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-50

2O Blanchard, R. C.; Wilmoth, R. G.; and Moss, J. N.: Aerodynamic Flight Measurements and

DSMC Simulations of Blunt-Body Mars Entry Vehicles. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,

Volume 34, No. 5, September-October 1997, p. 687-690.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

21 Buning, P. G.: Chimera Grid Development for the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle. Presented at

Advances in Flow Simulation Techniques Conference, May 3-4, 1997, Davis, California.

Organization DA RTOP 538-05-13

22 Carlson, J. R.: Applications of Algebraic Reynolds Stress Turbulence Models Part 2:

Transonic Shock-Separated Afterbody. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 5,

September-October 1997, p. 620-628.

Organization DA RTOP 505-59-30

23 Carlson, J. R.: Applications of Algebraic Reynolds Stress Turbulence Models Part 1:

Incompressible Flat Plate. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 5,

September-October 1997, p. 610-619.

Organization DA RTOP 505-59-30


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (18)

24 Chen, F-J.: Application of Least-Squares Adjustment Technique to Geometric Camera

Calibration and Photogrammetric Flow Visualization. Presented at ISA 43rd International

Instrumentation Symposium, May 4-8, 1997, Orlando, Florida. In Proceedings, p. 659-668.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/mtg/ DF RTOP 522-31-11

25 Cler, D. L.; Lamb, M.; Farokhi, S.; Taghavi, R. R.; and Hazlewood, R. N.: Application of

Pressure-Sensitive Paint in Supersonic Nozzle Research. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 33,

No. 6, November-December 1996, p. 1109-1114.

Organization DA RTOP 522-25-31

26 co*ckrell, C. E., Jr.; and McMinn, J. D.: Enhanced Control Effector Designs for Airbreathing

Transatmospheric Vehicles. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and

Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Rent, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0297.

Organization DA RTOP 505-70-62

27 Doggett, G. P.; Chokani, N.; and Wilkinson, S. P.: Effect of Angle of Attack on Hypersonic

Boundary-Layer Stability. AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 3, March 1997, p. 464-470.Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

28 Gatlin, G. M.; and McGhee, R. J.: Experimental Investigation of Semi-Span Model Testing

Techniques. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34, No. 4, July-August 1997, p. 500-505.

Organization DA RTOP 538-05-14

29 Gile-Lafiin, B. E.; Applin, Z. T.; and Jones, K. M.: Wind Tunnel Results of the Aerodynamic

Performance of a 1/8-Scale Model of a Twin-Engine Transport With Multi-Element Wing.

NASA TM-110304, March 1997, 128 p.

Organization DA RTOP 538-05-14

3O Green, B. E.: An Approach to the Constrained Design of Natural Laminar Flow Airfoils.

(NCC1-24 George Washington University, JIAFS.) NASA CR-201686, February 1997, 78 p.

ftp :// DA RTOP 505-59-53

31 Green, B. E.; Whitesides, J. L.; Campbell, R. L.; and Mineck, R. E.: Method for the

Constrained Design of Natural Laminar Flow Airfoils. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34, No. 6,

November-December 1997, p. 706-712.

Organization DA RTOP 538-05-12

32 Huai, X.; Joslin, R. D.; and Piomelli, U.: Large-Eddy Simulation of Laminar-Turbulent

Transition in a Swept-Wing Boundary Layer. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Rent, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0750.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (19)









Hunt,J. L.; Laruelle,G.; andWagner,A.: SystemsChallengesfor HypersonicVehicles.PresentedatAGARD InterpanelSymposiumonFutureAerospaceTechnologyin ServicetotheAlliance,April 14-18,1997,Paris,France.ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub_techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /mtg_NA S

Organization LA RTOP 522-51-11

Hunt, J. L.; and McClinton, C. R.: Scramjet Engine/Airframe Integration Methodology.

Presented at AGARD Interpanel Symposium on Future Aerospace Technology in Service to

the Alliance, April 14-18, 1997, Pads, France.

ftp :l/ /pub/techreportsllarc/1997 /mtg/NAS A-9

Organization LA RTOP 522-51-11

Joslin, R. D.: Direct Numerical Simulation of Evolution and Control of Linear and Nonlinear

Disturbances in Three-Dimensional Attachment-Line Boundary Layers. NASA TP-3623,

February 1997, 39 p.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-50

Joslin, R. D.: Discussion of DNS: Past, Present, and Future. Presented at First International

Conference on Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation (DNS/LES),

August 4-8, 1997, Ruston, Louisiana. In Proceedings, Paper No. 1-01.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /mtglNAS A-97-1

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

Joslin, R. D.; Gunzburger, M. D.; Nicolaides, R. A.; Erlebacher, G.; and Hussaini, M. Y.:

A Self-Contained, Automated Methodology for Optimal Flow Control. AIAA Journal,

Volume 35, No. 5, May 1997, p. 816-824.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-10

Kennedy, C. A.; and Carpenter, M. H.: Comparison of Several Numerical Methods for

Simulation of Compressible Shear Layers. NASA TP-3484, December 1997, 62 p.

Organization DA RTOP 505-59-50

Klausmeyer, S. M.; and Lin, J. C.: Comparative Results From a CFD Challenge Over a 2D

Three-Element High-Lift Airfoil. NASA TM-112858, May 1997, 50 p.

Organization DF RTOP 522-11-51

Kleb, W. L.: Simulation of an Aerospace Vehicle Pitch-Over Maneuver. Journal of Spacecraft

and Rockets, Volume 34, No. 2, March-April 1997, p. 254-256.

Organization DA RTOP 242-20-08

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (20)









Korte,J. J., Dunn, H. J.; Salas, A. O.; Alexandrov, N.; Follett, W. W.; Orient, G. E.; and

Hadid, A. H.: Multidisciplinary Approach to Linear Aerospike Nozzle Optimization.

Presented at 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,

July 7-9, 1997, Seattle, Washington. AIAA Paper No. 97-3374.

ftp://techreports.larc .ZOrganization DF RTOP 522-31-31

Korte, J. J.; Salas, A. O.; Dunn, H. J.; Alexandrov, N.; Follett, W. W.; Orient, G. E.; and

Hadid, A. H.: Multidisciplinary Approach to Aerospike Nozzle Design. NASA TM-110326,

February 1997, 16 p. DF RTOP 522-31-41

Korte, J. J.; Weston, R. P.; and Zang, T. A.: Multidisciplinary Optimization Methods for

Preliminary Design. Presented at AGARD Interpanel Symposium on Future Aerospace

Technology in Service to the Alliance, April 14-18, 1997, Pads, France.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/ _997 /mtg/NA DF RTOP 505-63-50

Kumar, A.; Gnoffo, P. A.; Moss, J. N.; and Drummond, J. P.: Advances in Computational

Capabilities for Hypersonic Flows. Presented at AGARD Interpanel Symposium on Future

Aerospace Technology in Service to the Alliance, April 14-18, 1997, Pads, France.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts_larc/ _997 /mtg/NAS DA RTOP 242-80-01

Lachowicz, J. T.; Chokani, N.; and Wilkinson, S. P.: Boundary-Layer Stability Measurements

in a Hypersonic Quiet Tunnel. AIAA Journal, Volume 34, No. 12, December 1996,p. 2496-2500.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

Lin, J. C.; and Dominik, C. J.: Parametric Investigation of a High Lift Airfoil at High

Reynolds Numbers. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34, No. 4, July-August 1997, p. 485-491.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /jp/NA S DF RTOP 505-59-50

Mitcheltree, R. A.; and Fremaux, C. M.: Subsonic Dynamics of Stardust Sample ReturnCapsule. NASA TM-110329, March 1997, 19 p. DA RTOP 242-80-01

Mitcheltree, R. A.; Moss, J. N.; Cheatwood, E M.; Greene, E A.; and Braun, R. D.:

Aerodynamics of the Mars Microprobe Entry Vehicles. Presented at AIAA Atmospheric

Flight Mechanics Conference, August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA PaperNo. 97-3658.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/aiaa/ DA RTOP 242-80-01

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (21)









Mitcheltree, R. A.; Wilmoth, R. G.; Cheatwood, F. M.; Brauckmann, G. J.; and Greene, F. A.:

Aerodynamics of Stardust Sample Return Capsule. Presented at 15th AIAA Applied

Aerodynamics Conference, June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2304.

ftp :__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v _pub_techrep_rts__arc_ _997 _aiaa_NAS A-aiaa-97-

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Penland, J. A.; and Hawkins, R.: Invariance of Hypersonic Normal Force Coefficients With

Reynolds Number and Determination of Inviscid Wave Drag From Laminar Experimental

Results. NASA TP-3673, December 1997, 65 p.


Organization LA RTOP 505-70-63

Phillips, W. P.; and Engelund, W. C.: Aerodynamics for a Winged, Circular-Body, Single-

Stage-to-Orbit Spacecraft Configuration. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34,

No. 1, January-February 1997, p. 43-47.

Organization DA RTOP 232-01-04

Popernack, T. G., Jr.; Owens, L. R., Jr.; Hamner, M.; and Morris, M.J.: Application of

Temperature Sensitive Paint for Detection of Boundary Layer Transition. Presented at 17th

International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities,

September 29-October 2, 1997, Monterey, California.

Organization DA RTOP 522-31-51

Rausch, V. L.; McClinton, C. R.; and Crawford, J. L.: Hyper-X: Flight Validation of

Hypersonic Airbreathing Technology. Presented at XIII ISABE (International Society for Air

Breathing Engines), September 7-12, 1997, Chattanooga, Tennessee. ISABE PaperNo. 97-7024.


Organization LA RTOP 522-51-21

Rogers, J. L.: Reducing Design Cycle Time and Cost Through Process Resequencing.

Presented at 1 lth International Conference on Engineering Design, August 19-21, 1997,

Tampere, Finland. In Proceedings.

ftp ://techreports .larc iced-j

Organization DF RTOP 509-10-11

Ross, H. M.; and O'Rourke, M. J.: Exploratory Investigation of Forebody Strakes for Yaw

Control of a Generic Fighter With a Symmetric 60 ° Half-Angle Chine Forebody. NASA

TP-3604, April 1997, 69 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v_pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tp_NAS A-97-tp

Organization DC RTOP 505-68-30

Rumsey, C. L.; Biedron, R. T.; and Thomas, J. L.: CFL3D: Its History and Some Recent

Applications. NASA TM-112861, May 1997, 8 p. 112861 .ps.Z

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (22)









Rumsey, C. L.; Gatski, T. B.; Ying, S. X.; and Bertelrud, A.: Prediction of High-Lift Flows

Using Turbulent Closure Models. Presented at 15th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics

Conference, June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2260.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v _pub/techrep_rts__arc/ _997 _aiaa_NAS A-aiaa-97-

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

Ryaben'kii, V. S.; and Tsynkov, S. V.: An Application of the Difference Potentials Method to

Solving External Problems in CFD. NASA TM-110338, March 1997, 38 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/199 7 /tm/NA SA-97-tm1103 3 DF RTOP 522-31-21

Swanson, R. C., Jr.; and Turkel, E.: Multistage Schemes With Multigrid for Euler and Navier-

Stokes Equations--Components and Analysis. NASA TP-3631, August 1997, 81 p.

ftp :// .ps.Z

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-53

Tracy, M. B.; and Plentovich, E. B.: Cavity Unsteady-Pressure Measurements at Subsonic and

Transonic Speeds. NASA TP-3669, December 1997, 78 p. DA RTOP 505-68-30

Tsynkov, S. V.: External Boundary Conditions for Three-Dimensional Problems of

Computational Aerodynamics. NASA TM- 110337, March 1997, 40 p.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

Tsynkov, S. V.; and Vatsa, V. N.: An Improved Treatment of External Boundary for Three-

Dimensional Flow Computations. Presented at 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics

Conference, June 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass, Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-2074.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/aiaa/ DF RTOP 522-31-21

Walsh, J. L.; Green, L. L.; and Newman, P. A.: Automatic Differentiations Application at

NASA Langley Research Center. Presented at Fourth U.S. National Congress on

Computational Mechanics, August 6-8, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Proceedings,

p. 89.

Organization DF RTOP 509-10-11

Wilhite, A. W.; and Shaw, R. J.: HSCT Research Picks Up Speed. Aerospace America,

August 1997, p. 24-29, and 41.

Organization I RTOP 537-09-20

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (23)








Wilkinson, S. E: A Review of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Stability Experiments in a Quiet

Mach 6 Wind Tunnel. Presented at 28th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 29-July 2,

1997, Snowmass, Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-1819.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

Wilmoth, R. G.; Mitcheltree, R. A.; and Moss, J. N.: Low-Density Aerodynamics of the

Stardust Sample Return Capsule. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference,

June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2510.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Wing, D. J.; and Giuliano, V. J.: Fluidic Thrust Vectoring of an Axisymmetric Exhaust

Nozzle at Static Conditions. Presented at ASME Fluids Engineering Conference Forum on

High Speed Jet Flows, June 22-26, 1997, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Organization DA RTOP 522-21-11

Wing, D. J.; Mills, C. T.; and Mason, M. L.: Static Investigation of a Multiaxis Thrust-

Vectoring Nozzle With Variable Internal Contouring Ability. NASA TP-3628, June 1997,

147 p.


Organization DA RTOP 505-59-30

Wood, W. A.: Viscous Driven-Cavity Solver--User's Manual. NASA TM-112874,

September 1997, 51 p.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Wood, W. A.: Hypersonic Pitching-Moment Shift for Stardust Reentry Capsule Forebody.

NASA TM-97-206266, October 1997, 24 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm206

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Yeager, W. T., Jr.; Noonan, K. W.; Singleton, J. D.; Wilbur, M. L.; and Mirick, P. H.:

Performance and Vibratory Loads Data From a Wind-Tunnel Test of a Model Helicopter

Main-Rotor Blade With a Paddle-Type Tip. NASA TM-4754, ARL-TR-1283, May 1997,

24 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tm/NAS A-9 7-tm4 7

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-36

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (24)

Category 03 Air Transportation and Safety

72 Abbott, T. S.: A Comparison of Two Control Display Unit Concepts on Flight Management

System Training. NASA TM-4744, January 1997, 9 p.

Organization DC RTOP 537-08-24

73 Anon.: Survey Summary of AGATE Concepts Demonstration at Annual NATA Convention

March 24-26, 1997, Volume II--Original Survey Data. (NAS 1-19214 Research Triangle

Institute.) NASA CR-201731, Volume II, December 1997, 216 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-19

74 Anon.: Survey Summary of AGATE Concepts Demonstration at Annual NATA Convention

March 24-26, 1997, Volume I--Basic Report. (NAS1-19214 Research Triangle Institute.)

NASA CR-201731, Volume I, December 1997, 56 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-19

75 Anon.: AOPA Survey Summary of AGATE Concepts Demonstration October 17-19, 1996,

Volume II--Original Survey Data. (NAS 1- 19214 Research Triangle Institute.) NASA

CR-201713, Volume II, July 1997, 441 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-19

76 Anon.: AOPA Survey Summary of AGATE Concepts Demonstration October 17-19, 1996,

Volume I--Basic Report. (NAS 1- 19214 Research Triangle Institute.) NASA CR-201713,

Volume I, July 1997, 41 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-19

77 Bushnell, D. M.: GA for the Masses--An "Automatic" Future. Presented at 1997 SAE

General, Corporate and Regional Aviation Meeting and Exposition, April 29-May 1, 1997,Wichita, Kansas.

Organization A RTOP 282-10-01

78 Bushnell, D. M.: Application Frontiers of "Designer Fluid Mechanics"--Visions Versus

Reality or an Attempt to Answer the Perennial Question "Why Isn't it Used?" Presented at

13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass,

Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-2110.

ftp :// /publtechreportsllarcl 1997/aiaa/

Organization A RTOP 282-10-01

79 Campbell, S. D.; Dasey, T. J.; Freehart, R. E.; Heinrichs, R. M.; Matthews, M. P.; Perras,

G. H.; and Rowe, G. S.: Wake Vortex Field Measurement Program at Memphis, Tennessee--

Data Guide. (L44581D MIT Lincoln Laboratory.)NASA CR-201690, April 1997, 111 p.Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (25)









Carpenter, B. D.; and Kuchar, J. K.: A Probability-Base Alerting Logic for Aircraft on Parallel

Approach. (L,44581D Massachusetts Institute of Technology.) NASA CR-201685, April 1997,

107 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11

Chin, D. K.; Goldberg, J. H.; and Tang, T.: Airport Surface Delays and Causes--A

Preliminary Analysis. (L-3676 MCA Research Corporation.) NASA CR-201721,

August 1997, 83 p.

Organization BA RTOP 538-04-14

Cravey, R. L.: Complex Permittivities of Candidate Radome Materials at W-band. NASA

TM-110344, May 1997, 17 p.

ftp :// /tm/NAS

Organization DI RTOP 522-24-21

Credeur, L.; and Perry, R. B. (Editors): Proceedings of the NASA First Wake Vortex Dynamic

Spacing Workshop. NASA CP-97-206235, November 1997,626 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11

Fisher, B. D.; and White, J. J., II: New NASA Transport Research Facilities to Support

Research Flight Operations in Present and Future ATC Environments. Presented at World

Aviation Congress '97, October 13-16, 1997, Anaheim, California. SAE Paper No. 975641.

Organization DC RTOP 522-14-31

Koch, G. J.; Barker, B. C.; and Britt, C. L.: Development of an Operational Wake VortexSensor Based on Pulsed Coherent Lidar. Presented at Ninth Conference on Coherent Laser

Radar, June 23-27, 1997, Linkoping, Sweden.

Organization GL RTOP 538-04-11

Perry, R. B.; Hinton, D. A.; and Stuever, R. A.: NASA Wake Vortex for Aircraft Spacing.

Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno,

Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0057.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11

Proctor, E H.; Hinton, D. A.; Han, J.; Schowalter, D. G.; and Lin, Y-L.: Two Dimensional

Wake Vortex Simulations in the Atmosphere: Preliminary Sensitivity Studies. Presented at

35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada.

AIAA Paper No. 97-0056.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (26)

88 Vicroy, D. D.; Brandon, J. M.; Greene, G. C.; Rivers, R. A.; Shah, G. H.; Stewart, E. C.; and

Stuever, R.A.: Characterizing the Hazard of a Wake Vortex Encounter. Presented at 35th

AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA

Paper No. 97-0055.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/aiaa/ DC RTOP 548-10-11

89 Zak, J. A.; and Rodgers, W. G., Jr.: Observed Changes in Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Properties at Memphis International Airport During August 1995. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed

Martin Engineering & Sciences.) NASA CR-4786, September 1997, 68 p.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/1997/cr/ DC RTOP 538-04-11

Category 04 Aircraft Communications and Navigation

90 Fralick, D. T.: W-band Free Space Permittivity Measurement Setup for Candidate Radome

Materials. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences.) NASA CR-201720,August 1997, 10 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc. DI RTOP 522-33-11

91 Fralick, D. T.; and Cravey, R. L.: W-band Free Space Permittivity Measurement System for

Candidate Radome Materials. Presented at AMTA '97: Antenna Measurement Techniques

Association 19th Annual Meeting and Symposium, November 17-21, 1997, Boston,

Massachusetts. In Proceedings, p. 278-283.

Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

92 Roberts, T. W.; Sidilkover, D.; and Swanson, R. C., Jr.: Relaxation Revisited--A Fresh Look

at Multigrid for Steady Flows. Presented at Thirty Years of Computational Fluid Dynamics

and Transonic Flow, June 24-27, 1997, Everett, Washington.

ftp:__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997_mtg/ DF RTOP 537-07-22

93 Warren, A. W.; Schwab, R. W.; Geels, T. J.; and Shakarian, A.: Conflict Probe Concepts

Analysis in Support of Free Flight. (NAS 1-20267 Boeing Commercial Airplane Group.)NASA CR-201623, January 1997, 147 p.

Organization BA RTOP 538-04-14

Category 05 Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance

94 Abel, I.: Research and Applications in Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics at the NASA

Langley Research Center. Presented at CEAS International Forum on Aeroelasticity and

Structural Dynamics 1997, June 17-20, 1997, Rome, Italy. In Proceedings, Volume 1,p. 51-68. DS RTOP 522-32-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (27)

95 Abel, I.: Research and Applications in Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics at the NASA

Langley Research Center. NASA TM-112852, May 1997, 19 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /trn/NA SA-9 7-tm l

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

96 Bement, L. J.: Explosive Fracturing of Fighter Aircraft Canopies to Allow Through-Canopy

Crew Escape. Presented at 75th Annual Meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science,

May 22-23, 1997, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Organization GK RTOP 505-68-30

97 Berry, J. D.: Unsteady Velocity Measurements Taken Behind a Model Helicopter Rotor Hub

in Forward Flight. NASA TM-4738, ATCOM TR-97-A-001, March 1997, 246 p.


Organization DA RTOP 505-59-36

98 Berry, J. D.; and Bettschart, N.: Rotor-Fuselage Interaction Analysis and Validation With

Experiment. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd Annual Forum, April 29-May 1,

1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In Proceedings, Volume 1, p. 343-367. /mtg/NAS A-97-5 3ahs-j

Organization DA RTOP 581-10-11

99 Berry, J. D.; and Bettschart, N.: Rotor-Fuselage Interaction: Analysis and Validation With

Experiment. NASA TM-112859, ATCOM-TR-97-A-007, May 1997, 26 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /mtg/N A SA-97-5

Organization DA RTOP 581-10-11

100 Berry, J. D.; Letnikov, V.; Bavykina, I.; and Chaffin, M. S.: A Comparison of Interactional

Aerodynamics Methods for a Helicopter in Low Speed Flight. Presented at 23rd European

Rotorcraft Forum, September 22-23, 1997, Dresden, Germany. In Proceedings, Volume 1,

p. 33-1-33-9.


Organization DA RTOP 581-10-11

101 Brennan, M. C.; and McGowan, A. R.: Piezoelectric Power Requirements for Active

Vibration Control. Presented at SPIE's 4th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and

Materials, March 3-6, 1997, San Diego, California.

ftp://techreports .larc .Z

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

102 Carlson, H. W.; Chu, J.; Ozoroski, L. P.; and McCullers, L. A.: Guide to AERO2S and

WlNGDES Computer Codes for Prediction and Minimization of Drag Due to Lift. NASA

TP-3637, November 1997, 144 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._ arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tp_N A S A- 97-tp 36 3 7 .ps.Z

Organization BA RTOP 537-09-20


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (28)









Chaffin, M. S.; and Berry, J. D.: Helicopter Fuselage Aerodynamics Under a Rotor by Navier-

Stokes Simulation. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Volume 42, No. 3, July 1997,p. 235-243.

Organization DA RTOP 505-59-36

Cole, S. R.; and Rivera, J. A., Jr.: The New Heavy Gas Testing Capability in the NASA

Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. Presented at 1997 European Forum: Wind Tunnels and

Wind Tunnel Test Techniques, April 14-16, 1997, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /mtg/NAS DS RTOP 522-32-21

Daugherty, R. H.; and Yager, T. J.: Texture Modification of the Shuttle Landing Facility

Runway at Kennedy Space Center. NASA TP-3626, May 1997, 52 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tp_NAS A-97-tp36 DS RTOP 505-63-50

Davis, P. A.: Quasi-Static and Dynamic Response Characteristics of F-4 Bias-Ply and Radial-

Belted Main Gear Tires. NASA TP-3586, February 1997, 42 p. DS RTOP 505-63-10

Edwards, J. W.: National Transonic Facility Model and Tunnel Vibrations. Presented at 35th

AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA

Paper No. 97-0345. /aiaa/NAS A-aiaa-97-034 DS RTOP 505-63-50

Freeman, D. C., Jr.; Reubush, D. E.; McClinton, C. R.; Rausch, V. L.; and Crawford, J. L.:

The NASA Hyper-X Program. Presented at 48th International Astronautical Congress,

October 6-10, 1997, Turin, Italy.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v_pub/techrep_rts/_arc_ _997 /mtg_NAS A-97-48 L RTOP 522-51-61

Harris, C. E.: Advanced Methodology for Predicting the Onset of Widespread Fatigue

Damage in Fuselage Structure of Aging Aircraft. Presented at 1997 Society for Experimental

Mechanics Spring Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 2-4, 1997,

Bellevue, Washington. In Abstract Proceedings, p. 76-77.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Hoftter, K. D.; Fears, S. P.; and Carzoo, S. W.: Generic Airplane Model Concept and Four

Specific Models Developed for Use in Piloted Simulation Studies. (NAS 1-19672 ViGYAN,

Inc.; NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences; NAS1-20454 Unisys

Corporation.) NASA CR-201651, February 1997, 53 p.

Organization DC RTOP 505-68-30


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (29)









Lewis, K.: An Algorithm for Integrated Subsystem Embodiment and System Synthesis.

(NAG1-1564 Georgia Institute of Technology.) NASA CR-201732, August 1997, 532 p.

Organization D RTOP 505-10-31

Lim, K. B.; and Gawronski, W. K.: Hankel Singular Values of Flexible Structures in Discrete

Time. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Volume 19, No. 6, November-December

1996, p. 1370-1377.

Organization DC RTOP 505-64-52

Mason, A. J.; Tanner, J. A.; and Johnson, A. R.: Quasi-Static Viscoelasticity Loading

Measurements of an Aircraft Tire. NASA TM-4779, ARL-TR-1402, September 1997, 24 p.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50

McMinn, J. D.: Extension of a Kolmogorov Atmospheric Turbulence Model for Time-Based

Simulation Implementation. Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control

Conference, August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3532.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts__arc/ _997 / aiaa_NA SA-aiaa-97- 3 5 3

Organization DC RTOP 537-07-24

Morelli, E. A.: High Accuracy Evaluation of the Finite Fourier Transform Using Sampled

Data. NASA TM-110340, June 1997, 34 p.

Organization DC RTOP 522-22-21

Morelli, E. A.: Flight Test Validation of Optimal Input Design and Comparison to

Conventional Inputs. Presented at AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference,

August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3711. .ps.Z

Organization DC RTOP 522-22-21

Morelli, E. A.; and Klein, V.: Accuracy of Aerodynamic Model Parameters Estimated From

Flight Test Data. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Volume 20, No. 1,

January-February 1997, p. 74-80.

Organization DC RTOP 522-22-21

Moses, R. W.: Vertical Tail Buffeting Alleviation Using Piezoelectric Actuators--Some

Results of the Actively Controlled Response of Buffet-Affected Tails (ACROBAT) Program.

Presented at SPIE's 4th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, March 3-6,

1997, San Diego, California. SPIE Proceedings, Volume 3044, Paper No. 7.


Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (30)









Moses, R. W.: Vertical Tail Buffeting Alleviation Using Piezoelectric Actuators--Some

Results of the Actively Controlled Response of Buffet-Affected Tails (ACROBAT) Program.NASA TM-110336, April 1997, 19 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc DS RTOP 522-32-21

Nixon, M. W.; Kvaternik, R. G.; and Settle, T. B.: Tiltrotor Vibration Reduction Through

Higher Harmonic Control. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd Annual Forum,

April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In Proceedings, Volume 2, p. 1194-1214.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/mtg/ DS RTOP 505-63-36

Nixon, M. W.; Kvaternik, R. G.; and Settle, T.B.: Higher Harmonic Control for Tiltrotor

Vibration Reduction. Presented at CEAS International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural

Dynamics 1997, June 17-20, 1997, Rome, Italy.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/mtg/ DS RTOP 581-20-21

Olson, E. D.; and Mavris, D. N.: Development of Response Surface Equations for High

Speed Civil Transport Takeoff and Landing Noise. Presented at World Aviation Congress '97,October 13-16, 1997, Anaheim, California.

Organization BA RTOP 522-41-11

Piatak, D. J.; Nixon, M. W.; and Kosmatka, J. B.: Stiffness Characteristics of Composite Rotor

Blades With Elastic Couplings. NASA TP-3641, ARL-TR-1279, April 1997, 45 p. .ps.ZOrganization DS RTOP 505-63-36

Pinkerton, J. L.; and Moses, R. W.: A Feasibility Study To Control Airfoil Shape Using

THUNDER. NASA TM-4767, November 1997, 30 p.

ftp :// DS RTOP 505-63-50

Schuster, D. M.; Beran, E S.; and HuttseU, L. J.: Application of the ENS3DAE Euler/Navier-

Stokes Aeroelastic Method. Presented at AGARD 85th Structures and Materials Panel

Workshop on Numerical Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Simulation, October 14-15,

1997, Aalborg, Denmark.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_ 997/mtg/ DS RTOP 522-22-21

Scott, R. C.; Hoadley, S. T.; Wieseman, C. D.; and Durham, M. H.: The Benchmark Active

Controls Technology Model Aerodynamic Data. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0829. DS RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (31)

127 Scott,R. C.;Hoadley,S.T.; Wieseman,C. D.; andDurham,M. H.: TheBenchmarkActiveControlsTechnologyModelAerodynamic Data. Presented at Technical Cooperation Program

Subcommittee Meeting on Non-Atomic Military Research and Development, April 14-18,

1997, Ottawa, Canada.

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

128 Silva, W. A.: Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Aerodynamic Impulse Responses Using

Digital Filter Techniques. Presented at AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference,

August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3712.

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-21

129 Silva, W. A.: Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Aerodynamic Impulse Responses Using

Digital Filter Techniques. NASA TM-112872, August 1997, 16 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc .nasa. gov/pub/techreports/larc/1997/tm/NASA-97-tm

Organization DS RTOP 522-22-21

130 Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J.: Problems and Issues in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization.

Presented at International Symposium on Optimization and Innovative Design, July 28-30,

1997, Tokyo, Japan.

Organization D RTOP 509-10-31

131 Tindell, R. H.; Marconi, E; Kalkhoran, I.; and Yetter, J. A.: Deflection of Turbofan Exhaust

Streams for Enhanced Engine/Nacelle Integration. Presented at 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/

ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 7-9, 1997, Seattle, Washington. AIAA

Paper No. 97-3152.

Organization BC RTOP 538-05-13

132 Wilkie, W. K.; Mirick, P. H.; and Langston, C. W.: Rotating Shake Test and Modal Analysis of

a Model Helicopter Rotor Blade. NASA TM-4760, ARL-TR-1389, June 1997, 16 p.


Organization DS RTOP 505-63-36

Category 06 Aircraft Instrumentation

133 Schutte, R C.: WINGS: A New Paradigm in Human-Centered Design. Presented at Ninth

International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 27-May 1, 1997, Columbus, Ohio.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/1997 /mtg/

Organization DC RTOP 522-14-11

134 Schutte, P. C.; and Willshire, K. E: Designing to Control Flight Crew Errors. Presented at

1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 12-15,

1997, Orlando, Florida. In Proceedings, IEEE Paper No. TA17-5, Volume 2, p. 1978-1983.

Organization DC RTOP 522-14-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (32)

Category 07 Aircraft Propulsion and Power

135 Choi, S. H.; Scotti, S. J.; Song, K. D.; and Reis, H.: Transpiring Cooling of a Scram-Jet

Engine Combustion Chamber. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference,

June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2576.

ftp ://techreports.larc. SA- aiaa- 97 DM RTOP 242-20-07

136 Drummond, J. P.: Enhancement of Mixing and Reaction in High-Speed Combustor

Flowfields. In Advanced Computation & Analysis of Combustion, G. D. Roy, S. M. Frolov,

and P. Givi, eds., ENAS Publishers, 1997, p. 1-14.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

137 Drummond, J. P.: Enhancement of Mixing and Reaction in High-Speed Combustor

Flowfields. Presented at International Colloquium on Advanced Computation and Analysis ofCombustion, May 12-15, 1997, Moscow, Russia.

ftp ://techreports.larc.nasa.govlpubltechreportsllarc/1997 /mtg/NAS DA RTOP 522-51-31

138 Eklund, D. R.; Stouffer, S. D.; and Northam, G. B.: Study of a Supersonic Combustor

Employing Swept Ramp Fuel Injectors. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 6,

November-December 1997, p. 697-704.

Organization DM RTOP 522-51-31

139 Huebner, L. D.; and Hodge, J. S.: Langley 8-Foot High Temperature Tunnel Testing in

Support of the Hyper-X Program. Presented at 1997 JANNAF 34th CS/PSHS/APS Joint

Meetings, October 27-31, 1997, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

140 Krishnamurthy, R.; Rogers, R. C.; and Tawari, S. N.: Numerical Study of Hypersonic Flows

Through a Scramjet Combustor. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 1,

January-February 1997, p. 131-141.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

141 Quinn, J. E.; Cutler, A. D.; and Northam, G. B.: Drag Reduction of Supersonic Cavities via

Mass Injection With Applications to Scramjets. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0550.Organization DM RTOP 522-51-31

142 Tishkoff, J. M.; Drummond, J. P.; Edwards, T.; and Nejad, A. S.: Future Direction of

Supersonic Combustion Research: Air Force/NASA Workshop on Supersonic Combustion.

Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno,

Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-1017.


Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (33)

Category 08 Aircraft Stability and Control

143 Arbuckle, P. D.: Future Flight Decks. Presented at Honeywell World-Wide Controls

Workshop, January 15, 1997, Phoenix, Arizona.

Organization DC RTOP 522-14-11

144 Brandon, J. M.; Jordan, F. L., Jr.; Buttrill, C. W.; and Stuever, R. A.: Application of Wind

Tunnel Free-Flight Technique for Wake Vortex Encounters. NASA TP-3672,

November 1997, 74 p.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/

Organization DC RTOP 505-64-13

145 Duerksen, N.: Fuzzy Logic Decoupled Lateral Control for General Aviation Airplanes.

(NCAI-113 Raytheon Aircraft Company.) NASA CR-201735, August 1997, 56 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-11

146 Fremaux, C. M.: Spin-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/28-Scale Model of the NASA F-18 High

Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV) With and Without Vertical Tails. (NASI-19000 Lockheed

Martin Engineering & Sciences Company.) NASA CR-201687, April 1997, 43 p.


Organization DC RTOP 522-25-31

147 Goldthorpe, S. H.: Sensitivity of Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) to Various Rollout and

Turnoff (ROTO) Factors, Volume I. (NAS 1-19703 McDonnell Douglas Corporation.) NASA

CR-201712, Volume I, June 1997, 175 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-13

148 Goldthorpe, S. H.: Sensitivity of Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) to Various Rollout and

Turnoff (ROTO) Factors, Volume II--Complete Set of Plotted Data. (NAS 1-19703

McDonnell Douglas Corporation.) NASA CR-201712, Volume II, June 1997, 290 p.

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-13

149 Goodrich, K. H.: AGATE: Advanced GA Transport Experiments--Reinventing Personal Air

Transportation. Presented at SAE Guidance and Control Systems Committee Meeting,

March 6, 1997, Monterey, California.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-11

150 Hahne, D. E.: Evaluation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a

Mach 5.5 Waverider Concept. NASA TM-4756, May 1997, 24 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /_ub/techrep_rts/_arc_ _997 _tm_NAS A-97-tm4 7

Organization DC RTOP 505-70-69


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (34)

151 Klein, V.; Murphy, P. C.; Curry, T. J.; and Brandon, J. M.: Analysis of Wind Tunnel

Longitudinal Static and Oscillatory Data of the F- 16XL Aircraft. NASA TM-97-206276,

December 1997, 68 p.


Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

152 Lin, G.-E; Lan, C. E.; and Brandon, J. M.: A Generalized Dynamic Aerodynamic Coefficient

Model for Flight Dynamics Applications. Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and

Control Conference, August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3643.

Organization DC RTOP 522-22-21

153 Trujillo, A. C.: Pilot Performance With Predictive System Status Information. Presented at

1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybemetics, October 12-15,

1997, Orlando, Florida. In Proceedings, Volume 2, p. 1972-1977.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/1997 /mtg/NAS

Organization DC RTOP 522-14-11

154 Waszak, M. R.: Robust Multivariable Flutter Suppression for the Benchmark Active Control

Technology (BACT) Wind-Tunnel Model. Presented at Eleventh Symposium on Structural

Dynamics and Control, May 12-14, 1997, Blacksburg, Virginia. In Proceedings.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

155 Waszak, M. R.: BACT Simulation User Guide (Version 7.0). NASA TM-97-206252,

November 1997, 21 p.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/1arc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm2_625

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

156 Yeager, J. C.: Pilot Evaluation Comments During Selected Maneuvers From Flight Tests of

the HARV NASA- 1A Control Law. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering &

Sciences.) NASA CR-201743, August 1997, 64 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /cr/NAS A-97-cr2017 4

Organization DC RTOP 522-21-31

157 Yeager, J. C.: HARV ANSER Flight Test Data Retrieval and Processing Procedures.

(NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Company.) NASA CR-201670,

March 1997, 398 p.

Organization DC RTOP 522-21-31

Category 09 Research and Support Facilities (Air)

158 Baughman, J. A.; Micheletti, D. A.; Nelson, G. L.; and Simmons, G. A.: Magnetohydro-

dynamics Accelerator Research Into Advanced Hypersonics (MARIAH)--Final Report.

(A45416D MSE Technology Applications, Inc.) NASA CR-97-206242/PT1, October 1997,

640 p.

