Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.pdf ( PDFDrive ) - Flip eBook Pages 301-336 (2024)

Running the Realms

Example: A party of five PCs defeats two ogres and their pet hell Alexandrite: Favored for focal use in items of magic that confer
hound. The characters include a 4th-level human ranger, a 3rd-level good luck, favor, or protection.
drow paladin, a 3rd-level air genasi wizard, a 4th-level strongheart
halfling rogue, and a half-elf fighter/ranger of level 2/1. Amber: Often used as a good luck charm to ward off diseases and
The human ranger is 4th level. The ogres have Challenge Ratings
of 2 and the hell hound has a Challenge Rating of 3. Amethyst: Rumored to ward off drunkenness and convert poisons
to harmless substances (folk belief).
According to the table, a party of 4th-level characters should earn
600 XP for defeating an ogre and 800 XP for defeating the hell Andar: Green-red or brown-red, translucent, durable.
hound. Because there were five characters, the ranger gets 120 XP Angelar’s Skin: Fine pink coral, opaque, delicate.
(600 ، 5 = 120) for each ogre and 160 XP (800 ، 5 = 160) for a Aventurine: Golden, medium to light green, or dark to pale blue,
total of 400 XP (120 + 120 + 160 = 400). spangled with mica crystals, sometimes called love stone.
Banded Agate: Used as as “soothe stones” that merchants handle
The drow paladin has an effective level of 5th (because drow add +2 to relieve tension during negotiations.
to their character level to determine their effective character level). Beljuril: Seawater green, periodically blazing with a sparkling,
According to the table, 5th-level characters receive 500 XP for each winking, flashing light, also known as fireflashils, durable and very
CL 2 ogre and 750 XP for the CL 3 hell hound. The paladin gets 100 hard.
XP (500 ، 5 = 100) for each ogre and 150 XP (750 ، 5 = 150) for Bloodstone: Dark green-gray quartz flecked with red crystal
the hell hound, for a total of 350 XP (100 + 100 + 150 = 350). impurities that resemble drops of blood.
Blue Quartz: Favored jewels for gems of seeing.
The genasi is effectively 4th level (because genasi add +1 to their Chalcedony: Used to make magical items that ward against
character level to determine their effective character level), so the undead.
genasi gets the same XP award as the ranger. Crown of Silver: Silver chalcedony with brilliant metallic black
The rogue also is 4th level, and receives the same XP award as the Emerald: Used in spell ink formulae, as a spell component, and in
ranger. items concerned with fertility, health, and growth.
Fire Agate: Translucent, iridescent red, brown, gold, and green
The fighter/ranger is only 3rd level. Each ogre is still worth 600 chalcedony.
XP to a party of 3rd-level characters, but the hell hound is worth 900 Fire Opal: Favored in helms of brilliance.
XP instead of 800 XP. The half-elf earns 120 XP for each ogre, and Fluorspar: Pale blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, red (gemstones),
180 XP (one-fifth of 900) for the hell hound, for a total of 420 XP. purple-and-white banded (carving).
Garnet: In folktales, garnets are the hardened blood of divine
Gems of Faerûn avatars.
Greenstone: Gray-green, soft, used in greenstone amulets.
Table 8–3: Gems, below, replaces Table 7–5 in the DUNGEON Hematite: Prized by fighters, often used in magical periapts.
Hyaline: Milky (or white) quartz, often flecked with gold.
MASTER’s Guide. It includes a wider variety of stones, some unique Hydrophane: Frosty-white or ivory opal, opaque, used in water-
oriented items.
to Faerûn. Some stones are described after the table. Iol: Color-changing straw-yellow, blue, and dark blue, sometimes
with an internal star effect, strong associations with magic in
TABLE 8-3: GEMS Faerûnian legend.
d% Value Average Value Irtios: Colorless or very pale yellow, hard, translucent crystals,
often found on sword scabbards and wizards’ staves.
01-25 4d4 gp 10 gp Ivory: White substance that comprises mammal teeth or tusks,
carved and polished. Unicorn horns are technically not ivory, since
Examples: azurite, agate (banded, eye, fire, moss, or tiger eye), blue they are not teeth. It should also be noted that unicorn horns are not
used for ornamental carving and that they command prices of thou-
quartz, crown of silver, fluorspar, freshwater pearl, greenstone, sands of gold pieces from alchemists. On a cautionary note, certain
Faerûnian religions—especially followers of Mielikki and Lurue the
hematite, hyaline, ivory, lapis lazuli, malachite, nelvine, obsidian, Unicorn—take great exception to people hunting unicorns for their
horns. They have even been known to put to death people convicted
rhodochrosite, sanidine, turquoise, violine of the evil act of killing unicorns.
Jacinth: Fiery orange jewel also called hyacinth or flamegem, the
26-50 2d4×10 gp 50 gp true corundum jacinth is found only in Faerûn.
Jade: Said to enhance musical ability and worn as a lucky stone by
Examples: andar, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, chalcedony, musicians.
Jet: The stone of mourning and sorrow in wealthy cities.
chrysoprase, citrine, hydrophane, iol, iolite, irtios, jasper, moonstone, Kings’ Tears: Clear, teardrop-shaped, smooth-surfaced, and awe-
somely hard, sometimes called frozen tears or lich weepings, very rare.
onyx, orprase, peridot, phenalope, quartz (rock crystal, rose, smoky, Laeral’s Tears: Large colorless, crystalline, soft, brittle stones
named for the famous sorcerer Laeral.
or star rose), sard, sardonyx, spodumene, tchazar, zircon Lapis Lazuli: Dark to sky-blue with gold flecks, opaque.
Malachite: Used as jewlery among poorer folk.
51-70 4d4×10 gp 100 gp Moonstone: Used in magic items that control lycanthropy, affect
lycanthropes, or protect against lycanthropy, considered sacred to
Examples: amber, amethyst, angelar’s skin, chrysoberyl, coral, Selûne.
Moss Agate: Said to promote serenity and stability.
garnet (red or brown-green), jade, jet, Laeral’s tears, spinel (red, red-