Organization A


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (35)

159 Baughman, J. A.; Micheletti, D. A.; Nelson, G. L.; and Simmons, G. A.: Magnetohydro-

dynamics Accelerator Research Into Advanced Hypersonics (MARIAH)--Final Report.

(A45416D MSE Technology Applications, Inc.) NASA CR-97-206242/PT2, October 1997,

405 p.

Organization A

160 Erdos, J. I.; Bakos, R. J.; Castrogiovanni, A.; and Rogers, R. C.: Dual Mode Shock-

Expansion/Reflected-Shock Tunnel. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting

and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0560.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /aiaa/NAS

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

161 Hamner, M.; Kelble, C. A.; Owens, L. R., Jr.; and Popernack, T. G., Jr.: Application of

Temperature Sensitive Paint Technology to Boundary Layer Analysis. Presented at World

Aviation Congress '97, October 13-16, 1997, Anaheim, California.

Organization DA RTOP 522-31-51

162 Palmer, M. T.; and Mitchell, C. M.: Models, Methods, and Metrics: A Structured Approach

for the Evaluation and Redesign of Autoflight System Interfaces. Presented at Ninth

International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April 27-May 1, 1997, Columbus, Ohio.

Organization DC RTOP 537-08-24

163 Perry, B., III; and Noll, T. E.: Activities in Aeroelasticity at NASA Langley Research Center.

Presented at Fourth International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Aeroelasticity,

Flow-Induced Vibrations and Noise, November 16-21, 1997, Dallas, Texas.


Organization DS RTOP 522-22-21

164 Puster, R. L.; and Franke, J. M.: Fuel Line Based Acoustic Flame-Out Detection System.

U. S. Patent 5,665,916. Issued September 9, 1997.

Organization DA

165 Williams, R. A.: The NASA High Intensity Radiated Fields Laboratory. Presented at 16th

Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30, 1997, Irvine, California. In

Proceedings, p. 4.2-17-4.2-21.


Organization DI RTOP 522-14-21


Category 13 Astrodynamics

166 Desai, P. N.; Braun, R. D.; Powell, R. W.; Engelund, W. C.; and Tartabini, P. V.: Six Degree-

of-Freedom Entry Dispersion Analysis for the METEOR Recovery Module. Journal of

Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34, No. 3, May-June 1997, p. 334-340.

Organization CB RTOP 242-20-08


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (36)

167 Desai, E N.; Mitcheltree, R. A.; and Cheatwood, E M.: Entry Dispersion Analysis for the

Stardust Comet Sample Return Capsule. Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and

Control Conference, August I l- 13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3812.

Organization CB RTOP 859-00-00

Category 15 Launch Vehicles and Space Vehicles

168 Braun, R. D.; Moore, A. A.; and Kroo, I. M.: Collaborative Approach to Launch Vehicle

Design. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34, No. 4, July-August 1997, p. 478-487.

Organization CB RTOP 242-20-08

169 Eldred, C. H.; and Talay, T. A.: Future Space Transportation Systems and Launch Vehicles. In

Future Aeronautical and Space Systems, A. K. Noor and S. L. Venneri, eds., AIAA, Inc.,

1997, p. 373-408.

Organization CB RTOP 242-20-08

170 Mazanek, D.; Garn, M. A.; Troutman, P. A.; Wang, Y.; Kumar, R. R.; and Heck, M. L.:

International Space Station (ISS) Accommodation of a Single U.S. Assured Crew Return

Vehicle (ACRV). NASA TM-97-206272, December 1997, 55 p.


Organization CB RTOP 906-43-00

171 Morris, W. D.; White, N. H.; Davis, W. T.; and Ebeling, C. E.: Estimating Logistics Support

of Reusable Launch Vehicles During Conceptual Design. Presented at 32nd Annual

International Logistics Conference and Exposition, August 5-7, 1997, Orlando, Florida. CB RTOP 242-33-01

Category 16 Space Transportation

172 Braun, R. D.; Mitcheltree, R. A.; and Cheatwood, E M.: Mars Microprobe Entry Analysis.

Presented at 1997 IEEE Aerospace Conference, February 1-8, 1997, Aspen, Colorado.

Organization CB RTOP 242-30-33

173 Braun, R. D.; Spencer, D. A.; Kallemeyn, P. H.; and Vaughan, R. M.: Mars Pathfinder

Atmospheric Entry Navigation Operations. Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation

and Control Conference, August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA PaperNo. 97-3663.

Organization CB RTOP 242-30-03


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (37)

174 Piland,W.M.: Commercializationof theSpaceFrontier.Presentedat 48thInternationalAstronauticalCongress,October6-10,1997,Turin, Italy.ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/mtg/

OrganizationM RTOP297-90-00

Category 17 Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking

175 co*ckrell, C. R.; and Beck, F. B.: Electromagnetic Scattering From Arbitrarily Shaped

Aperture Backed by Rectangular Cavity Recessed in Infinite Ground Plane. NASA TP-3640,

May 1997, 25 p.


Organization DI RTOP 505-64-52

176 Cravey, R. L.: Offset Waveguide Transmission Measurements. NASA TM- 110341,

May 1997, 14 p.

ftp ://techreports. larc 110341 .ps.Z

Organization DI RTOP 522-24-21

177 Deshpande, M. D.: Analysis of Waveguide Junction Discontinuities Using Finite Element

Method. (NAS1-19341 ViGYAN, Inc.) NASA CR-201710, July 1997, 39 p.

Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

178 Deshpande, M. D.: Analysis of Discontinuities in a Rectangular Waveguide Using Dyadic

Green's Function Approach in Conjunction With Method of Moments. (NAS 1-19341

ViGYAN, Inc.) NASA CR-201692, April 1997, 25 p.

Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

179 Deshpande, M. D.; and Bailey, M. C.: Analysis of Stub Loaded Microstrip Patch Antennas.

Presented at 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio

Science Meeting, July 13-18, 1997, Montreal, Canada. In Proceedings, Paper No. 33.4.


Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

180 Fralick, D. T.; and Bailey, M. C.: Mutual Coupling Measurements of a Synthetic Aperture

Ka-Band Waveguide Array. Presented at AMTA '97: Antenna Measurement Techniques

Association 19th Annual Meeting and Symposium, November 17-21, 1997, Boston,

Massachusetts. In Proceedings, p. 491-494.

Organization DI RTOP 258-70-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (38)

Category 18 Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance

181 Amundsen, R. M.: Thermal Design and Analysis for the Cryogenic MIDAS Experiment.

Presented at 27th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 14-17, 1997,

Lake Tahoe, Nevada. SAE Paper No. 97ES-29. GK RTOP 236-04-70

182 Bement, L. J.: Functional Performance of Pyrovalves. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,

Volume 34, No. 3, May-June 1997, p. 391-396. GK RTOP 297-50-00

183 Bement, L. J.; and Multhaup, H. A.: Determining Functional Reliability of Pyrotechnic

Mechanical Devices. Presented at 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion

Conference and Exhibit, July 7-9, 1997, Seattle, Washington. AIAA Paper No. 97-2698.

ftp :// lpub/techreports/larc/1997 /aiaa/NAS A-aiaa-97-

Organization GK RTOP 297-50-00

184 Ferebee, M. J., Jr.: Systems Simulation of NASA Shooting Star Experiment (SSE) Using

Matlab/Simulink. Presented at 1997 MATLAB Conference, October 6-8, 1997, San Jose,California.

Organization CB RTOP 260-98-09

185 Ferebee, M. J., Jr.; Troutman, P. A.; and Monell, D. W.: Satellite Systems Design/Simulation

Environment: A Systems Approach to Pre-Phase A Design. Presented at 35th AIAA

Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA PaperNo. 97-0231.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /aiaa/NAS A-aiaa-97-02 31 .ps.ZOrganization CB RTOP 267-10-00

186 Folkman, S. L.; Bingham, J. G.; Crookston, J. R.; Dutson, J. D.; Ferney, B. D.; Ferney, G. D.;

and Rowsell, E. A.: The Joint Damping Experiment (JDX). (NAS 1-19418 Utah State

University.) NASA CR-4781, June 1997, 126 p.


Organization CC RTOP 237-02-22

187 Huang, J-K.; Hsiao, M-H.; and Cox, D. E.: Identification of Linear Stochastic Systems From

Closed-Loop Data With Known Feedback Dynamics. Journal of Guidance, Control, and

Dynamics, Volume 19, No. 4, July-August 1996, p. 836-841.

Organization DC RTOP 233-03-01

188 Joshi, S. M.; and Kelkar, A. G.: Passivity-Based Control of Elastic System. Presented at IEEE

Conference on Control Applications, October 5-7, 1997, Hartford, Connecticut. IEEE PaperNo. 97301.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (39)

189 Liceaga, C.A.: SPASIM: A Spacecraft Simulator. Presented at International Space

University Alumni Conference, July 11, 1997, Houston, Texas. In NASA CP 3355,

p. 205-226.


Organization CB RTOP 906-43-00

190 Liceaga, C. A.; and Troutman, P. A.: Functional Simulator of Spacecraft Resources.

Presented at 1997 Society of Computer Simulation Multi Conference, April 6-10, 1997,

Atlanta, Georgia. In Proceedings, Volume 29, No. 4, P. 115-120.

Organization CB RTOP 906-43-00

191 Lim, K. B.: Disturbance Rejection Approach to Actuator and Sensor Placement. Journal of

Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Volume 20, No. 1, January-February 1997, p. 202-204.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

192 Lim, K. B.: A Closed Form Solution for Minimum Norm Model Validating Uncertainty.

Presented at 1997 American Control Conference, June 4-6, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In Proceedings, Volume 3, p. 1929-1933.

Organization DC RTOP 505-64-52

193 Lim, K. B.; Cox, D. E.; Balas, G. J.; and Juang, J-N.: Validation of an Experimentally

Derived Uncertainty Model. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and

Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0244.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

194 Lim, K. B.; and Giesy, D. P.: On the Directional Dependence and Null Space Freedom in

Uncertainty Bound Computation. Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control

Conference, August 11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3460.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

195 Maghami, P. G.: Enhanced Attitude Control Experiment for SSTI Lewis Spacecraft.

Presented at 1997 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August 11-13, 1997,

New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3527.

Organization DC RTOP 632-10-14

196 Maghami, P. G.; and Gupta, S.: Design of Constant Gain Dissipative Controllers for

Eigensystem Assignment in Passive LTI Systems. Journal of Guidance, Control, and

Dynamics, Volume 20, No. 4, July-August 1997, p. 648-657.

Organization DC RTOP 233-10-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (40)

197 Maghami, E G.; Kenny, S. P.; and Giesy, D. E: PLATSIM: A Simulation and Analysis

Package for Large-Order Flexible Systems (Version 2.0). NASA TM-4790, December 1997,80 p.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_997/tm/ DC RTOP 233-10-14

198 Maghami, E G.; and Sparks, D. W., Jr.: Artificial Neural Networks in the Design and

Analysis of Controlled Flexible Space Systems. Presented at Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

Symposium, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0681.

Organization DC RTOP 233-10-14

199 Pappa, R. S.; James, G. H., IH; and Zimmerman, D. C.: Autonomous Modal Identification of

the Space Shuttle Tail Rudder. NASA TM-112866, June 1997, 12 p.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_997/tm/ DS RTOP 963-89-00

20O Pappa, R. S.; Woodard, S. E., and Juang, J-N.: The Development of Autonomous Structural

Modal Identification. Sound and Vibration, August 1997, p. 18-23.

Organization DS RTOP 237-03-33

201 Pappa, R. S.; Woodard, S. E.; and Juang, J-N.: A Benchmark Problem for Development ofAutonomous Structural Modal Identification. Presented at IMAC-XV--15th International

Modal Analysis Conference and Exposition, February 3-6, 1997, Orlando, Florida. In

Proceedings, Volume 2, p. 1071-1077. Also available as NASA TM-110291.

ftp :// 110291 .ps.ZOrganization DS RTOP 237-03-33

202 Russell, J. W.; and Javeed, M. A.: Low Frequency Vibration Characteristics of the

Commercial Refrigeration/Incubation Module. (NAS 1-19000 Lockheed Martin Engineering

& Sciences.) NASA CR-201696, May 1997, 58 p.

Organization CB RTOP 963-89-00

203 Seywald, H.; Lim, K. B.; and Anthony, T. C.: Stability Analysis for Constrained Principal

Axis Slew Maneuvers. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,

January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0108.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/1997/aiaa/ DC RTOP 522-33-11

204 Woodard, S. E.; and Garg, D. P.: A Numerical Optimization Approach for Tuning Fuzzy

Logic Controllers. Presented at Third Joint Conference on Information Sciences,

March 1-5, 1997, Durham, North Carolina. In Proceedings, Volume 1, p. 164.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_997/mtg/ DS RTOP 632-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (41)

2O5 Woodard, S. E.; Gell, D.; and Lay, R.: Measured Spacecraft Dynamic Effects on Atmospheric

Science Instruments. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,

January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0419.

Organization DS RTOP 233-10-21

Chemistry and Materials

Category 23 Chemistry and Materials (General)

206 Babco*ck, D. A.; and Bruce, R. A.: Combustibility Tests of 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane in a

Simulated Compressor Cylinder. NASA TP-3633, June 1997, 22 p.

ftp ://techreports.l arc.nasa.g ov /pub/techreports/larc/199 7 /tp/NA SA-97-tp 36 3

Organization GG RTOP 505-63-50

207 Gardner, J. E.; Freeman, G. L.; Jacobs, J. A.; and Parkin, D. M. (Compilers): National

Educators' Workshop: Update 96--Standard Experiments in Engineering Materials Science

and Technology. NASA CP-3354, July 1997, 567 p.

Organization E RTOP 243-50-01

208 Hayder, M. E.; and Atkins, H. L.: Experience With PML Boundary Conditions in Fluid-Flow

Computations. Presented at Symposium on Computational Methods for Unbounded Domains,

August 3-7, 1997, Boulder, Colorado.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

209 Lach, C. L.; and Gangloff, R. P.: Effect of Composition and Temperature on the Strength and

Fracture Toughness of A1-Cu-Li-Ag Alloys. Presented at 1997 TMS Annual Meeting,

February 9-13, 1997, Orlando, Florida.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Category 24 Composite Materials

210 Ambur, D. R.; and Rouse, M.: Design and Evaluation of Composite Fuselage Panels

Subjected to Combined Load Conditions. Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC

Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee,

Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1303.

Organization DS RTOP 538-10-11

211 Ambur, D. R.; and Starnes, J. H., Jr.: Nonlinear Response and Damage-Initiation

Characteristics of Curved Composite Plates Subjected to Low-Speed Impact. Presented at

38th AIAAJASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials

Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1058.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (42)









Ambur, D. R.; Starnes, J. H., Jr.; Davila, C. G.; and Phillips, E. A.: Response of CompositePanels With Stiffness Gradients Due to Stiffener Terminations and Cutouts. Presented at 38th

AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,

April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1368.

Organization DS RTOP 522-11-41

Anastasi, R. E; Friedman, A. D.; Hinders, M. K.; and Madaras, E. I.: Nondestructive

Evaluation of Damage in Stitched Composites Using Laser Based Ultrasound. Presented at

International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 18-20, 1997, Stanford,California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

Anastasi, R. E; Friedman, A. D.; Hinders, M. K.; and Madaras, E. I.: Application of Laser

Based Ultrasound for NDE of Damage in Thick Stitched Composites. Presented at 46th

Defense Working Group on Nondestructive Testing, November 3-7, 1997, Yuma, Arizona.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/1997/mtg/ DM RTOP 538-10-11

Bogan, S.; and Gates, T. S.: Experimental and Analytic Determination of Transverse Shear

Moduli via the Torsional Response of Rectangular Laminates. Presented at 1997 Society for

Experimental Mechanics Spring Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics,

June 2-4, 1997, Bellevue, Washington. In Proceedings, Volume 1, p. 146-147.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Coats, T. W.; Prabhakaran, R.; and Harris, C. E.: Translaminate Fracture of Photoelastic

Transparent Composites. Presented at 1997 Society for Experimental Mechanics Spring

Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 2-4, 1997, Bellevue, Washington.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Cox, B. N.; and Flanagan, G.: Handbook of Analytical Methods for Textile Composites.

(NAS1-19243 Rockwell Science Center.) NASA CR-4750, March 1997, 169 p.

ftp://techreports.larc.nasa.govlpub/techreports/larc/1997 /cr/NAS A-97-cr4 7

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-10

Cvitkovich, M. K.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Minguet, E J.: Fatigue Debonding Characterization in

Composite Skin/Stringer Configurations. NASA TM- 110331, ARL-TR- 1342, April 1997,

34 p.

ftp ://techreports. larc 110331 .ps.Z

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

Cvitkovich, M. K.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Minguet, E J.: Fatigue Debonding Characterization in

Composite Skin/Stringer Structures. Presented at Seventh Symposium on Composites:

Fatigue and Fracture, May 6-8, 1997, St. Louis, Missouri.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (43)










Davis, J. G., Jr.: The Future Needs for Advanced Materials and Structures in Civil Transport

Aircraft. Presented at 42nd International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, May 4-8, 1997,

Anaheim, California.

Organization KC RTOP 538-10-11

Deng, X.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: ZIP2DL: An Elastic-Plastic, Large-Rotation Finite-

Element Stress Analysis and Crack-Growth Simulation Program. NASA TM-110332,

April 1997, 97 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Dow, M. B.; and Dexter, H. B.: Development of Stitched, Braided and Woven Composite

Structures in the ACT Program and at Langley Research Center (1985 to 1997) --Summary

and Bibliography. NASA TP-97-206234, November 1997, 86 p.


Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

Dyer, J.; Rhodes, M. D.; and Silverman, E. M.: Fabrication of Low Cost Composite Isogrid

Structures for Spacecraft Applications. Presented at ICCE/4: International Conference on

Composites Engineering, July 6-11, 1997, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Organization DS RTOP 233-20-21

Everett, R. A., Jr.; and Elber, W.: Damage Tolerance Issues as Related to Rotorcraft Dynamic

Components. Presented at AGARD 85th Structures and Materials Panel Workshop on

Numerical Unsteady Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Simulation, October 14-15, 1997,

Aalborg, Denmark.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-87

Farley, G. L.: Method and Apparatus for Three Dimensional Braiding. U. S. Patent 5,630,349.

Issued May 20, 1997.

Organization DS

Farley, G. L.: Method for Fabricating Composite Structures Using Continuous Press Forming.

U. S. Patent 6,681,513. Issued October 28, 1997.

Organization DS

Farley, G. L.: Weaving and Bonding Method to Prevent Warp and Full Distortion. U. S.

Patent 5,617,902. Issued April 8, 1997.

Organization DS

Gates, T. S.; Hinkley, J. A.; and Whitley, K. S.: NASA Computational Materials and the

Implications for Design and Development of Polymeric Composite Structures. Presented at

McNU '97 (Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting), June 29-July 2, 1997, Evanston,Illinois.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (44)

229 Gates, T. S.; and Johnston, W.: The Roles of Aging and Fatigue Damage Accumulation on the

Stiffness of a Graphite/Thermoset Composite at Elevated Temperatures. Presented at 38th

AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,

April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1192.

Organization DM RTOP 537-06-33

230 Gates, T. S.; Veazie, D. R.; and Brinson, L. C.: Creep and Physical Aging in a Polymeric

Composite: Comparison of Tension and Compression. Journal of Composite Materials,

Volume 31, No. 24, December 1997, p. 2478-2498.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

231 Gates, T. S.; Zabora, R.; and Harmon, D.: Durability of Advanced Polymeric Composites for

the High Speed Civil Transport Aircraft. Presented at DURACOSYS '97, September 14,

1997, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

232 Glass, D. E.; Raman, V. V.; Venkat, V. S.; and Sankaran, S. N.: Honeycomb Core Permeability

Under Mechanical Loads. (NAS 1-20013 The Boeing Company; Analytical Services &

Materials, Inc., Subcontractor.) NASA CR-97-206263, December 1997, 25 p.

ftp ://

Organization DM RTOP 538-13-11

233 Harris, C. E.; Newman, J. C., Jr.; Piascik, R. S.; and Starnes, J. H., Jr.: Analytical

Methodology for Predicting the Onset of Widespread Fatigue Damage in Fuselage Structure.

Presented at ICAF '97 19th Symposium (International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue),

June 16-20, 1997, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

234 Hinkley, J. A.; Messier, B. C.; and Marchello, J. M.: Effect of Pressure in Thermoplastic

Ribbon Thermal Welding. Presented at 42nd International SAMPE Symposium and

Exhibition, May 4-8, 1997, Anaheim, California. In Proceedings, Volume 42, p. 1209.


Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

235 Jaunky, N.; Knight, N. E, Jr.; and Ambur, D. R.: Optimal Design of General Stiffened

Composite Circular Cylinders for Global Buckling With Strength Constraints. Presented at

38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials

Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1402.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50

236 Johnson, A. F.; Kindervater, C.; and Jackson, K. E.: Multifunctional Design Concepts for

Energy Absorbing Composite Fuselage Sub-Structures. Presented at American Helicopter

Society 53rd Annual Forum, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Organization DS RTOP 522-11-41


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (45)









Kim, M. Y.; Thibeault, S. A.; Wilson, J. W.; Kiefer, R. L.; and Orwoll, R. A.: Performance of

Polymeric Materials as Shielding for Cosmic Radiation. In Irradiation of Polymers--

Fundamentals and Technological Applications, R. L. Clough and S. W. Shalaby, eds.,

American Chemical Society, 1996, p. 350-362.

Organization DM RTOP 233-01-01

Li, J.; Lee, S. M.; Lee, E. W.; and O'Brien, T. K.: Evaluation of the Edge Crack Torsion (ECT)

Test for Mode III Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Laminated Composites. Journal of

Composites Technology and Research, Volume 13, No. 3, July 1997, p. 174-183.

Organization DM RTOP 581-01-21

Li, J.; and O'Brien, T. K.: Analysis of the Hygrothermal Effects and Parametric Study of the

Edge Crack Torsion (ECT) Mode III Test Layups. ASTM 1285--Composite Materials:

Fatigue and Fracture, Volume 6, 1997, p. 411-433.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

Li, J.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Lee, S. M.: Comparison of Mode II and III Fatigue Delamination

Onset Behavior for Toughened Carbon/Epoxy Composites. Presented at International

Conference on Fatigue of Composites, June 3-5, 1997, Paris, France. In Proceedings,

p. 283-290.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Li, J.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Rousseau, C. Q.: Test and Analysis of Composite Hat Stringer Pull-

Off Test Specimens. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Volume 42, No. 4,

October 1997, p. 350-357.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

Madaras, E. I.; Winfree, W. P.; and Johnston, P. H.: Ultrasonic Studies of Composites

Undergoing Thermal and Fatigue Loading. Presented at 24th Annual Review of Progress in

Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California.


Organization DM RTOP 537-06-33

Masters, J. E.: Translaminar Fracture Toughness of a Composite Wing Skin Made of Stitched

Warp-Knit Fabric. (NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences.) NASA

CR-201728, November 1997, 30 p.


Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

Matthews, W. T.; and Neal, D. M.: A Statistical Simulation Approach to Safe Life Fatigue

Analysis of Redundant Metallic Components. NASA TM- 110328, ARL-TR- 1340,

March 1997, 32 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (46)

245 McGowan, D. M.; and Ambur, D. R.: Damage-Tolerance Characteristics of Composite

Fuselage Sandwich Structures With Thick Facesheets. NASA TM-110303, February 1997,


Organization DS RTOP 538-10-11

246 McGowan, D. M.; and Anderson, M. S.: Development of Curved-Plate Elements for the

Exact Buckling Analysis of Composite Plate Assemblies Including Transverse Shear Effects.

Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and

Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1305.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50

247 Murri, G. B.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Rousseau, C. Q.: Fatigue Life Methodology for Tapered

Composite Flexbeam Laminates. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd Annual

Forum, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.


Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

248 Mum, G. B.; O'Brien, T. K.; and Rousseau, C. Q.: Fatigue Life Methodology for Tapered

Composite Flexbeam Laminates. NASA TM-112860, ARL-TR-1400, May 1997, 45 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /mtg/NAS A-97- 5

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

249 Nettles, A. T.: The Effects of Tensile Preloads on the Impact Response of Carbon/Epoxy

Laminates. Presented at Seventh Symposium on Composites: Fatigue and Fracture,

May 6-8, 1997, St. Louis, Missouri.

Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

250 Newman, J. C., Jr.: Prediction of Crack Growth Under Variable-Amplitude Loading in

Various Materials. Presented at International Conference on Engineering Against Fatigue,

March 17-21, 1997, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

ftp://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/larc/_ 997/mtg/

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

251 Newman, J. C., Jr.: An Evaluation of the Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure Concept and

Measurement Methods. Presented at Second Symposium on Advances in Fatigue Crack

Closure Measurement and Analysis, November 12-13, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

252 Newman, J. C., Jr.: Application of a Closure Model to Predict Crack Growth in Three Engine

Disc Materials. International Journal of Fracture, Volume 80, 1996, p. 193-218.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (47)










Newman, J. C., Jr.; Shivakumar, K. N.; James, M. A.; and Harris, C. E.: Fatigue-Life

Prediction of Riveted Lap-Splice Joints Using Small-Crack Theory. Presented at ICAF '97

19th Symposium (International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue), June 16-20, 1997,

Edinburgh, Scotland. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

O'Brien, T. K.: Composite Interlaminar Sheer Fracture Toughness, Giic: Shear Measurement

or Sheer Myth? NASA TM-110280, ARL-TR-1312, February 1997, 31 p.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

O'Brien, T. K.: Composite Interlaminar Shear Fracture Toughness, Giic: Shear Measurement

or Sheer Myth? Presented at Seventh Symposium on Composites: Fatigue and Fracture,

May 6-8, 1997, St. Louis, Missouri.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

O'Brien, T. K.: Interlaminar Fracture Toughness: The Long and Winding Road to

Standardization. Presented at ICCE/4: International Conference on Composites Engineering,

July 6-11, 1997, Honolulu, Hawaii. In Proceedings, p. 39.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

Ohlhorst, C. W.; Vaughn, W. L.; Ransone, P. O.; and Tsou, H. T.: Thermal Conductivity

Database of Various Structural Carbon-Carbon Composite Materials. NASA TM-4787,

November 1997, 94 p.


Organization DM RTOP 632-20-21

Piascik, R. S.: Simulation of Corrosion Fatigue Interaction Associated With Aging Aircraft.

Presented at AeroMat '97, May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Piascik, R. S.; and Willard, S. A.: The Characteristics of Fatigue Damage in the Fuselage

Riveted Lap Splice Joint. NASA TP-97-206257, November 1997, 383 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Piascik, R. S.; and Willard, S. A.: The Characteristics of Multi-Site Fatigue Damage in the

Fuselage Riveted Lap Splice Joint. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on

Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Poe, C. C., Jr.; Dexter, H. B.; and Raju, I. S.: A Review of the NASA Textile Composites

Research. Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics,

and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1321.

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Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11


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Popelka, D.; Lindsay, D.; Parham, T.; Berry, V.; and Baker, D. J.: Results of an Aeroelastic

Tailoring Study for a Composite Tiltrotor Wing. Journal of the American Helicopter Society,

Volume 42, No. 2, April 1997, p. 126-136.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-36

Prosser, W. H.: Attenuation of AE Signals in Composite Plates. Presented at Acoustic

Emission Working Group 40th Regular Meeting and Primer, June 12-13, 1997, Evanston,


Organization DM RTOP 242-03-30

Prosser, W. H.: Advanced AE Techniques in Composite Materials Research. Journal of

Acoustic Emission, Volume 14, No. 3-4, 1996, p. 1-11.

Organization DM RTOP 242-33-01

Raju, I. S.; Gates, T. S.; and Hinkley, J. A.: Computational Materials--A Viewpoint.

Presented at International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, May 4-9, 1997,

San Jose, Costa Rica.

Organization DM RTOP 581-10-21

Raju, I. S.; Glaessgen, E. H.; and Poe, C. C., Jr.: Issues and Perspectives on Modeling

Damage in Composite Stiffened Panels. Presented at 32nd International Conference on

Fracture and Strength of Solids, December 8-10, 1997, Hong Kong.

Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

Ransone, P. O.: Method for Making a Carbon-Carbon Cylinder Block. U. S. Patent 5,687,634.

Issued November 18, 1997.

Organization DM

Rouse, M.; and Ambur, D. R.: Damage Tolerance and Failure Analysis of a Geodesically

Stiffened Structure Loaded in Axial Compression. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 33, No. 3,

May-June 1996, p. 582-588.

Organization DS RTOP 510-02-12

Rouse, M.; Ambur, D. R.; Bodine, J. B.; and Dopker, B.: Evaluation of a Composite Sandwich

Fuselage Side Panel With Damage and Subjected to Internal Pressure. NASA TM-110309,

February 1997, 19 p.

Organization DS RTOP 538-10-11

Seshadri, B. R.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: Effects of Buckling on Stable Tearing in Thin-Sheet

Materials. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft,

July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (49)

271 Sharp,D.; andSobel,L.: NovelCompositesfor WingandFuselageApplications--SpeedyNonlinearAnalysisof PostbuckledPanelsin Shear(SNAPPS).(NAS1-18784NorthropGrummanCorporation.)NASA CR-97-206256,October1997,144p.

OrganizationDM RTOP538-10-11

272 Silverman,E.M.; Dyer,J.;andRhodes,M. D.: CompositeIsogridStructuresfor SpacecraftApplications--ThermalandStructuralAnalysis.PresentedatICCE/4: InternationalConferenceonCompositesEngineering,July6-11, 1997,Honolulu,Hawaii.

OrganizationDS RTOP233-20-21

273 Smith,S.W.; andPiascik,R. S.: EnvironmentalFatigueCrackGrowthof t_ + [3 Titanium

Alloys. Presented at AeroMat '97, May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 537-06-33

274 Veazie, D. R.; and Gates, T. S.: Compressive Creep of IM7/K3B Composite and the Effects of

Physical Aging on Viscoelastic Behavior. Experimental Mechanics, Volume 37, No. 1,

March 1997, p. 62-68.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

275 Yang, J. N; Manning, S. D.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Distribution

for Notches in 2024-T3 Aluminum Accounting for Short Crack Effect. Presented at

International Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR '97),

November 24-28, 1997, Kyoto, Japan.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Category 25 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

276 Bement, L. J.; and Perry, R. B.: Explosive Spot Joining of Metals. U. S. Patent 5,676,303.

Issued October 14, 1997.

Organization GK

277 Glass, D. E.: Oxidation and Emittance Studies of Coated Mo-Re. (NAS 1-19864 Analytical

Services & Materials, Inc.) NASA CR-201753, October 1997, 16 p.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/cr_NASA-97-cr2_ _7 5

Organization DS RTOP 505-70-63

Category 26 Metallic Materials

278 Brewer, W. D.; Bird, R. K.; and Wallace, T. A.: Titanium Alloys and Processing for High

Speed Aircraft. Presented at Themec '97: International Titanium Symposium,

June 7-11, 1997, Wollongong, Australia.

Organization DM RTOP 522-12-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (50)









Brewer, W. D.; Wallace, T. A.; and Bird, R. K.: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy Development for

Advanced Aircraft Structures. Presented at TMS-ASM International Materials Week '97,

September 14-18, 1997, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Organization DM RTOP 522-12-11

Dawicke, D. S.: Overload and Underload Effects on the Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the

2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences

Company; Analytical Services & Materials, Inc., Subcontractor.) NASA CR-201668,

March 1997, 10 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Dawicke, D. S.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: Residual Strength Predictions for Multiple Site

Damage Cracking Using a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis and a CTOA

Criterion. Presented at ASTM 29th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics,

June 24-27, 1997, Palo Alto, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Dawicke, D. S.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: Prediction of Fracture in Wide Panels With MSD

Cracking. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft,

July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Dawicke, D. S.; and Pollock, W. D.: Biaxial Testing of 2219-T87 Aluminum Alloy Using

Cruciform Specimens. (NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences; Analytical

Services & Materials, Inc., Subcontractor.) NASA CR-4782, August 1997, 49 p.


Organization DM RTOP 260-30-15

Donald, J. K.; and Phillips, E.P.: Analysis of the Second ASTM Round-Robin Program on

Opening-Load Measurement Using the Adjusted Compliance Ratio Technique. Presented at

Second Symposium on Advances in Fatigue Crack Closure Measurement and Analysis,

November 12-13, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Edahl, R. A.: Comparison of EBSP and Polarizing Light Microscope Images of Rolled

Aluminum-Lithium Sheet. Presented at Inter/Micro '97, July 21-24, 1997, Chicago, Illinois.

Organization DM RTOP 522-12-11

Gates, T. S.; and Johnston, W.: The Effects of Stress and Temperature on the Open-Hole

Tension Fatigue Behavior of a Graphite/Bismaleimide Composite. Presented at Seventh

Symposium on Composites: Fatigue and Fracture, May 6-8, 1997, St. Louis, Missouri.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (51)










Hales, S. J.; and Harley, R.A.: Texture and Anisotropy in A1-Li Alloy 2195 Plate and Near-

Net-Shape Extrusions. Presented at International Conference on Crystallographic Texture and

Mechanical Anisotropy, September 1-5, 1997, Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Organization DM RTOP 522-12-11

Hall, I. K.; Sisk, D. B.; Dyer, J. E.; Lach, C. L.; Wagner, J. A.; and Vaughn, T. P.:

Development of 2195 AI-Li Alloy Near-Net Forged Integrally Stiffened Aerospace Structures.

Presented at AeroMat ' 97, May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 242-50-02

Helm, J. D.; Sutton, M. A.; Boone, M. L.; Dawicke, D. S.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: CTOD

Measurements in 2024-T3 Aluminum for Residual Strength Modeling. Presented at First Joint

DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Helm, J. D.; Sutton, M. A.; McNeil, S. R.; Dawicke, D. S.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: 3-D

Computer Vision Applications for Aircraft Fuselage Materials and Structures. Presented at

First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

James, M. A.; Swenson, D. V.; and Dawicke, D. S.: Residual Strength Calculations for Single

and Multiple-Site Damage Cracks. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on

Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Namkung, M.; and Wincheski, R. A.: Application of Self-Nulling Eddy Current Probe

Technology to Detection of Flaws in Thin Metallic Structures. Presented at AeroMat '97,

May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

Namkung, M.; Wincheski, R. A.; Fulton, J. P.; and Nath, S.: Theoretical Aspects of Transient

Electromagnetic Field in Finite Sized Conducting Media. Presented at 24th Annual Review of

Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego,

California. In Proceedings, Volume 16.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

Newman, J. C., Jr.: The Merging of Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Concepts: A Historical

Perspective. NASA TM-110310, January 1997, 51 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Newman, J. C., Jr.; and Dodds, R. H., Jr.: From Brittle to Elastic--Plastic Fracture

Mechanics. Presented at Ninth International Conference on Fracture, April 1-5, 1997, Sydney,Australia.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (52)










Newman, J. C., Jr.; Phillips, E. E; and Swain, M. H.: Fatigue-Life Prediction Methodology

Using Small-Crack Theory. NASA TM-110307, January 1997, 30 p.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Outlaw, R. A.; and Davidson, M. R.: Small Vacuum Compatible Hyperthermal Atom

Generator. U. S. Patent 5,654,541. Issued August 15, 1997.

Organization DF

Pettit, R. G.; Newman, J. C., Jr.; and Domack, M. S.: Crack Turning Damage Tolerance

Approach for Integrally Stiffened Fuselage Structure. Presented at ICAF '97 19th Symposium

(International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue), June 16-20, 1997, Edinburgh, Scotland.

In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Piascik, R. S.; and Willard, S. A.: The Characteristics of Multi-Site Fatigue Damage in the

Fuselage Riveted Lap Splice Joint. Presented at ICAF '97 19th Symposium (International

Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue), June 16-20, 1997, Edinburgh, Scotland. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Prabhakaran, R.; and Piascik, R. S.: A Blunt Notch Extended Compact Tension (BN-ECT)

Specimen for the Study of Short and Long Crack Propagation. Experimental Techniques,

Volume 21, No. 2, March-April 1997, p. 24-27.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Riddell, W. T.; and Piascik, R. S." Stress Ratio Effects on Crack Opening Loads and Crack

Growth Rates in Aluminum Alloy 2024. Presented at 29th National Symposium on Fatigue

and Fracture Mechanics, June 24-26, 1997, Stanford, California. In ASTM STP 1332.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Riddell, W. T.; Piascik, R. S.; Sutton, M. A.; Zhao, W.; McNeil, S. R.; and Helm, J. D.:

Determining Fatigue Crack Opening Loads From Near-Crack-Tip Displacement

Measurements. Presented at Second Symposium on Advances in Fatigue Crack Closure

Measurement and Analysis, November 12-13, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 297-40-00

Seshadri, B. R.; and Newman, J. C., Jr.: Analyses of Buckling and Stable Tearing in Thin-

Sheet Materials. Presented at 29th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics,

June 24-26, 1997, Stanford, California. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Simpson, J. W.; Clendenin, C. G.; Fulton, J. P.; Wincheski, R. A.; Todhunter, R. G.;

Namkung, M.; and Nath, S. C.: Flux Focusing Eddy Current Probe. U. S. Patent 5,617,024.

Issued April 1, 1997.

Organization DM


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (53)









Simpson, J. W.; Fulton, J. E; Wincheski, R. A.; Todhunter, R. G.; Namkung, M.; and Nath,

S. C.: Eddy Current Method for Testing Fatigue. U. S. Patent 5,698,977. Issued December 16,1997.

Organization DM

Sisk, D. B.; Hartley, P. J.; Vaughn, T. E; and Wagner, J. A.: Near-Net 2195 Aluminum-

Lithium Alloy Extruded Panels for Cylindrical Aerospace Structures. Presented at AeroMat

'97, May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 242-30-05

Smith, S. A.; and Raju, I. S.: Evaluation of Stress-Intensity Factors Using General Finite-

Element Models. Presented at 29th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics,

June 24-26, 1997, Stanford, California. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02- l0

Starke, E. A., Jr.: NASA-UVa Light Aerospace Alloy and Structure Technology Program

Supplement: Aluminum-Based Materials for High Speed Aircraft--Final Report.

(NAG 1-745 University of Virginia.) NASA CR-97-206248, December 1997, 574 p.

Organization DM RTOP 537-06-31

Willard, S. A.: Use of Marker Bands for Determination of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates and

Crack Front Shapes in Pre-Corroded Coupons. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering

and Sciences.) NASA CR-97-206291, December 1997, 19 p.


Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

Wincheski, R. A.; Fulton, J. P.; Nath, S. C.; Simpson, J. W.; and Namkung, M.: Rotating Flux

Focusing Eddy Current Probe for Flaw Detection. U. S. Patent 5,648,721. Issued July 15,1997.

Organization DM

Wincheski, R. A.; and Namkung, M.: Detection of Sublayer Fatigue Cracks Under Airframe

Rivets. Presented at 24th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive

Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

Winfree, W. E: New Nondestructive Inspection Techniques for Aging Aircraft. Presented at

AeroMat '97, May 12-15, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11


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Category 27 Nonmetallic Materials

313 Bar-Cohen, Y.; Xue, T.; Joffe, B.; Lih, S.-S.; Shahinpoor, M.; Simpson, J. O.; Smith, J. G., Jr.;

and Willis, P.: Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Low Mass Muscle Actuators. Presented at

SPIE's 4th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, March 3-6, 1997,

San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 233-40-41

314 Baugher, A. H.; Espe, M.; Goetz, J. M.; Schaefer, J.; and Pater, R. H.: Cross-Linked Structures

of Nadic-End Capped Polyimides at 371 °C. Macromolecules, Volume 30, No. 20, 1997,

p. 6295-6301.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

315 Blosser, M. L.: Development of Metallic Thermal Protection Systems for the Reusable

Launch Vehicle. Presented at Space Technology and Applications International Forum

(STAIF '97), January 26-30, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico. In Proceedings, Volume 3,

p. 1125-1143.

Organization DS RTOP 242-20-02

316 Boggess, R. K.; Taylor, L. T.; Stoakley, D. M.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Highly Reflective

Polyimide Films Created by Supercritical Infusion of a Silver Additive. Journal of Applied

Polymer Science, Volume 64, 1997, p. 1307-1309.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

317 Boston, H. G.; Reddy, V. S.; Cassidy, P. E.; Fitch, J. W.; Stoakley, D. M.; and St. Clair, A. K.:

New Aromatic Diacids Containing the Trifluoromethyl Group and Their Polyamides. High

Performance Polymers, Volume 9, 1997, p. 323-332.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

318 Bryant, R. G.: Thunder Piezoelectric Devices as Sensors. Presented at NIDCD/NASA/VA

Hearing and Improvement Conference, May 1-2, 1997, Bethesda, Maryland.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

319 Bryant, R. G.: A Process for Preparing a Tough, Soluble, Aromatic, Thermoplastic

Copolyimide. U. S. Patent 5,639,850. Issued June 17, 1997.

Organization DM

320 Bryant, R. G.: LaRCTM-SI--A Soluble Aromatic Polyimide. High Performance Polymers,

Volume 8, No. 4, December 1996, p. 607-615.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

321 Buckley, J. D.; Bryant, R. G.; Long, M.; Buchman, A.; and Gleason, J. R.: Rapid Microwave

Processing and Production of Carbon-Carbon Composites. Presented at First World Congress

on Microwave Processing, January 5-9, 1997, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Organization DM RTOP 233-10-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (55)










Cano, R. J.; and Jensen, B. J.: Effect of Molecular Weight on the Processing and Adhesive

Properties of the Phenylethynyl-Terminated Polyimide LARCVU-PETI-5. Journal of

Adhesion, Volume 60, 1997, p. 113-123.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Chang, A. C.: Adhesive Properties of Cured Phenylethynyl Containing Imides. (NAS 1-96014

Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences Company.) NASA CR-201669, March 1997, 11 p.


Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Connell, J. W.; Hergenrother, E M.; and Smith, J. G., Jr.: Polybenzimidazoles via Aromatic

Nucleophilic Displacement. U. S. Patent 5,637,670. Issued June 10, 1997.

Organization DM

Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Hergenrother, P. M.: Composite Properties of Cured

Imide Oligomers Containing Pendent and Terminal Phenylethynyl Groups. Presented at 29th

International SAMPE Technical Conference, October 29-November 1, 1997, Orlando,Florida.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Hergenrother, P. M.: Properties of Imide Oligomers

Containing Pendent Phenylethynyl Groups. High Performance Polymers, Volume 9, No. 3,

September 1997, p. 309-321.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Hergenrother, P. M.: Chemistry and Adhesive Properties

of Phenylethynyl-Terminated Phenylquinoxaline Oligomers. Journal of Adhesion, Volume 60,

1997, p. 15-26.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Cooper, J. B.; Wise, K. L.; and Jensen, B. J.: Modulated FT-Raman Fiber-Optic Spectroscopy:

A Novel Technique for Remotely Monitoring High Temperature Reactions in Real-Time.

Analytical Chemistry, Volume 69, No. 11, June 1, 1997, p. 1973-1985.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Costen, R. C.; and Marchello, J. M.: Sensitivity Studies for In-Situ Automated Tape

Placement of Thermoplastic Composites. Presented at 42nd International SAMPE

Symposium and Exhibition, May 4-8, 1997, Anaheim, California. In Proceedings, Volume 42,

p. 33-47.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Eashoo, M.; Buckley, L. J.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Low Dielectric Constant Fibers From a

Fluorinated Polyimide for Electronic Packaging. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B:

Polymer Physics, Volume 35, 1997, p. 173-185.

Organization DM RTOP 233-10-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (56)











Glass, D. E.: Bonding and Sealing Evaluations for Cryogenic Tanks. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed

Martin Engineering & Sciences; Analytical Services & Materials, Inc., Subcontractor.) NASA

CR-201734, August 1997, 27 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc

Organization DS RTOP 242-33-01

Grenoble, R. W.; Messier, B. C.; Marchello, J. M.; Belvin, H. L.; and Johnston, N. J.:

Adhesive Bonding of Composite Ribbon During Automated Tow Placement. Presented at

29th International SAMPE Technical Conference, October 29-November 1, 1997, Orlando,

Florida. In Proceedings, Volume 29, p. 98-107.

Organization DM RTOP 506-63-50

Hergenrother, P. M.; Bryant, R. G.; Jensen, B. J.; and Havens, S. J.: Phenylethynyl Amine.

U. S. Patent 5,599,993. Issued February 4, 1997.

Organization DM

Hergenrother, E M.; Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Rommel, M.: Chemistry and

Properties of Phenylethynyl Containing Polyimides. Presented at Southeast Regional

American Chemical Society Meeting, October 19-22, 1997, Roanoke, Virginia. In Abstract

Proceedings, page 124, Paper No. 124.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Hergenrother, E M.; and Smith, J. G., Jr.: Phenylethynylphthalic Anhydride. U. S.

Patent 5,681,967. Issued October 28, 1997.

Organization DM

Hinkley, J. A.; and Jensen, B. J.: Crosslinking in Phenylethynyl-Terminated Polyimides. High

Performance Polymers, Volume 8, No. 4, 1996, p. 599.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Hinkley, J. A.; and Marchello, J. M.: Apparatus and Method for Determining the Mass

Density of a Filament. U. S. Patent 5,694,807. Issued December 9, 1997.

Organization DM

Hou, T-H.; and Bryant, R. G.: Processing and Properties of IM7/LARCTM-SI Polyimide

Composites. High Performance Polymers, Volume 9, No. 4, December 1997, p. 437-438.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Hou, T-H.; Johnston, N. J.; Weiser, E. S.; and Marchello, J. M.: IM7/LARCTM-IAX Polyimide

Composites. Journal of Advanced Materials, Volume 27, No. 4, July 1996, p. 37-46.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Hou, T-H.; Wilkinson, S. P; Johnston, N. J.; Pater, R. H.; and Schneider, T. L.: Processing and

Properties of IM7/LARC TM -RP46 Polyimide Composites. High Performance Polymers,

Volume 8, No. 4, December 1996, p. 491-506.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (57)









Jensen, B. J.: Copolyimides Prepared From 3,4'-Oxydianiline and 1,3-Bis(3-

Aminophenoxy)Benzene With 3,3',4,4'-Biphenylcarboxylic Dianhydride Having Reactive

Endgroups. U. S. Patent 5,644,022. Issued July 1, 1997.

Organization DM

Jensen, B. J.; and Chang, A. C.: Adhesive Properties of Cured Phenylethynyl Containing

Imides. Presented at 18th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, February 23-26, 1997,

Hilton Head, South Carolina. In Proceedings, p. 207.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Jensen, B. J.; Lowther, S. E.; and Chang, A. C.: Blends of LARC TM PETI-5 With

Phenylethynyl Containing Reactive Additives. Presented at American Chemical Society

National Meeting, September 7-11, 1997, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Johnston, N. J.; Towell, T. W.; Marchello, J. M.; and Grenoble, R.W.: Automated Fabrication

of High Performance Composites: An Overview of Research at the Langley Research Center.

Presented at ICCM-11 (International Conference on Composite Materials), July 14-18, 1997,

Gold Coast, Australia. In Proceedings, Volume 4, p. 85-91.


Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

Kenner, W. S.; and Knight, N. F., Jr.: Cantilevered Soft Lattice Truss Structural Static

Response Using Energy Methods. Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC

Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee,

Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1376.

Organization DS RTOP 591-22-21

McDaniel, P. R.; and St. Clair, T. L.: Morphology and Physical Properties of Polyimide-

Inorganic Hybrids. Presented at 1997 American Chemical Society National Meeting,

April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Polymer Preprints, Volume 76, p. 181.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Miner, G. A.; Stoakley, D. M.; St. Clair, A. K.; Gierow, E A.; and Bates, K.: The Wettability

of LaRC Colorless Polyimide Resins on Casting Surfaces. Presented at 1997 American

Chemical Society National Meeting, April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Polymer

Preprints, Volume 76, p. 381-382.


Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

Newman, J. C., Jr.: Crack Growth Under Variable-Amplitude and Spectrum Loading in

2024-T3 Aluminum Alloys. Presented at International Symposium on High Cycle Fatigue of

Structural Mechanics, September 9-14, 1997, Indianapolis, Indiana. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (58)

349 Pater,R. H.; andHansen,M. G.: Processfor ControllingMorphologyandImprovingThermal-MechanicalPerformanceof HighPerformanceInterpenetratingandSemi-InterpenetratingPolymerNetworks.U. S.Patent5,648,432.IssuedJuly 15,1997.


350 Reddy, V. S.; Weikel, W. J.; Arbaugh, J.; Fitch, J. W.; Cassidy, P. E.; and St. Clair, A. K.:

Synthesis and Characterization of New Fluorinated Polyacrylates-II. Polymer, Volume 37,

No. 20, September 1996, p. 4653-4656.

Organization DM RTOP 233-02-03

351 Rich, D. C.; Sichel, E.; Cebe, E; and St. Clair, A. K.: Thermal Transitions in Liquid Crystal

Alignment Layer Films. Presented at 1997 American Chemical Society National Meeting,

April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Polymer Preprints, Volume 38, No. 1, 1997,

p. 414.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

352 Rosolovsky, J.; Boggess, R. K.; Rubira, A. F.; Taylor, L. T.; Stoakley, D. M.; and St. Clair,

A.K.: Supercritical Fluid Infusion of Silver Into Polyimide Films of Varying Chemical

Composition. Presented at 1997 American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 13-17,

1997, San Francisco, California. In Polymer Preprints, Volume 38, No. 1, 1997, p. 414.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

353 Sawyer, J. W.; Bush, H. G.; and Sutter, T. R.: Experimental Investigation of a Graphite-

Composite Wing-Box Section for a Reusable Launch Vehicle. Presented at Space Technology

and Applications International Forum (STAIF '97), January 26-30, 1997, Albuquerque,

New Mexico. In AlP Conference Proceedings 387, p. 1245-1257.

Organization DS RTOP 242-20-07

354 Simpson, J. O.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Fundamental Insight on Developing Low Dielectric

Constant Polyimides. Presented at International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and

Thin Films, April 21-25, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 233-02-03

355 Smith, J. G., Jr.; Connell, J. W.; and Hergenrother, E M.: Imide Oligomers Containing

Pendent and Terminal Phenylethynyl Groups. Polymer, Volume 38, No. 18, September 1997,

p. 4657-4666.

Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

356 Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. S.; Thompson, D. W.; Caplan, M. L.; and St. Clair, A. K.:

Preparation of Silvered Polyimide Mirrors Via Self-Metallizing Poly(Amic Acid) Resins. In

Metal-Containing Polymeric Materials, C. U. Pittman, et al., eds., Plenum Press, 1996,

p. 349-356.

Organization DM RTOP 233-02-03


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (59)









Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. S.; Thompson, D. W.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Enhancement of

Dimensional Stability in Soluble Polyimides Via Lanthanide (III) Additives. In Metal

Containing Polymeric Materials, C. U. Pittman, et al., eds., Plenum Press, 1996, p. 337-347.

Organization DM RTOP 233-02-03

Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. S.; Thompson, D. W.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Synthesis of

Highly Reflective Composite Polyimide Films Via a Self-Metallizing Procedure Utilizing

(Hexafluoroacetylacetonato) Silver (I). Presented at 1997 American Chemical Society

National Meeting, April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Proceedings, Volume 76,

p. 183-184.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. S.; Thompson, D. W.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Fabrication of

Highly Reflective Composite Polyimide Films Via In Situ Reduction of Matrix Constrained

Silver (I). Chemistry of Materials, Volume 9, 1997, p. 1691-1699.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. S.; Thornton, T. A.; Thompson, D. W.; and St. Clair, A. K.:

Lowering Coefficients of Thermal Expansion in Soluble Fluorinated Polyimides Via the

In Situ Formation of Lanthanum-Oxo Clusters. Presented at 1997 American Chemical Society

National Meeting, April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Proceedings, Volume 76,

p. 185-186.

Organization DM RTOP 522-24-11

Southward, R. E.; Thompson, D. W.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Control of Reflectivity and Surface

Conductivity in Metallized Polyimide Films Prepared via In Situ Reduction. Chemistry of

Materials, Volume 9, No. 2, February 1997, p. 501-510.

Organization DM RTOP 233-10-14

St. Clair, T. L.; Fay, C. C.; and Working, D. C.: Polyimide Fibers. U. S. Patent 5,670,256.

Issued September 23, 1997.

Organization DM

Thompson, D. W.; Caplan, M. L.; and St. Clair, A. K.: Reflective Self-Metallizing Polyimide

Films. U. S. Patent 5,677,418. Issued October 14, 1997.

Organization DM

Wilkinson, S. P; Johnston, N. J.; and Marchello, J. M.: Dry Powder Process for Preparing Uni-

Tape Prepreg From Polymer Powder Coated Filamentary Towpregs. U. S. Patent 5,618,367.

Issued April 8, 1997.

Organization DM


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (60)

365 Wood, K. H.; Orwoll, R. A.; Jensen, B. J.; Young, P. R.; and McNair, H. M.: Cure Chemistry

of Phenylethynyl Terminated Oligomers. Presented at 42nd International SAMPE Symposium

and Exhibition, May 4-8, 1997, Anaheim, California. In Proceedings, Volume 42, p. 1271.


Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

366 Wood, K. H.; Orwoll, R. A.; Jensen, B. J.; Young, E R.; and McNair, H. M.: Characterization

of Cure Chemistry of 4-Phenoxy-4-Phenylethynylbenzophenone. Presented at 1997 American

Chemical Society National Meeting, April 13-17, 1997, San Francisco, California. In Polymer


Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Category 28 Propellants and Fuels

367 Owens, M.; Segal, C.; and Auslender, A. H.: Effects of Mixing Schemes on Kerosene

Combustion in a Supersonic Airstream. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 4,

July-August 1997, p. 525-531.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

Category 29 Materials Processing

368 Fripp, A. L., Jr.; Debnam, W. J., Jr.; Rosch, W. R.; and Narayanan, R.: The Effect of

Microgravity Direction on the Growth of PbSnTe. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace

Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0676.

Organization DI RTOP 963-35-00


Category 31 Engineering (General)

369 Aldridge, H. A.: Robot Position Sensor Fault Tolerance. NASA TM-110314, January 1997,

168 p. /tm/

Organization DI RTOP 519-30-21

370 Aldridge, H. A.; and Juang, J-N.: Experimental Robot Position Sensor Fault Tolerance Using

Accelerometers and Joint Torque Sensors. NASA TM-110335, March 1997, 14 p.

ftp :// /tm/NAS A-97-tm1103 3

Organization DI RTOP 519-30-21

371 Aldridge, H. A.; and Juang, J-N.: Virtual Passive Controller for Robot Systems Using Joint

Torque Sensors. NASA TM-110316, January 1997, 9 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc.

Organization DI RTOP 519-30-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (61)

372 Aldridge, H. A.; and Juang, J-N.: System Wide Joint Position Determination in Robot

Systems Using Cartesian Accelerometers. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0455.

Organization DI RTOP 538-01-14

373 Groom, N. J.: Simplified Analytical Model of a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Large-Gap Magnetic

Suspension System. NASA TM-112868, June 1997, 20 p.

ftp ://

Organization DC RTOP 522-24-21

374 Groom, N. J.: Expanded Equations for Torque and Force on a Cylindrical Permanent Magnet

Core in a Large-Gap Magnetic Suspension System. NASA TP-3638, February 1997, 13 p.

Organization DC RTOP 505-64-70

375 Jones, S. M.; Aldridge, H. A.; and Vazquez, S. L.: Wrist Camera Orientation for Effective

Telerobotic Orbital Replaceable Unit (ORU) Changeout. NASA TM-4776, October 1997,

28 p.


Organization DI RTOP 233-03-03

Category 32 Communications and Radar

376 Deshpande, M. D.; Reddy, C. J.; Tiemsin, E I.; Cravey, R. L.; and Overstreet, T.: A New

Approach to Estimate Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials at Microwave Frequencies

Using Waveguide Measurements. IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 45,

No. 3, March 1997, p. 359-366.

Organization DI RTOP 505-64-52

377 Hom, K. W.; and Shaeffer, J. E: Computational/Analytical Diagnostic Tools for

Electromagnetic Scattering. Presented at 13th Annual Review of Progress in Applied

Computational Electromagnetics, March 17-21, 1997, Monterey, California. In Proceedings,

p. 8-14.


Organization BA RTOP 522-24-21

378 Koch, G. J.; Murray, J.; Lytle, C. D.; and Nguyen, C.: A 1000 Hz Pulsed Solid-State RamanLaser for Coherent Lidar Measurement of Wake Vortices. Presented at NASA First Wake

Vortex Dynamic Spacing Workshop, May 13-15, 1997, Hampton, Virginia.

Organization GL RTOP 538-04-11

379 Mackenzie, A. I.: Measured Changes in C-Band Radar Reflectivity of Clear Air Caused by

Aircraft Wake Vortices. NASA TP-3671, November 1997, 80 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tplNAS A-97-tp36 71 .ps.Z

Organization DI RTOP 548-10-41


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (62)

380 Reddy, C. J.; and Deshpande, M. D.: User's Manual for FEMOM3DS--Version 1.0.

(NCC1-231 Hampton University.) NASA CR-201730, August 1997, 35 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts__arc/ _99 7/ cr_NA S A-97-cr2_ _7 DI RTOP 522-33-11

381 Reddy, C. J.; and Deshpande, M. D.: Application of AWE Along With a Combined FEM/

MoM Technique to Compute RCS of a Cavity-backed Aperture in an Infinite Ground Plane

Over a Frequency Range. (NCC-231 Hampton University.) NASA CR-97-206261,

December 1997, 37 p.


Organization DI RTOP 522-11-41

382 Reddy, C. J.; and Deshpande, M. D.: Frequency Response Calculations of Input

Characteristics of Cavity-Backed Aperture Antennas Using AWE With Hybrid FEM/MoM

Technique. (NCC 1-231 Hampton University.) NASA CR-4764, February 1997, 31 p.


Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

383 Reddy, C. J.; Deshpande, M. D.; co*ckrell, C. R.; and Beck, E B.: Application of AWE for

Frequency Domain Electromagnetics. Presented at 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium

and URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, July 13-18, 1997, Montreal, Canada. In

Proceedings, Paper No. B75.7.

Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

384 Shaeffer, J. F.; Hom, K. W.; Baucke, R. C.; Cooper, B. A.; and Talcott, N. A., Jr.: Review of

Bistatic k-Space Imaging for Electromagnetic Prediction Codes for Scattering and Antennas.

IEEEAntennas and Propagation Magazine, Volume 39, No. 5, October 1997, p. 21-29.Organization BA RTOP 522-24-21

385 Vipavetz, K. G.; Vassey, E S.; Norfolk, D. R.; and Shull, T. A.: Experiences and Planning of

Flight Recording Systems Employed at the Langley Research Center: An Overview.

Presented at Tape Head Interface Committee (THIC) Meeting, October 14-15, 1997,

Newport News, Virginia.

Organization GL RTOP 522-14-31

Category 33 Electronics and Electrical Engineering

386 Beck, F. B.; co*ckrell, C. R.; Reddy, C. J.; and Deshpande, M. D.: Overview of EM Research

in the Electromagnetic Research Branch at the Langley Research Center. In Computational

Electromagnetics and Its Applications, T. G. Campbell, R. A. Nicolaides, M. D. Salas, eds.,

Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, p. 38.

Organization DI RTOP 522-11-41

387 Campbell, T. G.; Nicolaides, R. A.; and Salas, M. D., Editors : Computational

Electromagnetics and Its Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

Organization DI RTOP 522-11-41


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (63)









Cravey, R. L.; and Tiemsin, E I.: W-Band Transmission Measurements and X-Band Dielectric

Properties Measurements for a Radome Material Sample. NASA TM-110321, February 1997,


Organization DI RTOP 522-24-21

Gupta, I. J.; Burnside, W. D.; Chuang, C. W.; Kent, B. M.; and Gilreath, M. C.: Design and

Testing of New Curved Pyramidal Absorber. Presented at AMTA '97: Antenna Measurement

Techniques Association 19th Annual Meeting and Symposium, November 17-21, 1997,

Boston, Massachusetts.

Organization DI RTOP 522-24-21

Hearn, C. E: Apparatus for Use in Determining Surface Conductivity at Microwave

Frequencies. U. S. Patent 5,594,351. Issued January 14, 1997.

Organization DI

Marshall, R. E.; Mudukutore, A.; and Wissel, V.: Radar Reflectivity in Wingtip-Generated

Wake Vortices. (NAS 1-18925 Research Triangle Institute.) NASA CR-97-206259,

December 1997, 57 p.

Organization DI RTOP 538-04-11

Marshall, R. E.; Mudukutore, A.; Wissel, V.; and Myers, T.: Three-Centimeter Doppler Radar

Observations of Wingtip-Generated Wake Vortices in Clear Air. (NAS 1-18925 Research

Triangle Institute.) NASA CR-97-206260, December 1997, 90 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /cr/NAS A-97-cr2_6

Organization DI RTOP 538-04-11

Moeller, K. J.; and Dudley, K. L.: The NASA B-757 HIRF Test Series--Flight Test Results.

Presented at 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30, 1997, Irvine,California.

Organization DI RTOP 522-14-21

Patterson, J. D.: Micro-Mechanical Voltage Tunable Fabry-Perot Filters Formed in (111)

Silicon. NASA TP-3702, September 1997, 107 p.

Organization DI RTOP 274-00-97

Schemer, M. J.; and Lawrence, R. W.: Noise Diode Stability Measurements Using a 4.3 GHz

Laboratory Radiometer. NASA TM-112865, May 1997, 15 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tm/N AS

Organization DI RTOP 258-70-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (64)

Category 34 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

396 Alter, S. J.: The Volume Grid Manipulator (VGM): A Grid Reusability Tool. (NAS1-96014

Lockheed Martin Engineering and Sciences Company.) NASA CR-4772, April 1997, 148 p.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

397 Babin, A.; Mahalov, A.; Nicolaenko, B.; and Zhou, Y.: On the Asymptotic Regimes and the

Strongly Stratified Limit of Rotating Boussinesq Equations. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201672, ICASE Report

No. 97-18, March 1997, 43 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

398 Bataille, E; Zhou, Y.; and Bertoglio, J-P.: Energy Transfer and Triadic Interactions in

Compressible Turbulence. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206249, ICASE Report No. 97-62, November 1997, 30 p.

ftp :// /97-6

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

399 Berry, S. A.; Horvath, T. J.; Roback, V. E.; and Williams, G. B.: Results of

Aerothermodynamic and Boundary Layer Transition Testing of 0.0362-Scale (Rev 3.1)

Vehicle in NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 Tunnel. NASA TM-112857, September 1997,

99 p.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

4OO Berry, S. A.; and Nowak, R. J.: Fin Leading Edge Sweep Effect on Shock-Shock Interaction at

Mach 6. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34, No. 4, July-August 1997,

p. 416-425.

Organization DA RTOP 242-20-08

401 Bouslog, S. A.; Benin, J. J.; Berry, S. A.; and Caram, J. M.: Isolated Roughness Induced

Boundary-Layer Transition: Shuttle Orbiter Ground Tests and Flight Experience. Presented at

35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada.

AIAA Paper No. 97-0274.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

402 Bushnell, D. M.: Potential for a New Era of Hypersonic Aviation. Presented at Hypersonic

Flight: Above Mach 5, November 1-5, 1997, London, England.

Organization A RTOP 282-10-01


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (65)

403 Bushnell,D. M.: Hypersonic Flight Experimentation--Status and Shortfalls. Presented at

AGARD Interpanel Symposium on Future Aerospace Technology in Service to the Alliance,

April 14-18, 1997, Paris, France.

Organization A RTOP 282-10-01

404 Camarda, C. J.; Peterson, G. P.; and Rummier, D. R.: Method for Producing Micro Heat

Panels. U. S. Patent 5,598,632. Issued February 4, 1997.

Organization DS

405 Campbell, C. H.; Caram, J. M.; Berry, S. A.; DiFulvio, M.; and Horvath, T.J.: Overview of

X-38 Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Data and Comparison With Numerical Results. Presented at

35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Rent, Nevada.

AIAA Paper No. 97-0567.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

406 Campbell, C. H.; Caram, J. M.; Berry, S. A.; Horvath, T. J.; Merski, N. R.; Loomis, M. E; and

Venkatapathy, E.: Overview of X-38 Hypersonic Aerothermodynamic Wind Tunnel Data and

Comparison With Numerical Results. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference,

June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2475.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

407 Chadwick, K.; Holden, M. S.; Korte, J. J.; and Anderson, E. C.: Design and Fabrication of a

Mach 8 Contoured Nozzle for the LENS Facility. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences

Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Rent, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 96-0585.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-41

408 Collis, S. S.; and Streett, C. L.: Computation of Acoustic Receptivity for a Transition

Experiment. Presented at DFD'97:1997 Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting of the

American Physical Society, November 23-25, 1997, San Francisco, California.

Organization DF RTOP 522-11-51

409 Duck, P. W.; Lasseigne, D. G.; and Hussaini, M. Y.: The Effect of Three-Dimensional

Freestream Disturbances on the Supersonic Flow Past a Wedge. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201698, ICASE Report

No. 97-26, June 1997, 29 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

410 Fenno, C. C., Jr.; Bayliss, A.; and Maestrello, L.: Interaction of Sound From Supersonic Jets

With Nearby Structures. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201708, ICASE Report No. 97-31, June 1997, 25 p. .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (66)








Gartenberg, E.; Scott, M. A.; and Martinson, S. D.: Transition Detection With Deposited Hot

Films in Cryogenic Wind Tunnels. AIAA Journal, Volume 34, No. 11, November 1996, p.2434-2436.

Organization GH RTOP 505-59-54

Girimaji, S. S.: Dynamical System Analysis of Reynolds Stress Closure Equations.

(NAS 1- 19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201749, ICASE Report No. 97-54, October 1997, 17 p.

ftp :/ /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Girimaji, S. S.; and Balachandar, S.: Analysis and Modeling of Buoyancy Generated

Turbulence Using Numerical Data. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201736, ICASE Report No. 97-42, September 1997,

35 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Girimaji, S. S.; and Ristorcelli, J. R.: On the Behavior of Velocity Fluctuations in Rapidly

Rotating Flows. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206244, ICASE Report No. 97-58, November 1997,


ftp :// /97- 5

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Glass, C. E.; and LeBeau, G. J.: Numerical Study of a Continuum Sonic Jet Interacting With

a Rarefied Flow. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 23-25, 1997,

Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2536.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Gnoffo, P. A.; Weilmuenster, K. J.; Hamilton, H. H., II; Olynick, D. R.; and Venkatapathy, E.:

Computational Aerothermodynamic Design Issues for Hypersonic Vehicles. Presented at

32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA PaperNo. 97-2473.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/199 7/aiaa1N A S A-ai aa-97-2 4 7

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Gupta, R. N.; Moss, J. N.; and Price, J. M.: Assessment of Thermochemical Nonequilibrium

and Slip Effects for Orbital Reentry Experiment (OREX). Journal of Thermophysics and Heat

Transfer, Volume 11, No. 4, October-December 1997, p. 562-569.

Organization DA RTOP 242-20-08


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (67)

418 Haimovitch, Y.; Gartenberg, E.; Roberts, A. S., Jr.; and Northam, G. B.: Effects of Internal

Nozzle Geometry on Compression-Ramp Mixing in Supersonic Flow. AIAA Journal,

Volume 35, No. 4, April 1997, p. 663-670.

Organization DA RTOP 505-70-62

419 Hass, D. D.; Prasad, B. D.; Glass, D. E.; and Wiedemann, K. E.: Reflective Coating on

Fibrous Insulation for Reduced Heat Transfer. (NAS 1-19708 Analytical Services &

Materials, Inc.) NASA CR-201733, August 1997, 24 p.


Organization DS RTOP 242-33-01

420 Hayder, M. E.; Hu, E Q.; and Hussaini, M. Y.: Towards Perfectly Absorbing Boundary

Conditions for Euler Equations. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-201689, ICASE Report No. 97-25, May 1997, 17 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

421 Hellbaum, R. E; Bryant, R. G.; Fox, R. L.; Jalink, A., Jr.; Rohrbach, W. W.; and

Simpson, J. O.: Thin Layer Composite Unimorph Ferroelectric Driver and Sensor.

U. S. Patent 5,632,841. Issued May 27, 1997.

Organization DS

422 Hesthaven, J. S.: The Analysis and Construction of Perfectly Matched Layers for the

Linearized Euler Equations. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201744, ICASE Report No. 97-49,

September 1997, 26 p.

ftp :// /97-4

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

423 Holden, M. S.; Harvey, J. K.; Boyd, I. D.; George, J.; and Horvath, T.J.: Experimental and

Computational Studies of the Flow Over a Sting Mounted Planetary Probe Configuration.

Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno,

Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0768.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

424 Horvath, T. J.: High Enthalpy Blunt Cone Tests Lessons Learned: An Experimentalists'

Perspective. Presented at AGARD Symposium on Future Aerospace Technologies in Service

to the Alliance, April 11-20, 1997, Paris, France.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

425 Huai, X.; Joslin, R. D.; and Piomelli, U.: Large-Eddy Simulation of Transition to Turbulence

in Boundary Layers. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Volume 9, No. 2, 1997,

p. 149-163.


Organization DF RTOP 522-31 - 11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (68)









Jameson, A.: Essential Elements of Computational Algorithms for Aerodynamic Analysis and

Design. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206268, ICASE Report No. 97-68, December 1997, 71 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Jongen, T.; and Gatski, T. B.: Time Evolution of Modeled Reynolds Stresses in Planar

hom*ogeneous Flows. NASA TM-97-206265, December 1997, 29 p.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts__arc/_ 997/

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-81

Jongen, T.; Machiels, L.; and Gatski, T. B.: Predicting Non-Inertial Effects With Algebraic

Stress Models Which Account for Dissipation Rate Anisotropies. NASA TM-112853,

May 1997, 14 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm11285

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

Jongen, T.; Machiels, L.; and Gatski, T. B.: Predicting Non-Inertial Effects With Algebraic

Stress Models Which Account for Dissipation Rate Anisotropies. Presented at 1 lth

Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, September 8-11, 1997, Grenoble, France.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-61

Joslin, R.D.: Reflections on Laminar Flow Control. Presented at Jefferson National

Accelerator Facility Colloquium, April 17, 1997, Newport News, Virginia.

Organization DF RTOP 538-05-15

Killough, B. D., Jr.: A Simplified Orbit Analysis Program for Spacecraft Thermal Design.

Presented at 27th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 14-17, 1997,

Lake Tahoe, Nevada. SAE Paper No. 97ES-59.

Organization GK RTOP 225-12-02

Kogan, M. N.; and Ustinov, M. V.: Receptivity of Flat-Plate Boundary Layer in a Non-

Uniform Free Stream (Vorticity Normal to the Plate). (NCC1-241 Central

Aerohydrodynamics Institute (TsAGI).) NASA CR-97-206273, December 1997, 47 p.

Organization A RTOP 282-10-01

Loomis, M. P.; Venkatapathy, E.; Papadopoulos, P.; Davies, C. B.; Berry, S. A.; Horvath, T. J.;

and Campbell, C. H.: Aeroheating and Aerodynamic CFD Validation and Prediction for the

X-38 Program. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 23-25, 1997,

Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2478.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _99 7 /ajaa_NA S A-aiaa-9 7- 24 7

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (69)










Moitra, S.; and Gatski, T. B.: Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Direct Numerical Simulation of

Turbulent Flows. NASA TP-3686, December 1997, 15 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/ l 997 /tp/NAS

Organization GM

Morgan, R. G.; Paull, A.; and Stalker, R. J.: Shock Tunnel Studies of Scramjet Phenomena

1994--Supplements 11 and 12. (NAGW-674 The University of Queensland.) NASA

CR-201693, April 1997, 159 p.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

Morgan, R. G.; Stalker, R. J.; and Paull, A.: Shock Tunnel Studies of Scramjet Phenomena

1995--Supplement 13. (NAGW-674 The University of Queensland.) NASA CR-201694,

April 1997, 104 p.

Organization DA RTOP 522-51-31

Moss, J. N.; and Price, J. M.: Survey of Blunt Body Flows Including Wakes at Hypersonic

Low Density Conditions. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Volume 11, No. 3,

July-September 1997, p. 321-329.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Moss, J. N.; Wilmoth, R. G.; and Price, J. M.: DSMC Simulations of Blunt Body Flows for

Mars Entries. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 23-25, 1997,

Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2508.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Muylaert, J.; Walpot, L.; Steijl, R.; Spel, M.; Ivanov, M.; Markelov, G.; Devezeaux, D.;

Holden, M. S.; and Horvath, T. J.: Blunt Cone Near Wake Analysis in F4 and LENS.

Presented at 21st International Symposium on Shock Waves, July 20-25, 1997, Great Keppel

Island, Australia. Paper No. ISSW-6555.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Nance, R. E; Horvath, T. J.; and Hassan, H. A.: Transition and Turbulence Modeling for

Blunt-Body Wake Flows. Presented at 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, June 23-25,

1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2570.


Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

Park, J. H.: Atmospheric CO 2 Monitoring From Space. Applied Optics, Volume 36, 1997,

p. 2701-2712.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-30

Piomelli, U.; Streett, C. L.; and Sarkar, S.: On the Computation of Sound by Large-Eddy

Simulations. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Volume 32, 1997, p. 217-236.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-61


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (70)

443 Portmann, R. W.; Solomon, S.; Fishman, J.; Olson, J. R.; Kiehl, J. T.; and Briegleb, B.:

Radiative Forcing of the Earth's Climate System Due to Tropical Tropospheric Ozone

Production. Science, Volume 102, No. D8, April 27, 1997, p. 9409-9417.