brown, or deep green), pearl (golden, pink, silver, or white), tourma-

line (white, golden, pink, or silver pearl), waterstar

71-90 2d4×100 gp 500 gp

Examples: alexandrite, aquamarine, black pearl, deep blue spinel,

golden yellow topaz, violet garnet

91-99 4d4×100 gp 1,000 gp

Examples: corundum (fiery yellow, rich purple, black, or blue),

emerald, opal (black, fire, water, or white), orl, ravenar, red tears,

sapphire, star ruby, star sapphire (black or blue), tomb jade

100 2d4×1,000 gp 5,000 gp

Examples: beljuril, clearest bright green emerald, diamond (blue,

blue-white, brown, canary, or pink), jacinth, king’s tears, ruby


Running the Realms

Nelvine: White, cream, fawn, or brown-pink feldspar with celes- MASTER’s Guide to see whether the Faerûnian scroll is arcane or
tial blue iridescence, soft and fragile. divine and what levels of spells it contains. Then use one of the fol-
lowing tables to determine the spells a scroll contains.
Obsidian: Can be chipped into arrowheads or weapons.
Opal: Used in a number of magic items and spells. TABLE 8–4: ARCANE SPELL SCROLLS
Orl: Red (most valued), tawny, or orange crystals. Minor Medium Major Spell (Level) Market Price
Orprase: Colorless or faintly straw-yellow, brittle, medium hard-
ness, popular with followers of Tymora. 01–15 — — Scatterspray (1st) 25 gp
Peridot: Used in items that provide protection against spells and
enchantments. 16–30 01–02 — Aganazzar’s scorcher 150 gp
Phenalope: Rose-red or pink, said to protect against magical
flame. (2nd)
Ravenar: Glossy black tourmaline, mainly valued in the North.
Red Tears: Vivid cherry-red, blood-crimson, or fiery orange crys- 31–35 03–04 — Claws of darkness (2nd) 150 gp
tals also called Tempus’s weeping, legends say they are the tears of
lovers shed for their beloveds who were slain in battle. 36–38 05–06 — Create magic tattoo 150 gp
Rock Crystal: Used for optics and prisms.
Ruby: Held as lucky objects in folklore. (2nd)
Sanidine: Pale tan to straw yellow feldspar, favorite of the Bedine.
Sapphire: Widely used in the making of magic swords and other 39–48 07–08 — Eagle’s splendor (2nd) 150 gp
magic items, especially those related to magical prowess, the mind,
and the element of air. 49–63 09–10 — Shadow mask (2nd) 150 gp
Sardonyx: Used in spells and in creating magic items that affect
wisdom. 64–70 11–12 — Shadow spray (2nd) 150 gp
Smoky Quartz: Black variety called morion and used by necro-
mancers. 71–85 13–14 — Snilloc’s snowball 150 gp
Spodumene: Pink-to-purple gem also known as ghost stone
because its color fades with the time. swarm (2nd)
Star Sapphire: Used in devices that offer protection against hos-
tile magic. 86–90 15–30 01 Analyze portal (3rd) 375 gp
Tchazar: Fragile, soft, straw-yellow gemstone.
Tiger Eye Agate: Golden agate with dark brown striping, legends 91–95 31–40 02 Blacklight (3rd) 375 gp
state that nonmagical tiger eyes are useful in repelling spirits and
undead creatures. 96–100 41–50 03 Flashburst (3rd) 375 gp
Tomb Jade: Rare, highly prized jade that has turned red or brown
through being buried for great lengths of time. — 51–70 04–24 Fire stride (4th) 700 gp
Topaz: Often mounted on protective magic items, the preferred
jewel in the making of a gem of brightness. — 71–90 25–44 Thunderlance (4th) 700 gp
Turquoise: Prized by elves for use in sky-related spells, mages use
turquoises in the creation of items concerned with flight. — 91–95 45–60 Grimwald’s 1,125 gp
Violine: Purple volcanic gemstone.
Water Opal: Clear, translucent variety of opal used as ornaments graymantle (5th)
around mirrors and windows or in the crafting of magical scrying
devices (such as crystal balls). — 96–100 61–75 Lesser ironguard 1,125 gp
Waterstar: Colorless, rare tourmaline.
Zircon: Occasionally passed off as more valuable gemstones (5th)
(Appraise check DC 10).
— — 76–89 Gateseal (6th) 1,700 gp

— — 90–94 Flensing (8th) 3,000 gp

— — 95–99 Great shout (8th) 3,000 gp

— — 100 Elminster’s evasion 28,825 gp


Minor Medium Major Spell (Level) Market Price

01–25 — — Cloak of dark power* 25 gp


26–34 01–02 — Analyze portal* (2nd) 150 gp

35–56 03–04 — Gembomb* (2nd) 150 gp

57–85 05–06 — Moonbeam* (2nd) 150 gp

86–90 07–25 — Anyspell* (3rd) 375 gp

91–95 26–45 — Eagle’s splendor (3rd) 375 gp

96–100 46–65 — Moon blade* (2nd) 375 gp

— 66–70 01–05 Armor of darkness* 700 gp


— 71–80 06–20 Darkbolt* (5th) 1,125 gp

— 81–90 21–35 Moon path* (5th) 1,125 gp

— 91–100 36–45 Spiderform* (5th) 1,125 gp

Scrolls — — 46–50 Fantastic machine* 1,650 gp

The following two tables are provided for DMs who want to (6th)
randomly generate scrolls of spells described in this book (see
Chapter 2: Magic). To include these scrolls in any random gen- — — 51–60 Gateseal (6th) 1,700 gp
eration of magic items, refer to Table 8–2 in the DUNGEON
MASTER’s Guide and divide the “Scrolls” line into two parts: — — 61–70 Greater anyspell* 1,650 gp


— — 71–75 Spider curse* (6th) 1,650 gp

— — 76–80 Maw of stone* (7th) 2,275 gp

— — 81–85 Stone spiders* (7th) 2,275 gp

— — 86–90 Waterspout* (7th) 2,275 gp

Minor Medium Major — — 91–94 Maelstrom* (8th) 3,000 gp
47–64 51–58 46–50
65–81 59–66 51–55 Scrolls — — 95–96 Greater fantastic 3,825 gp
Faerûnian scrolls
machine* (9th)

— — 97–98 Moonfire* (9th) 3,825 gp

The numbers above give an equal chance of generating a regular — — 99–100 Spider shapes* (9th) 3,825 gp
scroll (of spells found in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide) or a
Faerûnian scroll. If you want the chance for a Faerûnian scroll to *Found only as a domain spell and not usable by divine spell-
be higher or lower, adjust both sets of numbers accordingly.
casters who do not have access to that domain.
Follow the process outlined in Chapter 8 of the DUNGEON