Organization CA RTOP 464-51-01

444 Riley, C. J.; and Cheatwood, E M.: Distributed Memory Computing With the Langley

Aerothermodynamic Upwind Relaxation Algorithm (LAURA). Presented at Fourth NASA

National Symposium on Large-Scale Analysis and Design on High-Performance Computers

and Workstations, October 15-17, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

445 Ristorcelli, J. R.: A Closure for the Compressibility of the Source Terms in Lighthill's

Acoustic Analogy. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201738, ICASE Report No. 97-44, September 1997, 20 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

446 Ristorcelli, J. R.: Fluctuating Dilation Rate as an Acoustic Source. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201676, ICASE Report

No. 97-21, May 1997, 11 p.

ftp :// .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

447 Ristorcelli, J. R.; and Blaisdell, G. A.: Validation of a Pseudo-Sound Theory for the Pressure-

Dilatation in DNS of Compressible Turbulence. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201748, ICASE Report No. 97-53,

October 1997, 14 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

448 Rubinstein, R.; and Zhou, Y.: The Dissipation Rate Transport Equation and Subgrid-Scale

Models in Rotating Turbulence. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206250, ICASE Report No. 97-63, November 1997, 16 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

449 Rubinstein, R.; and Zhou, Y.: Time Correlations and the Frequency Spectrum of Sound

Radiated by Turbulent Flows. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-201648, ICASE Report No. 97-7, January 1997, 24 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

450 Rumsey, C. L.: Computation of Acoustic Waves Through Sliding-Zone Interfaces Using an

Euler/Navier-Stokes Code. AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 2, February 1997, p. 263-268.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (71)

451 Shebalin, J. g.: Absolute Equilibrium Entropy. Journal of Plasma Physics, Volume 56,

December 1996, p. 419-426.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-50

452 Singh, D. J.; Carpenter, M. H.; and Drummond, J. E: Thrust Enhancement in Hypervelocity

Nozzles by Chemical Catalysis. Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 13, No. 4,

July-August 1997, p. 574-576.

Organization DF RTOP 522-51-31

453 Soemarwoto, B.: The Variational Method for Aerodynamic Optimization Using the Navier-

Stokes Equations. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206277, ICASE Report No. 97-71, December 1997, 32 p.

ftp :// /97-71 .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

454 Speziale, C. G.; and Gatski, T. B.: Analysis and Modeling of Anisotropies in the Dissipation

Rate of Turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 344, 1997, p. 155-180.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-50

455 Weilmuenster, K. J.; Gnoffo, R A.; Greene, E A.; Riley, C. J.; and Hamilton, H. H., II:

Hypersonic Thermal Environment of a Proposed Single-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicle. Journal of

Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34, No. 6, November-December 1997, p. 697-704.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

456 Weinstein, L. M.; Stacy, K.; Vieira, G. J.; Haering, E. A., Jr.; and Bowers, A. H.:

Visualization and Image Processing of Aircraft Shock Wave Structures. Presented at First

Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, February 23-26, 1997,

Honolulu, Hawaii. In Proceedings, Volume 2, p. 406-411.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

457 Wilson, R. V.; and Demuren, A. O.: Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets With Rectangular

Cross-Section. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201642, ICASE Report No. 97-1, January 1997, 19 p.

ftp :// /97-1 .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

458 Wood, W. A.; Riley, C. J.; and Cheatwood, F. M.: Reentry-F Flowfield Solutions at 80,000 Ft.

NASA TM-112856, May 1997, 12 p.

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (72)

459 Yeung, E K.; and Zhou, Y.: On the Universality of the Kolmogorov Constant in Numerical

Simulations of Turbulence. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-97-20625 l, ICASE Report No. 97-64, November 1997, 18 p.

ftp :// /

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

460 Yuan, S. E; and So, R. M.: A Near-Wall Reynolds-Stress Closure Without Wall Normals.

(NAG1-1772 Arizona State University.) NASA CR-4785, July 1997, 272 p.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

461 Zhou, Y.; McComb, W. D.; and Vahala, G.: Renormalization Group (RG) in Turbulence:

Historical and Comparative Perspective. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201718, ICASE Report No. 97-36, August 1997, 60 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Category 35 Instrumentation and Photography

462 Burner, A. W.: Model Deformation Measurements at NASA Langley Research Center.

Presented at AGARD 81 st Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on Advanced Aerodynamic

Measurement Technology, September 22-25, 1997, Seattle, Washington.

Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21

463 Burner, A. W.; Radeztsky, R. H.; and Liu, T.: Videometric Applications in Wind Tunnels.

Presented at Videometrics V, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California. In Proceedings,

Volume 3174, p. 234-247.

ftp://techreports .larc

Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21

464 Garrison, J. L., Jr.; Katzberg, S. J.; and Howell, C. T., III: Detection of Ocean Reflected GPS

Signals: Theory and Experiment. Presented at IEEE Region 3's 1997 Southeast Conference,

April 12-14, 1997, Blacksburg, Virginia. In Proceedings, p. 290-294.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/_ub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/mtg/

Organization CB RTOP 274-00-97

465 Halama, G. E.; McAdoo, J. A.; and Liu, H.: Results of Scatter Reduction Mechanism in CCD

Mosaic Concept for Digital Mammography. Presented at SPIE International Symposia:

Photonics West, February 9-14, 1997, San Jose, California.

Organization GL RTOP 227-92-43

466 Hooker, J. R.; Burner, A. W.; and Valla, R.: Static Aeroelastic Analysis of Transonic Wind

Tunnel Models Using Finite Element Methods. Presented at 15th AIAA Applied

Aerodynamics Conference, June 23-25, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-2243.


Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (73)

467 Jobson, D. J.; Rahman, Z-U.; and Woodell, G. A.: A Multi-Scale Retinex for Bridging the Gap

Between Color Images and the Human Observation of Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Image

Processing, Volume 6, No. 7, July 1997, p. 965-976.

Organization DI RTOP 233-20-24

468 Moore, T. C., Sr.: Recommended Strain Gage Application Procedures for Various Langley

Research Center Balances and Test Articles. NASA TM-110327, March 1997, 90 p.

Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21

469 Oglesby, D. M.; Upchurch, B. T.; Sealey, B. S.; Leighty, B. D.; Burkett, C. G., Jr.; and

Jagharghi, A. J.: Development of Temperature Sensitive Paints for the Detection of Small

Temperature Differences. Presented at ISA 43rd International Instrumentation Symposium,

May 4-8, 1997, Orlando, Florida.


Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21

470 Parmar, D. S.; Smith, A.; Sprinkle, D. R.; and Singh, J. J.: Electrorheological Fluids--

Aerospace Applications. Presented at 1997 March Meeting of the American Physical Society,

March 17-21, 1997, Kansas City, Missouri.

Organization GH RTOP 233-10-14

471 Rahman, Z-U.; Woodell, G. A.; and Jobson, D. J.: A Comparison of the Multiscale Retinex

With Other Image Enhancement Techniques. Presented at Society for Imaging Science and

Technology's 50th Anniversary Conference, May 19-23, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts.

Organization DI RTOP 258-70-21

472 Sarghini, E; Piomelli, U.; and Streett, C. L.: Application of Mixed SGS Models to Separated

Flows. Presented at DFD' 97" 1997 Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting of the American

Physical Society, November 23-25, 1997, San Francisco, California.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-13

473 Singh, J. J.; Sprinkle, D. R.; Parmar, D. S.; and Smith, A.: Development of In-Fiber,

Reflective Bragg Gratings as Shear Stress Monitors. Presented at 1997 March Meeting of the

American Physical Society, March 17-21, 1997, Kansas City, Missouri.

Organization GH RTOP 274-00-96

474 Tripp, J. S.; Tcheng, P.; Burner, A. W.; and Finley, T. D.: Summary Report of the First

International Symposium on Strain Gauge Balances and Workshop on AoA/Model

Deformation Measurement Techniques. Presented at AGARD 81 st Fluid Dynamics Panel

Symposium on Advanced Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, September 22-25, 1997,

Seattle, Washington.


Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (74)

Category 36 Lasers and Masers

475 Blackshire, J. L.: Digital PIV (DPIV) Software Analysis System. (NAS1-19505 ViGYAN,

Inc.) NASA CR-97-206285, December 1997, 27 p.


Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

476 Blackshire, J. L.: PIV/HPIV Film Analysis Software Package. (NAS1-19505 ViGYAN, Inc.)

NASA CR-97-206286, December 1997, 19 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

477 Blackshire, J. L.: Analysis of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Data for Acoustic Velocity

Measurements. (NAS1-19505 ViGYAN, Inc.) NASA CR-201664, January 1997, 9 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

478 Blackshire, J. L.: PIV Data Validation Software Package. (NAS 1-19505 ViGYAN, Inc.)

NASA CR-201701, June 1997, 18 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc. .ps.Z

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

479 Blackshire, J. L.: MSTB 2 x 6-Inch Low Speed Tunnel Turbulence Generator Grid/

Honeycomb PIV Measurements and Analysis. (NAS 1-19505 ViGYAN, Inc.) NASA

CR-201666, January 1997, 14 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

480 Blackshire, J. L.: Analysis of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Data for Application to

Subsonic Jet Noise Studies. (NAS1-19505 ViGYAN, Inc.) NASA CR-201665, January 1997,

24 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

481 Choi, S. H.; Lee, J. H.; Meador, W. E., Jr., and Conway, E. J.: A 50-kW Module Power Station

of Directly Solar-Pumped Iodine Laser. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Volume 119,

November 1997, p. 304-311.

Organization DM RTOP 632-10-14

482 Cook, A. L.; and Hendricks, H. D.: Diode Laser-Pumped 920 nm Neodymium Fiber Laser.

Presented at CLEO '97:1997 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, May 18-23, 1997,

Baltimore, Maryland. In Proceedings, p. 311.

Organization DI RTOP 274-00-96

483 Davis, R. E.; Wilson, R. G.; and Jones, R. L., III: Cloud Detection/Editing Experiments on

the Lewis and Clark Satellites. Presented at Cloud Impacts on DoD Operations and Systems

1997 Conference, September 23-25, 1997, Newport, Rhode Island. In Conference Preprint,

CIDOS-97, p. 181-184.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (75)

484 Fleming, G. A.; and Blotter, J. D.: Power Flow Using Electro-Optic Holography, Part 1:

Obtaining the Structural Phase. Presented at Fifth International Congress on Sound and

Vibration, December 15-18, 1997, Adelaide, Australia.

Organization DF RTOP 581-10-11

485 Neil, G. R.; Benson, S. V.; Shinn, M. D.; Davidson, P. C.; and Kloeppel, P. K.: Optical

Modeling of the Jefferson Laboratory IR Demo FEL. Presented at SPIE International

Symposia: Photonics West, February 9-14, 1997, San Jose, California. In SPIE, Volume

2989, p. 160-171.

Organization GM

486 Sandford, S. P.; and Antill, C. W.: Laser Frequency Control Using an Optical Resonator

Locked to an Electronic Oscillator. Journal of Quantum Electronics, Volume 33, No. 11,

November 1997, p. 1991-1996.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Category 37 Mechanical Engineering

487 Amer, T. R.; Upchurch, B. T.; Alderfer, D. W.; Burkett, C. G., Jr.; Sealey, B. S.; and

Subramanian, C. S.: Thin-Film Thermal Conductivity Meter. Presented at ISA 43rd

International Instrumentation Symposium, May 4-8, 1997, Orlando, Florida.

Organization GH RTOP 519-20-21

488 Bullock, K. T.; De Young, R. J.; and Sandford, S. P.: Angular Alignment Testing of Laser

Mirror Mounts Under Temperature Cycling. NASA TP-3661, June 1997, 17 p.


Organization CA RTOP 274-00-96

489 Johnson, A. R.; Tessler, A.; and Dambach, M. L.: Dynamics of Thick Viscous Beams. Journal

of Engineering Materials and Technology, Volume 119, No. 3, July 1997, p. 273-278.

Organization DS RTOP 522-31-21

490 Johnson, A. R.; Tessler, A.; and Dambach, M. L.: Elastodynamics of Thick Viscous Beams.

Presented at McNU '97 (Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting), June 29-July 2, 1997,

Evanston, Illinois.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /mtg/NAS

Organization DS RTOP 522-31-21

Category 38 Quality Assurance and Reliability

491 Bement, L. J.; Holmes, C.; McGrory, J.; and Schimmel, M.L.: An Investigation to Improve

Quality Evaluations of Primers and Propellant for 20mm Munitions. Presented at Munitions

Technology Symposium IV, February 10-12, 1997, Reno, Nevada.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /mtg/N AS

Organization GK RTOP 297-50-00


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (76)

492 Blanchard, R. C.; Wilmoth, R. G.; and LeBeau, G. J.: Rarefied Flow Transition Regime

Orbiter Aerodynamic Acceleration Flight Measurements. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,

Volume 34, No. 1, January-February 1997, p. 8-15.

ftp :// /pub/techreportsllarc/96INAS A-aiaa-96- 246

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01

493 Heyman, J. S.; Abedin, M. N.; and Sun, K. J.: Method and Apparatus for Evaluating

Multilayer Objects for Imperfections. U. S. Patent 5,637,799. Issued June 10, 1997.

Organization E

494 Madaras, E. I.: Method for Ultrasonic Imaging and Device for Performing the Method.U. S. Patent 5,691,476. Issued November 25, 1997.

Organization DM

Category 39 Structural Mechanics

495 Blackburn, C. L.; Lotts, C. G.; and Mason, B. H.: A Users' Manual and Tutorial for

Performing COMET Structural Analyses Using an Advanced User-Friendly Interface.

(NASl-19700 Analytical Services & Materials, Inc.) NASA CR-201653, January 1997, 60 p.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-53

496 Clark, R. L.; and Cox, D. E.: Multi-Variable Structural Acoustic Control With Static

Compensation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 102, No. 5, Pt. 1,

November 1997, p. 2747-2756.

Organization DC RTOP 233-10-14

497 Cook, G. M.: A Higher-Order Bending Theory for Laminated Composite and Sandwich

Beams. (NCC 1-208 George Washington University, JIAFS.) NASA CR-201674, March 1997,

88 p.

Organization DS RTOP 537-06-21

498 Fichter, W. B: Some Solutions for the Large Deflections of Uniformly Loaded Circular

Membranes. NASA TP-3658, July 1997, 21 p. DS RTOP 505-63-50

499 Generazio, E. R.: The Critical Role of Nondestructive Evaluation in the 21st Century.

Presented at American Society for Nondestructive Testing 1997 Spring Conference and Sixth

Annual Research Symposium, March 17-21, 1997, Houston, Texas.

Organization DM RTOP 323-78-01


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (77)

5O0 Gilbert, M. G.; Welch, S. S.; Pappa, R. S.; and Demeo, M.E.: STS-74/Mir Photogrammetric

Appendage Structural Dynamics Experiment Preliminary Data Analysis. Presented at 38th

AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,

April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1168.

ftp ://techreports. larc .ps .Z

Organization DS RTOP 237-03-02

501 Gilbert, M. G.; Welch, S. S.; Pappa, R. S.; and Demeo, M. E.: STS-74/Mir Photogrammetric

Appendage Structural Dynamics Experiment Preliminary Data Analysis. NASA TM-110324,

February 1997, 12 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /aiaa/N AS

Organization DS RTOP 237-08-02

502 Housner, J. M.: Rapid Modeling, Assembly, and Simulation in Design Optimization.

Presented at OPTI '97: Fifth International Conference of Computer Aided Optimum Design

of Structures, September 8-10, 1997, Rome, Italy.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /mtg_NAS

Organization DS RTOP 522-31-21

503 Jackson, K. E.: Analytical Crash Simulation of Three Composite Fuselage Concepts and

Experimental Correlation. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Volume 42, No. 2,

April 1997, p. 116-125.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50

504 Jegley, D. C.; and Bush, H. G.: Structural Test Documentation and Results for the McDonnell

Douglas All-Composite Wing Stub Box. NASA TM-110204, April 1997, 100 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc

Organization D S RTOP 538-10-11

505 Juang, J-N.: State-Space System Realization With Input- and Output-Data Correlation. NASA

TP-3622, April 1997, 41 p.

Organization DS RTOP 233-10-14

506 Juang, J-N.; and Phan, M. Q.: Recursive Deadbeat Controller Design. NASA TM-112863,

May 1997, 27 p. 112863 .ps.Z

Organization DS RTOP 632-20-21

507 Juang, J-N.; and Phan, M. Q.: Deadbeat Predictive Controllers. NASA TM-112862,

May 1997, 38 p.

Organization DS RTOP 632-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (78)

5O8 Knight, N. E, Jr.; and Starnes, J. H., Jr.: Developments in Cylindrical Shell Stability Analysis.

Presented at 38th AIAAIASME/ASCEIAHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and

Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1076.

Organization DS RTOP 522-11-41

5O9 Lake, M. S.; Fung, J.; Gloss, K.; and Liechty, D. S.: Experimental Characterization of

Hysteresis in a Revolute Joint for Precision Deployable Structures. Presented at 38th AIAA/

ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,

April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1379.


Organization DS RTOP 233-01-21

510 Lee-Glauser, G. J.; Ahmadi, G.; and Horta, L. G.: Integrated Passive/Active Vibration

Absorber for Multi-Story Buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 123, No. 4,

April 1997, p. 499-504.

Organization DS RTOP 233-01-01

511 McGowan, D. M.; and Ambur, D. R.: Compression Response of a Sandwich Fuselage Keel

Panel With and Without Damage. NASA TM-110302, February 1997, 34 p. DS RTOP 538-10-11

512 Moas, E. (Editor): COMET-AR User's Manual--Computational Mechanics Testbed With

Adaptive Refinement. (L-44380D Applied Research Associates, Inc.) NASA CR-97-206284,

December 1997, 895 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /cr_NAS A-97-cr2_6

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-35

513 Moses, R. W.: Active Vertical Tall Buffeting Alleviation on a Twin-Tail Fighter Configuration

in a Wind Tunnel. Presented at CEAS International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural

Dynamics 1997, June 17-20, 1997, Rome, Italy.


Organization DS RTOP 538-07-14

514 Nemeth, M. P.: Buckling Behavior of Long Symmetrically Laminated Plates Subjected to

Shear and Linearly Varying Axial Edge Loads. NASA TP-3659, July 1997, 44 p.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50

515 Nemeth, M. P.; and Starnes, J. H., Jr.: The NASA Monographs on Shell Stability Design

Recommendations--A Review and Suggested Improvements. Presented at 38th AIAA/

ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,

April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1302.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (79)









Noor, A. K.; and Malone, J. B. (Compilers): Government-Sponsored Programs on Structures

Technology. NASA CP-97-206241, November 1997, 290 p.

Organization D RTOP 522-31-21

Pappa, R. S.: Independent Analysis of the Space Station Node Modal Test Data. NASA

TM-97-206262, December 1997, 13 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techre__rts/_arc/ _997 /tm/NA SA-9 7-tm2_6 26

Organization DS RTOP 522-32-41

Pappa, R. S.; James, G. H., III; and Zimmerman, D. C.: Autonomous Modal Identification

of the Space Shuttle Tail Rudder. Presented at 16th ASME Biennial Conference,

September 14-17, 1997, Sacramento, California. In Proceedings of DETC '97.

Organization DS RTOP 632-10-14

Perry, C. A.; Gurdal, Z.; and Statues, J. H., Jr.: Minimum-Weight Design of Compressively

Loaded Stiffened Panels for Postbuckling Response. Engineering Optimization, Volume 28,

1997, p. 175-197.

Organization DS RTOP 522-11-41

Phillips, E. P.: An Experimental Study of Fatigue Crack Growth in Aluminum Sheet

Subjected to Combined Bending and Membrane Stresses. NASA TM-4784, October 1997,


ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm4 7

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-10

Ransom, J. B.: Interface Technology for Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of MultipleConnected Subdomains. Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures,

Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA

Paper No. 97-1298.

Organization DS RTOP 505-63-53

Riggs, H. R.; Tessler, A.; and Chu, H.: C1-Continuous Stress Recovery in Finite Element

Analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 143, 1997,

p. 299-316.

Organization DS RTOP 537-06-34

Sleight, D. W.; Knight, N. F., Jr.; and Wang, J. T.: Evaluation of a Progressive Failure

Analysis Methodology for Laminated Composite Structures. Presented at 38th AIAAJASME/

ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10,

1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1187. A-aiaa-97-1187 .ps.Z

Organization DS RTOP 538-10-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (80)

524 Starnes, J. H., Jr.; and Rose, C. A.: Nonlinear Response of Thin Cylindrical Shells With

Longitudinal Cracks and Subjected to Internal Pressure and Axial Compression Loads.

Presented at 38th AIAAJASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and

Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee, Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1144.

ftp://techreports, larc .nasa.govlpub/techreportsllarcl 1997/aiaa/

Organization DS RTOP 538-02-10

525 Starnes, J. H., Jr.; and Rose, C. A.: Effects of Initial Crack Length on Stable Tearing and

Buckling of Selected Unstiffened Aluminum Shells Subjected to Internal Pressure and Axial

Compression. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft,

July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah. In Proceedings.

Organization DS RTOP 538-02-10

526 Starnes, J. H., Jr.; Rose, C. A.; Young, R. D.; and Rankin, C. C.: Effects of Combined Loads

on the Nonlinear Response of Damaged Stiffened Shells With Long Cracks. Presented at

ICAF '97 19th Symposium (International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue), June 16-20,

1997, Edinburgh, Scotland. In Proceedings.

Organization DS RTOP 538-02-10

527 Wang, J. T.; and Ransom, J. B.: Application of Interface Technology in Nonlinear Analysis of

a Stitched/RFI Composite Wing Stub Box. Presented at 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC

Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 7-10, 1997, Kissimmee,

Florida. AIAA Paper No. 97-1190.

ftp:/ /aiaa/ DS RTOP 538-10-11

528 Woodard, S. E.: The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite In-Flight Dynamics. NASA

TM-110325, April 1997, 101 p.

ftp ://tec /publtechreports/larc/199 7 /tm/N A SA-97-tm110 3

Organization DS RTOP 632-20-21

529 Woodard, S. E.; Lay, R.; Jarnot, R.; and Gell, D.: Experimental Investigation of Spacecraft In-

Flight Disturbances and Dynamic Response. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 34,

No. 2, March-April 1997, p. 199-204.

Organization DS RTOP 233-01-01

530 Woodard, S. E.; and Pappa, R. S.: Development of Structural Identification Accuracy

Indicators Using Fuzzy Logic. Presented at 16th ASME Biennial Conference,

September 14-17, 1997, Sacramento, California. In Proceedings of DETC '97.

Organization DS RTOP 632-10-14

531 Woods-Vedeler, J. A.; and Rombado, G.: DAC-3 Pointing Stability Analysis Results for

SAGE III and Other Users of the International Space Station (ISS) Payload Attachment Sites

(PAS). NASA TM-110318, January 1997, 101 p.

Organization DS RTOP 632-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (81)

532 Young, R. D.; Rose, C. A.; Davila, C. G.; Starnes, J. H., Jr.; and Rankin, C. C.: Crack Growth

and Residual Strength Characteristics of Selected Flat Stiffened Aluminum Panels. Presented

at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DS RTOP 538-02-10


Category 43 Earth Resources and Remote Sensing

533 Chapman, J. J.: Virtual Instrument Simulator for CERES. Presented at European Symposium

on Aerospace Remote Sensing, September 22-26, 1997, London, England.

Organization CA RTOP 229-71-02

534 Fishman, J.; and Brackett, V. G.: The Climatological Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone

Derived From Satellite Measurements Using Version 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer

and Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment Data Sets. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. D15, August 20, 1997, p. 19,275-19,278.

Organization CA RTOP 622-56-61

535 Garrison, J. L., Jr.; and Axelrad, P.: Relative Navigation in Elliptical Orbits Using an Iterative

Nonlinear Filter. Presented at Institute of Navigation Satellite Division's GPS '97,

September 16-19, 1997, Kansas City, Missouri.


Organization CB RTOP 274-00-97

536 Koch, M. R.; Sandford, S. P.; and Zawodny, J. M.: Next Generation Remote Sensing: Gas

and Aerosol Monitoring Sensorcraft (GAMS). Presented at Multispectral Imaging for

Terrestrial Applications II, July 30-31, 1997, San Diego, California. In SPIE Proceedings,

Volume 3119, p. 80-89.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

537 Little, A. D.; Neil, D. O.; Sachse, G. W.; Fishman, J.; and Krueger, A. J.: Remote Sensing

From Geostationary Orbit: GEt TROPSAT, a New Concept for Atmospheric Remote

Sensing. Presented at European Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing, September 22-26,

1997, London, England.

Organization GL RTOP 622-63-06

538 Nolt, I. G.; et al.: Stratospheric HBr Concentration Profile Obtained From Far-Infrared

Emission Spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 24, No. 3, February 1997,

p. 281.

Organization GL RTOP 464-12-03


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (82)

539 Nolt, I. G.; Ade, E A.; Carli, B.; Evans, K. E; Marshall, B. T.; Mlynczak, M. G.; Park, K.; and

Russell, J. M., III: Far Infrared Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Properties. Presented at

European Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing, September 22-26, 1997, London,

England. In Proceedings, Volume 3220, Paper No. 42.

Organization GL RTOP 464-12-03

540 Prior, E. J.: Remote Sensing as a Tool for Teaching Physics. Presented at 16th International

Space Development Conference, May 22-26, 1997, Orlando, Florida.

Organization AE RTOP 282-10-08

541 Roell, M. M.: The Next Generation Carbon Monoxide Mapper. Presented at Optical Remote

Sensing of the Atmosphere Topical Meeting (1997), February 9-14, 1997, San Antonio,Texas.

Organization GL RTOP 464-54-07

Category 45 Environment Pollution

542 Anderson, B. E.; Cofer, W. R., III; Gregory, G. L.; Wallio, H. A.; Bagwell, D. R.; andNowicki, G. D.: Airborne Observations of Aircraft Aerosol Emissions. Presented at 1997

American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. In

EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17, April 29, 1997, Suppl., p. $93.

Organization CA RTOP 537-09-23

543 Cofer, W. R., III; Anderson, B. E.; Gregory, G. L.; Wallio, H. A.; Bagwell, D. R.; and

Nowicki, G. D.: The Role of Fuel Sulfur in Aircraft Emissions of Volatile Aerosol Species.

Presented at 1997 American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 27-30, 1997,

Baltimore, Maryland. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17, April 29, 1997, Suppl.,p. $85.

Organization CA RTOP 537-09-23

544 Dibb, J. E.; Talbot, R. W.; Scheuer, E.; Gregory, G. L.; Browell, E. V.; Bradshaw, J. D.;

Sandholm, S. T.; and Singh, H. B.: Distributions of Beryllium-7 and Lead-210 Over the

Western Pacific: PEM West B. February-March, 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. D23, 1997, p. 28,287-28,302.

Organization CA RTOP 464-54-11

545 Gregory, G. L.; Merrill, J. T.; Shipham, M. C.; Blake, D. R.; Sachse, G. W.; and Singh, H. B.:

Chemical Characteristics of Troposheric Air Over the Pacific Ocean as Measured During

PEM-West B: Relationship to Asian Outflow and Trajectory History. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. D23, 1997, p. 28,275-28,286.

Organization CA RTOP 622-63-08

546 Hoell, J. M., Jr.; Davis, D. D., Jr., Liu, S. C.; Newell, R. E.; Akimoto, H.; McNeal, R. J.; and

Bendura, R. J.: The Pacific Exploratory Mission-West Phase B: February-March 1994.

Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D23, 1997, p. 28,223-28,240.

Organization CA RTOP 622-63-02


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (83)

547 Mims, F. M., III; Holben, B. N.; Eck, T. E; Montgomery, B. C.; and Grant, W. B.: Smokey

Skies, Mosquitoes and Disease. Science, Volume 276, June 20, 1997, p. 1774-1775.

Organization CA RTOP 622-63-13

548 Vay, S. A.; Anderson, B. E.; Sachse, G. W.; Collins, J. E., Jr.; Podolske, J. R.; Twohy, C. H.;

Gandrud, B.; Gary, B. L.; Chan, K. R.; Baughcum, S. L.; and Wallio, H. A.: DC-8-Based

Observations of Aircraft Emission Signatures During SUCCESS. Presented at 1997 American

Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. In EOS

Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17, April 29, 1997, Suppl., p. $97.

Organization CA RTOP 537-09-23

Category 46 Geophysics

549 Aneja, V. E; et al.: An Overview of Project NOVA "Natural Emissions of Oxidant

Precursors: Validation of Techniques and Assessment". Presented at 1997 Fall American

Geophysical Union Meeting, December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS

Transactions, Volume 78, No. 46, Nov. 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F132.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

550 Bhatt, E E; Remsberg, E. E.; Pierce, R. B.; Brackett, V. G.; and Russell, J. M., III: A Study of

the Quality of HALOE 03 Data Near the Tropopause. Presented at 1997 American

Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. In EOS

Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17, April 29, 1997, Suppl., p. $98.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-06

551 Bruhl, C.; Drayson, S. R.; Russell, J. M., III; Crutzen, P. J.; Mclnerney, J. M.; Purcell, P. N.;

Claude, H.; Gerndandt, H.; McGee, T. J.; and McDermid, I. S.: Halogen Occultation

Experiment Ozone Channel Validation. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 101,

No. D6, April 30, 1996, p. 10217-10240.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-31

552 Bullock, A. M.; Dharamsi, A. N.; Chu, W. P.; and Poole, L. R.: Measurement of Absorption

Line Wing Structure by Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters,

Volume 70, No. 10, March 10, 1997, p. 1195-1197.

Organization CA RTOP 229-10-32

553 Callis, L. B., Jr.: Odd Nitrogen Formed by Energetic Electron Precipitation as Calculated

From TIROS Data. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 24, No. 24, 1997, p. 3237-3240.

Organization CA RTOP 370-21-08

554 Callis, L. B., Jr.; Natarajan, M.; Evans, D. S.; and Lambeth, J.D.: Solar-Atmospheric

Coupling by Electrons (SOLACE): Middle Atmospheric Effects of the May 12, 1997 Solar

Event. Presented at 1997 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, December 8-12, 1997,

San Francisco, California. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 46, November 18, 1997,

Suppl., p. F508.

Organization CA RTOP 370-21-08


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (84)

555 Callis, L. B., Jr., Natarajan, M.; Lambeth, J. D.; and Boughner, R. E.: On the Origin of Mid

Latitude Ozone Changes: Data Analysis and Simulations for 1979-1993. Journal of

Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D1, January 20, 1997, p. 1215-1228.

Organization CA RTOP 370-21-08

556 Chiou, E-W.; McCormick, M. P.; and Chu, W. P.: Global Water Vapor Distributions in the

Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere Derived From 5.5 Years. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. D15, August 20, 1997, p. 19,105-19,118.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

557 Chu, W. P.; McCormick, M. E; Zawodny, J. M.; and Mauldin, L. E., III: Stratospheric

Aerosol and Gas Experiment III. Presented at SPIE's Annual Meeting 1997,

July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

558 Connors, V. S.; Novelli, P. C.; and Reichle, H. G., Jr.: Space Shuttle Views Changing CO in

Lower Atmosphere. EOS Electronic Supplement, 1996, American Geophysical Union. e.html.

Organization CA RTOP 618-22-31

559 Considine, G. D.: Modeling the Diurnal Variability in Cloud Microphysics in Boundary Layer

Clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D2, February 1997, p. 1707.

Organization CA RTOP 665-70-01

560 Considine, G. D.; and Curry, J. A.: A Statistical Model of Drop-Size Spectra for

Stratocumulus Clouds. Royal Meteorological Society, Quarterly Journal, Volume 122,

No. 531, April 1996, p. 611-634.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-41

561 Considine, G. D.; Curry, J. A.; and Wielicki, B. A.: Modeling Cloud Fraction and Horizontal

Variability in Boundary Layer Clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102,

No. D12, 1997, p. 13,517-13,526.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-41

562 De Young, R. J.; Halama, G. E.; Luck, W. S.; Ellis, K. S.; Sandford, S. P.; and Refaat, %:

Advanced Detectors, Optics and Waveform Digitizers for Aircraft DIAL Water Vapor

Measurements. Presented at SPIE's Annual Meeting 1997, July 27-August 1, 1997,

San Diego, California.

Organization CA RTOP 274-00-97

563 De Young, R. J.; and Situ, W.: A Ti: Sapphire Laser System for Aircraft Measurements of

Atmospheric Ozone. Presented at SPIE's Annual Meeting 1997, July 27-August 1, 1997,

San Diego, California.

Organization CA RTOP 274-00-97


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (85)









Delany, A. C.; et al.: On the Compliance of the Fluxes of Oxides of Nitrogen Determined by

Enclosure and by Micrometeorological Methodologies. Presented at 1997 Fall American

Geophysical Union Meeting, December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS Trans.

Volume 78, No. 46, Nov. 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F134.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Fairlie, T. D.; Pierce, R. B.; Grose, W. L.; and Lingenfelser, G. S.: Lagrangian Forecasting

During ASHOE/MAESA: Analysis of Predictive Skill for Analyzed and Reverse-Domain-

Dilled Potential Vorticity. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D 11, June 20,

1997, p. 13,169-13,182.

Organization CA RTOP 579-21-17

Gordley, L. L.; Russell, J. M., III; Beaver, G. M.; and Remsberg, E. E.: HALOE Data--

Second Public Release (Internal Version 18): An Overview of Products and Remaining

Systematic Errors. Presented at UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) Science Team

Meeting, March 19-21, 1997, San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-31

Gordley, L. L.; Thompson, R. E.; Remsberg, E. E.; Marshall, B. T.; and Bhatt, E E: The Limb

Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere-Data Reprocessing. Presented at 1997 Fall American

Geophysical Union Meeting, December 8-12, t 997, San Francisco, California. In EOS

Transactions, Volume 78, No. 46, November 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F75.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-69

Grooss, J. U.; Pierce, R. B.; Crutzen, R J.; Grose, W. L.; and Russell, J. M., III: Reformation

of Chlorine Reservoirs in Southern Hemisphere Polar Spring. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. D11, June 20, 1997, p. 13,141-13,152.

Organization CA RTOP 665-70-01

Grose, W. L.; Lingenfelser, G. S.; Russell, J. M., III; Pierce, R. B.; Fairlie, T. D.; and Proffitt,

M. H.: Intercomparison of Ozone Measurements in the Lower Stratosphere From the UARS

HALOE Experiment and the ER-2 UV Absorption Photometer. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. Dll, June 20, 1997, p. 13,135-13,140.

Organization CA RTOP 413-18-07

Herman, G. S.; and Sandford, S. E: Investigations of High-Resistivity, Undoped GaP Crystal

for Quasi-Phasematched Difference Frequency Generation to Produce Terahertz Frequency

Local Oscillators. Presented at Eighth International Symposium on Space Terahertz

Technology, March 24-28, 1997, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Levine, J. S.: Climate Change and Global Sources of Greenhouse Gases. Presented at White

House Satellite Conference on Climate Change: The Challenge of Global Warming,

October 6, 1997, Gloucester, Virginia.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (86)









Levine, J. S.: Fire, Global Change, and FireSat. Presented at Interagency Workshop on

Requirements for Measuring/Monitoring Fires From Space, September 4-5, 1997, Hampton,


Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.: Measuring arid Monitoring Fires From Space. Presented at Society of American

Foresters National Convenu_ _ October 4-8, 1997, Memphis Tennessee.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.: Simultaneous Measurements of Biogenic Soil Emissions of Nitric Oxide and

Nitrous Oxide During the NOVA Experiment. Presented at Environmental Protection Agency

NOVA Data Workshop, August 28-29, 1997, Durham, North Carolina.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.; Cahoon, D. R., Jr.; Cofer, W. R., III; Winstead, E. L.; and Stocks, B.J.: Gaseous

and Particulate Emissions From Burning in the Boreal Forest. Presented at International

Boreal Forest Research Association Conference, August 4-7, 1997, Duluth, Minnesota.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.; Cahoon, D. R., Jr.; Cofer, W. R., HI; Winstead, E. L.; and Stocks, B. J.: Fire and

the Production of Greenhouse and Chemically Active Gases in the Boreal Forests. In

Sustainable Development of Boreal Forests, A. I. Pisarenko, ed., Federal Forest Service of

Russia, 1997, p. 54-60.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.; and Pinto, J. P.: The Production of Carbon Monoxide by Biomass Burning.