In this adventure, the heroes explore the lair of an adult Character Hooks
green dragon named Azurphax, who has been transformed
into a dracolich. She is served by living and undead minions • Having been tricked by the dragon or her minions into acquiring
and slaves. Azurphax has several contacts in far parts of the world treasure only to have it stolen, the adventurers seeking their lost
and is always looking for ways to expand her wealth and control loot have at last found her lair.
over the forest that surrounds her well-defended lair.
• The adventurers have been directed by one of the dragon’s minions
Encounter Levels to the lair under the assumption that the dragon is weak, young, or
otherwise not much of a threat compared to the potential rewards.
Green Bones is an adventure site for four characters of about 16th
level. The number of minions in the lair can be increased or • The heroes have encountered the dragon while she was patrolling
decreased to accommodate a weaker or stronger adventuring party. or consorting with one of her minions and have followed her back
to her lair.
Adventure Background
Eight years ago, the green dragon Azurphax was attacked in her
lair by a group of powerful dragonslayers. They drove her off and The main event in this adventure is the assault on the dracolich’s
stole a large portion of her loot. When they returned for more, she lair, which is depicted in the map on page 305. The following
was better prepared and succeeded in slaying them, although great- descriptions are keyed to locations on the map.
ly wounded. The Cult of the Dragon heard of the attacks and
offered her immortality and treasure. In her weakened state, she A. OBSERVATION POSTS
accepted and was transformed into a dracolich.
Signs of habitation mark this small cave, with many footprints
Since her transformation, she has been a reluctant ally of the Cult, and a small pile of thick furs that might be used as a chair. The
preferring to go her own way and work on rebuilding her hoard and altitude of the opening is higher than the tree line, which gives
strengthening her defenses. She has subdued or enslaved several local a good view of the nearby land.
creatures and has a few servants who act as her agents beyond the
forest. The dragon’s agents plant rumors about a dragon’s hoard These two caves are occasionally used by the medusas or werewolves
among the foolish and investigate tales about caches of treasures as observation posts.
within her forest that she might plunder. The heroes can become
involved through these agents, dealing with traps and monsters only 1. ENTRANCE
to be attacked and robbed (possibly by the dragon herself) when they
emerge from a dungeon. Eventually the heroes can learn where the The natural earthen ramp that leads to this cave opening con-
dragon actually lairs and plan an attack upon her home. tinues for another 30 feet before apparently merging with the
hillside. The cave itself is over 10 feet wide and slopes down-
ward after a few paces.

The cavern entrance is about 30 feet above the level of the ground
and smells faintly of predatory animals. There are enough tracks on
the earth and soft ground that anyone can spot multiple wolf tracks
if they look hard enough (Search DC 10). A character with the
Track feat can detect (Search DC 17) a few faint human bootprints
in this area, no more than three days old.


Adventure: Green Bones

2. FIERY HALLWAY 15 for each thunderstone); Search (DC 20, possible only if searcher
first succeeds at a DC 17 Will save against illusory wall in ceiling);
This part of the tunnel is scorched on the ground and the Disable Device (DC 28)
lower part of the walls.
Any character who closely examines the floor (Search DC 20)
detects a very faint residue, left from alchemist’s fire (Intelligence The floor of this area is smooth and slightly sunken, with many
or Alchemy DC 15 to recognize the residue). stains from varying water levels within this now-dry pool.

Trap: A tripwire just above the floor in this area leads to a false The trap in area 4 formerly released a great deal more acid, which
ceiling that supports eight flasks of alchemist’s fire. When the trap tended to rush downhill and pool here, making it too difficult for
is triggered, the ceiling pops open, spilling the flasks into a 5-foot- the other denizens of the lair to get in and out. Someone with
by-10-foot area. Each creature within the target area is attacked by knowledge of alchemy or stoneworking can recognize (Alchemy or
up to two flasks. Any flasks that don’t hit targets crash to the floor Craft DC 15) that the floor has been smoothed by acid, with the
for splash damage. All creatures within 5 feet of a targeted square effect lessening uphill toward the entrance.
(including those in the other targeted squares) take splash damage.
Any direct hits burn the next round for the same damage. 6. WEREWOLF LAIR

aAlchemist’s Fire: CR 4; +10 ranged touch (1d6 fire per flask, Glowing coals in a firepit provide dim illumination for this
splash 1 fire); Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20). room. Five piles of straw and furs mark this as a sleeping area.
A bow and several hunting spears are near each bed, watched
Development: If this trap is triggered, the noise from it and the over by wolf-women.
reactions of the target creatures is sufficient to alert creatures in
areas 3 and 4, if any (Listen DC –5 and 3, respectively). Light in The women are the werewolf guardians of Azurphax’s lair, who also
this area alerts any creature in area 3. acquire food for those living here and interact with rural settlements
and other isolated creatures on behalf of the dracolich. They verbal-
3. WOLF DEN ly threaten anyone who tries to enter their room, warning visitors
away. If the unwelcome guests don’t leave, two of them fire bows
This area smells of dog and spilled blood. The earth has been while the others enter melee. On the second round, the remaining
dug up in a few places to make simple bed for animals. A small werewolves enter melee. The lycanthropes are all siblings and are
pile of bones stands in the western end of the room. loyal to each other. They have fought together often and take advan-
tage of flanking and their trip ability if possible. Noise from combat
This room is used as a lair by the werewolves when in wolf form and in this area alerts the cleric in area 7 and the inhabitants of areas 9
also as a place where prey animals are skinned and cleaned. There is and 10. The tunnel in the northwest is covered by an illusory wall.
a 25% chance that one of the werewolves is resting here. Otherwise,
the room is empty. The bones are all those of animals. Creatures (EL 11): Werewolf Rgr4 (5).
DFemale Werewolves Rgr4 (hybrid or animal form): CR 6;
4. COMPLEX ACID TRAP Medium-size shapechanger; HD 4d10+8; hp 34, 29, 31, 38, 43; Init
+6; Spd 50 ft.; AC 14 (touch 12, flat-footed 12) as wolf or hybrid;
The ceiling of the narrow cave lowers to little more than 5 feet Atk +6 melee (1d6+3, bite) or +7 melee (1d6+3/×3, masterwork half-
above the stony floor, but the tunnel continues to slope down- spear) or +7 ranged (1d6+2/×3, masterwork halfspear); SA Curse of
ward, leveling off about 20 feet ahead and turning to the right. lycanthropy, fight with two weapons, trip; SQ Alternate form,
damage reduction 15/silver, favored enemy +1 (humans), scent, wolf
The ceiling above this area is actually an illusory wall, which conceals a empathy; AL CE; SV Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 15, Con
small cubbyhole containing a number of acid flasks and thunderstones 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 (in wolf or hybrid forms).
supported by a slender framework of thin wooden poles. This part of the Skills and Feats: Hide +9, Listen +17, Move Silently +9, Search
trap is activated by the glyph of warding (see below) on the floor. +8, Spot +17, Wilderness Lore +7*; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great
Fortitude, Improved Control Shape, Improved Initiative, Track,
Trap: The floor is guarded by a glyph triggered by any nonevil Weapon Finesse (bite). *+4 racial bonus on Wilderness Lore checks
creature that enters the area. The blast ignites the wooden poles when tracking by scent.
above the illusory ceiling, causing them to burn through on the Special Attacks: Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid hit
round after the glyph is triggered, releasing the thunderstones and by a lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal form must succeed at a For-
flasks of acid. Eight flasks of acid and four thunderstones are dis- titude save (DC 15) or contract lycanthropy. Trip (Ex): A werewolf
tributed evenly over a 5-foot-by-10-foot area across the corridor. All that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a
creatures within 5 feet of a targeted square (including creatures in free action (see Chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook) without
the other targeted square) take splash damage from the acid, and all making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity, or
creatures within 10 feet of the targeted squares must save against leaving herself open to a trip if the attempt fails.
the thunderstones. The noise of the thunderstones is loud enough to Possessions (each): Hide armor (not worn), masterwork halfspear,
alert everyone within the lair and anything within 1,000 feet of it. potion of healing, cloak of resistance +1, gem (100 gp amethyst), 70 gp.

aGlyph of Warding: CR 4; 5-ft. fire blast (5d8); Reflex half (DC
16); Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28).

aAcid Flask and Thunderstone Trap: CR 8; +5 ranged touch
(1d6 acid per flask, 1 acid splash); sonic attack (Fortitude save DC


Adventure: Green Bones

7. CLERIC’S CHAMBER scrolls (heal, harm, neutralize poison, protection from elements, raise
dead), potion of fly, holy symbol.
This sparsely decorated chamber has only a simple bed, desk,
and three-legged stool. A hooded lantern burns on the desk. 8. COMPLEX TANGLEFOOT TRAP

The lantern burns with a continual flame. This is the residence of The walls of the hallway grow rough, with many ridges for
Varlae, the Cult of the Dragon ally of Azurphax. A cleric of Bane, easy climbing and odd globular protuberances, as if the stone
she serves as the Cult’s liaison to the dracolich and as an agent of the has run like hot wax in its history. The hallway broadens and
creature in the more civilized areas. In her spare time she checks on continues roughly to the west, the ceiling rising quickly.
the glyphs of warding she creates, works with Azurphax to think up
more traps, and writes poems glorifying Bane. The descriptive text assumes the characters are coming from the
east toward area 9. The ridges are actually thin wooden dowels. The
Creatures (EL 11): Varlae (Clr11 of Bane). globules are tanglefoot bags or clay hemispheres containing
Tactics: Since she probably has been alerted by the thunderstones alchemist’s fire. All have been bound together with string and paint-
in area 4 or fighting in area 6, Varlae has prepared herself for an ed to look like stone. Recognizing the deception requires a Spot
upcoming battle, passing through the illusory wall in the hallway check (DC 15). All these are part of a trap activated by the glyph of
near her door. Her preparations include donning her armor, drink- warding in this area.
ing her potion of fly, using her scroll of protection from elements:
acid, and casting deathwatch and spell immunity (fireball, lightning Trap: The floor is guarded by a glyph triggered by any nonevil
bolt). She waits with her face and hands showing through the illuso- creature that enters the area. The blast ignites the wooden poles and
ry wall (so she stands in the 5-foot-wide space between the illusory the string, causing the alchemist’s fire and tanglefoot bags to be
wall and the glyph trap in area 8), casting spells or using her wand hurled about on that same round. When the trap is sprung, six
until discovered. Detecting her is possible with a Spot check (DC 20), flasks of alchemist’s fire and six tanglefoot bags are divided evenly
although range may limit the heroes’ ability to see her (she is at least among the three squares warded by the glyph. All creatures within
50 feet away from area 6, putting her out of range of torchlight or 5 feet of the alchemist’s fire take splash damage, including those
even low-light vision with torchlight). directly affected by a different flask. Anyone glued to the floor by
Once spotted by her opponents, she flies toward area 9, first attack- a tanglefoot bag is unable to roll on the ground to extinguish any
ing from darkness anyone who succumbs to the trap in area 8. Then fires. The noise of this trap is sufficient to alert creatures in areas
she lurks in the upper portions of area 9, using her wand and spells to 3, 6, 9, and 10.
attack targets from the darkness while they fight the dragon. If forced
to flee, she passes through the illusory walls (areas 11) in that cham- aGlyph of Warding: CR 4; 5-ft. fire blast (5d8); Reflex half (DC
ber, healing herself and either returning via the other end of the loop 16); Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28).
or through the secret tunnel to her bedchamber.
Treasure: Paper, writing supplies, treasure chest (in secret tunnel) aAlchemist’s Fire and Tanglefoot Bag Trap: CR 6; +5 ranged
trapped by fire blast glyph (contains 500 gp). touch (1d6 fire per flask, 1 fire splash); entangle (Reflex save DC 15
aGlyph of Warding (on chest): CR 4; 5-ft. fire blast (5d8); if tanglefoot bag hits); Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 28).
Reflex half (DC 16); Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28).
DVarlae: Female human Clr11 of Bane; CR 11; Medium-size
humanoid (human); HD 11d8+33; hp 82; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19 The ceiling of this large chamber is 20 feet high at the
(touch 10, flat-footed 19); Atk +11/+6 melee (1d4+3, +2 spiked entrances and slopes sharply upward into the darkness over-
gauntlet) or +10 ranged (1d8/19–20, masterwork crossbow and mas- head. In the distance can be seen two large stone pillars, one of
terwork bolt); SA Rebuke undead 4/day, convert spells to inflict which has a large reptilian skeleton curled in front of it. The
spells; AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +10; Str 13, Dex 10, Con room reeks of acrid chemicals, and the floor and walls nearby
14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 12. Height 5 ft. 6 in. have been artificially smoothed as if scoured by heat or acid.

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +4, Concentration +16, Heal +8, Knowl- The ceiling quickly reaches 50 feet in height, and near the middle of
edge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Spellcraft +6; Brew Potion, the pool of water (area 10) it approaches 70 feet. Six skeletons of
Craft Wand, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll. large lizards are in the room, all animated and under the control of
the dracolich. However, she prefers to leave them where they are, to
Spells Prepared (6/7/6/6/4/3/2; base DC = 13 + spell level): 0— distract foes who would use detect undead or try to turn them. Only
create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, purify food and the skeleton by the pillar has wings (it is the dead body of a minor
drink, read magic; 1st—bane, deathwatch, doom*, entropic shield, rival), all others being merely giant lizards.
obscuring mist, sanctuary, shield of faith; 2nd—darkness, desecrate,
endurance, scare*, silence, spiritual weapon; 3rd—animate dead, The entire room (as well as area 10, the pool) is warded by an
bestow curse*, dispel magic, invisibility purge, meld into stone, prayer; unhallow spell, giving a –4 profane penalty on all turning checks
4th—dismissal, emotion (hate)*, spell immunity, summon monster and filling the entire area with a magic circle against good effect,
IV; 5th—circle of doom, greater command*, insect plague; 6th— which gives all evil creatures within it a +2 deflection bonus to AC
blade barrier, geas/quest*. and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. The magic circle effect also pre-
vents good outsiders from entering or being conjured into the
*Domain spell. Domains: Hatred (+2 profane bonus on attack warded area.
rolls, saving throws, and armor class against one opponent of her
choice for 1 minute, 1/day), Tyranny (compulsion spells add +2 DC In the northeast portion of the room are two illusory walls 35
to targets’ saving throws). feet above the floor, concealing an illuminated tunnel. The dracolich
hides here, poking her head and staff out just enough to fire upon
Possessions: +1 full plate, +2 spiked gauntlet, masterwork light her foes. The secret tunnel here connects to Varlae’s chambers, and
crossbow, 10 masterwork bolts, amulet of health +2, wand of cure
serious wounds (10 charges), wand of hold person (10 charges),