Presented at International Conference on Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide and its

Environmental Effects, December 3-6, 1997, Portland, Oregon.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Levine, J. S.; Winstead, E. L.; Robarge, W. P.; and Aneja, V. P.: Simultaneous Measurements

of Biogenic Soil Emissions of Nitric Oxide and Nitrous Oxide From Fertilized Fields

During NOVA-95 and 96. Presented at 1997 Fail American Geophysical Union Meeting,

December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 46,

November 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F133.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Lu, J.; Mohnen, V. A.; Yue, G. K.; Atkinson, R. J.; and Matthews, W. A.: Intercomparison of

Stratospheric Ozone Profiles Obtained by Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II,

Halogen Occultation Experiment, and Ozonesondes in 1994-1995. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. D13, July 20, 1996, p. 16,137-16,144.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (87)









Lu, J.; Mohnen, V. A.; Yue, G. K.; and Jager, H.: Intercomparison of Multiplatform

Stratospheric Aerosol and Ozone Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. D13, July 20, 1997, p. 16,127-16,136.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Massie, S. T.; Deshler, T.; Thomas, G. E.; Mergenthaler, J. L.; and Russell, J. M., III:

Evolution of the Infrared Properties of the Mt. Pinatubo Aerosol Cloud Over Laramie,

Wyoming. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 101, No. D17, October 20, 1996,

p. 23007-23020.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-31

Mlynczak, M. G.; Espy, E J.; Yee, J. H.; Schmidlin, F. J.; and Marshall, B. T.: METEORS:

Experiment Description and First Results. Presented at 1997 Fall American Geophysical

Union Meeting, December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS Transactions,

Volume 78, No. 46, November 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F522.

Organization CA RTOP 344-16-50

Olson, J. R.; et al.: Results From the IPCC Photochemical Model Intercomparison

(PhotoComp): Some Insights Into Tropospheric Chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. D5, 1997, p. 5979.

Organization CA RTOP 579-21-51

Pierce, R. B.; Grooss, J. U.; Grose, W. L.; Russell, J. M., III; Crutzen, P. J.; Fairlie, T. D.; and

Lingenfelser, G. S.: Photochemical Calculations Along Airmass Trajectories During

ASHOE/MAESA. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D11, June 20, 1997,

p. 13,153-12,167.

Organization CA RTOP 579-21-17

Pierce, R. B.; Remsberg, E. E.; Russell, J. M., III; and Hintsa, E.: Seasonal Evolution of

Stratospheric Water Vapor Sources and Sinks Based on H20 Variance on CH 4 Surfaces.

Presented at UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) Science Team Meeting,

March 19-21, 1997, San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-31

Poole, L. R.; and Thomason, L. W.: Volcanic Aerosol Dispersal and Decay Observed by the

SAM/SAGE Spacebourne Instrument Family: 1978-1997. Presented at 1997 International

Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and International Association for

Physical Sciences of the Oceans, June 29-July 9, 1997, Melbourne, Australia.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Rosenlof, K. H.; Tuck, A. F.; Kelly, K. K.; Russell, J. M., III; and McCormick, M. P.:

Hemispheric Asymmetries in Water Vapor and Inferences About Transport in the Lower

Stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D11, June 20, 1997,

p. 13,213-13,234.

Organization CA RTOP 665-25-31


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (88)









Russell, J. M., III; Gordley, L. L.; Beaver, G. M.; and Remsberg, E. E.: HALOE Mesospheric

Water Vapor Data Quality. Presented at 1997 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting,

December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 46,

November 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F62.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-69

Schoeberl, M.; Roche, A. E.; Russell, J. M., lII; Ortland, D.; Hays, P. B.; and Waters, J. W.:

An Estimation of the Dynamical Isolation of the Tropical Lower Stratosphere Using UARS

Wind and Trace Gas Observations of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 24, No. 1, January 1, 1997, p. 53-56.

Organization CA RTOP 665-70-01

Sherlock, V. J.; Jones, N. B.; Matthews, W. A.; Murcray, E J.; Blatherwick, R. D.; Murcray,D. G.; Goldman, A.; Rinsland, C. P.; and Griffith, D. W.: Increase in the Vertical Column

Abundance of HCFC-22 (CHCI F2) Above Lauder, New Zealand, Between 1985 and 1994.

Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D7, April 20, 1997, p. 8861-8866.Organization CA RTOP 464-34-02

Siskind, D. E.; Bacmeister, J. T., Summers, M. E.; Zasadil, S.; and Russell, J. M., III: Two

Dimensional Model Calculations of Nitric Oxide Transport in the Middle Atmosphere and

Comparison With Halogen Occultation Experiment Data. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. D3, March 1997, p. 3527.

Organization CA RTOP 665-70-01

Thomason, L. W.; Kent, G. S.; Trepte, C. R.; and Poole, L. R.: A Comparison of the

Stratospheric Aerosol Background Periods of 1979 and 1989-1991. Journal of Geophysical

Research, Volume 102, No. D3, March 1997, p. 3611.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Thomason, L. W.; Poole, L. R.; and Deshler, T.: A Global Climatology of Stratospheric

Aerosol Surface Area Density Deduced From Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II

Measurements: 1984-1994. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D7, 1997,

p. 8967.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-53

Weisenborn, M. D.; Yue, G. K.; Ko, M. K.; Sze, N. D.; Rodriguez, J. M.; and Scott, C. J.: A

Two-Dimensional Model of Sulfur Species and Aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research,

Volume 102, No. Dll, June 20, 1997, p. 13,019-13-035.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Winker, D. M.: LITE: Results, Performance Characteristics, and Data Archive. Presented at

European Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing, September 22-26, 1997, London,


Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (89)









Winker, D. M.: Space Lidar Mission Concepts for Climate Studies. Presented at European

Symposium on Aerospace Remote Sensing, September 22-26, 1997, London, England.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Winker, D. M.: Multiple Scattering Effects in Cirrus From a Simple Double-Scattering

Model. Presented at 9th International Workshop on Multiple Scattering Lidar Experiments,

September 16-19, 1997, Jerusalem, Israel.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Winker, D. M.: Science Results From the Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE).

Presented at CLEO '97:1997 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, May 18-23, 1997,

Baltimore, Maryland. In Proceedings, Volume 11, p. 186.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Winker, D. M.: Application of Space Lidar to the Remote Sensing of Clouds and Aerosols.

Presented at IGARSS '97:1997 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,

August 3-8, 1997, Singapore. In Proceedings, p. 1740-1742.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Woods, D. C.; and Trepte, C. R.: Validation of the SAGE III Satellite Instrument. Presented at

1997 National Technical Association (NTA) Conference, November 6-8, 1997, Philadelphia,


Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Worden, H.; Beer, R.; and Rinsland, C. R: Airborne Infrared Spectroscopy of 1994 Western

Wildfires. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D1, January 20, 1997,

p. 1287-1300.

Organization CA RTOP 229-02-06

Yue, G. K.; Lu, J.; Mohnen, V. A.; Wang, P-H.; Saxena, V. K.; and Anderson, J.: Retrieving

Aerosol Optical Properties From Moments of the Particle Size Distribution. Geophysical

Research Letters, Volume 24, No. 6, March 15, 1997, p. 651-654.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20

Yue, G. K.; Woods, D. C.; DeCoursey, R. J.; Weisenstein, D. W.; Ko, M. K.; Sze, N. D.; and

Rodriguez, J. M.: Comparing the Decays of Pinatubo Aerosols Observed by SAGE II and

Lidar and Simulated by a 2-D Model. Presented at 1997 Fall American Geophysical Union

Meeting, December 8-12, 1997, San Francisco, California. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78,

No. 46, November 18, 1997, Suppl., p. F109.

Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (90)

Category47Meteorologyand Climatology

6O4 Alberta, T. L.; and Charlock, T. P.: Comparison of Broadband Radiative Transfer Calculations

With Surface and Aircraft Measurements During ARESE. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,

p. 22-25.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-25

605 Barker, H. W.; and Wielicki, B. A.: Parameterizing Grid-Averaged Longwave Fluxes for

Inhom*ogeneous Marine Boundary Layer Clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,

Volume 54, No. 24, December 15, 1997, p. 2785-2798.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

606 Barkstrom, B. R.: Cloud Forcing and the Earth's Radiation Budget: New Ideas and New

Observations. Presented at First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, February 3-7,

1997, Long Beach, California.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /mtglNAS A-97-

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

607 Baum, B. A.; Minnis, P.; and Green, R. N.: CERES Pathfinder Cloud Retrieval and Radiation

Budget Products Derived From AVHRR/HIRS/ERBE Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,

p. 441-442.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

608 Baum, B. A.; Tovinkere, V.; and Titlow, J.: Automated Cloud Classification of Global

AVHRR Data Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 36,

No. 11, November 1997, p. 1519-1540.

Organization CA RTOP 428-82-00

6O9 Bess, T. D.; Carlson, A. B.; and Denn, E M.: Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)

Data Sets for Global Environment and Climate Change Studies. Presented at Ninth

Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California.


Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

610 Bess, T. D.; Smith, G. L.; Green, R. N.; and Rutan, D.: Intercomparison of Scanning

Radiometer for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB) and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)

Results. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997,

Long Beach, California.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02


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Carlson, A. B.; and Wong, T.: Evaluation of Time-Averaged CERES TOA SW Product Using

CAGEX Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997,

Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 294-295.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Chambers, L. H.; and Evans, K. F.: Computation of the Effects of Inhom*ogeneous Clouds on

Retrieval of Remotely Sensed Properties. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 378-382.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Chambers, L. H.; Wielicki, B. A.; and Evans, K. E: Independent Pixel and Two Dimensional

Estimates of LANDSAT-Derived Cloud Field Albedo. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,

Volume 54, No. 11, June 1, 1997, p. 1525-1532.


Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Chambers, L. H.; Wielicki, B. A.; and Evans, K. E: Accuracy of the Independent Pixel

Approximation for Satellite Estimates of Oceanic Boundary Layer Cloud Optical Depth.

Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 102, No. D2, January 27, 1997, p. 1779-1794.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Chambers, L. H.; Young, D. E; Barkstrom, B. R.; and Wielicki, B. A.: CERES and the

S'COOL Project. Presented at International Space University Alumni Conference,

July 11, 1997, Houston, Texas.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /mtg/NAS

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Charlock, T. P.; and Alberta, T. L.: The CERES/ARM/GEWEX Experiment (CAGEX) for the

Retrieval of Radiative Fluxes With Satellite Data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological

Society, Volume 77, No. 11, November 1996, p. 2673-2683.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-25

Charlock, T. P.; Rose, F. G.; Rutan, D.; Coleman, L. H.; Baum, B. A.; and Green, R. N.: The

Total-Sky, Global Atmospheric Radiation Budget From Radiative Transfer Calculations Using

ERBE, AVHRR, and Sounding Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 60-63.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-25

Coleman, L. H.; Flug, B. T.; Gupta, S.; Kizer, E. A.; and Robbins, J. L.: ERBE Geographic

Scene and Monthly Snow Data. (NAS 1-19570 Science Applications International

Corporation.) NASA CR-4773, April 1997, 45 p.


Organization CA RTOP 665-45-20


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Costen, R. C.: Tornado Vortex Signature (TVS) Produced by Constrained Pulsing Inertial

Oscillation (PIO) Model. Presented at 1997 American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting,

May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17,

April 29, 1997, Suppl., p. $87.


Organization DM RTOP 505-63-50

DiPasquale, R. C.; Quigley, P. A.; and Whitlock, C. H.: First SRB Estimates of Clear-SkyTransmittance From 502 Sites Around the Globe. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,p. 68-71.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Doelling, D. R.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; Alberta, T. L.; Ayers, J. K.; Minnis, P.; Valero, F. P.; and

Pope, S.: An Examination of Shortwave Albedos Determined From Narrowband Visible

Radiances Using ARM/UAV Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation,

February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 240-243.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Green, R. N.; and Hinton, P. O.: Validation of a New Set of Angular Distribution Models for

Broadband Radiance to Flux Conversion. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 221-224.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Gupta, S. K.; and Whitlock, C. H.: Validation of Surface Longwave Fluxes Derived From

Satellite Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997,

Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 296-298.

Organization CA RTOP 428-82-00

Hansen, J.; et al.: A Pinatubo Climate Modeling Investigation. In The Effects ofMt. Pinatubo

Eruption on the Atmosphere and Climate, NATO ASI Series Volume 1 42, "Global

Environment Change," G. Fiocco, D. Fua, and G. Visconti, eds., Springer-Verlag, 1996,p. 233-272.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-70

Hu, Y.; and Wielicki, B. A.: A Fast and Accurate Computation Method for Reflected

Radiances: Phase Function Perturbation. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 279-282.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Kratz, D. P.: The Use of Correlated _:-Distfibutions to Account for the Radiative Effect of

Molecular Absorption Upon Satellite Measured Radiances. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,

p. 184-185.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41


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Larman,K. T.; Schuster, G. L.; Wheeler, R. J.; LeCroy, S. R.; Moats, C. D.; and Feldl, E. K.:

The CERES Southeastern Virginia Forest Pilot Study. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 319.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

LeCroy, S. R.; Wheeler, R. J.; Whitlock, C. H.; and Purgold, G. C.: Bidirectional Reflectances

of Southern Forest and Agronomic Acreage. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 323-327.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

LeCroy, S. R.; Whitlock, C. H.; and Suttles, J. T.: Finite Difference Radiative Transfer Model

Calculations Compared to Measurements at the Top and Bottom of the Atmosphere. NASA

TM-110283, January 1997, 33 p.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Lee, R. B., Ill: 1984-1996 Total Solar Irradiance Spacecraft Measurements. Presented at 1997

National Technical Association (NTA) Conference, November 6-8, 1997, Philadelphia,


Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Lee, R. B., III: Broadband Shortwave Radiometer Calibrations Using Radiometer Spectral

Response Characterizations and Longwave Blackbody Radiances. Presented at NEWRAD 97:

Absolute Radiometry and Remote Sensing, October 27-29, 1997, Tucson, Arizona.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Lin, B.; Minnis, P.; and Wielicki, B. A.: Single and Multiple Layered Clouds in the ASTEX

Region. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997,

Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 253-256.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Minnis, P.: Retrieval of Cloud Properties From Satellite Data for Weather and Climate

Forecasting. Presented at World Meteorological Organization Workshop on Measurement of

Cloud Properties for Forecasts of Weather, Air Quality and Climate, June 23-27, 1997,

Mexico City, Mexico.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Minnis, P.; Ayers, J. K.; and Weaver, S. P.: Surface-Based Observations of Contrail

Occurrence Frequency Over the U.S., April 1993-April 1994. NASA RP-1404,

December 1997, 83 p. 1997/NASA-97-rp

Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12

Minnis, P.; Doelling, D. R.; and Ayers, J. K.: Estimation of Radiation Budget Effects Due to

Contrails Over the U.S. Presented at 1997 Conference on the Atmospheric Effects of Aviation,

March 10-14, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (94)









Minnis, P.; Doelling, D. R.; Garber, D. P.; and Smith, W. L., Jr.: Validation of ARM GOES-

Derived Broadband Fluxes. Presented at 7th Annual Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

Program Science Team Meeting, March 3-7, 1997, San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Minnis, E; Mayor, S.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; and Young, D. E: Asymmetry in the Diurnal Variation

of Surface Albedo. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience andRemote Sensing, Volume 35, No. 4,

July 1997, p. 879-891.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Minnis, E; Young, D. E; Baum, B. A.; Heck, E W.; and Mayor, S.: A Near-Global Analysis

of Cloud Microphysical Properties Using Multispectral AVHRR Data. Presented at Ninth

Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In

Proceedings, p. 443-446.

Organization CA RTOP 460-44-41

Minnis, E; Young, D. E; Smith, W. L., Jr.; and Mace, G. G.: Satellite Observations of Cirrus

and Contrails During SUCCESS. Presented at 1997 American Geophysical Union Spring

Meeting, May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland. In EOS Transactions, Volume 78, No. 17,

April 29, 1997, Suppl., p. $96.

Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12

Minnis, E; Young, D. F.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; Palikonda, R.; and Heck, P.W.: Satellite-Derived

Cloud Microphysical Properties Over ARM SGP Domain. Presented at 7th Annual

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Science Team Meeting, March 3-7, 1997,San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Nguyen, L.; Ayers, J. K.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; and Minnis, E: Calibration of GOES for ARM

Satellite Remote Sensing. Presented at 7th Annual Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

Program Science Team Meeting, March 3-7, 1997, San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Palikonda, R.; Garber, D. P.; Heck, E W.; and Minnis, E: Contrail Properties Derived From

GOES and AVHRR Data. Presented at 1997 Conference on the Atmospheric Effects of

Aviation, March 10-14, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12

Randall, D. A.; and Wielicki, B. A.: Measurements, Models, and Hypotheses in the

Atmospheric Sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 78, No. 3,

March 1997, p. 399-406.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (95)









Ritchey, N. A.; and Whitlock, C.H.: Improved Surface Shortwave Fluxes Based on New

Meteorological Data. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7,

1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 55-56.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Rose, E G.; Charlock, T. P.; Rutan, D.; and Smith, G. L.: Tests of a Constrainment (Tuning)

Algorithm for the Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget. Presented at Ninth Conference

on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,

p. 208-211.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-25

Rutan, D.; and Charlock, T. P.: Spectral Reflectance, Directional Reflectance, and Broadband

Albedo of the Earth's Surface. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation,

February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 466-470.

Organization CA RTOP 578-12-25

Schuster, G. L.; Whitlock, C. H.; Plant, J. W.; Wheeler, R. J.; Moats, C. D.; Larman, K. T.;

Ayers, J. K.; and Feldl, E. K.: Seasonal and Vegetational Variation in Albedo Measured

During CERES Ground-Validation Pilot Study. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 456.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Smith, G. L.: Time-Sampling Errors of Outgoing Longwave Radiation From Satellites.

Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach,

California. In Proceedings, p. 225-229.

Organization CA RTOP 229-01-02

Smith, W. L., Jr.; Minnis, P.; and Young, D. E: Nighttime Cloud Detection Algorithm for

ARM Satellite Data Analyses. Presented at 7th Annual Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

Program Science Team Meeting, March 3-7, 1997, San Antonio, Texas.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Smith, W. L., Jr.; Nguyen, T. T.; and Minnis, P.: Cloud Radiative Forcing Derived From ARM

Surface and Satellite Measurements During ARESE and the Spring ARM/UAV lOP.

Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach,

California. In Proceedings, p. 1-4.

Organization CA RTOP 146-90-04

Wang, P-H.; Minnis, P.; McCormick, M. P.; Kent, G. S.; and Skeens, K. M.: A 6-Year

Climatology of Cloud Occurrence Frequency From Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas

Experiment II Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 101, No. D23,

December 27, 1996, p. 29,407-29,429.

Organization CA RTOP 460-44-41


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Westphal, D. L.; et al.: Initialization and Validation of a Simulation of Cirrus Using FIRE-II

Data. Journal of Atmospheric Science, Volume 53, No. 23, December 1996, p. 3397-3429.

Organization CA RTOP 460-44-41

Wheeler, R. J.; Purgold, G. C.; and Whitlock, C. H.: The CERES Airborne Radiometer

Scanner. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997,

Long Beach, California.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Whitlock, C. H.; and LeCroy, S. R.: Theoretical/Experimental Validation of CERES/ERBE

TOA SW Angular Distribution Models. Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric

Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings, p. 451-455.

Organization CA RTOP 428-82-00

Wielicki, B. A.: Radiative Flux and Cloud Observations in the EOS Era. Presented at Ninth

Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In

Proceedings, p. 191-195.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Wilber, A. C.; Smith, G. L.; Ritchey, N. A.; Gupta, S. K.; Rutan, D.; and Whitlock, C. H.:

Day-to-Day Variations of Surface Radiation Budget. Presented at Ninth Conference on

Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In Proceedings,p. 119-123.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Wong, T.; Harrison, E. E; Gibson, G. G.; and Denn, F. M.: On the Determination of the

Optimal Scan Mode Sequence for the TRMM CERES Instrument. Journal of Atmospheric

and Oceanic Technology, Volume 14, No. 5, October 1997, p. 1230-1236.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Wong, T.; Young, D. F.; Minnis, P.; Wielicki, B. A.; Green, R. N.; Denn, F. M.; Doelling,D. R.; and Gibson, G. G.: Improved Scene Identification for the CERES ERBE-Like Product.

Presented at Ninth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach,Califomia.

Organization CA RTOP 148-65-41

Young, D. E; Minnis, P.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; and Nguyen, L.: Satellite-Derived Microphysical

Properties of Contrails and Cirrus During SUCCESS. Presented at 1997 Conference on the

Atmospheric Effects of Aviation, March 10-14, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12

Young, D. E; Minnis, P.; Smith, W. L., Jr.; Palikonda, R.; and Nguyen, L.: Cirrus and Contrail

Microphysical Properties Derived From Satellite Data During SUCCESS. Presented at Ninth

Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, February 2-7, 1997, Long Beach, California. In

Proceedings, p. 409-413.

Organization CA RTOP 538-08-12


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (97)

661 Zak, J. A.; and Rodgers, W. G., Jr.: Documentation of Atmospheric Conditions During

Observed Rising Aircraft Wakes. (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences.)

NASA CR-4767, April 1997, 40 p.

ftp :/_techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /cr_NAS A-97-cr4 7 6

Organization DC RTOP 538-04-11

Life Sciences

Category 52 Aerospace Medicine

662 Cucinotta, E A.; Dicello, J. F.; Williams, J. R.; Wilson, J. W.; and Mabry, M.: Molecular

Kinetics Description of the Cell Cycle and Gene Expression After Radiation Exposure.

Presented at Joint Meeting of Radiation Research Society and the North American

Hyperthermia Society, May 3-7, 1997, Providence, Rhode Island.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

663 Cucinotta, F. A.; O'Neill, P.; Nikjoo, H.; Wilson, J. W.; and Goodhead, D.T.: Mathematical

Description of the Kinetics of DSB Repair. Presented at Joint Meeting of Radiation Research

Society and the North American Hyperthermia Society, May 3-7, 1997, Providence,Rhode Island.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

664 Cucinotta, F. A.; Wilson, J. W.; Dicello, J. F.; Williams, J. R.; and Mabry, M.: Molecular

Kinetics Description of the Cell Cycle and Gene Expression After X-Ray and Heavy Ion

Exposure. Presented at Eighth Annual Investigator's Workshop in Space Radiation Research,

April 29-May 3, 1997, Upton, New York.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

665 Cucinotta, E A.; Wilson, J. W.; Dicello, J. F.; Williams, J. R.; and Mabry, M.: Estimating

Health Risks in Space From Galactic Cosmic Rays. Presented at 12th Man in Space

Symposium, June 9-13, 1997, Washington, DC.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

666 Cucinotta, F. A.; Wilson, J. W.; Shavers, M. R.; and Katz, R.: Calculation of Heavy Ion

Inactivation and Mutation Rates in Radial Dose Model of Track Structure. NASA TP-3630,

July 1997, 14 p.


Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

667 Pretlow, R. A.; Yost, W. T.; and Cantrell, J. H., Jr.: Beat Frequency Ultrasonic Microsphere

Contrast Agent Detection System. U. S. Patent 5,601,086. Issued February 11, 1997.

Organization DM


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (98)

668 Ueno, T.; Ballard, R. E.; Shuer, L. M; Cantrell, J. H., Jr.; Yost, W. T.; and Hargens, A. R.:

Non-Invasive Measurement of Pulsatile Intracranial Pressures Using Ultrasound. Presented at

10th International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring in Brain Injury,

May 25-29, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Organization DM RTOP 243-30-07

669 Wilson, J. W.; Cucinotta, F. A.; Jones, T. D.; and Chang, C. K.: Astronaut Protection From

Solar Event of August 4, 1972. NASA TP-3643, April 1997, 16 p.


Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

670 Wilson, J. W.; Maiden, D. L.; Shinn, J. L.; Tai, H.; and Cucinotta, E A." Atmospheric

Ionizing Radiation Exposures in Commercial High Altitude Aircraft Operations. Presented at

Sixth Annual Space Radiation Health Investigator Workshop, April 30-May 2, 1997,

Long Island, New York.

Organization DM RTOP 537-09-21

671 Yost, W. T.; and Cantrell, J. H., Jr.: Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Monitoring

Intracranial Pressure and Pressure Volume Index in Humans. U. S. Patent 5,617,873. Issued

April 8, 1997.

Organization DM

Mathematical and Computer Sciences

Category 59 Mathematical and Computer Sciences (General)

672 Anon.: Semiannual Report--April 1, 1997 Through September 30, 1997. (NAS1-19480 and

NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-97-206258, November 1997, 90 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

673 Anon.: Semiannual Report---October 1, 1996 Through March 31, 1997. (NAS1-19480

Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201697,

May 1997, 60 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

674 Girimaji, S. S.: The Second ICASE/LaRC Industry Roundtable: Session Proceedings.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201684, ICASE Interim Report 30, April 1997, 122 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

675 Grant, M. S.: A Succinct Naming Convention for Lengthy Hexadecimal Numbers. NASA

TM-113131, October 1997, 10 p. 113131 .ps.Z

Organization GL RTOP 258-20-00


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (99)

676 Holloway, C. M.; and Hayhurst, K. J. (Compilers): Fourth NASA Langley Formal Methods

Workshop. NASA CP-3356, September 1997, 214 p.

Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

677 Kincaid, R. K.; Laba, K. E.; and Padula, S. L.: Quelling Cabin Noise in Turboprop Aircraft

via Active Control. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 1, 1997, p. 229-250.

Organization DF RTOP 505-63-36

678 Kincaid, R. K.; and Padula, S. L.: Actuator Selection for the Control of Multi-Frequency

Noise in Aircraft Interiors. Presented at 2nd Metaheuristics International Conference,

July 21-24, 1997, Nice, France.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

679 Padula, S. L.: MDO Test Suite on the World Wide Web. Presented at Second World Congress

of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 26-30, 1997, Zakopane, Poland.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

Category 60 Computer Operations and Hardware

680 Benkner, S.; Mehrotra, E; Van Rosendale, J.; and Zima, H.: High-Level Management of

Communication Schedules in HPF-Like Languages. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201740, ICASE Report No. 97-46,

September 1997, 27 p. /

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

681 Bokhari, S. H.; Crockett, T. W.; and Nicol, D. M.: Binary Dissection: Variants &

Applications. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201716, ICASE Report No. 97-29, July 1997, 34 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

682 Buchholz, E; Ciardo, G.; Donatelli, S.; and Kemper, E: Complexity of Kronecker Operations

on Sparse Matrices With Applications to the Solution of Markov Models. (NAS 1-19480 and

NAS 1-97046. Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-97-206274, ICASE Report No. 97-66, December 1997, 29 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

683 Chapman, B.; Haines, M.; Mehrotra, E; Zima, H.; and Van Rosendale, J.: Opus: A

Coordination Language for Multidisciplinary Applications. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201707, ICASE Report

No. 97-30, June 1997, 27 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (100)








Chiueh, T-C.; and Ma, K-L.: A Parallel Pipelined Renderer for the Time-Varying Volume

Data. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-97-206275, ICASE Report No. 97-70, December 1997, 17 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Ciardo, G.; and Miner, A. S.: Storage Alternatives for Large Structured State Spaces.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201646, ICASE Report No. 97-5, January 1997, 22 p.

ftp ://

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Ciardo, G.; Nicol, D. M.; and Trivedi, K. S.: Discrete-Event Simulation of Fluid Stochastic

Petri Nets. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201688, ICASE Report No. 97-24, May 1997, 17 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Ciardo, G.; and Tilgner, M.: Parametric State Space Structuring. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206267, ICASE Report

No. 97-67, December 1997, 30 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Guattery, S.; Leighton, T.; and Miller, G. L.: The Path Resistance Method for Bounding the

Smallest Nontrivial Eigenvalue of a Laplacian. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201746, ICASE Report No. 97-51,October 1997, 20 p.

ftp://ftp.icase.edulpubltechreports/97/97-51 .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Haines, M.: On Designing Lightweight Threads for Substrate Software. (NAS 1-19480

Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201645, ICASE

Report No. 97-4, January 1997, 20 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Hayder, M. E.; Keyes, D. E.; and Mehrotra, P.: A Comparison of PETSC Library and HPF

Implementations of an Archetypal PDE Computation. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046

Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206278,

ICASE Report No. 97-72, December 1997, 27 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (101)








Interrante, V.: Illustrating Surface Shape in Volume Data via Principal Direction-Driven 3D

Line Integral Convolution. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201706, ICASE Report No. 97-28, June 1997, 16 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Interrante, V.; Fuchs, H.; and Pizer, S.: Conveying the 3D Shape of Transparent Surfaces via

Texture. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201705, ICASE Report No. 97-27, June 1997, 32 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Interrante, V.; and Grosch, C. E.: Strategies for Effectively Visualizing a 3D Flow Using

Volume Line Integral Convolution. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201717, ICASE Report No. 97-35, July 1997, 11 p.

ftp :// /9 7-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Jones, J. E.; Cai, Z.; McCormick, S. F.; and Russell, T. F.: Control-Volume Mixed Finite

Element Methods. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201663, ICASE Report No. 97-16, February 1997, 28 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Jones, J. E.; and Melson, N. D.: A Note on Multi-Block Relaxation Schemes for Multigrid

Solvers. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201662, ICASE Report No. 97-15, February 1997, 12 p.

ftp :// /

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Keyes, D. E.; Kaushik, D. K.; and Smith, B. F.: Prospects for CFD on Petaflops Systems.

(NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206279, ICASE Report No. 97-73, December 1997, 30 p.

ftp :// /97-7

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Kumfert, G.; and Pothen, A.: Two Improved Algorithms for Envelope and Wavefront

Reduction. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201714, ICASE Report No. 97-33, July 1997, 35 p.

ftp :// /97- 3

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (102)








Leutenegger, S. T.; Edgington, J. M.; and Lopez, M. A.: STR: A Simple and Efficient

Algorithm for R-Tree Packing. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-201661, ICASE Report No. 97-14, February 1997, 31 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Ma, K-L.; and Crockett, T. W.: A Scalable Parallel Cell-Projection Volume Rendering

Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Unstructured Data. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201719, ICASE Report No. 97-37,

August 1997, 21 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Malekpour, M. R.: Fiber Optic Backplane for Reducing HIRF Effects in Fault Tolerant

Computing Platforms. Presented at 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference,

October 26-30, 1997, Irvine, California.

Organization DI RTOP 522-14-21

Pilkey, D. F.; Roe, K. P.; and Inman, D. J.: Computational Issues in Damping Identification for

Large Scale Problems. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201727, ICASE Report No. 97-41, August 1997, 13 p.

ftp://ftp.ic .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Somani, A. K.: Reliability Modeling of Structured Systems: Exploring Symmetry in State-

Space Generation. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201643, ICASE Report No. 97-2, January 1997, 30 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Somani, A. K.; and Sansano, A. M.: Minimizing Overhead in Parallel Algorithms Through

Overlapping Communication/Computation. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201649, ICASE Report No. 97-8,

February 1997, 28 p.


Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Somani, A. K.; and Trivedi, K. S.: Boolean Algebraic Methods for Phased-Mission System

Analysis. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201644, ICASE Report No. 97-3, January 1997, 21 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (103)

705 Ueng, S-K.; Sikorski, K.; and Ma, K-L.: Out-of-Core Streamline Visualization on Large

Unstructured Meshes. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201699, ICASE Report No. 97-22, May 1997, 29 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Category 61 Computer Programming and Software

706 Bavuso, S.J.: Aerospace Applications of Weibull and Monte Carlo Simulation With

Importance Sampling. Presented at 1997 International Symposium on Product Quality and

Integrity, January 13-16, 1997, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In Proceedings, Volume 2.

Organization DI RTOP 505-64-50

707 Hammond, D. P.: Asynchronous Communication of TLNS3DMB Boundary Exchange.

(NAS 1-20431 Computer Sciences Corporation.) NASA CR-201722, June 1997, 12 p.

Organization GM

708 Holloway, C. M.: Why Engineers Should Consider Formal Methods. Presented at 16th

Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30, 1997, Irvine, California.


Organization DI RTOP 522-33-11

709 Kaplan, J. A.; and Kenney, P. S.: SimGraph: A Flight Simulation Data Visualization

Workstation. Presented at AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, August

11-13, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. AIAA Paper No. 97-3797.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc__ 997/aiaa/

Organization GM

710 Owre, S.; and Shankar, N.: Abstract Datatypes in PVS. (NAS 1-18969 SRI International.)

NASA CR-97-206264, November 1997, 59 p.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /cr/NAS

Organization DI RTOP 519-50-11

711 Salas, A. O.; and Rogers, J. L.: A Web-Based System for Monitoring and Controlling

Multidisciplinary Design Projects. NASA TM-97-206287, December 1997, 18 p.


Organization DF RTOP 509-10-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (104)

Category62Computer Systems

712 Belcastro, C. M: Closed-Loop HIRF Experiments Performed on a Fault Tolerant Flight

Control Computer. Presented at 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30,1997, Irvine, California.

Organization DI RTOP 522-14-21

713 Holt, H. M.: Assessment of Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems at NASA's Langley Research

Center. Presented at 1997 IEEE Aerospace Conference, February 1-8, 1997, Aspen, Colorado.

Organization DI RTOP 538-01-14

714 Johnson, S. D; and Miner, E S.: Integrated Reasoning Support in System Design: Design

Derivation and Theorem Proving. Presented at CHARME '97 Correct Hardware Design &

Verification Methods, October 16-18, 1997, Quebec, Canada. In Proceedings, p. 255-272.

Organization DI RTOP 519-30-31

715 Koppen, D. M.: Open-Loop HIRF Experiments Performed on a Fault Tolerant Flight Control

Computer. Presented at 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30, 1997,Irvine, California.


Organization DI RTOP 522-14-21

716 Noor, A. K.; and Malone, J. B. (Compilers): Next Generation CAD/CAM/CAE Systems.

NASA CP-3357, September 1997, 293 p.

Organization D RTOP 522-32-11

717 Noor, A. K.; and Malone, J. B. (Compilers): Computational Tools and Facilities for the Next-

Generation Analysis and Design Environment. NASA CP-3346, March 1997, 229 p.

Organization D RTOP 522-32-11

718 Owre, S.; Rushby, J.; and Shankar, N.: Analyzing Tabular and State-Transition Requirements

Specifications in PVS. (NAS1-20334 SRI International.) NASA CR-201729, July 1997, 80 p.

ftp ://

Organization DI RTOP 519-30-31

719 Tucker, J. H.; and Tapia, M. A.: Generalized Flip-Flop Input Equations Based on a Four-

Valued Boolean Algebra. Presented at IEEE Region 3's 1997 Southeast Conference,

April 12-14, 1997, Blacksburg, Virginia. In Proceedings, p. 82-86.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_ 997/mtg/

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (105)

Category 63 Cybernetics

720 Haley, P. J.; and Soloway, D. I.: Generalized Predictive Control for Active Flutter

Suppression. Control Systems Magazine, Volume 17, No. 4, August 1997, p. 64-70.

Organization DC RTOP 274-00-97

721 Joshi, S. M.; and Kelkar, A. G.: Passivity-Based Control of Elastic Systems. Presented at

1997 American Control Conference, June 4-6, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Organization DC RTOP 505-64-52

722 Kelkar, A. G.; and Joshi, S. M.: On Passivity-Based Control of Flexible Multibody Nonlinear

Systems. Presented at 1997 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 10-12,

1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DC RTOP 522-33-11

723 Kelkar, A. G.; and Joshi, S. M.: Robust Control of Non-Passive Systems via Passification.

Presented at 1997 American Control Conference, June 4-6, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Organization DC RTOP 505-64-52

724 Soloway, D. I.; and Haley, P. J.: Neural Generalized Predictive Control: A Newton-Raphson

Implementation. NASA TM-110244, February 1997, 18 p.

Organization DI RTOP 274-00-96

Category 64 Numerical Analysis

725 Alexandrov, N.; Dennis, J. E., Jr.; Lewis, R. M.; and Torczon, V.: A Trust Region Framework

for Managing the Use of Approximation Models in Optimization. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201745, ICASE Report

No. 97-50, October 1997, 19 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

726 Allan, B. G.; Holt, M.; and Packard, A.: Simulation of a Controlled Airfoil With Jets.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201750, ICASE Report No. 97-55, October 1997, 20 p. .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

727 Anderson, W. K.; and Venkatakrishnan, V.: Aerodynamic Design Optimization on

Unstructured Grids With a Continuous Adjoint Formulation. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for

Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201650, ICASE Report

No. 97-9, January 1997, 46 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (106)

728 Arian,E.: ConvergenceEstimatesfor MultidisciplinaryAnalysisandOptimization.(NAS1-19480Institutefor ComputerApplicationsin ScienceandEngineering.)NASACR-201752,ICASE ReportNo. 97-57,October1997,39p.