Adventure: Green Bones

the evil cleric is generally ready to channel prepared spells into large to fly within here, so she normally flies toward the opening,
inflict spells to heal the dragon, either from this place or from her furls her wings, and lands.
flying position.
The alchemist’s lab is just like any other, although it has more
Creatures (EL 16): Six lizard skeletons (two initially hidden in materials and everything is sized for a dragon’s hands.
the pool) and one dracolich.
Treasure: 500 gp worth of alchemical supplies can be salvaged
DHuge Winged Skeleton: hp 30; see Monster Manual. from the lab, weighing 60 pounds.
DLarge Lizard Skeletons (5): hp 16 each; see Monster Manual.
DAzurphax the Dracolich: hp 130; see page 307. 12. GLYPH TRAPS

Tactics: Azurphax uses her darkvision, blindsight, and knowledge The broad hallway has a set of steep stairs leading down to the
of her lair to best advantage. She prefers to hide in the upper reach- north and a stone wall to the south. The ceiling is 20 feet or
es of her lair, clinging to the ceiling with spider climb, swooping more high.
upon her opponents to make a round of melee attacks and use her
snatch ability, dropping foes into the acid pool (area 10) or diving The entrance to this area is 60 feet above the ground. The ceiling is
under with them and holding them there. She uses her frightful high enough to allow the dragon to fly from this secret entrance all
presence, paralyzing gaze, and paralyzing touch to panic and disable the way to her central lair in area 9. Ten feet past the illusory wall
foes. She enjoys using her spells, breath weapon, and staff to strike that guards the entrance to this tunnel is a series of three glyphs of
at opponents from the darkness and is not above retreating to the warding that cover the entire floor. Each glyph is activated by
acid pool for defense, since she can use all her spells and abilities nonevil creatures and triggered independently. The noise of a glyph
normally within it (including her breath weapon). She is used to activating alerts the medusas in area 15.
working with Varlae and the medusas, planning attacks accordingly.
Once battle starts here, the medusas from area 15 hasten to her aid. aGlyph of Warding (4): CR 4; 5-ft. electricity blast (5d8); Reflex
If desperate, Azurphax uses her control undead ability to direct the half (DC 16); Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28).
skeletons at her attackers and then flees through the tunnel to the
south. 13. STEEP STAIRS

Azurphax’s phylactery is not here. The Cult keeps it in a safe These steep stairs stretch across the entire width of the tunnel.
place for her. Should the dracolich be slain, Varlae tries to flee to The ceiling lowers only slightly toward the north.
notify the other Cultists of the need to reunite Azurphax’s spirit
with a body. The stairs are steep enough to reduce speed by half for Medium-size
characters, although no Climb check is needed. If the medusas in area
10. ACID POOL 15 are attacked, they take advantage of their flight ability to avoid
this obstacle, using the stairs against the heroes if possible, hitting
This broad pool has a bitter smell to it, and it is almost certain them with ranged attacks while melee combatants attempt to close.
that nothing normal lives within its waters.
Through the dracolich’s breath weapon and her alchemical skill, the
lake is somewhat acidic. Since she is immune to acid, she bathes in If the trap has not been activated, read the following text:
the pool regularly and retires to it when she wishes solitude. Almost
30 feet deep at its deepest point, it holds several chests of treasure, This part of the tunnel is not unusual except for a series of
kept in specially greased wooden boxes that resist acid. The area ropes, pitons, and pulleys that connect to a long wooden frame
around the chests has been warded with a forbiddance spell, affect- near the ceiling.
ing creatures not of lawful evil alignment. The entire pool is under
the effects of the unhallow spell as described in area 9. If the trap has been activated, read this text:

Trap: Touching the acid pool is harmful, immersion in it even A 10-foot-high wall of smoke fills the entire width of the cor-
more so. Note that characters dropped into the acid need to swim to ridor. Ropes, pitons, and pulleys can be seen attached to the
get out, taking damage each round. walls nearby, with some lines reaching into the smoke and
others toward the ceiling.
aAcid Pool: CR 1; 1d6 acid (immersion) or 1 acid splash (con-
tact); Search (DC 5). Less a trap than a means of delaying pursuit, this device is a wooden
frame hanging near the ceiling. Ropes affixed to the frame reach
Treasure: 3,000 gp, gems (10 gp ×2, 50 gp ×6, 100 gp ×11, 500 into the southern parts of area 15. Pulling these ropes (whether
gp ×2, 1,000 gp ×2), 25 alchemist’s fire, 8 thunderstones, 9 acid from the ground or while in the air, such as with the dragon’s
vials, 9 tanglefoot bags, 12 tindertwigs, 12 smokesticks. wingtip) causes the frame to swing downward in an arc toward the
north. The bottom of the frame comes close enough to the ground
11. SECRET LOOP to scrape several tindertwigs, igniting them and the smokesticks to
which they are bound. The result is a 10-foot-tall, 10- foot-thick
This long, curving hallway has an oversized alchemist’s lab region of smoke filling the hall. Creatures within or beyond the
built into one of the walls. The large working surface, flasks,
beakers, and a stove are all sized for a creature much larger
than a human.

Two entrances to this area are 35 feet above the ground in area 9;
the other is through a secret door in area 7. The dracolich is too