OrganizationA RTOP505-90-52

729 Arian, E.; and Salas, M. D.: Admitting the Inadmissible: Adjoint Formulation for Incomplete

Cost Functionals in Aerodynamic Optimization. (NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206269, ICASE Report No. 97-69,

December 1997, 18 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

730 Aurovillian, A.; Zhang, H.; and Wiecek, M. M.: A Bookkeeping Strategy for Multiple

Objective Linear Programs. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201647, ICASE Report No. 97-6, January 1997, 14 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

731 Banerjee, N. S.; and Geer, J. F.: Exponential Approximations Using Fourier Series Partial

Sums. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201751, ICASE Report No. 97-56, October 1997, 42 p.

ftp ://

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

732 Bums, J. A.; and King, B. B.: A Note on the Mathematical Modelling of Damped Second

Order Systems. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201657, ICASE Report No. 97-10, February 1997, 12 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

733 Calkins, E T.; Smith, R. C.; and Flatau, A. B.: An Energy-Based Hysteresis Model for

Magnetostrictive Transducers. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206246, ICASE Report No. 97-60,

November 1997, 21 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

734 Chang, H-C.; Gottlieb, D. I.; Marion, M.; and Sheldon, B. W.: Mathematical Analysis and

Optimization of Infiltration Processes. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201660, ICASE Report No. 97-13, February 1997,


Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (107)

735 co*ckburn,B.; andShu,C-W.:TheLocal DiscontinuousGalerkinMethodfor Time-DependentConvection-DiffusionSystems.(NAS1-19480Institutefor ComputerApplicationsin ScienceandEngineering.)NASACR-201711,ICASE ReportNo.97-32,July 1997,35p. 3

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

736 co*ckburn, B.; and Shu, C-W.: The Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for

Conservation Laws V: Multidimensional Systems. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201737, ICASE Report No. 97-43,

September 1997, 37 p.

ftp :// /97-4

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

737 Del Rosario, R. C.; and Smith, R. C.: LQR Control of Thin Shell Dynamics: Formulation and

Numerical Implementation. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206245, ICASE Report No. 97-59,

November 1997, 33 p.

ftp :// /97- 5

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

738 Del Rosario, R. C.; and Smith, R. C.: LQR Control of Shell Vibrations via Piezoceramic

Actuators. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.)

NASA CR-201673, ICASE Report No. 97-19, March 1997, 20 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

739 Guattery, S.: Graph Embedding Techniques for Bounding Condition Numbers of Incomplete

Factor Preconditioners. (NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-19746 Institute for Computer Applications

in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201741, ICASE Report No. 97-47, September 1997,17p.

ftp :// /97-4

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

740 Hesthaven, J. S.; and Jameson, L.: A Wavelet Optimized Adaptive Multi-Domain Method.

(NAS 1-19480 and NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and

Engineering.) NASA CR-201747, ICASE Report No. 97-52, October 1997, 21 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

741 Horton, G.: On the Multilevel Solution Algorithm for Markov Chains. (NAS 1-19480 Institute

for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201671, ICASE Report

No. 97-17, March 1997, 24 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (108)








Kaneko, H.; Noren, R. D.; and Padilla, E A.: Superconvergence of the Iterated Collocation

Methods for Hammerstein Equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,

Volume 80, No. 2, May 5, 1997, p. 335-350.

Organization DC RTOP 538-07-11

Kangro, U.; and Nicolaides, R. A.: Divergence Boundary Conditions for Vector Helmholtz

Equations With Divergence Constraints. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201739, ICASE Report No. 97-45, September 1997,


ftp :// /97-4

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Lewis, R. M.: Numerical Computation of Sensitivities and the Adjoint Approach.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-97-206247, ICASE Report No. 97-61, November 1997, 19 p. .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Lewis, R. M.: A Nonlinear Programming Perspective on Sensitivity Calculations for Systems

Governed by State Equations. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-201659, ICASE Report No. 97-12, February 1997, 37 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Loncaric, J.: The Pseudo-Inverse of the Derivative Operator in Polynomial Spectral Methods.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201715, ICASE Report No. 97-34, July 1997, 17 p.

ftp :l/ftp.icase.edulpub/techreports197 /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Mavriplis, D. J.: Adaptive Meshing Techniques for Viscous Flow Calculations on Mixed

Element Unstructured Meshes. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science

and Engineering.) NASA CR-201675, ICASE Report No. 97-20, May 1997, 21 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

Ryaben'kii, V. S.: Difference Potentials and Their Applications. (NAS 1-19480 and

NAS 1-97046 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201742, ICASE Report No. 97-48, September 1997, 16 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (109)

749 Shu, C-W.: Essentially Non-Oscillatory and Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes

for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-97-206253, ICASE Report No. 97-65, November 1997,83 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

750 Sidilkover, D.: Some Approaches Towards Constructing Optimally Efficient Multigrid

Solvers for the Inviscid Flow Equations. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201725, ICASE Report No. 97-39, August 1997, 28 p.

ftp :// /97- 3

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

751 Smith, R. C.: Hysteresis Modeling in Magnetostrictive Materials Via Preisach Operators.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201695, ICASE Report No. 97-23, May 1997, 19 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

752 Sun, X-H.; and Zhuang, Y.: A High-Order Direct Solver for Helmholtz Equations With

Neumann Boundary Conditions. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in

Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201658, ICASE Report No. 97-11, February 1997,27 p.

ftp :// /97-11 .ps

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

753 Swanson, R. C., Jr.; Radespiel, R.; and Turkel, E.: Comparison of Several Dissipation

Algorithms for Central Difference Schemes. (NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer

Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA CR-201726, ICASE Report No. 97-40,August 1997, 28 p.

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

754 Trosset, M. W.; and Torczon, V.: Numerical Optimization Using Computer Experiments.

(NAS 1-19480 Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering.) NASA

CR-201724, ICASE Report No. 97-38, August 1997, 16 p.

ftp :// /97-

Organization A RTOP 505-90-52

755 Wood, W. A.: Equivalence of Fluctuation Splitting and Finite Volume for One-Dimensional

Gas Dynamics. NASA TM-97-206271, October 1997, 29 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc. .ps .Z

Organization DA RTOP 242-80-01


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (110)

Category 65 Statistics and Probability

756 Garrison, J. L., Jr.; Axelrad, P.; and Kasdin, N. J.: On the Possibility of Ill-Conditioned

Covariance Matrices in the First-Order Two-Step Estimator. Advances in Astronautical

Sciences, Volume 95, Pt. 2, 1997, p. 1087-1102.

Organization CB RTOP 906-43-00

757 Garrison, J. L., Jr.; Axelrad, P.; and Kasdin, N. J.: On the Possibility of Ill-Conditioned

Covariance Matrices in the First-Order Two-Step Estimator. Presented at 7th AAS/AIAA

Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, February 10-12, 1997, Huntsville, Alabama. AAS Paper

No. 97-195.


Organization CB RTOP 906-43-00

Category 66 Systems Analysis

758 Unal, R.; Braun, R. D.; Moore, A. A.; and Lepsch, R. A., Jr.: Response Surface Model

Building Using Orthogonal Arrays for Computer Experiments. Presented at 19th Annual

International Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysis, May 27-30,

1997, New Orleans, Louisiana. In Proceedings.

ftp :__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v _pub_techrep_rtsl_ar__ _997 _mtg_NAS A-97-

Organization CB RTOP 242-80-01


Category 70 Physics (General)

759 Cramer, K. E.; and Winfree, W. E: Thermographic Characterization of Corrosion Using a

Scanned Thermal Line Source. Presented at 24th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative

Nondestructive Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

760 Cramer, K. E.; and Winfree, W. E: Thermographic Detection and Characterization of

Corrosion by Application of Thermal Line Source. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA

Conference on Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

761 Plotnikov, Y.; and Winfree, W. E: Thermographic Imaging of Defects in Anisotropic

Composites. Presented at 24th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive

Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-10-11

762 Winfree, W. E: Recent Advances in NDE Technologies for Aircraft Inspection. Presented

at Workshop on Intelligent NDE Sciences for Aging and Futuristic Aircraft,

September 30-October 2, 1997, E1 Paso, Texas.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (111)

763 Winfree, W. E: Enhanced Thermographic Detection of Delaminations With Computational

Pulse Shaping. Presented at 24th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive

Evaluation, July 27-August l, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

764 Winfree, W. E; Namkung, M.; Cramer, K. E.; and Johnston, E H.: Advanced NDE

Techniques for Aircraft Inspection. Presented at First Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on

Aging Aircraft, July 8-10, 1997, Ogden, Utah.

Organization DM RTOP 538-02-11

Category 71 Acoustics

765 Ahuja, K. K.; and Gaeta, R. J., Jr.: A Unique Test Facility to Measure Liner Performance With

a Summary of Initial Test Results. (NAS 1-19061 Georgia Institute of Technology.) NASACR-201667, March 1997, 132 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

766 Ahuja, K. K.; and Gaeta, R. J., Jr.: A Unique Wide-Band Liner for High Temperature

Applications. (NAS 1-19061 Georgia Institute of Technology.) NASA CR-201677,

March 1997, 110 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

767 Atkins, H. L.: Local Analysis of Shock Capturing Using Discontinuous Galerkin

Methodology. Presented at 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,

June 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass, Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-2032. DF RTOP 505-59-53

768 Atkins, H. L.: Continued Development of Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Computational

Aeroacoustic Applications. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference,

May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1581. .ps.ZOrganization DF RTOP 505-59-53

769 Baty, R. S.; Vaughn, M. R.; and Farassat, F.: A Nonstandard Analysis of a Simple

Discontinuous Force Equation Modelling Continuous Motion. Journal of Sound and

Vibration, Volume 202, No. 2, 1997, p. 288-297.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

770 Bayliss, A.; and Maestrello, L.: Response of High Subsonic Jet to Nonaxisymmetric

Disturbances. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, May 12-14, 1997,Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1580.

ftp://techreports .larc DF RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (112)

771 Brentner,K. S.:An Efficient andRobustMethodfor PredictingHelicopterRotorHigh-SpeedImpulsiveNoise.Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 203, No. 1, May 29, 1997,

p. 87-100.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

772 Brentner, K. S.: Numerical Algorithms for Acoustic Integrals With Examples for Rotor Noise

Prediction. AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 4, April 1997, p. 625-630.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

773 Brentner, K. S.: A Superior Kirchhoff Method for Aeroacoustic Noise Prediction: The

Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings Equation. Presented at 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society

of America, December 1-5, 1997, San Diego, California.


Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

774 Brentner, K. S.: Helicopter Rotor Noise Prediction: Background, Current Status, and Future

Direction. Presented at University of Tennessee Space Institute Seminar, December 10, 1997,

Chattanooga, Tennessee.

ftp :/_techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts__arc_ _997 /mtg_N AS

Organization DF RTOP 581-20-21

775 Brentner, K. S.; and Farassat, F.: An Analytical Comparison of the Acoustic Analogy and

Kirchhoff Formulation for Moving Surfaces. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd

Annual Forum, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

ftp ://

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

776 Brentner, K. S.; and Holland, P. C.: An Efficient and Robust Method for Computing

Quadrupole Noise. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Volume 42, No. 2,

April 1997, p. 172-181.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

777 Brentner, K. S.; Lyrintzis, A. S.; and Koutsavdis, E. K.: Comparison of Computational

Aeroacoustic Prediction Methods for Transonic Rotor Noise. Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34,

No. 4, July-August 1997, p. 531-538.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

778 Cantrell, J. H., Jr.; and Yost, W. T.: Effect of Precipitate Coherency Strains on Acoustic

Harmonic Generation. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 81, No. 7, April 1, 1997,

p. 2957-2962.

Organization DM RTOP 522-13-21

779 Cantrell, J. H., Jr.; and Yost, W. T.: Ultrasonic Velocity. In Handbook of Acoustics, Volume 2,

M. J. Crocker, ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1997, p. 629-639.

Organization DM RTOP 506-43-11


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (113)

780 Chow, P. L.; and Maestrello, L.: Active Control of Non-Linear Panel Vibration and Sound

Radiation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 201, No. 3, 1997, p. 390-403.Organization DF RTOP 522-32-21

781 Clark, L. R.; Thomas, R. H.; Dougherty, R. P.; Farassat, E; and Gerhold, C. H.: Inlet ShapeEffects on the Far-Field Sound of a Model Fan. Presented at Third AIAAJCEAS Aeroacoustic

Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1589.

ftp:/_techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub_techrep_rts/_ar___997_aiaa/ DF RTOP 538-03-12

782 Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Hergenrother, E M.: Imide Oligomers and Co-Oligomers

Containing Pendent Phenylethynyl Groups and Polymers Therefrom. U. S. Patent 5,606,014.

Issued February 25, 1997.

Organization DM

783 Connell, J. W.; Smith, J. G., Jr.; and Hergenrother, R M.: Diamines Containing Pendent

Phenylethynyl Groups. U. S. Patent 5,689,004. Issued November 18, 1997.

Organization DM

784 Conner, D. A.; Marcolini, M. A.; Edwards, B. D.; and Brieger, J. T.: XV-15 Tiltrotor Low

Noise Terminal Area Operations. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd Annual

Forum, April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In Proceedings, Volume 1, p. 1-11.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/199 7/mtg/NAS A-97- 5 DF RTOP 581-20-31

785 Cox, J. S.; Rumsey, C. L.; Brentner, K. S.; and Younis, B. A.: Computation of Vortex

Shedding and Radiated Sound for a Circular Cylinder. Presented at Fourth International

Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Aeroelasticity, Flow-Induced Vibrations and

Noise, November 16-21, 1997, Dallas, Texas. In Proceedings.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts__arc/_ 997/mtg/

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

786 Cox, J. S.; Rumsey, C. L.; Brentner, K. S.; and Younis, B. A.: Computation of Sound

Generated by Viscous Flow Over a Circular Cylinder. NASA TM-110339, March 1997, 10 p. DF RTOP 533-31-21

787 Dunn, M. H.: TBIEM3D--A Computer Program for Predicting Ducted Fan Engine Noise,

Version 1.1. (NAGl-1940 Old Dominion University.) NASA CR-97-206232,

September 1997, 31 p. DF RTOP 538-03-12

788 Eure, K. W.; and Juang, J-N.: Broadband Noise Control Using Predictive Techniques. NASATM-110320, January 1997, 21 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (114)










Farassat, E; and Brentner, K. S.: Supersonic Quadrupole Noise Theory for High-Speed

Helicopter Rotors. Presented at American Helicopter Society Technical Specialists' Meeting

for Rotorcraft Acoustics and Aerodynamics, October 28-30, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub_techrep_rts__arc/ _997 /mtg/NAS

Organization DF RTOP 581-20-21

Farassat, F.; and Myers, M. K.: A Graphical Approach to Wave Propagation in a Rigid Duct.

Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 200, No. 5, 1997, p. 729-735.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-11

Fenno, C. C., Jr.; Bayliss, A.; and Maestrello, L.: Panel-Structure Response to Acoustic

Forcing by a Nearly Sonic Jet. A1AA Journal, Volume 35, No. 2, February 1997, p. 219-227.

Organization DF RTOP 505-63-50

Fenno, C. C., Jr.; Bayliss, A.; and Maestrello, L.: Interactions of Sound From Supersonic Jets

With Nearby Structures. Presented at 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,

January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAA Paper No. 97-0283.

Organization DF RTOP 522-32-31

Fields, J. M.: Reactions of Residents to Long-Term Sonic Boom Noise Environments.

(NAS 1-20103 McDonnell Douglas Aerospace; Wyle Laboratories, Subcontractor.) NASA

CR-201704, June 1997, 167 p.

Organization DF RTOP 537-09-21

Frendi, A.: Effect of Pressure Gradients on Plate Response and Radiation in a Supersonic

Turbulent Boundary Layer. (NAS 1-19700 Analytical Services & Materials, Inc., and

NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences) NASA CR-201691, March 1997,

36 p.

Organization DF RTOP 537-06-37

Frendi, A.; and Maestrello, L.: On the Combined Effect of Mean Flow and Acoustic

Excitation on Structural Response and Radiation. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,

Volume 119, No. 3, July 1997, p. 448-456.

Organization DF RTOP 522-32-31

Gerhold, C. H.: Active Control of Fan-Generated Tone Noise. AIAA Journal, Volume 35,

No. 1, January 1997, p. 17-22. (Also on AIAA Journal on Disc, Vol. 2, No. 2.)

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-11

Gibbs, G. P.; Fuller, C. R.; and Paxton, S.: Piezoelectric Actuator Configuration Optimization

for Active Structural Acoustic Control in Aircraft. Presented at 1997 SAE General, Corporate

and Regional Aviation Meeting and Exposition, April 29-May 1, 1997, Wichita, Kansas.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (115)










Hardin, J. C.: Thermoacoustics of Buoyant Flows. Presented at 25th Silver Jubilee

Midwestern Mechanics Conference, September 21-24, 1997, Rapid City, South Dakota. InProceedings.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

Hardin, J. C.: A Comprehensive Analysis of Landing Approach Noise Sources. Presented at

Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAAPaper No. 97-1593.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-53

Hargens, A. R.; Ueno, T.; Ballard, R. E.; Cantrell, J. H., Jr.; and Yost, W.T.: Noninvasive

Measurement of Intracranial Pressure Using Ultrasound. Presented at Advanced Technology

Applications to Combat Casualty Care '97 Symposium and Workshops, May 19-22, 1997,Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Horonjeff, R. D.; and Robert, W. E.: Attitudinal Responses to Changes in Noise Exposure in

Residential Communities. (NAS1-20102 Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc.) NASA

CR-97-205813, December 1997, 150 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-15

Jones, F. P.: Advanced Subsonic Technology General Aviation Noise Reduction Program.

Presented at SAE General, Corporate and Regional Aviation Meeting and Exposition,April 29-May 1, 1997, Wichita, Kansas.

Organization KC RTOP 538-03-12

Jones, H. E.: Full-Potential Modeling of Blade-Vortex Interactions. NASA TP-3651, ATCOM

TR-97-A-005, December 1997, 90 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tp/NAS A-97-tp3651 .ps.ZOrganization DF RTOP 505-63-36

Jones, H. E.; and Burley, C. L.: A Study of the Effects of Blade Shape on Rotor Noise.

Presented at American Helicopter Society Technical Specialists' Meeting for Rotorcraft

Acoustics and Aerodynamics, October 28-30, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia. DF RTOP 538-07-14

Jones, M. G.; and Stiede, P. E.: Comparison of Methods for Determining Specific Acoustic

Impedance. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 101, No. 5, May 1997,p. 2694-2704.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

Joppa, R D.; Sutherland, L. C.; and Zuckerwar, A. J.: Representative Frequency Approach to

the Effect of Ban@ass Filters on Evaluation of Sound Attenuation by the Atmosphere. Noise

Control Engineering Journal, Volume 44, No. 6, November-December 1996, p. 261-273.Organization GH RTOP 537-02-22


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (116)









Kelly, J. J.; and Abu-Khajeel, H.: A User's Guide to the Zwikker-Kosten Transmission Line

Code (ZKTL). (NAS 1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering and Sciences Company.) NASA

CR-97-206901, December 1997, 27 p.

ftp ://techreports.larc.nasa.govlpubltechreports/larcl1997 /crlNAS A-97-cr206901 .ps.Z

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

Kwan, H. W.; Spamer, G. T.; Yu, J.; and Yasukawa, B.: Lightweight Ceramics for

Aeroacoustic Applications. (NAS 1-20102 Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space; Rohr, Inc.,

Subcontractor.) NASA CR-201709, July 1997, 130 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

Lucas, M. J.; and Marcolini, M. A.: Rotorcraft Noise Model. Presented at American

Helicopter Society Technical Specialists' Meeting for Rotorcraft Acoustics and

Aerodynamics, October 28-30, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

ftp://techreports .larc

Organization DF RTOP 581-20-31

Lucas, M. J.; and Marcolini, M.A.: Rotorcraft Noise Model. Presented at 133rd Meeting of

the Acoustical Society of America, June 15-20, 1997, State College, Pennsylvania.

Organization DF RTOP 538-07-15

Lyle, K. H.: XV-15 Structural-Acoustic Data. NASA TM-112855, ARL-TR-1423, June 1997,

25 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

Lyle, K. H.; Burley, C. L.; and Prichard, D. S.: A Comparison of Measured and PredictedXV-15 Tiltrotor Surface Acoustic Pressures. Presented at American Helicopter Society

Technical Specialists' Meeting for Rotorcraft Acoustics and Aerodynamics, October 28-30,

1997, Williamsburg, Virginia.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts__arc/ _997 /mtg_NAS

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

Maestrello, L.: Active Control of Panel Oscillation Induced by Accelerated Turbulent

Boundary Layer and Sound. AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 5, May 1997, p. 796-801.

Organization DF RTOP 505-63-50

Maestrello, L.: Spatiotemporal Chaos of Panel Oscillation Forced by Turbulent Boundary

Layer and Sound. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, May 12-14,

1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1688.

Organization DF RTOP 505-63-50


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (117)









Meadows, K. R.: A Study of Fundamental Shock Noise Mechanisms. NASA TP-3605,

April 1997, 103 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ _997 /tp_NAS A-97-tp

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

Meadows, K. R.; Hunter, W. W., Jr., Brooks, T. E; Humphreys, W. M., Jr.; and Gerhold, C. H.:

Aeroacoustic Measurements of a Wing-Flap Configuration. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS

Aeroacoustic Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1595.


Organization DF RTOP 505-59-53

Mueller, A. W.; and Wilson, M. R.: The Effects of Linear Microphone Array Changes on

Computed Sound Exposure Level Footprints. Presented at 1997 SAE Noise and Vibration

Conference, May 20-22, 1997, Traverse City, Michigan. In Proceedings, Volume 3, p. 1109,

SAE Paper No. 972011.

Organization DF RTOP 505-63-36

Murphy, K. D.; Virgin, L. N.; and Rizzi, S. A.: The Effect of Thermal Prestress on the Free

Vibration Characteristics of Clamped Rectangular Plates: Theory and Experiment. Journal of

Vibration and Acoustics, Volume 119, No. 2, April 1997, p. 243-249.

Organization DF RTOP 537-06-22

Nguyen, L. C.; and Kelly, J. J.: A Users Guide for the NASA ANOPP Propeller Analysis

System. (NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences.) NASA CR-4768,

February 1997, 102 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-13

Palumbo, D. L.; and Padula, S. L.: Optimizing an Actuator Array for the Control of Multi-

Frequency Noise in Aircraft Interiors. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic

Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1615.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

Pearsons, K. S.; Howe, R. R.; Sneddon, M. D.; Silvati, L.; and Fidell, S.: Comparison of

Predictors of the Annoyance of Commuter, Stage II and Stage III Aircraft Overflights as

Heard Outdoors. (NAS 1-20101 BBN Systems and Technologies.) NASA CR-97-205812,

December 1997, 85 p.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-15

Ponton, M. K.; Seiner, J. M.; and Brown, M. C.: Near Field Pressure Fluctuations in the Exit

Plane of a Choked Axisymmetric Nozzle. NASA TM-113137, November 1997, 91 p.

Organization DF RTOP 537-05-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (118)










Powell, C. A.; and Sullivan, B. M.: Application of Sound Quality Engineering to Aircraft

Interior Noise. Presented at ASA/INCE Product Sound Quality 1997 (PSQ '97),

September 21-23, 1997, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14

Prosser, W. H.; Scale, M. D.; and Smith, B. T.: Application of the Pseudo Wigner-Ville

Distribution for the Measurement of the Dispersion of Lamb Modes in Graphite/Epoxy Plates.

Presented at Eighth International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of

Materials, June 15-20, 1997, Boulder, Colorado. In Proceedings.

Organization DM RTOP 242-03-30

Rizzi, S. A., and Turner, T. L.: Enhanced Capabilities of the NASA Langley Thermal

Acoustic Fatigue Apparatus. Presented at Sixth International Conference on Recent Advances

in Structural Dynamics, July 14-17, 1997, Southampton, England.

Organization DF RTOP 537-06-37

Roberts, T. W.; Sidilkover, D.; and Swanson, R. C., Jr.: Textbook Multigrid Efficiency for the

Steady Euler Equations. Presented at 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,

June 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass, Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-1949. DF RTOP 505-59-53

Santa Maria, O. L.; Mueller, A. W., and Conner, D. A.: Acoustics of UH-60 Black Hawk

With Growth Rotor Blades. Presented at American Helicopter Society 53rd Annual Forum,

April 29-May 1, 1997, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In Proceedings, Volume l, p. 12-22.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/ l 997 /mtg/N AS A-97-5

Organization DF RTOP 581-20-31

Seiner, J. M.: Jet Turbulence Control Methodology for Jet Noise Reduction. Presented at

Fourth AIAA Shear Flow Control Conference, July 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass, Colorado.

Organization DF RTOP 522-11-21

Seiner, J. M.; and Gilinsky, M. M.: Nozzle Thrust Optimization While Reducing Jet Noise.

AIAA Journal, Volume 35, No. 3, March 1997, p. 420-427.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-52

Seiner, J. M.; Ponton, M. K.; Jansen, B. J.; Dash, S. M.; and Kenakowski, D.: Installation

Effects on High Speed Plume Evolution. Presented at ASME Fluids Engineering Conference

Forum on High Speed Jet Flows, June 22-26, 1997, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Organization DF RTOP 522-11-21

Sullivan, B. M.; and Powell, C. A.: A New Aircraft Interior Noise Simulator for

Psychoacoustic Testing. Presented at 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,

December 1-5, 1997, San Diego, California.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-14


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (119)









Swanson, R. C., Jr.; Radespiel, R.; and Turkel, E.: Comparison of Several Dissipation

Algorithms for Central Difference Schemes. Presented at 13th AIAA Computational Fluid

Dynamics Conference, June 29-July 2, 1997, Snowmass, Colorado. AIAA Paper No. 97-1945.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-53

Tam, C. K.; and Hardin, J. C. (Editors): Second Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA)

Workshop on Benchmark Problems. NASA CP-3352, June 1997, 390 p.Organization DF RTOP 522-31-21

Thomas, R. H.; Farassat, E; Clark, L. R.; and Gerhold, C. H.: Azimuthal Patterns of the

Radiated Sound Field From a Turbofan Model. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic

Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1588.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/aiaa/ DF RTOP 538-03-12

Thomas, R. H.; Gerhold, C. H.; Clark, L. R.; and Farassat, E: Key Effects on Tone and

Broadband Noise for a TurboFan Model. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic

Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia.

Organization DF RTOP 538-03-12

Watson, W. R.; Tanner, S. E.; and Parrott, T. L.: An Optimization Method for Extracting

Variable Impedance Liner Properties. Presented at Third AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic

Conference, May 12-14, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. AIAA Paper No. 97-1704.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-53

Yost, W. T.; Cantrell, J. H., Jr.; Gates, T. S.; and Whitley, K. S.: Effects of Molecular Weight

on Mechanical Properties of the Polyimide, LaRC-SI. Presented at 24th Annual Review of

Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego,California.

Organization DM RTOP 522-32-11

Yu, Y. H.; Gmelin, B.; Splettstoesser, W. R.; Philippe, J. J.; Prieur, J.; and Brooks, T. F.:

Reduction of Helicopter Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise by Active Rotor Control Technology.

Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Volume 33, 1997, p. 647-687.

Organization DF RTOP 581-20-21

Zuckerwar, A.J.: Sources of Background Noise in Membrane-Based Microphones. Presented

at 133rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 16-18, 1997, State College,

Pennsylvania. In Proceedings, Volume 101, No. 5, Pt. 2, May 1997, p. 3052.Organization GH RTOP 538-03-12


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (120)

Category 72Atomic and Molecular Physics

84O Antcliff, R. R.: Advanced Measurement Technology at NASA Langley Research Center.

Presented at AGARD 81st Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on Advanced Aerodynamic

Measurement Technology, September 22-25, 1997, Seattle, Washington.

Organization DF RTOP 522-31-11

841 Benner, D. C.; Devi, V. M.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. P.: Self-Broadening and Self-Shift

Coefficients in the 1-0 Band of 12C160. Presented at 52nd International Symposium on

Molecular Spectroscopy, June 16-20, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. In Proceedings, p. 209.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

842 Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. P.: Pressure Broadening and Shift

Coefficients in the 2v ° and v I Bands of 16013C180 Presented at Fifteenth Colloquium on

High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, September 7-11, 1997, Glasgow, Scotland. In

Proceedings, p. 203.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

843 Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. E: Pressure Broadening and Shift

Coefficients in the 2v ° and v 1 Bands of 16013C180. Presented at 52nd International

Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 16-20, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. In Proceedings,

p. 212.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

844 Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. E: Air- and N2-Broadening

Coefficients and Pressure Shift Coefficients in the 12C1602 Laser Bands. Presented at 52nd

Intemational Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 16-20, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. In

Proceedings, p. 213.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

845 Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. E: Air-Broadening and Shift

Coefficients of 03 Lines in the v 2 Band and Their Temperature Dependence. Journal of

Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 182, No. 2, April 1997, p. 221-238.

Organization CA RTOP 464-23-08

846 Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; Smith, M. A.; and Rinsland, C. P.: Air- and N2-Broadening and

Shift Coefficients in the 12C1602 Laser Bands. Presented at Fifteenth Colloquium on High

Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, September 7-11, 1997, Glasgow, Scotland. In

Proceedings, p. 242.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (121)

847 Hart,R. C.;Balla,R. J.;andHerring,G.C.:Observationsof H20 in a Flameby Two-ColorLaser-Induced-GratingSpectroscopy.Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 8, No. 8,August 1997, p. 917-920.

Organization DF RTOP 505-70-59

848 Shirinzadeh, B.: The Rotational Dependence of Collisional Quenching of OH Fluorescence

From 2Z+(v'=0) Levels Due to Water Molecules at Near Room Temperature. Presented at

Optical Technology in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow III, July 27-August 1, 1997,San Diego, California.

Organization DF RTOP 519-20-21

849 Smith, M. A.: Validation of Ozone Infrared Line Intensities. Presented at International

Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, September 29-October 2,

1997, Gaithersburg, Maryland. In Proceedings.

Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

85O Smith, M. A.; Devi, V. M.; Benner, D. C.; and Rinsland, C. P.: Temperature Dependence of

Air-Broadening and Shift Coefficients of 03 Lines in the v 1 Band. Journal of Molecular

Spectroscopy, Volume 182, 1997, p. 239-259.

Organization CA RTOP 464-23-08

851Smith, M. A.; Rinsland, C. R; Devi, V. M.; and Benner, D. C.: Absolute Intensities of 0 3

Lines in the 9-11 p.m Region. Presented at 52nd International Symposium on Molecular

Spectroscopy, June 16-20, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. In Proceedings, p. 208.Organization CA RTOP 622-67-65

852 Tai, H.; Bichsel, H.; Wilson, J. W.; Shinn, J. L.; Cucinotta, E A.; and Badavi, E E:

Comparison of Stopping Power and Range Databases for Radiation Transport Study. NASATP-3644, October 1997, 68 p. DM RTOP 199-45-16

Category 73 Nuclear and High-Energy Physics

853 Cucinotta, F. A.; Wilson, J. W.; and Townsend, L. W.: Abrasion-Ablation Model for Neutron

Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Presented at Sixth International Conference on

Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, June 2-6, 1997, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.Organization DM RTOP 537-09-21

854 Ramsey, C. R.; Townsend, L. W.; Tripathi, R. K.; and Cucinotta, E A.: Liquid Drop ModelConsiderations in Heavy Ion Fragmentation. Presented at Sixth International Conference on

Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, June 2-6, 1997, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (122)

Category74 Optics

855 Anon.: Laser-Induced Damage Threshold and Certification Procedures for Optical Materials.

NASA RP-1395, June 1997, 8 p. /NASA-97-rp

Organization GL RTOP 297-50-00

856 Herring, G. C.; and Hillard, M. E., Jr.: Stark Broadening Using Crossed Gaussian Beams in

Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy of N 2. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative

Transfer, Volume 57, No. 6, 1997, p. 739-744.

Organization DF RTOP 505-59-54

Category 76 Solid-State Physics

857 Barker, B. C.; Brockman, P.; and Koch, G. J.: Pulsed Coherent Laser Radar Watches the

Friendly Skies. Photonics Spectra, Volume 31, No. 4, April 1997, p. 94-99.

Organization GL RTOP 548-10-31

858 Barker, B. C.; Burnham, D.; and Rudis, R.: Wake Sensor Evaluation Program Results of

JFK- 1 Wake Vortex Sensor Intercomparisons. Presented at NASA First Wake Vortex Dynamic

Spacing Workshop, May 13-15, 1997, Hampton, Virginia. In NASA/CP-97-206235.

Organization GL RTOP 548-10-31

859 Barnes, J. C.; Barnes, N. E; Edwards, W. C.; Marsh, W. D.; Ertur, E.; Reichle, D. J., Jr.; and

Campbell, R. E.: NASA's DIAL/Lidar Laser Technology Development Program. Presented atInternational School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy Conference, June 15-30, 1997,

Erice, Sicily.Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

860 Barnes, J. C.; and Costulis, J.A.: Advanced Laser Earth Observing Capabilities. Presented at

Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF '97), January 26-30, 1997,

Albuquerque, New Mexico. In Proceedings.

Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21

861 Barnes, N. P.: Laser Remote Sensing at NASA Langley. Presented at 1997 Solid State Lasers

Materials and Applications Topical Meeting, July 8-11, 1997, Tianjin, Peoples Republic of

China. In Technical Digest, p. 108-109.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

862 Barnes, N. E: A Review of Tuning and Performance of Ho Lasers. Recent Research

Developments in Applied Optics, Volume 1, 1996, p. 47-58.

Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (123)

863 Barnes, N. P.: Remote Sensing of Planet Earth Challenges for Solid State Lasers. Presented at

Sixth Annual International Workshop on Laser Physics, August 4-8, 1997, Prague, CzechRepublic.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21









Barnes, N. E; Filer, E. D.; and Morrison, C. A.: Self Quenching of the Nd 4F3/2 Manifold.

Optical Society of America Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, Volume 1, 1996,p. 526-529.

Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21

Barnes, N. P.; Murray, K. E.; Ertur, E.; Walsh, B. M.; and Hutcheson, R. L.: Compositionally

Tuned Solid State Lasers. Optical Society of America Trends in Optics and Photonics Series,Volume 1, 1996, p. 522-525.

Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21

Barnes, N. E; Murray, K. E.; and Jani, M. G.: Flashlamp Pumped Ho:Tm:Cr:YAG and

Ho:Tm:Er:YLF Lasers: Modeling of a Single, Long Pulse Length Comparison. Applied

Optics, Volume 36, No. 15, May 20, 1997, p. 3363-3374.Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21

Barnes, N. P.; Murray, K. E.; Walsh, B. M.; Castillo, V. K.; and Quarles, G.J.: Nd:LuLF, A

New Nd Laser Material. Presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference, January 26-31,1997, Orlando, Florida. In Proceedings.

ftp:__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v_pub_techrep_rts__arc/97/ GL RTOP 233-20-21

Barnes, N. E; Murray, K. E.; Walsh, B. M.; and Hutcheson, R. L.: Ho:Tm:Er:LuAG and Two

Wavelength Oscillation. Presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference, January 26-31,1997, Orlando, Florida. GL RTOP 233-20-21

Bames, N. E; Rodriguez, W. J.; and Walsh, B. M.: Ho:Tm:YLF Laser Amplifiers. Journal ofthe Optical Society of America B, Volume 13, 1996, p. 2872-2882.

Organization GL RTOP 233-30-31

Barnes, N. E; Walsh, B. M.; and Murray, K. E.: Flashlamp Pumped, Room Temperature,

Nd:YAG Laser. Presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference, January 26-31, 1997,

Orlando, Florida. In Proceedings.

ftp:__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v_pub_techrep_rts__arc_97/ GL RTOP 233-20-21

Brockman, E: Overview of LaRC Pulsed Lidar Measurements. Presented at NASA First

Wake Vortex Dynamic Spacing Workshop, May 13-15, 1997, Hampton, Virginia. In NASA/CP-97-206235.

Organization GL RTOP 548-10-31


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (124)










Ewing, J. J.; and Barnes, J. C.: Conceptual Designs for Advanced Diode Pumped SpaceBased Lidar Sources. Presented at EnviroSense '97, June 16-20, 1997, Munich, Germany.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Hooker, M. W.: On-Orbit Measurement of the Superconductive Transition Temperatures of

YBa2CU3OT_ x Thick Films. (NAS1-96014 Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences.) NASA

CR-4780, June 1997, 14 p.


Organization DM RTOP 956-17-00

Jani, M. G.; Barnes, N. P.; Hutcheson, R. L.; and Rodriguez, W. J.: Quasi Four-Level

Tm:LuAG Laser. U. S. Patent 5,640,408. Issued June 17, 1997.

Organization GL

Jani, M. G.; Barnes, N. E; and Murray, K. E.: Flashlamp Pumped Ho:Tm:Cr:YAG and

Ho:Tm:Er:YLF Lasers: Experimental Results of a Single, Long Pulse Length Comparison.

Applied Optics, Volume 36, No. 15, May 20, 1997, p. 3357-3362.

Organization GL RTOP 233-20-21

Jani, M. G.; Barnes, N. P.; Murray, K. E.; and Kokta, M. R.: Flashlamp-Pumped

Ho:Tm:Cr:LuAG Laser. U. S. Patent 5,610,933. Issued March 11, 1997.

Organization GL

Singh, U. N.; Williams-Byrd, J. A.; Barnes, N. E; Yu, J.; Lockard, G. E.; and Modlin, E. A.:

Diode-Pumped 2-ktm Lidar Transmitter for Wind Measurements. Presented at Ninth

Conference on Coherent Laser Radar, June 23-27, 1997, Linkoping, Sweden.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Singh, U. N.; Williams-Byrd, J. A.; Barnes, N. E; Yu, J.; Petros, M.; Lockard, G. E.; and

Modlin, E. A.: Diode-Pumped Solid State Lidar Transmitter for Wind Measurements.

Presented at EnviroSense '97, June 16-20, 1997, Munich, Germany.

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Williams-Byrd, J. A.; Singh, U. N.; Barnes, N. P.; Lockard, G. E.; Modlin, E. A.; and Yu, J.:

Room-Temperature, Diode-Pumped Ho:Tm:YLF Laser Amplifiers Generating 700 mJ at Presented at Advanced Solid State Laser Conference, January 26-31, 1997, Orlando,


ftp :__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v _pub/techrep_rtsf_arc_ _997 /mtg_NAS

Organization GL RTOP 258-70-21

Wise, S. A.: The Effect of Spaceflight on the Critical Current Density of YBa2Cu307_ x Thick

Films. NASA TM-113130, September 1997, 16 p.

ftp ://

Organization DM RTOP 956-17-00


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881Wise, S. A.; Hardy, R. C.; and Dausch, D. E.: Design and Development of an Optical Path

Difference Scan Mechanism for Fourier Transform Spectrometers Using High Displacement

RAINBOW Actuators. Presented at SPIE's 4th Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and

Materials, March 3-6, 1997, San Diego, California. SPIE Paper No. 3044-32.

ftp://techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v/pub/techrep_rts/_arc/_997/mtg/ DM RTOP 632-20-21

882 Wise, S. A.; and Hooker, M. W.: Characterization of Multilayer Piezoelectric Actuators for

Use in Active Isolation Mounts. NASA TM-4742, March 1997, 14 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm4 74 DM RTOP 233-01-01

Social Sciences

Category 81 Administration and Management

883Avery, D. E.; Kaszubowski, M. J.; Howard, T. P.; and Kearney, M. E.: The Attached Payload

Facility Program: A Family of In-Space Commercial Facilities for Technology, Science and

Industry. Presented at Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF '97),

January 26-30, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico. In Proceedings, Volume II, p. 871. CB RTOP 963-89-00

884Avery, D. E.; Kaszubowski, M. J.; Howard, T. P.; and Mongan, P. T.: The Attached Payload

Facility: A Technology Development Facility for International Space Station. Presented at

Seventh International Symposium on Materials in a Space Environment, June 16-20, 1997,Toulouse, France.

Organization CB RTOP 963-89-00

885 Bush, L. B.: Reverse Linking of Technology Transfer Metrics: A Methodology for

Uncovering Guiding Metrics. Presented at Technology Transfer Society's 1997 Conference,July 20-23, 1997, Denver, Colorado.

Organization E RTOP 243-10-01

Category 82 Documentation and Information Science

886 Ambur, M. Y.; Adams, D. L.; and Trinidad, P. P.: Desktop Access to Full-Text NACA and

NASA Reports: Systems Developed by NASA Langley Technical Library. Presented at 35th

AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 6-9, 1997, Reno, Nevada. AIAAPaper No. 97-0467.

ftp :__techrep_rts._arc.nasa.g_v _pub_techrep_rts__arc_ _99 7_aiaa_NA SA-ai aa-97-046 GM


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (126)









Anderson, C. J.; Glassman, M.; and Pinelli, T. E.: Use of Communications Sources: An

Intercultural Investigation of Practices in the U.S. and Russia. Journal of East-West Business,

Volume 3, No. 2, 1997, p. 1-22.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Brinberg, H. R.; Pinelli, T. E.; and Barclay, R. O.: Valuing Information in an Interactive

Environment. In The Informational Society: Social Interaction and Economic Approaches,

A. Mayere, ed., L'Harmattan, Inc., 1997, p. 181-196.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Golich, V. L.; and Pinelli, T. E.: The Influence of Knowledge Diffusion on Aeronautics

Innovation: The Research, Development, and Production of Large Commercial Aircraft in

France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Presented at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

University's Aviation Safety Symposium, "Aviation Communication: A Multi-Cultural

Forum", April 9-11, 1997, Prescott, Arizona.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Gottlich, G. L.; Meyer, J. M.; Nelson, M. L.; and Bianco, D. J.: Integrating Information

Technologies Into Large Organizations. In Cases on Information Technology Management in

Modern Organizations, J. Liebowitz and M. Khosrowpour, eds., Idea Group Publishing, 1997,

p. 209-224.


Organization GM

Helmetsie, C. L.: Issues With Issues--Working With Your Serials Agent. Presented at

Acquisitions Institute: Federal Library and Information Center Committee Meeting, July 8,

1997, Washington, DC.

Organization GM

Maa, M-H.; Esler, S. L.; and Nelson, M. L.: Lyceum: A Multi-Protocol Digital Library

Gateway. NASA TM-112871, July 1997, 9 p.

ftp://techreports.larc.nasa.govlpub/techreportsllarc/1997/tmlNASA-97-tm 112871 .ps.Z

Organization GM

Nelson, M. L.: Building Multi-Discipline, Multi-Format Digital Libraries Using Clusters and

Buckets. NASA TM-112876, August 1997, 62 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreportsllarc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm

Organization GM

Nelson, M. L.; and Esler, S. L.: TRSkit: A Simple Digital Library Toolkit. Journal oflnternet

Cataloging, Volume 1, No. 2, 1997, p. 41-55.

Organization GM


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (127)









Nelson, M. L.; Maly, K.; and Shen, S. N.: Buckets, Clusters and Dienst. NASA TM-112877,

July 1997, 19 p.

ftp :// /tmlNAS

Organization GM

Nelson, M. L.; Maly, K.; and Shen, S. N.: Building a Multi-Discipline Digital Library

Through Extending the Dienst Protocol. Presented at Second ACM International Conference

on Digital Libraries, July 23-26, 1997, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Organization GM

Pinelli, T. E.; Barclay, R. O.; and Kennedy, J. M.: Survey of Reader Preferences Concerning

the Format of NASA Langley-Authored Technical Reports. Publishing Research Quarterly,

Volume 13, No. 2, Summer 1997, p. 48-68.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Pinelli, T. E.; Barclay, R. O.; Kennedy, J. M.; and Bishop, A. P.: Knowledge Diffusion in the

U.S. Aerospace Industry: Managing Knowledge for Competitive Advantage. Ablex Press,


Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Pinelli, T. E.; Barclay, R. O.; and Kotler, M. L.: Alliances, Technology Linkages, and

Japanese Style Innovation--Implications for Diffusing Knowledge and Technology, U.S.

Public Policy, and Large Commercial Aircraft. Presented at 37th Annual Convention of the

International Studies Association, March 18-22, 1997, Toronto, Canada.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Pinelli, T. E.; and Golich, V. L.: Emerging Trends in the Globalization of Knowledge: The

Role of the Technical Report in Aerospace Research and Development. Presented at Third

International Conference on Grey Literature, November 13-14, 1997, Luxembourg.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Pinelli, T. E.; and Sato, Y.: Culture and Workplace Communications: A Comparison of the

Technical Communications Practices of Japanese and U.S. Aerospace Engineers and

Scientists. Presented at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Aviation Safety Symposium,

"Aviation Communication: A Multi-Cultural Forum", April 9-11, 1997, Prescott, Arizona.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Pinelli, T. E.; Sato, Y.; Barclay, R. O.; and Kennedy, J. M.: Culture and Workplace

Communications: A Comparison of the Technical Communications Practices of Japanese and

U.S. Aerospace Engineers. Journal of Air Transportation Worm Wide, Volume 2, No. 1, 1997,

p. 1-21.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (128)

903 Stewart, S. H.; and Phillips, M. S. (Compilers): NASA Langley Scientific and Technical

Information Output--1996. NASA TM-110305, Volume I, January 1997, 173 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/1997 /tm/NAS A-97-tm110305 v l .ps.ZOrganization GM

904 Webb, J. R.; and Pinelli, T.E.: The Technical Communication Practices of ESL Aerospace

Engineering Students in the United States: Results of a National Survey. Presented at Embry-

Riddle Aeronautical University's Aviation Safety Symposium, "Aviation Communication: A

Multi-Cultural Forum", April 9-11, 1997, Prescott, Arizona.

Organization AE RTOP 505-90

Space Sciences

Category 92 Solar Physics

905 Wilson, J. W.; Cucinotta, E A.; Tai, H.; Simonsen, L. C.; Shinn, J. L.; Thibeault, S. A.; and

Kim, M.: Galactic and Solar Cosmic Ray Shielding in Deep Space. NASA TP-3682,

December 1997, 22 p.

ftp :/Itec hreports.l /pub/techreports/larcl199 7 /tp/NA S A- 9 7-tp 368 DM RTOP 199-45-16

906 Wilson, J. W.; Simonsen, L. C.; Shinn, J. L.; Dubey, R. R.; Jordan, W.; and Kim, M. Y.:

Radiation Analysis for the Human Lunar Return Mission. NASA TP-3662, September 1997,15p.

ftp :// /publtechreports/larc/1997 /tp/NAS A-97-tp366 DM RTOP 199-45-16

Category 93 Space Radiation

907 Cucinotta, E A.; Wilson, J. W.; Shinn, J. L.; Badavi, E E; and Badhwar, G. D.: Effects of

Target Fragmentation on Evaluation of LET Spectra From Space Radiations: Implications for

Space Radiation Protection Studies. Radiation Measurements, Volume 26, No. 6, 1996,p. 923-934.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

908 Cucinotta, E A.; Wilson, J. W.; and Townsend, L. W.: Abrasion-Ablation Model for Neutron

Production in Heavy Ion Collisions. Nuclear Physics A, Volume 619, No. 1/2, June 16, 1997,

p. 202-212.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

909 Shinn, J. L.; Wilson, J. W.; Benton, E. V.; and Badavi, E E: Multilayer Analyses of an Iron

Radiation Beam Experiment. NASA TM-4753, April 1997, 11 p.

ftp://techreports.larc .ps.Z

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (129)

910 Tripathi, R. K.; Cucinotta, F. A.; and Wilson, J. W.: Universal Parameterization of Absorption

Cross Sections. NASA TP-3621, January 1997, 27 p.

ftp :// /pub/techreports/larc/97 /NAS A-97-tp 36 21 .ps.Z

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

911 Tripathi, R. K.; Wilson, J. W.; and Cucinotta, F. A.: New Parameterization of Neutron

Absorption Cross Sections. NASA TP-3656, June 1997, 10 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/_arc/1997 /tp/NA S

Organization DM RTOP ! 99-45-16

912 Wilson, J. W.; Cucinotta, E A.; Simonsen, L. C.; Shinn, J. L.; Thibeault, S. A.; and

Kim, M. Y.: Galactic Cosmic Ray Shielding in Deep Space. Presented at Joint Meeting of

Radiation Research Society and the North American Hyperthermia Society, May 3-7, 1997,

Providence, Rhode Island.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

913 Wilson, J. W.; Miller, J.; Konradi, A.; and Cucinotta, E A. (Editors): Shielding Strategies for

Human Space Exploration. NASA CP-3360, December 1997, 456 p.

ftp ://techrep_rts.larc.nasa.g_v /pub/techrep_rts/larc/ l 997 /cp/NA SA- 97-cp 3

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16

914 Wilson, J. W.; Shinn, J. L.; Simonsen, L. C.; Cucinotta, F. A.; Dubey, R. R.; Jordan, W.; Jones,

T. D.; and Kim, M. Y.: Exposures to Solar Particle Events in Deep Space Missions. NASA

TP-3668, October 1997, 43 p.

Organization DM RTOP 199-45-16


Category 99 General

915 Garbos, R.; Melvin, L. D.; Childers, B. A.; and Jambor, B.: System Health Management/

Vehicle Health Management for Future Manned Space Systems. Presented at 16th Digital

Avionics Systems Conference, October 26-30, 1997, Irvine, California.

Organization DM RTOP 242-33-01

916 Melvin, L. D.; et al.: Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) for Aerospace Vehicles.

Presented at International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 18-20,

1997, Stanford, California.

Organization DM RTOP 242-33-01


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Abbott, T. S.: 72

Abedin, M. N.: 493

Abel, I.: 1, 2, 94, 95

Abu-Khajeel, H.: 807

Adams, D.L.: 886

Ade, P. A.: 539

Ahmadi, G.: 510

Ahuja, K. K.: 765,766

Akimoto, H.: 546

Alberta, T. L.: 604, 616, 621

Alderfer, D. W.: 487

Aldridge, H. A.: 369, 370, 371,372, 375

Alexandrov, N.: 41, 42, 725

Allan, B. G.: 726

Alter, S.J.: 11,396

Ambur, D. R.: 210, 211,212, 235,245,

268,269, 511

Ambur, M. Y.: 886

Amer, T. R.: 487

Amundsen, R. M.: 181

Anastasi, R. F.: 213,214

Anderson B.E.: 542, 543,548

Anderson C.J.: 12, 887

Anderson E.C.: 407

Anderson J.: 602

Anderson M.S.: 246

Anderson W.K.: 13, 14, 727

Aneja, V. P.: 549, 578

Anon.: 73, 74, 75, 76, 672, 673,855

Antcliff, R. R.: 840

Anthony, T. C.: 203

Antill, C. W.: 486

Applin, Z. T.: 29

Arbaugh, J.: 350Arbuckle, P.D.: 143

Arian, E.: 728, 729

Asbury, S.C.: 15

Atkins, H. L.: 208,767,768

Atkinson, R.J.: 579

Aurovillian, A.: 730

Auslender, A. H.: 367

Avery, D. E.: 883, 884

Axelrad, P.: 535,756, 757

Ayers, J. K.: 621,634, 635,641,647

Author Index


Babco*ck, D. A.: 206

Babin, A.: 397

Bacmeister, J. T.: 591

Badavi, E F.: 852, 907, 909

Badhwar, G.D.: 907

Bagwell, D.R.: 542, 543

Bailey, M. C.: 179, 180

Baker, D.J.: 262

Bakos, R.J.: 160

Balachandar, S.: 413

Balas, G.J.: 193

Balla, R. J.: 847

Ballard, R. E.: 668, 800

Banerjee, N. S.: 731

Bar-Cohen, Y.: 313

Barclay, R. O.: 888, 897, 898, 899, 902

Barker, B. C.: 85,857, 858

Barker, H.W.: 605

Barkstrom, B. R.: 606, 615

Barnes, J. C.: 859, 860, 872

Barnes, N. P.: 859, 861,862, 863,864, 865,

866, 867, 868,869, 870, 874, 875,876,

877, 878, 879

Bartels, R.E.: 16

Bataille, E: 398

Bates, K.: 347

Baty, R. S.: 769

Baucke, R. C.: 384

Baughcum, S. L.: 548

Baugher, A. H.: 314

Baughman, J. A.: 158, 159

Baum, B. A.: 607, 608, 617, 638

Bavuso, S.J.: 706

Bavykina, I.: 100

Bayliss, A.: 410, 770, 791,792

Beaver, G.M.: 566, 588

Beck, E B.: 175,383, 386

Beer, R.: 601

Belcastro, C. M: 712

Belvin, H.L.: 332

Bement, L.J.: 96, 182, 183,276, 491

Bendura, R. J.: 546

Benkner, S.: 680


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (132)

Benner,D. C.: 841,842,843,844,845,846,850,851

Benson,S.V.: 485Benton,E.V.: 909Beran,P.S.: 125Berry,J.D.: 97,98,99,100,103Berry,S.A.: 17,399,400,401,405,406,433Berry,V.: 262Bertelrud,A.: 57Bertin,J. J.: 401Bertoglio,J-P.:398Bess,T. D.: 609,610Bettschart,N.: 98,99Bhatt,P.P.: 550,567Bianco,D. J.: 890Bibb, K. L.: 18Bichsel,H.: 852Biedron,R. T.: 56Bingham,J.G.: 186Bird, R. K.: 278,279Bishop,A. P.: 898Blackburn,C. L.: 495Blackshire,J. L.: 475,476,477,478,479,

480Blaisdell,G. A.: 447Blake,D. R.: 545Blanchard,A.E.: 19Blanchard,R. C.: 20,492Blatherwick,R. D.: 590Blosser,M. L.: 315Blotter,J.D.: 484Bodine,J.B.: 269Bogan,S.: 215Boggess,R. K.: 316,352Bokhari,S.H.: 681Bonhaus,D.L.: 13Boone,M. L.: 289Boston,H. G.: 317Boughner,R. E.: 555Bouslog,S.A.: 17,401Bowers,A. H.: 456Boyd,I. D.: 423Brackett,V.G.: 534,550Bradshaw,J.D.: 544Brandon,J.M.: 88,144,151,152Brauckmann,G.J.: 17,49Braun,R. D.: 48, 166,168,172,173,758

Brennan,M.C.: 101Brentner,K. S.: 771,772,773,774,775,776,

777,785,786, 789Brewer,W.D.: 278,279Brieger,J.T.: 784Briegleb,B.: 443Brinberg,H. R.: 888Brinson,L. C.: 230Britt, C. L.: 85Brockman,P.: 857,871Brooks,T.F.: 816,838Browell, E.V.: 544Brown,M. C.: 822Bruce,R. A.: 206Bruhl, C.: 551Bryant,R. G.: 318,319,320,321,333, 338,

421Buchholz,P.: 682Buchman,A.: 321Buckley,J.D.: 321Buckley,L.J.: 330Bullock, A. M.: 552Bullock, K. T.: 488Buning,P.G.: 21Burkett,C. G., Jr.: 469,487Burley,C.L.: 804,812Burn,M.: 3Burner,A. W.: 462,463,466,474Burnham,D.: 858Burns,J.A.: 732Burnside,W.D.: 389Bush,H.G.: 353,504Bush,L.B.: 885Bushnell,D. M.: 77,78,402,403Buttrill, C.W.: 144


Cahoon,D. R., Jr.: 575,576Cai,Z.: 694Calkins,F.T.: 733Callis,L. B., Jr.: 553,554,555Camarda,C. J.: 404Campbell,C. H.: 405,406,433Campbell,R. E.: 859Campbell,R. L.: 31Campbell,S.D.: 79Campbell,T. G.: 387


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Cano, R.J.: 322

Cantrell, J. H., Jr.: 667, 668, 671,778, 779,800, 837

Caplan, M. L.: 356, 363

Caram, J. M.: 17, 401,405,406

Carey, J.: 3

Carli, B.: 539

Carlson, A. B.: 609, 611

Carlson, H.W.: 102

Carlson, J. R.: 22, 23

Carpenter, B. D.: 80

Carpenter, M. H.: 38,452

Carzoo, S.W.: 110

Cassidy, E E.: 317,350

Castillo, V. K.: 867

Castrogiovanni, A.: 160

Cebe, P.: 351

Chadwick, K.: 407

Chaffin, M. S.: 100, 103

Chambers, L. H.: 612, 613, 614, 615

Chan, K. R.: 548

Chang, A. C.: 323, 342, 343

Chang, C. K.: 669

Chang, H-C.: 734

Chapman, B.: 683

Chapman, J. J.: 533

Charlock, T. E: 604, 616, 617, 645,646

Cheatwood, E M.: 48, 49, 167, 172, 444, 458Chen, F-J.: 24

Childers, B. A.: 915

Chin, D. K.: 81

Chiou, E-W.: 556

Chiueh, T-C.: 684

Choi, S.H.: 135, 481

Chokani, N.: 27, 45

Chow, P. L.: 780

Chu, H.: 522

Chu, J.: 102

Chu, W. P.: 552, 556, 557

Chuang, C. W.: 389

Ciardo, G.: 682, 685, 686, 687

Clark, L. R.: 781,834, 835

Clark, R. L.: 496

Claude, H.: 551

Clendenin, C. G.: 304

Cler, D. L.: 25

Coats, T. W.: 216

co*ckburn, B.: 735,736

co*ckrell, C. E., Jr.: 26

co*ckrell, C.R.: 175, 383,386

Cofer, W. R., III: 542, 543, 575, 576

Cole, S.R.: 104

Coleman, L. H.: 617, 618

Collins, J. E., Jr.: 548

Collis, S. S.: 408

Connell, J. W.: 324, 325,326, 327, 334, 355,782, 783

Conner, D.A.: 784, 827

Connors, V. S.: 558

Considine, G. D.: 559, 560, 561

Conway, E. J.: 481

Cook, A. L.: 482

Cook, G. M.: 497

Cooper, B. A.: 384

Cooper, J. B.: 328

Costen, R. C.: 329, 619

Costulis, J. A.: 860

Cox, B.N.: 217

Cox, D.E.: 187, 193,496

Cox, J. S.: 785,786

Cramer, K. E.: 759, 760, 764

Cravey, R. L.: 82, 91,176, 376, 388

Crawford, J. L.: 53, 108

Credeur, L.: 83

Crockett, T. W.: 681,699

Crookston, J.R.: 186

Crutzen, P. J.: 551,568, 584

Cucinotta, F. A.: 662, 663, 664, 665,666,

669, 670, 852, 853, 854, 905,907, 908,

910, 911,912, 913, 914

Curry, J. A.: 560, 561

Curry, T.J.: 151

Cutler, A.D.: 141

Cvitkovich, M. K.: 218,219

Czech, J.: 3


Dambach, M. L.: 489, 490

Dasey, T.J.: 79

Dash, S. M.: 830

Daugherty, R. H.: 105

Dausch, D. E.: 881

Davidson, M. R.: 297

Davidson, P. C.: 485


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Davies, C. B.: 433

Davila, C. G.: 212, 532

Davis, D. D., Jr.: 546

Davis, J. G., Jr.: 220

Davis, P.A.: 106

Davis, R. E.: 483

Davis, W.T.: 171

Dawicke, D. S.: 280, 281,282, 283,289, 290,


De Young, R. J.: 488, 562, 563

DeCoursey, R. J.: 603

Debnam, W. J., Jr.: 368

Del Rosario, R. C.: 737, 738

Delany, A. C.: 564Demeo, M. E.: 500, 501

Demuren, A. O.: 457

Deng, X.: 221

Denn, F. M.: 609, 657,658

Dennis, J. E., Jr.: 725

Desai, P.N.: 166, 167

Deshler, T.: 581,593

Deshpande, M.D.: 177, 178, 179, 376, 380,

381,382, 383,386

Devezeaux, D.: 439

Devi, V. M.: 841,842, 843, 844, 845,846,

850, 851

Dexter, H. B.: 222, 261

Dharamsi, A. N.: 552

DiFulvio, M.: 405

DiPasquale, R. C.: 620

Dibb, J. E.: 544

Dicello, J. F.: 662, 664, 665

Dodds, R. H., Jr.: 295

Doelling, D. R.: 621,635,636, 658

Doggett, G.P.: 27Domack, M. S.: 298

Dominik, C. J.: 46

Donald, J. K.: 284

Donatelli, S.: 682

Dopker, B.: 269

Dougherty, R. P.: 781

Dow, M. B.: 222

Drayson, S. R.: 551Drummond, J. P.: 44, 136, 137, 142, 452

Dubey, R. R.: 906, 914

Duck, P. W.: 409

Dudley, K. L.: 393

Duerksen, N.: 145

Dunn, H. J.: 41, 42

Dunn, M. H.: 787

Durham, M.H.: 126, 127

Dutson, J.D.: 186

Dyer, J.: 223, 272

Dyer, J. E.: 288


Eashoo, M.: 330

Ebeling, C.E.: 171

Eck, T. F.: 547

Edahl, R. A.: 285

Edgington, J. M.: 698

Edwards, B. D.: 784

Edwards, J.W.: 16, 107

Edwards, T.: 142

Edwards, W. C.: 859

Eklund, D.R.: 138

Elber, W.: 224

Eldred, C. H.: 169

Ellis, K. S.: 562

Engelund, W. C.: 51,166

Erdos, J. I.: 160

Erlebacher, G.: 37

Ertur, E.: 859, 865

Esler, S. L.: 892, 894

Espe, M.: 314

Espy, P.J.: 582

Eure, K. W.: 788

Evans, D. S.: 554

Evans, K. F.: 539, 612, 613, 614

Everett, R. A., Jr.: 224

Ewing, J. J.: 872


Fairlie, T. D.: 565,569, 584

Farassat, F.: 769, 775,781,789,790, 834,


Farley, G.L.: 225,226, 227

Farokhi, S.: 25

Fay, C. C.: 362

Fears, S.P.: 110

Feldl, E. K.: 627, 647

Fenno, C. C., Jr.: 410, 791,792

Ferebee, M. J., Jr.: 184, 185


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Ferney,B.D.: 186Ferney,G.D.: 186Fichter,W.B: 498Fidell, S.: 821Fields,J.M.: 793Filer,E.D.: 864Finley,T.D.: 474Fisher,B. D.: 84Fishman,J.: 443,534,537Fitch,J.W.: 317,350Flanagan,G.: 217Flatau,A. B.: 733Fleming,G.A.: 484Flug,B. T.: 618Folkman,S.L.: 186Follett,W. W.: 41,42Fox,R.L.: 421Fralick,D. T.: 90,91, 180Franke,J.M.: 164Freehart,R. E.: 79Freeman,D. C.,Jr.: 108Freeman,G.L.: 207Fremaux,C.M.: 47, 146Frendi,A.: 794,795Friedman,A. D.: 213,214Fripp,A. L., Jr.: 368Fuchs,H.: 692Fuller,C. R.: 797Fulton,J.P.: 293,304,305,310Fung,J.: 509


Gaeta,R.J.,Jr.: 765,766Gandrud,B.: 548Gangloff,R. P.: 209Garber,D. P.: 636,642Garbos,R.: 915Gardner,J.E.: 207Garg,D. P.: 204Garn,M. A.: 170Garrison,J.L., Jr.: 464,535,756,757Gartenberg,E.: 411,418Gary,B. L.: 548Gates,T.S.: 215,228,229,230,231,265,

274,286,837Gatlin,G. M.: 28Gatski,T.B.: 57,427,428,429,434,454

Gawronski,W. K.: 112Geels,T.J.: 93Geer,J.F.: 731Gell, D.: 205,529Generazio,E. R.: 499George,J.: 423Gerhold,C. H.: 781,796,816,834,835Gerndandt,H.: 551Gibbs,G. P.: 797Gibson,G. G.: 657,658Gierow,P.A.: 347Giesy,D. P.: 194,197Gilbert,M. G.: 500,501Gile-Laflin,B. E.: 29Gilinsky,M. M.: 829Gilreath,M. C.: 389Girimaji, S.S.: 412,413,414, 674Giuliano,V.J.: 12,67Glaessgen,E. H.: 266Glass,C. E.: 415Glass,D. E.: 232,277,331,419Glassman,M.: 887Gleason,J.R.: 321Gloss,K.: 509Gmelin,B.: 838Gnoffo,P.A.: 44,416,455Goetz,J.M.: 314Goldberg,J.H.: 81Goldman,A.: 590Goldthorpe,S.H.: 147,148Golich,V.L.: 889,900Good,D.H.: 10Goodhead,D. T.: 663Goodrich,K.H.: 149Gordley,L. L.: 566,567,588Gottlich, G.L.: 890Gottlieb,D. I.: 734Grant,M. S.: 675Grant,W.B.: 547Green,B. E.: 30,31Green,L. L.: 63Green,R. N.: 607,610,617,622,658Greene,F.A.: 48,49,455Greene,G. C.: 88Gregory,G. L.: 542,543,544, 545Grenoble,R. W.: 332,344Griffith, D. W.: 590


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Groom, N. J.: 373,374

Grooss, J. U.: 568, 584

Grosch, C. E.: 693

Grose, W. L.: 565,568, 569, 584

Guattery, S.: 688, 739

Gunzburger, M. D.: 37

Gupta, I. J.: 389

Gupta, R. N.: 417

Gupta, S.: 196, 618

Gupta, S. K.: 623,656

Gurdal, Z.: 519


Hadid, A. H.: 41, 42

Haering, E. A., Jr.: 456

Harley, R. A.: 287Hahne, D.E.: 150

Haimovitch, Y.: 418

Haines, M.: 683,689

Halama, G. E.: 465,562

Hales, S.J.: 287

Haley, P. J.: 720, 724

Hall, I. K.: 288

Hall, S. G.: 6

Hamilton, H. H., II: 416, 455

Hammond, D. P.: 707

Hamner, M.: 52, 161

Han, J.: 87

Hannemann, K.: 5

Hansen, J.: 624

Hansen, M. G.: 349

Hardin, J. C.: 798, 799, 833

Hardy, R. C.: 881

Hargens, A. R.: 668, 800

Harmon, D.: 231

Harris, C.E.: 109, 216, 233,253

Harrison, E. F.: 657

Hart, R. C.: 847

Hartley, P.J.: 306

Harvey, J. K.: 423

Hass, D. D.: 419

Hassan, H. A.: 440

Havens, S.J.: 333

Hawkins, R.: 50

Hayder, M. E.: 208,420, 690

Hayhurst, K.J.: 676

Hays, P. B.: 589


Hazlewood, R. N.: 25

Hearn, C. P.: 390

Heck, M. L.: 170

Heck, P. W.: 638, 640, 642

Heinrichs, R. M.: 79

Hellbaum, R. F.: 421

Helm, J. D.: 289, 290, 302

Helmetsie, C. L.: 891

Hemm, R. V.: 7

Hendricks, H. D.: 482

Hergenrother, P.M.: 324, 325,326, 327, 333,

334, 335,355,782, 783

Herman, G. S.: 570

Herring, G. C.: 847,856

Hesthaven, J. S.: 422, 740

Heyman, J. S.: 493

Hillard, M. E., Jr.: 856

Hinders, M. K.: 213, 214

Hinkley, J. A.: 228, 234, 265,336, 337

Hinton, D. A.: 86, 87

Hinton, P. O.: 622

Hintsa, E.: 585

Hoadley, S.T.: 126, 127

Hodge, J. S.: 139

Hoell, J. M., Jr.: 546

Hoffler, K.D.: 110

Holben, B. N.: 547

Holden, M. S.: 407,423,439

Holland, P. C.: 776

Holloway, C. M.: 676, 708

Holmes, B. J.: 4

Holmes, C.: 491

Holt, H. M.: 713

Holt, M.: 726

Hom, K. W.: 377,384

Hooker, J. R.: 466

Hooker, M.W.: 873,882

Horonjeff, R. D.: 801

Horta, L. G.: 510

Horton, G.: 741

Horvath, T.J.: 5,399, 405,406, 423,424,

433,439, 440

Hou, T-H.: 338, 339, 340

Houser, S. A.: 6

Housner, J. M.: 502

Howard, T. P.: 883, 884

Howe, R. R.: 821

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (137)

Howell,C. T., III: 464Hsiao,M-H.: 187Hu, E Q.: 420Hu, Y.: 625Huai,X.: 32,425Huang,J-K.: 187Huebner,L. D.: 139Humphreys,W.M., Jr.: 816Hunt,J. L.: 33,34Hunter,W.W.,Jr.: 816Hussaini,M. Y.: 37,409, 420Hutcheson,R. L.: 865,868,874Huttsell,L.J.: 125

Inman,D.J.: 701Interrante,V.: 691,692,693Ivanov,M.: 439


Jackson, K.E.: 236, 503

Jacobs, J. A.: 207

Jager, H.: 580

Jagharghi, A. J.: 469

Jalink, A., Jr.: 421

Jambor, B.: 915

James, G. H., III: 199, 518

James, M. A.: 253,291

Jameson, A.: 426

Jameson, L.: 740

Jani, M. G.: 866, 874, 875, 876

Jansen, B. J.: 830

Jarnot, R.: 529

Jaunky, N.: 235

Javeed, M. A.: 202

Jegley, D. C.: 504

Jensen, B. J.: 322, 328, 333,336, 341,342,

343, 365,366

Jobson, D. J.: 467, 471

Joffe, B.: 313

Johnson, A. F.: 236

Johnson, A.R.: 113,489, 490

Johnson, J.P.: 10

Johnson, S. D: 714

Johnston, N.J.: 332, 339, 340, 344, 364

Johnston, P. H.: 242, 764

Johnston, W.: 229, 286

Jones. E E: 802

Jones H.E.: 803, 804

Jones J. E.: 694, 695

Jones K.M.: 29

Jones M.G.: 805

Jones N.B.: 590

Jones R. L., III: 483

Jones S.M.: 375

Jones T.D.: 669, 914

Jongen, T.: 427,428, 429

Joppa, P. D.: 806

Jordan, E L., Jr.: 144

Jordan, W.: 906, 914

Joshi, S. M.: 188,721,722, 723

Joslin, R. D.: 32, 35, 36, 37,425,430

Juang, J-N.: 193, 200, 201,370, 371,372,

505,506, 507,788


Kalkhoran, I.: 131

Kallemeyn, P. H.: 173

Kaneko, H.: 742

Kangro, U.: 743

Kaplan, B. J.: 6

Kaplan, J. A.: 709Kasdin, N.J.: 756, 757

Kaszubowski, M.J.: 883, 884

Katz, R.: 666

Katzberg, S. J.: 464

Kaushik, D. K.: 696

Kearney, M. E.: 883

Kelble, C.A.: 161

Kelkar, A. G.: 188, 721,722, 723

Kelly, J. J.: 807, 819

Kelly, K. K.: 587

Kemper, P.: 682

Kenakowski, D.: 830

Kennedy, C.A.: 38

Kennedy, J. M.: 897, 898, 902

Kenner, W. S.: 345

Kenney, E S.: 709

Kenny, S.P.: 197

Kent, B. M.: 389

Kent, G. S.: 592, 651

Keyes, D. E.: 690, 696

Kiefer, R. L.: 237


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Kiehl, J.T.: 443Killough, B. D., Jr.: 431Kim, M. Y.: 237,905,906, 912,914Kincaid,R. K.: 677,678Kindervater,C.: 236King, B. B.: 732Kizer,E. A.: 618Klausmeyer,S.M.: 39Kleb,W.L.: 40Klein, V.: 117,151Kloeppel,P.K.: 485Knight,N. F.,Jr.: 235,345,508,523Ko, M. K.: 594,603Koch,G. J.: 85,378, 857Koch,M. R.: 536Kogan,M. N.: 432Kokta,M. R.: 876Konradi,A.: 913Koppen,D. M.: 715Korte,J.J.: 41,42,43,407Kosmatka,J.B.: 123Kostiuk,P.F.: 7Kotler,M. L.: 899Koutsavdis,E. K.: 777Kratz,D. P.: 626Krishnamurthy,R.: 140Kroo, I. M.: 168Krueger,A.J.: 537Kuchar,J.K.: 80Kumar,A.: 44Kumar,R.R.: 170Kumfert,G.: 697Kvaternik,R. G.: 120,121Kwan,H.W.: 808


Laba,K. E.: 677Lach,C. L.: 209,288Lachowicz,J.T.: 19,45Lake,M. S.: 509Lamb,M.: 25Lambeth,J.D.: 554,555Lan,C. E.: 152Langston,C. W.: 132Larman,K.T.: 627,647Laruelle,G.: 33Lasseigne,D. G.: 409


Lawrence,R. W.: 395Lay,R.: 205,529LeBeau,G. J.: 415,492LeCroy,S.R.: 627,628,629,654Lee,D. A.: 6, 7Lee,E.W.: 238Lee,J.H.: 481Lee,R.B., III: 630,631Lee,S.M.: 238,240Lee-Glauser,G.J.: 510Leighton,T.: 688Leighty,B. D.: 469Lepsch,R. A., Jr.: 758Letnikov,V.: 100Leutenegger,S.T.: 698Levine,J.S.: 571,572,573,574,575,576,

577,578Lewis,K.: 111Lewis,R. M.: 725,744,745Li, J.: 238,239,240,241Liceaga,C.A.: 189,190Liechty,D. S.: 509Lih, S.-S.: 313Lim, K.B.: 112,191,192,193,194,203Lin, B.: 632Lin, G.-F.: 152Lin, J.C.: 39,46Lin, Y-L.: 87Lindsay,D.: 262Lingenfelser,G. S.: 565,569, 584Little, A. D.: 537Liu, H.: 465Liu, S.C.: 546Liu, T.: 463Lockard,G. E.: 877,878,879Loncaric,J.: 746Long,M.: 321Loomis,M. P.: 406,433Lopez,M. A.: 698Lotts,C. G.: 495Lowther,S.E.: 343Lu, J.: 579,580,602Lucas,M.J.: 809,810Luck,W. S.: 562Lyle,K.H.: 811,812Lyrintzis,A. S.: 777Lytle,C. D.: 378

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Ma, K-L.: 684,699,705Maa,M-H.: 892Mabry,M.: 662,664,665Mace,G.G.: 639Machiels,L.: 428,429Mackenzie,A. I.: 379Madaras,E.I.: 213,214,242,494Maestrello,L.: 410,770,780,791,792,795,

813,814Maghami,P.G.: 195,196,197,198Mahalov,A.: 397Maiden,D. L.: 670Malekpour,M. R.: 700Malone,B.: 6Malone,J.B.: 516,716,717Maly,K.: 895,896Manning,S.D.: 275Marchello,J.M.: 234,329,332,337,339,