Adventure: Green Bones

smoke have total concealment (if the attackers can locate the target DAzurphax: Adult female green dracolich; CR 15; Huge undead;
square at all). HD 20d12; hp 130; Init +0; Spd 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 40
ft.; AC 29 (touch 8, flat-footed 29); Atk +26 melee (2d8+8 plus 1d6
Anyone within 10 feet of the frame when it reaches its lowest cold plus paralysis, bite), +21 melee (2d6+4 plus 1d6 cold plus paral-
point (where it crashes to a stop) must make a Reflex save (DC 15) ysis, 2 claws), +21 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d6 cold plus paralysis, wings),
or take 1d8 hit points of damage. Crossing the smoky area safely +21 melee (2d6+12 plus 1d6 cold plus paralysis, tail slap);
(without falling) is a move-equivalent action; otherwise, a DC 15 Face/Reach 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.; SA Breath weapon, frightful pres-
Reflex save is necessary to move faster than half speed without ence, paralyzing gaze, paralyzing touch, suggestion; SQ Blindsight,
falling down. Other ropes allow the frame to be hoisted into place, control undead, damage reduction 5/+1, half damage from piercing
which takes 2 full rounds. or slashing weapons, invulnerability, immunities (acid, cold, electric-
ity, polymorph, standard undead immunities), keen senses, water
If the dragon is pursued by ground creatures, it activates the trap breathing; SR 24; AL LE; SV Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +15; Str 27,
with its wing as it flies by, providing a temporary obstacle for anyone Dex 10, Con –, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 18. Length 20 ft.
following it. The medusas are likely to use it for a similar purpose or
to detain anyone who considers using this tunnel as an exit. Skills and Feats: Alchemy +13, Appraise +8, Bluff +12, Con-
centration +24, Diplomacy +19, Escape Artist +10, Hide –8, Intim-
15. SNAKY SISTERS (EL 11) idate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (geography) +10,
Knowledge (local) +10, Listen +25, Search +23, Sense Motive +9,
This large cavern has two sleeping pallets and a coal-filled fire Speak Language (Auran, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan), Spell-
pit. Some sort of meat is slow-roasting on the coals. The ceil- craft +23, Spot +25; Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Power Attack,
ing is about 30 feet high, and large exits lead north and south. Snatch, Wingover.

If alerted to intruders, the medusas drink their potions of fly before Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (Su): Corrosive (acid) gas, usable
the party arrives and wait in the upper parts of the cavern. They every 1d4 rounds, 50-ft. cone, 12d6, DC 24.
prefer to attack with their bows, revealing their faces when foes
come within 30 feet. They lead adversaries toward area 9, where Frightful Presence (Ex): The dracolich can unsettle foes with her
they can be backed up by the dragon. Since the dragon is immune to mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever she
their gaze attack, they reveal themselves fully when supported by attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 180
their patron, although they are more careful when Varlae is present. feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer than 20 HD. A
potentially affected creature that succeeds at a Will save (DC 24)
Creatures: 2 medusas. remains immune to her frightful presence for one day. On a failure,
DCorinye and Kathala: Female medusas Ftr2; CR 9; Medium-size creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and
monstrous humanoid; HD 6d8+6 plus 2d10+2; hp 47, 49; Init +6; those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons
Spd 30 ft.; AC 20 (touch 12, flat-footed 18); Atk +13/+8 ranged ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.
(1d6/×3, masterwork shortbow [Corinye] or 1d6+1/×3, +1 shortbow
[Kathala] and masterwork arrow) or +8/+3 melee (1d6/×3, half- Paralyzing Gaze (Su): The gaze of a dracolich’s glowing eyes can
spear) and +5 melee (1d4 plus poison, snakes); SA Petrifying gaze, paralyze victims within 40 feet if they fail a Fortitude save (DC 24).
poison; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 11, Dex 15, Con If the saving throw is successful, the character is forever immune to
12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15. the gaze of that particular dracolich. If it fails, the victim is para-
Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +11, Intimidate lyzed for 2d6 rounds.
+4, Move Silently +9, Spot +12; Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse (snakes), Weapon Focus (shortbow). Paralyzing Touch (Su): A creature struck by a dracolich’s physical
Special Attacks: Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanent- attacks must make a Fortitude save (DC 24) or be paralyzed for 2d6
ly, 30 ft., Fortitude save (DC 16). Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fortitude rounds. A successful saving throw against this effect does not confer
save (DC 15); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary any immunity to further attacks.
damage 2d6 temporary Strength.
Possessions (Corinye): +1 chain shirt, masterwork shortbow, 40 Suggestion (Sp): As the spell, 3/day as a 5th-level sorcerer.
masterwork arrows, halfspear, cowled cloak, grappling hook, 50 ft. Special Qualities: Blindsight (Ex): A dracolich can ascertain crea-
hemp rope, 2 potions of fly, potion of cure moderate wounds, 650 gp, tures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by
10 gems (50 gp each). noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of
Possessions (Kathala): +1 chain shirt, +1 shortbow, 40 masterwork 180 feet.
arrows, halfspear, cowled cloak, grappling hook, 50 ft. hemp rope, 2 Control Undead (Sp): Once every three days, a dracolich can use
potions of fly, potion of cure moderate wounds, Quiver of Ehlonna, control undead as a 15th-level sorcerer. The dracolich cannot cast
400 gp, 9 gems (50 gp each). other spells while this ability is in effect.
Immunities: Immune to acid, cold, disease, electricity, mind-influ-
Concluding the Adventure encing effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning. Not
subject to ability damage, critical hits, death from massive damage,
If the dragon is slain, the Cult goes into action to find her another energy drain, or subdual damage (see Monster Manual).
body that she may use as a host. In a new body, Azurphax proceeds Invulnerability: If a dracolich is slain, its spirit immediately returns
to acquire contacts and agents in order to find her slayers and to its host (phylactery), from where it may attempt to possess a suit-
reclaim her treasure. It is likely she retaliates against any nearby set- able corpse.
tlements, both to bolster her ego and to draw out those who attacked Keen Senses (Ex): A dracolich sees four times as well a human in
her. Should her minions be slain, she contacts the Cult to have them low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has
provide her with assistance until her defenses are back to normal. darkvision with a range of 600 feet.
Finding where the Cult has her phylactery hidden is quite a task, Water Breathing (Ex): The dracolich can freely use its breath
making it difficult for her to be permanently slain. weapon, spells, and other abilities while underwater.
Spells Known (6/7/5; base DC = 14 + spell level): 0—daze, detect
magic, disrupt undead, flare, mage hand, read magic; 1st—shield, spider
climb, true strike, ventriloquism; 2nd—hypnotic pattern, invisibility.
Possessions: Clay scrolls (confusion, wall of ice), staff of fire (40


describes more than eighty creatures unique to the Forgot- '

lms. In this chapter, a handful of the most commonplace or

iconic creatures of sthe FORGOTTENREALMS game setting are


Hit Dice: Snake, Two-headed Adder Snake, Winged Viper Tressym
Initiative: Small Animal Large Animal Tiny Animal
Speed: 1d8 (4 hp) 3d8 (13 hp) 1/2 d8 (2 hp)
AC: +3 +3 +2
Attacks: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Damage: 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 15 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex)
Face/Reach: 2 bites +4 melee Bite +4 melee 2 claws +4 melee, bite –1 melee
Special Attacks: Bite 1d2–2 and poison Bite 1d4 and poison Claws 1d2–4, bite 1d3–4
Special Qualities: 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Saves: Poison Poison —
Abilities: Scent Scent Scent, Poison Immunity
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Skills: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10,
Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13
Feats: Balance +6, Climb +10, Balance +4, Climb +6, Balance +10, Climb +5,
Hide +11, Listen +3, Spot +3 Hide +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 Hide +17*, Listen +4, Move
Climate/Terrain: Silently +9, Spot +4
Weapon Finesse (bite) Weapon Finesse (bite) Weapon Finesse (claw, bite)
Challenge Rating: Temperate hills and underground Any temperate and warm forest, Any temperate or warm land
Treasure: underground
Alignment: Solitary Solitary Solitary
Advancement: 1 2 1/4
None None None
Always neutral Always neutral Usually chaotic good
– — —