344,364Marcolini,M. A.: 784,809,810Marconi,F.: 131Marion,M.: 734Markelov,G.: 439Marsh,W. D.: 859Marshall,B.T.: 539,567,582Marshall,R. E.: 391,392Martinson,S.D.: 411Mason,A.J.: 113Mason,B. H.: 495Mason,M. L.: 68Massie,S.T.: 581Masters,J.E.: 243Matthews,M. P.: 79Matthews,W.A.: 579,590Matthews,W.T.: 244Mauldin,L. E., III: 557Mavriplis,D. J.: 747Mavris,D. N.: 122Mayor,S.: 637,638Mazanek,D.: 170McAdoo,J.A.: 465McClinton,C.R.: 34,53, 108McComb,W. D.: 461McCormick,M. P.: 556,557,587,651McCormick,S.E: 694McCullers,L.A.: 102

McDaniel,R R.: 346McDermid,I. S.: 551McGee,T.J.: 551McGhee,R. J.: 28McGowan,A. R.: 101McGowan,D. M.: 245,246,511McGrory,J.: 491McInerney,J.M.: 551McMinn, J.D.: 26, 114McNair, H. M.: 365,366McNeal,R. J.: 546McNeil, S.R.: 290,302Meador,W.E.,Jr.: 481Meadows,K. R.: 815,816Mehrotra,E: 680,683,690Melson,N. D.: 695Melvin, L.D.: 915,916Mergenthaler,J.L.: 581Merrill, J.T.: 545Merski,N. R.: 406Messier,B. C.: 234,332Meyer,J.M.: 890Micheletti,D. A.: 158,159Miller, G. L.: 688Miller, J.: 913Mills, C. T.: 68Mims, E M., III: 547Mineck,R. E.: 31Miner,A. S.: 685Miner,G. A.: 347Miner,P.S.: 714Minguet,E J.: 218,219Minnis, P.: 607,621,632,633,634,635,636,

637,638, 639,640,641,642, 649,650,651,658, 659,660

Mirick, E H.: 71,132Mitchell, C.M.: 162Mitcheltree,R. A.: 47,48,49, 66, 167,172Mlynczak,M. G.: 539,582Moas,E.: 512Moats,C. D.: 627,647Modlin, E. A.: 877,878,879Moeller,K.J.: 393Mohnen,V.A.: 579,580,602Moitra, S.: 434Monell, D.W.: 185Mongan,E T.: 884


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Montgomery,B. C.: 547Moore,A. A.: 168,758Moore,T. C.,Sr.: 468Morelli, E.A.: 115,116,117Morgan,R. G.: 435,436Morris, M. J.: 52Morris, W.D.: 171Morrison,C. A.: 864Moses,R.W.: 118,119,124,513Moss,J.N.: 20,44,48, 66,417,437,438Mudukutore,A.: 391,392Mueller,A.W.: 817,827Multhaup,H. A.: 183Murcray,D. G.: 590Murcray,F.J.: 590Murphy,K. D.: 818Murphy,P.C.: 151Murray,J.: 378Murray,K. E.: 865,866,867,868,870,875,

876Murri, G.B.: 247,248Muylaert,J.: 439Myers,M. K.: 790Myers,T.: 392


Namkung,M.: 292,293,304, 305,310,311,764

Nance,R. P.: 440Narayanan,R.: 368Natarajan,M.: 554,555Nath,S.: 293Nath,S.C.: 304,305,310Neal,D. M.: 244Neil, D. O.: 537Neil, G.R.: 485Nejad,A. S.: 142Nelson,G.L.: 158,159Nelson,M.L.: 890,892,893,894,895,896Nemeth,M. P.: 514,515Nettles,A. T.: 249Newell,R. E.: 546Newman,J.C.,Jr.: 221,233,250,251,252,

253,270,275,281,282, 289,290,294,295,296,298,303,348

Newman,P.A.: 63Nguyen,C.: 378

Nguyen,L.: 641,659,660Nguyen,L. C.: 819Nguyen,T. T.: 650Nicol, D. M.: 681,686Nicolaenko,B.: 397Nicolaides,R. A.: 37,387,743Nikjoo, H.: 663Nixon, M.W.: 120,121,123Noll, T.E.: 163Nolt, I. G.: 538,539Noonan,K.W.: 71Noor,A. K.: 516,716,717Noren,R. D.: 742Norfolk, D.R.: 385Northam,G. B.: 138,141,418Novelli, P.C.: 558Nowak,R. J.: 400Nowicki, G.D.: 542,543


O'Brien, T. K.: 218,219,238,239,240,241,247,248,254,255,256

O'Neill, P.: 663O'Rourke,M. J.: 55Oglesby,D. M.: 469Ohlhorst,C. W.: 257Olson,E.D.: 122Olson,J.R.: 443,583Olynick, D. R.: 416Orient,G. E.: 41,42Ortland,D.: 589Orwoll, R. A.: 237,365,366Outlaw,R. A.: 297Overstreet,T.: 376Owens,L. R.,Jr.: 52, 161Owens,M.: 367Owre,S.: 710,718Ozoroski,L.P.: 102


Packard,A.: 726Padilla,P.A.: 742Padula,S.L.: 677,678,679,820Palikonda,R.: 640,642,660Palmer,M.T.: 162Palumbo,D. L.: 820


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Papadopoulos,P.: 433Pappa,R. S.: 199,200,201,500,501,517,

518,530Parham,T.: 262Park,J.H.: 441Park,K.: 539Parkin,D. M.: 207Parmar,D. S.: 470,473Parrott,T. L.: 836Pater,R.H.: 314,340,349Patterson,J.D.: 394Paull,A.: 435,436Paxton,S.: 797Pearsons,K. S.: 821Penland,J.A.: 50Peraire,J.: 18Perras,G. H.: 79Perry,B., III: 163Perry,C. A.: 519Perry,R.B.: 83, 86,276Peterson,G. P.: 404Petros,M.: 878Pettit,R. G.: 298Phan,M. Q.: 506,507Philippe,J.J.: 838Phillips,E.A.: 212Phillips,E.P.: 284,296,520Phillips,M. S.: 903Phillips,W.E: 51Piascik,R. S.: 233,258,259,260,273,299,

300,301,302Piatak,D.J.: 123Pierce,R. B.: 550,565,568,569,584,585Piland,W.M.: 174Pilkey,D. F.: 701Pinelli, T.E.: 887,888,889,897,898,899,

900,901,902,904Pinkerton,J.L.: 124Pinto,J.E: 577Piomelli,U.: 32,425,442,472Pizer,S.: 692Plant,J.V.: 647Plentovich,E. B.: 60Plotnikov,Y.: 761Podolske,J. R.: 548Poe,C. C., Jr.: 261,266Pollock,W.D.: 283

Ponton,M. K.: 822,830Poole,L. R.: 552,586,592,593Pope,S.: 621Popelka,D.: 262Popernack,T. G.,Jr.: 52, 161Portmann,R. W.: 443Pothen,A.: 697Powell,C. A.: 823,831Powell,R.W.: 166Prabhakaran,R.: 216,300Prasad,B.D.: 419Pretlow,R.A.: 667Price,J.M.: 417,437,438Prichard,D. S.: 812Prieur,J.: 838Prior,E. J.: 540Proctor,E H.: 87Proffitt, M. H.: 569Prosser,W.H.: 263,264,824Purcell,P.N.: 551Purgold,G. C.: 628,653Puster,R.L.: 164


Quarles, G.J.: 867

Quigley, P. A.: 620

Quinn, J. E.: 141


Radespiel, R.: 753, 832

Radeztsky, R. H.: 463

Rahman, Z-U.: 467, 471

Raju, I. S.: 261,265,266, 307

Raman, V. V.: 232

Ramsey, C. R.: 854Randall, D. A.: 643

Rankin, C. C.: 526, 532

Ransom, J. B.: 521,527

Ransone, P.O.: 257, 267

Rausch, V. L.: 53, 108

Reddy, C.J.: 376, 380, 381,382, 383, 386Reddy, V. S.: 317,350

Refaat, T.: 562

Reichle, D. J., Jr.: 859

Reichle, H. G., Jr.: 558

Reis, H.: 135


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Remsberg,E.E.: 550,566,567,585,588Retina,N.: 6Reubush,D. E.: 108Rhodes,M. D.: 223,272Rich,D. C.: 351Riddell,W.T.: 301,302Riggs,H. R.: 522Riley,C.J.: 18,444,455,458Rinsland,C.P.: 590,601,841,842,843,844,

845,846,850,851Ristorcelli, J.R.: 414,445,446,447Ritchey,N. A.: 644,656Ritter,P.: 9Rivera,J. A., Jr.: 104Rivers,R. A.: 88Rizzi, S.A.: 818,825Roback,V.E.: 399Robarge,W. P.: 578Robbins,J. L.: 618Robert,W.E.: 801Roberts,A. S.,Jr.: 418Roberts,E.: 8,9Roberts,T.W.: 92,826Roche,A. E.: 589Rodgers,W.G., Jr.: 89,661Rodriguez,J.M.: 594,603Rodriguez,W.J.: 869,874Roe,K. P.: 701Roell,M. M.: 541Rogers,J. L.: 54,711Rogers,R. C.: 140,160Rohrbach,W.W.: 421Rombado,G.: 531Rommel,M.: 334Rosch,W. R.: 368Rose,C. A.: 524,525,526,532Rose,F. G.: 617,645Rosenlof,K. H.: 587Rosolovsky,J.: 352Ross,H. M.: 55Rouse,M.: 210,268,269Rousseau,C. Q.: 241,247,248Rowe,G. S.: 79Rowsell,E.A.: 186Rubinstein,R.: 448,449Rubira,A. F.: 352Rudis,R.: 858

Rummier,D. R.: 404Rumsey,C. L.: 56,57,450,785,786Rushby,J.: 718Russell,J.M., III: 539,550,551,566,568,

569,581,584,585,587,588,589, 591Russell,J.W.: 2_2Russell,T. F.: 694Rutan,D.: 610,617,645,646, 656Ryaben'kii, V.S.: 58,748


Sachse,G. W.: 537,545,548Salas,A. O.: 41,42,711Salas,M.D.: 387,729Sandford,S.P.: 486,488,536,562,570Sandholm,S.T.: 544Sankaran,S.N.: 232Sansano,A. M.: 703SantaMaria,O.L.: 827Sarghini,F.: 472Sarkar,S.: 442Sato,Y.: 901,902Sawyer,J.W.: 353Saxena,V.K.: 602Schaefer,J.: 314Schemer,M. J.: 395Scheuer,E.: 544Schimmel,M. L.: 491Schmidlin,F.J.: 582Schneider,T.L.: 340Schoeberl,M.: 589Schowalter,D. G.: 87Schuster,D.M.: 125Schuster,G.L.: 627,647Schutte,P.C.: 133,134Schwab,R. W.: 93Scott,C.J.: 594Scott,M. A.: 411Scott,R. C.: 126,127Scotti,S.J.: 135Seale,M. D.: 824Sealey,B. S.: 469,487Segal,C.: 367Seiner,J.M.: 822,828,829,830Seshadri,B. R.: 270,303Settle,T.B.: 120,121Seywald,H.: 203


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Shaeffer,J.E: 377,384Shah,G. H.: 88Shahinpoor,M.: 313Shakarian,A.: 93Shankar,N.: 710,718Shapiro,G.: 7Sharp,D.: 271Shavers,M. R.: 666Shaw,R.J.: 64Shebalin,J.V.: 451Sheldon,B. W.: 734Shen,S.N.: 895,896Sherlock,V.J.: 590Shinn,J. L.: 670,852,905,906,907,909,

912,914Shinn,M. D.: 485Shipham,M. C.: 545Shirinzadeh,B.: 848Shivakumar,K. N.: 253Shu,C-W.: 735,736,749Shuer,L. M: 668Shull,T. A.: 385Sichel,E.: 351Sickles,R.G.: 10Sidilkover,D.: 92,750,826Sikorski,K.: 705Silva,W.A.: 128,129Silvati, L.: 821Silverman,E.M.: 223,272Simmons,G.A.: 158,159Simonsen,L. C.: 905,906,912,914Simpson,J. O.: 313,354,421Simpson,J.W.: 304,305,310Singh,D. J.: 452Singh,H. B.: 544,545Singh,J.J.: 470,473Singh,U. N.: 877,878,879Singleton,J.D.: 71Sisk,D. B.: 288,306Siskind,D. E.: 591Situ,W.: 563Skeens,K.M.: 651Sleight,D. W.: 523Smith,A.: 470,473Smith,B. E: 696Smith,B. T.: 824Smith,G. L.: 610,645,648,656

Smith,J.G.,Jr.: 313,324,325,326,327,334,335,355,782,783

Smith,M. A.: 841,842,843,844, 845,846,849,850,851

Smith,R. C.: 733,737,738, 751Smith,S.A.: 307Smith, S.W.: 273Smith,W.L., Jr.: 621,636,637,639,640,

641,649,650,659,660Sneddon,M. D.: 821So,R. M.: 460Sobel,L.: 271Sobieszczanski-Sobieski,J.: 130Soemarwoto,B.: 453Solomon,S.: 443Soloway,D. I.: 720,724Somani,A. K.: 702,703,704Song,K.D.: 135Southward,R. E.: 356,357,358,359,360,

361Spamer,G.T.: 808Sparks,D. W.,Jr.: 198Spel,M.: 439Spencer,D. A.: 173Speziale,C. G.: 454Splettstoesser,W.R.: 838Sprinkle,D. R.: 470,473St.Clair,A. K.: 316,317,330,347,350,351,


St.Clair, T. L.: 346,362Stacy,K.: 456Stalker,R. J.: 435,436Starke,E. A., Jr.: 308Statues,J.H., Jr.: 211,212,233,508,515,

519,524,525,526,532Steijl, R.: 439Stewart,E. C.: 88Stewart,S.H.: 903Stiede,P.E.: 805Stoakley,D. M.: 316,317,347,352Stocks,B.J.: 575,576Stouffer,S.D.: 138Streett,C. L.: 408,442,472Stuever,R. A.: 86,88,144Subramanian,C. S.: 487Sullivan,B. M.: 823,831


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Summers, M. E.: 591

Sun, K. J.: 493

Sun, X-H.: 752

Sutherland, L. C.: 806

Sutter, T. R.: 353

Suttles, J. T.: 629

Sutton, M. A.: 289, 290, 302

Swain, M. H.: 296

Swanson, R. C., Jr.: 59, 92, 753, 826, 832

Swenson, D. V.: 291

Sze, N. D.: 594, 603


Taghavi, R. R.: 25

Tai, H.: 670, 852, 905

Talay, T. A.: 169

Talbot, R. W.: 544

Talcott, N. A., Jr.: 384

Tam, C. K.: 833

Tang, T.: 81

Tanner, J.A.: 113

Tanner, S. E.: 836

Tapia, M.A.: 719Tartabini, P. V.: 166

Tawari, S.N.: 140

Taylor, L. T.: 316, 352

Tcheng, P.: 474

Tessler, A.: 489,490, 522

Thibeault, S. A.: 237,905,912

Thomas, G. E.: 581

Thomas, J. L.: 56

Thomas, R. H.: 781,834, 835

Thomason, L.W.: 586, 592, 593

Thompson, D. S.: 356, 357,358, 359, 360

Thompson, D. W.: 356, 357, 358, 359, 360,


Thompson, R. E.: 567

Thornton, T. A.: 360

Tiemsin, P. I.: 376, 388

Tilgner, M.: 687

Tindell, R.H.: 131

Tishkoff, J.M.: 142

Titlow, J.: 608

Todhunter, R.G.: 304, 305

Torczon, V.: 725,754

Tovinkere, V.: 608

Towell, T.W.: 344

Townsend, L.W.: 853, 854, 908

Tracy, M. B.: 60

Trepte, C. R.: 592, 600

Trinidad, P.P.: 886

Tripathi, R. K.: 854, 910, 911

Tripp, J. S.: 474

Trivedi, K. S.: 686, 704

Trosset, M. W.: 754

Troutman, P.A.: 170, 185, 190

Trujillo, A. C.: 153

Tsou, H. T.: 257

Tsynkov, S. V.: 58, 61, 62

Tuck, A. F.: 587

Tucker, J. H.: 719

Turkel, E.: 59, 753, 832

Turner, T. L.: 825

Twohy, C. H.: 548


Ueng, S-K.: 705

Ueno, T.: 668, 800

Unal, R.: 758

Upchurch, B. T.: 469, 487

Ustinov, M. V.: 432


Vahala, G.: 461

Valero, F. P.: 621

Valla, R.: 466

Van Rosendale, J.: 680, 683

Vassey, F. S.: 385

Vatsa, V. N.: 62

Vaughan, R.M.: 173

Vaughn, M. R.: 769

Vaughn, T. P.: 288, 306

Vaughn, W. L.: 257

Vay, S. A.: 548

Vazquez, S. L.: 375

Veazie, D. R.: 230, 274

Venkat, V. S.: 232

Venkatakrishnan, V.: 14, 727

Venkatapathy, E.: 406, 416, 433

Vicroy, D. D.: 88

Vieira, G. J.: 456

Villani, J. A.: 8, 9


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Vipavetz,K. G.: 385Virgin, L. N.: 818


Wagner,A.: 33Wagner,J.A.: 288,306Wallace,T. A.: 278,279Wallio,H. A.: 542,543,548Walpot,L.: 439Walsh,B. M.: 865,867,868,869,870Walsh,J. L.: 63Wang,J.T.: 523,527Wang,P-H.: 602,651Wang,Y.: 170Warren,A. W.: 93Waszak,M. R.: 154,155Waters,J.W.: 589Watson,W. R.: 836Weaver,S.P.: 634Webb,J. R.: 904Weikel,W.J.: 350Weilmuenster,K.J.: 416,455Weinstein,L. M.: 456Weisenborn,M. D.: 594Weisenstein,D. W.: 603Weiser,E.S.: 339Welch,S.S.: 500,501Weston,R. P.: 43Westphal,D. L.: 652Wheeler,R. J.: 627,628,647,653White,J. J., II: 84White,N. H.: 171Whitesides,J. L.: 31Whitley,K. S.: 228,837Whitlock, C. H.: 620,623,628,629,644,

647,653,654, 656Wiecek,M. M.: 730Wiedemann,K. E.: 419Wielicki, B. A.: 561,605,613,614,615,625,

632,643,655,658Wieseman,C.D.: 126,127Wilber,A. C.: 656Wilbur,M. L.: 71Wilhite,A. W.: 64Wilkie, W. K.: 132Wilkinson,S.P.: 340,364Wilkinson,S.P.: 19,27,45,65

Willard, S.A.: 259,260,299,309Williams, G. B.: 399Williams, J.R.: 662,664,665Williams, R.A.: 165Williams-Byrd,J.A.: 877,878,879Willis, P.: 313Willshire, K.F.: 134Wilmoth,R. G.: 20,49, 66,438,492Wilson,J.W.: 237,662,663,664,665,666,

669,670,852,853,905,906, 907,908,909,910,911,912,913,914

Wilson,M. R.: 817Wilson,R. G.: 483Wilson,R. V.: 457Wincheski,R. A.: 292,293,304,305,310,

311Winfree,W.P.: 242,312,759,760,761,762,

763,764Wing,D.J.: 12,67,68Wingrove,E. R., III: 3, 6, 7, 10Winker,D. M.: 595,596,597,598,599Winstead,E.L.: 575,576,578Wise,K. L.: 328Wise,S.A.: 880,881,882Wissel,V.: 391,392Wong,T.: 611,657,658Wood,K. H.: 365,366Wood,W. A.: 69,70,458,755Woodard,S.E.: 200,201,204,205,528,529,

530Woodell,G. A.: 467,471Woods,D. C.: 600,603Woods-Vedeler,J.A.: 531Worden,H.: 601Working,D. C.: 362


Xue,T.: 313


Yager,T.J.: 105Yang,J.N: 275Yasukawa,B.: 808Yeager,J.C.: 156,157Yeager,W.T.,Jr.: 71Yee,J.H.: 582


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Yetter,J. A.: 131

Yeung, P. K.: 459

Ying, S.X.: 57

Yost, W. T.: 667,668, 671,778,779, 800,


Young, D. F.: 615,637,638, 639, 640, 649,

658, 659, 660

Young, P. R.: 365, 366

Young, R. D.: 526, 532

Younis, B. A.: 785,786

Yu, J.: 808,877,878, 879

Yu, Y. H.: 838

Yuan, S.P.: 460

Yue, G. K.: 579,580, 594, 602, 603


Zabora, R.: 231

Zak, J. A.: 89, 661

Zang, T. A.: 43

Zasadil, S.: 591

Zawodny, J. M.: 536, 557

Zhang, H.: 730

Zhao, W.: 302

Zhou, Y.: 397,398, 448,449, 459, 461

Zhuang, Y.: 752

Zima, H.: 680, 683

Zimmerman, D.C.: 199, 518

Zuckerwar, A.J.: 806, 839


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Organization Index

Office of Director

Office of Director (A)





740,741,743,744, 745,746,747,748,749,750,751,752,753,754

Office of Education (AE)


Airframe Systems Program Office

Aeronautics Systems Analysis Division (BA)


High-Performance Aircraft Office (BC)


Space and Atmospheric Sciences Program Group

Atmospheric Sciences Division (CA)









488 533, 534

556 557,558

574 575 576

591 592 593

608 609 610

626, 627 628

643 644 645,

660,841 842


559,560,561 562

577 578,579 580

594 595,596 597

611 612,613 614,

629 630,631 632,

646 647,648

843 844,845


563,564 565

581,582 583

598,599 600

615,616 617

633,634, 635
















Space Systems and Concepts Division (CB)

166, 167,168,169, 170,171,172,173,184,185, 189,190,202,464,535,756,757,758,883,884

Space Projects Office (CC)



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Research and Technology Group

Research and Technology Group (D)

111,130, 516, 716, 717

Aero-and Gas-Dynamics Division(DA)





Flight Dynamics and Control Division(DC)





Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division (DF)





792,793,794,795,796,797,798,799,801,803,804,805, 807,808,809,810,811,



Flight ElecwonicsTechnology Division(DI)




Materials Division (DM)
























238,239,240,241,242,243, 244,247,248,249,250,











NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (149)

StructuresDivision (DS)


Technology Applications Group

Technology Applications Group (E)

207, 493, 885

Internal Operations Group

Facility Systems Engineering Division (GG)


Experimental Testing Technology Division (GH)

411,462, 463,466, 468, 469, 470, 473,474, 487,806, 839

Aerospace Mechanical Systems Division (GK)

96, 181,182, 183,276, 431,491

Aerospace Electronic Systems Division (GL)

85, 378, 385,465,483,486, 536, 537, 538, 539, 541,570, 675, 719, 855,857, 858,859,

860, 861,862, 863,864, 865,866, 867, 868,869, 870, 871,872, 874, 875, 876, 877,878, 879

Information Systems and Services Division (GM)

434, 485,707, 709, 886, 890, 891,892, 893, 894, 895,896, 903

High-Speed Research Program Office

High-Speed Research Program Office (I)


Advanced Subsonic Technology Program Office

Advanced Subsonic Technology Office (KC)

3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 220, 802


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (150)

Aerospace Transportation Technology Office

Aerospace Transportation Technology Office (L)


Hyper X Program Office (LA)

33, 34, 50, 53

Independent Program Assessment Office

Independent Program Assessment Office (M)



NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (151)


RTOP 146-90-04



RTOP 148-65-41




RTOP 199-45-16



RTOP 225-12-02


RTOP 233-01-21


RTOP 233-02-03

350, 354, 356, 357

RTOP 233-03-01


RTOP 233-03-03


RTOP 233-10-14

196, 197, 198, 321,330, 361,470, 496,505

RTOP 227-92-43


RTOP 233-10-21


RTOP 229-01-02

605,606, 610, 615,630, 631,633,637,648

RTOP 233-20-21



RTOP 229-02-06


RTOP 233-20-24


RTOP 229-10-32


RTOP 233-30-31


RTOP 229-71-02


RTOP 233-40-41


RTOP 232-01-04


RTOP 236-04-70


RTOP 233-01-01

237, 510, 529, 882

RTOP 237-02-22



NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (152)














40, 166,168,169,400,417












5, 11,17,18,20,44,47,48,49,66,69,70,396,399,401,405,406,415,416,

423,424,433,437,438,439,440,444,455,458,492, 755,758










180,395,471,483,486, 536,570,719,859,861,863,872, 877,878,879












77,78,402, 403,432




NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (153)






































97, 103














71,120, 123,132,262,677,803,817


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (154)

RTOP 505-63-50

43, 105, 107, 113, 118, 124, 126, 206,

209, 211,219, 230, 234, 235,240, 246,

274, 286, 314, 318, 320, 322, 323, 327,

329, 334, 336, 338,339, 340, 343,344,

355,365,498, 503,514, 515,619,770,


RTOP 505-63-53


RTOP 505-63-87


RTOP 505-64-13


RTOP 505-64-50


RTOP 505-64-52

112, 175, 192, 376, 721,723

RTOP 505-64-70


RTOP 505-68-30

55, 60, 96, 110

RTOP 505-70-59


RTOP 505-70-62

26, 418

RTOP 505-70-63

50, 277

RTOP 505-70-69


RTOP 505-90

887,888, 889, 897,898,899, 900, 901,

902, 904

RTOP 505-90-52

397 398,409,



682. 683,684,



726 727,728,

734 735,736,

743 744,745,

751 752,753,











RTOP 506-43-11


RTOP 506-63-50


RTOP 509-10-11


RTOP 509-10-31


RTOP 510-02-12


RTOP 519-20-21

462, 463,466, 468, 469,474, 487,848

RTOP 519-30-21

369, 370, 371

RTOP 519-30-31



NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (155)


























316,317,347,351,352, 358,359,360


82, 176,373,377,384,388,389




24,27,32,36,45,65,425,428, 456,840








52, 161






215,228,231,325,326, 328,342,346,366,716,717,800,837


1,2, 94,95, 101,104,119,127,128,780






NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (156)


90,91,151,154, 155,177,178,179,188,191,193,194,203,380,382,383,676,708,722








136,137,138,139,140,141,142,160,367,435,436, 452


























72, 162


64, 102








109,216,221,233,244,250,251,252,253,258,259,260,270,275,280,281,282,284,289,290,291,294,295,296,298,299,300,301,303,307,348, 520,524,525,526,532




NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (157)

RTOP 538-03-11

790, 796

RTOP 538-03-12

475,476, 477, 478,479, 480, 765, 766,

769, 781,787, 802, 805, 807, 808, 834,835, 839

RTOP 538-03-13

472, 819

RTOP 538-03-14

678, 679, 788,797, 811,812, 820, 823,831

RTOP 538-03-15


RTOP 538-04-11

79, 80, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 378,391,392,661

RTOP 538-04-13

147, 148

RTOP 538-04-14

81, 93

RTOP 538-05-12


RTOP 538-05-13


RTOP 538-05-14

28, 29

RTOP 538-05-15


RTOP 538-07-11

145, 149, 742

RTOP 538-07-14


RTOP 538-07-15


RTOP 538-07-19

73, 74, 75, 76

RTOP 538-07-22


RTOP 538-08-11

3,6,7,8,9, 10

RTOP 538-08-12

634, 635, 639, 642, 659, 660

RTOP 538-10-11

210, 213, 214, 220, 222, 243,245,249,

261,266, 269, 271,309, 504, 511,523,527, 761

RTOP 538-13-11


RTOP 548-10-11


RTOP 548-10-31

857, 858, 871

RTOP 548-10-41


RTOP 578-12-25

604, 616, 617, 645,646


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (158)

RTOP 578-12-70


RTOP 579-21-17


RTOP 579-21-51


RTOP 581-01-21


RTOP 581-10-11

98, 99, 100, 484

RTOP 581-10-21

218, 239, 241,247,248, 254, 255,256,


RTOP 581-20-21

121,774, 789, 838

RTOP 581-20-31

784, 809, 827

RTOP 591-22-21


RTOP 618-22-31


RTOP 622-56-61


RTOP 622-63-02


RTOP 622-63-06


RTOP 622-63-08


RTOP 622-63-13


RTOP 622-67-65

841,842, 843,844, 846, 849, 851

RTOP 622-67-69


RTOP 632-10-14

195,481,518, 530

RTOP 632-20-21

204, 257,506, 507,528, 531,881

RTOP 665-25-06


RTOP 665-25-30


RTOP 665-25-31

551,566, 581,585,587

RTOP 665-25-41

560, 561

RTOP 665-45-20

556, 557,579, 580, 586, 592, 594, 595,

596, 597,598, 599,600, 602, 603,618

RTOP 665-45-53


RTOP 665-70-01

559, 568, 589, 591


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (159)


Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed, and comt_eting and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any Other aspect of thiscollection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 JeffersonDavis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4.302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503.


February 1998 Technical Memorandum4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE ]5. FUNDING NUMBERS

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output--1997


Susan H. Stewart and Harriet B. Machie, Compilers


NASA Langley Research CenterHampton, VA 23681-2199


National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, DC 20546-0001








Subject Category 82Distribution: Nonstandard

Availability: NASA CASI (301)621-0390


13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

This document is a compilation of the scientific and technical information that the Langley Research Center hasproduced during the calendar year 1997. Included are citations for Formal Reports, Conference Publications, High-Numbered Technical Memorandums, Contractor Reports, Journal Articles and Book Publications, Meeting Presen-tations, Technical Talks, and Patents.


Bibliographies; Scientific and technical information; Documentation; Indexes




NSN 7540-01-280-5500










Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18298-102

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (160)

RTOP 859-00-00


RTOP 906-43-00

170, 189, 190, 756, 757

RTOP 956-17-00


RTOP 963-35-00


RTOP 963-89-00

199, 202, 883, 884


NASA Langley Research Center – Administration Office ...€¦· TALE OF ONTENTS Table of Contents Executive Summary_____ 1 ... for final presentation preparation. NASA LANGLEY

NASA Langley=Aircraft Design Innovations B777


Ronuld Fowler Langley Research Center Vu. - NASA

NASA, Langley Research Center Hampton, VA Hartford Intro Slides Goodrich.pdf· NASA, Langley Research Center Hampton, VA NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate ODM Technical

NASA Facts Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia


1 Economic Value of Climate Science Bruce Wielicki, NASA Langley Roger Cooke Resources for the Future David Young, NASA Langley Martin Mlynczak, NASA Langley

Engineering Drawing System - Langley Management System - NASA

NASA Langley Gulfstream III (NASA 520)

NASA Langley Technical Report Server NASA-95-Ja-wka

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output …· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output--2001 ... Technology Center Seminar, November ... Fin-Plate

NASA Langley Research Center NASA Langley Atmospheric ...· NASA Langley Research Center Michael Little. [emailprotected] NASA Langley Research Center Science Directorate

NASA Langley Research Center· Technical Excellence Efficient Operations Ensure an Agile, Adaptable and Responsive Langley Create the NASA Langley of 2050 Work with our Customers

NASA Technical Memorandum 100499 LANGLEY VEDIT FOR …· NASA Technical Memorandum 100499 LANGLEY VEDIT FOR NOS/VE USAGE MANUAL M. A. HEANEY SEPTEMBER 1987 {NASil-T@-700499) LANGLEY

Advanced Composite Structures At NASA Langley · PDF fileAdvanced Composite Structures At NASA Langley Research Center ... industry standard composite (Target: ... •Fiber placement

NASA Langley Damage Tolerance Experiences - Raju· Ivatury S. Raju NASA Engineering and Safety Center NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia presented at the FAA Symposium

Langley Procedural Requirements - NASA

GFTD at NASA Langley v2

NASA Langley Distributed Propulsion VTOL Tilt Wing

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output—1997mln/ltrs-pdfs/NASA-98-tm206936.pdf· NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output—1997 ... 174 Journal

NASA Langley Research Centre Pressure Systems Manual

Third NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop· 2005-02-07· Third NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop Compiled by C. Michael Holloway Langley Research Center • Hampton, Virginia

Snapshot of Active Flow Control Research at NASA Langley · PDF fileSnapshot of Active Flow Control Research at NASA Langley ... SNAPSHOT OF ACTIVE FLOW CONTROl, RESEARCH AT NASA LANGLEY

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output

Nasa Langley RC Presentation: Charles co*ckrell. 7.21.15

NASA Langley Low Speed Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, › GTC › PDF › GTC2012 › ...· Absorption of Atmospheric Radiation William F. Godoy NASA Langley

Real-Gas Flow Properties for NASA Langley Research …mln/ltrs-pdfs/NASA-96-cr4755.pdfSeptember 1996 NASA Contractor Report 4755 Real-Gas Flow Properties for NASA Langley Research

NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information …mln/ltrs-pdfs/NASA-99-tm209095.pdf· This report contains a listing of the NASA Langley Research Center’s publicly available

NASA - Langley- Zawodny GRC LENR Workshop

Guide to the NACA Langley Memorial Aeronautical ... - NASA· Guide to the NACA Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory and NASA Langley Research Center Records at NARA Philadelphia,


NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 · NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Outputs1997 ... 172 Contractor Reports, 174 Journal Articles and - [PDF Document] (2024)


What do they do at NASA Langley Research Center? ›

The Science Directorate (SD) at NASA Langley Research Center provides expertise in the areas of Atmospheric Composition, Air Quality, Earth's Energy Budget and Lidar Remote Sensing that supports aeronautics, space technology, exploration and Earth science.

What does NASA in Virginia do? ›

Tucked away on Virginia's Eastern Shore, NASA's Wallops Flight Facility plays an incredibly important role in our understanding of earth and space science. Since its beginnings, Wallops has launched more than 16,000 rockets carrying science experiments, technology, and satellites.

How big is NASA Langley Research Center? ›

NASA's Langley Research Center is comprised of nearly 200 facilities on 764 acres in Hampton, Virginia, and employs about 3,400 civil servants and contractors. Langley works to make revolutionary improvements to aviation, expand understanding of Earth's atmosphere and develop technology for space exploration.

What is the mission statement of NASA Langley Research Center? ›

Our mission. At the Science Directorate at NASA's Langley Research Center, we translate atmospheric discovery into better solutions to protect the planet Earth and its people.

What is the most prestigious NASA center? ›

The John F. Kennedy Space Center has been NASA's primary launch center of human spaceflight. Launch operations for the Apollo, Skylab and Space Shuttle programs were carried out from Kennedy Space Center on the east coast of Florida.

Can you go inside NASA headquarters? ›

All visitors must enter through the visitor's entrance which is located on the West side of the NASA HQ building. Yellow Line or Green Line: To L'Enfant Plaza – Follow signs to the 7th & D St exit. Once on D Street, turn right and walk ½ block to 6th Street.

Is NASA private property? ›

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA; /ˈnæsə/) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research.

Was NASA originally in Virginia? ›

The NASA Langley Research Center, established in 1917 in Hampton, Va., as the Agency's original field center, is a research, science, technology, and development center that provides game-changing innovations that enable NASA to make significant contributions to the nation.

What does NASA hire for? ›

We are scientists, engineers, IT specialists, human resources specialists, accountants, writers, technicians, and many other kinds of people working together to break barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible. We have rewarding career opportunities for just about anyone excited by our mission.

What is NASA Langley's motto? ›

Sometime in the early 1960s, Thompson invented a motto to capture what he wanted Langley's new operational philosophy to be: "We should retain our competence and contract out our capacity."2 By that Thompson meant that a NASA center forfeited none of its own capabilities by sharing some of its work with outsiders.

Why is NASA No 1? ›

It inspires and provides great opportunities for future generations for exploration, research, and the creation of a better future. Because of the significant value and the important impact that it has on every person's life, NASA is considered the No. 1 Space Agency in the World.

Why did NASA move from Langley to Houston? ›

NASA had always been managed from Langley Field near Washington, D.C. But the moon landing President John Kennedy envisioned required a huge expansion that was not possible at Langley.

Who was the first man in space American? ›

May 5, 1961.

Just 23 days after Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first person in space, NASA launched astronaut Alan Shepard aboard the Freedom 7 capsule powered by a Redstone booster to become the first American in space.

Did NASA start at Langley? ›

NASA's Langley Research Center is the nation's first civilian aeronautics laboratory and the agency's original field center.

What is the history of NASA Langley Research Center? ›

Established in 1917 by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the research center devotes two-thirds of its programs to aeronautics and the rest to space. LaRC researchers use more than 40 wind tunnels to study and improve aircraft and spacecraft safety, performance, and efficiency.

What did the Langley Research Center do? ›

LaRC has focused primarily on aeronautical research but has also tested space hardware such as the Apollo Lunar Module. In addition, many of the earliest high-profile space missions were planned and designed on-site.

What do people do in space research centers? ›

People in this field can develop, test and analyze hypotheses that help develop advanced technology for exploring space. Their jobs may allow them to share what they learn with the public or other scientists in their field, which can increase collaboration on and confirmation of a scientific theory.

What do NASA research scientists do? ›

NASA scientists conduct groundbreaking research across earth science, planetary science, heliophysics and astrophysics to answer some of the most profound questions facing humanity. In addition to exploring the vast unknowns of space, our science research is driving technology to improve life here on Earth.

What is the role of NASA in space research? ›

We conduct cutting-edge research to advance technology and aeronautics. We operate the world's leading space laboratory, the International Space Station, and will establish a sustainable and strong exploration presence on the Moon this decade through the Artemis campaign.


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.