creatures is 800 pounds, a medium load is 1,600 pounds, and a heavy 3-foot wingspan. These creatures are highly intelligent, though they
load is 2,400 pounds. On slopes between 45 and 90 degrees, the pack do not speak human languages. Good-aligned wizards frequently seek
lizard can carry up to a medium load without falling. On slopes tressyms as familiars.
beyond the vertical (that is, when the lizard is upside-down), it can
carry a light load without falling. Skills: A tressym receives a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks and
a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. It uses its Dex-
Skills: The pack lizard receives a +4 racial bonus to Hide and terity modifier for Climb checks. *In areas of tall grass or trees in
Move Silently skill checks. *In rocky areas or natural caverns, its leaf, its Hide bonus rises to +8.
Hide bonus improves to +8.
Special Qualities: Poison Immunity: Tressyms suffer no effects
Lizard, Riding: The riding lizard walks upright, much like the from any type of poison.
deinonychus, or velociraptor. It attacks with a powerful bite and
two small foreclaws, but does not leap or rake its foes. Like the pack BDeehaothldTeyr,rant
lizard, it can walk on walls or ceilings, so it is the general steed of
intelligent races in the Underdark. A light load for a riding lizard Large Undead
is 233 pounds or less, a medium load is 234 to 466 pounds, and a Hit Dice: 11d12 (71 hp)
heavy load is 467 to 700 pounds. Initiative: +0
Speed: Fly 15 ft. (average)
Lizard, Spitting Crawler: This 2-foot-long lizard is commonly AC: 20 (–1 size, +11 natural)
chosen as a familiar by drow and other wizards of the Underdark. Attacks: Eye rays +4 ranged touch, bite –1 melee
The spitting crawler can spit a stream of acid three times per day. If Damage: Bite 2d4
the creature makes a successful ranged touch attack upon a single Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
target within 20 feet, its acid does 1d4 points of damage per round Special Attacks: Eye rays
for 2 rounds. Special Qualities: All-around vision, antimagic cone, feather fall,

Snake, Two-headed Adder: The Serpent Hills are home to strange flight, partial actions only, +2 turn resistance, undead traits
varieties of snakes, most likely created by the yuan-ti in twisted mag- Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11
ical experimentation. The two-headed adder is a small viper with two Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 15, Cha 17
bite attacks. Skills: Search +8, Spot +20
Feats: Flyby Attack, Iron Will, Shot on the Run
Poison (Ex): With each successful bite attack, the two-headed
adder delivers a debilitating poison. This substance deals 1d6 tempo- Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
rary Constitution points as both its initial and its secondary damage. Organization: Solitary
The target is entitled to a Fortitude save (DC 10) against each. Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: Standard
Snake, Winged Viper: Found in forests throughout the Heart- Alignment: Always neutral
lands, winged vipers rarely attack humans unless provoked. Advancement Range: 12–16 HD (Large); 17–33 HD (Huge)

Poison (Ex): With each successful bite attack, the winged viper
delivers a debilitating poison. This substance deals 1d6 temporary
Constitution points as both its initial and its secondary damage. The
target is entitled to a Fortitude save (DC 11) against each.

Tressym: The tressym is a winged cat about the size of a housecat
(2 feet long), with a pair of feathered, leathery wings extending to a



The death tyrant is an undead form of beholder akin to a zombie, Fear: This works like the spell, except that it targets one creature. Illustration by Todd Lockwood
though it retains some of the beholder’s innate magical abilities. The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by
the spell.
A death tyrant appears as a rotting, mold-encrusted beholder.
Gaping wounds—whether from injury or simply decomposition— Finger of Death: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or
expose the insides of its body, and it is either missing a few eyestalks be slain as though by the spell. A target who makes a successful
or has a milky film covering some of its eyes. Because of its zom- saving throw still takes 3d6+13 points of damage.
bielike state, it moves and turns more slowly than other beholders,
and it does not speak or understand language. Flesh to Stone: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be
affected as though by the spell.
Inflict Moderate Wounds: This works just like the spell, dealing
A death tyrant is programmed with specific instructions 2d8+10 points of damage, or half that amount with a successful Will
when it is created. These instructions are save.
usually quite simple; for example: “Attack
all humans who enter this chamber until Slow: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature.
they are destroyed or flee. Do not leave The target must succeed at a Will save to
the chamber.” A death tyrant with no resist.
instructions simply attacks all Sleep: This works like the spell, except
living things it perceives. Though that it affects one creature with any
it is a mindless undead, it still number of Hit Dice. The target must suc-
fights as if it had intelligence, using ceed at a Will save to resist.
its eyes as effectively as possible. Telekinesis: The beholder can move
objects or creatures that weigh up to
All-Around Vision (Ex): A death 325 pounds, as though with a telekine-
tyrant’s many eyes give it a +4 racial sis spell. Creatures can resist the effect
bonus to Search and Spot checks. with a successful Will save.
Opponents gain no flanking bonuses Feather Fall (Sp): The death
when attacking it. tyrant’s natural buoyancy grants it a
permanent feather fall effect with per-
Antimagic Cone (Su): Unless it has sonal range.
lost the use of its central eye (see below), Flight (Ex): A death tyrant’s body
a death tyrant continually produces a retains its natural buoyancy, allowing it to
150-foot antimagic cone extending fly as the spell, as a free action, at a speed
straight ahead from its front. This cone of 15 feet.
functions just like antimagic field cast by Partial Actions Only (Ex): Death
a 13th-level sorcerer. All magical and tyrants are slow and unresponsive, so they
supernatural powers and effects within the can perform only partial actions. Thus,
cone are suppressed—even the death tyrant’s they can move or attack, but can do both
own eye rays. Once each round, during its turn, only if they charge (a partial charge).
it decides which way it will face, and whether the Undead: Immune to mind-influencing
antimagic cone is active or not. (The creature can effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
deactivate the cone by shutting its central eye.) Death tyrant
Note that a death tyrant can bite only those crea- disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
tures directly in front of it. damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death
from massive damage (see the introduction to the
Eye Rays (Su): In life, a death tyrant had ten small eyes on stalks Monster Manual, ).
atop its body, each with its own supernatural power, plus a large cen-
tral eye. Typically, a given death tyrant has lost the use of 1d4+1 of Dracolich
these eyes, selected randomly.
The dracolich is an undead creature resulting from the transforma-
Each of the surviving small eyes can produce a magical ray once tion of an evil dragon. The archmage Sammaster, founder of the
per round, even when the death tyrant is attacking physically or Cult of the Dragon, discovered the process for creating these crea-
moving at full speed. The creature can easily aim all its eyes upward, tures. This Cult venerates dragons in general, evil dragons in partic-
but its body tends to get in the way when it tries to aim the rays in ular, and specifically undead evil dragons—dracoliches.
other directions. During a round, it can aim only three eye rays at
targets in any one arc other than up (forward, backward, left, right, A dracolich can be created from any of the evil dragon subspecies.
or down). The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs or It appears as a skeletal or semiskeletal version of its former self,
not at all. A death tyrant can tilt and pan its body each round to with glowing points of light in its shadowy eye sockets.
change which rays it brings to bear in an arc.
“Dracolich” is a template that can be added to any evil dragon
Each eye’s effect resembles a spell cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). When creating a
but follows the rules for a ray (see Aiming a Spell, in Chapter 10 of dracolich, use the base creature’s statistics and special abilities as a
the Player’s Handbook). All rays have a range of 150 feet and a save starting point, then make the following adjustments:
DC of 18.
Hit Dice: As base creature.
Charm Monster: The target must succeed at a Will save or be Speed: As base creature. A dracolich’s flight becomes a supernatu-
affected as though by the spell. ral ability.
AC: As base creature, with an additional +2 natural armor bonus
Charm Person: The target must succeed at a Will save or be (the hide toughens when the dragon becomes a dracolich).
affected as though by the spell. Attacks: As base creature, except that dracoliches cannot make
effective crush attacks.
Disintegrate: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be
affected as though by the spell.



Damage: As base creature, plus an additional 1d6 points of cold Abilities: Being undead, the dracolich has no Constitution score. Its

damage. A successful attack may also paralyze the victim; see Spe- Charisma score is increased by 2, which increases the DC of the save

cial Attacks (paralyzing touch). against its frightful presence and other special abilities. Otherwise,

Special Attacks: A dracolich retains all the special attack forms of the dracolich’s ability scores remain the same as the base creature’s.

its original dragon form, including breath weapon, spell use, and Skills and Feats: As base creature.

spell-like abilities. Some of these are enhanced, and it also gains some

new abilities: Climate/Terrain: As base creature

Control Undead (Sp): Once every three days, a dracolich can cast Organization: Solitary

control undead as a 15th-level sorcerer. The dracolich cannot cast Challenge Rating: Base creature +3

other spells while this ability is in effect. Treasure: As base creature

Frightful Presence (Ex): Since the dragon’s Charisma score Alignment: Always evil

increases by 2, the save DC for the dracolich’s frightful presence Advancement Range: Up to +2 HD

ability increases by 1.

Paralyzing Gaze (Su): The gaze of a draco- Dracolich Creation
lich’s glowing eyes can paralyze victims within

Illustration by Matt Wilson 40 feet who fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 Sammaster recorded the secrets of dracolich cre-

the dracolich’s Hit Dice + its ation in copies of his masterwork, the Tome of the

Charisma modifier). If Dragon, now passed down among Cult members.

the saving throw is The process usually involves a cooperative effort

successful, the charac- between the evil dragon and the Cult’s wizards, but

ter is forever immune especially powerful Cult wizards have been known

to the gaze of that par- to coerce an evil dragon to undergo the transfor-

ticular dracolich. If it mation against its will.

fails, the victim is paralyzed Any evil dragon is a possible candidate for

for 2d6 rounds. transformation, although dragons of old age or

Paralyzing Touch (Su): A older, with spellcasting abilities, are preferred.

creature struck by any of a Once a candidate is secured, the Cult wizards

dracolich’s physical attacks first prepare the phylactery, an inanimate object

must make a Fortitude save that will hold the dragon’s life force. The phylac-

(with the same DC as the draco- tery must be a solid item of not less than 2,000 gp

lich’s paralyzing gaze) or be par- value and resistant to decay. Gemstones, particu-

alyzed for 2d6 rounds. A success- larly ruby, pearl, carbuncle, and jet, are commonly

ful saving throw against this used for phylacteries. A phylactery is prepared

effect does not confer any using the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The effective

immunity against subsequent cost is 50,000 gp, so the wizard preparing the phy-

attacks. lactery must spend 2,000 XP and 25,000 gp in

Special Qualities: A dracolich also materials. The caster level of the dracolich phylac-

retains all the special qualities of its tery is 13th, and the caster must be able to cast

original form. Again, some are control undead.

enhanced, and a dracolich gains some Next, a special brew is prepared for the evil

new special qualities as well: dragon to consume (Cost: 2,500 gp and 200 XP,

Immunities: In addition to the stan- Brew Potion, caster level 11th; the secret of creat-

dard undead immunities (see below), a ing dracolich brew is known only to those who

dracolich is immune to polymorph, cold, have read the Tome of the Dragon). The potion is a

and electricity effects. Like a skeleton, it Dracolich lethal poison and slays the dragon for whom it was

takes only half damage from piercing or prepared without fail. (If any other creature drinks

slashing weapons. the brew, the save DC is 25, and the initial and secondary damage

Invulnerability: If a dracolich is slain, its spirit immediately are 2d6 Constitution.)

returns to its phylactery. If there is no reptilian corpse within 90 feet Upon the death of the imbibing dragon, its spirit transfers to

for the spirit to possess, it is trapped in the phylactery until such a the phylactery, regardless of the distance between that and the

time—if ever—that a corpse becomes available. A dracolich is diffi- dragon’s body.

cult to destroy. If its spirit is currently contained in its phylactery,

destroying that item when a suitable corpse is not within range effec-

a Dracolich’s Phylacterytively destroys the dracolich. Likewise, an active dracolich is unable to

attempt further possessions if its phylactery is destroyed. The fate of When the dracolich first dies, and any time its physical form is

a disembodied dracolich spirit—that is, a spirit with no body or phy- destroyed thereafter, its spirit instantly retreats to its phylactery

lactery—is unknown, but presumably it is drawn to the Lower Planes. regardless of the distance between that and its body. A dim light

Spell Resistance (Ex): Becoming a dracolich increases the dragon’s within the phylactery indicates the presence of the spirit. While so

spell resistance by +3. A dracolich has a minimum SR of 16. contained, the spirit cannot take any actions except to possess a suit-

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, able corpse; it cannot be contacted nor attacked by magic. The spirit

paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual can remain in the phylactery indefinitely.

damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive A spirit contained in a phylactery can sense any reptilian or

damage (see the introduction to the Monster Manual). dragon corpse of Medium-size or larger within 90 feet and attempt

Saves: As base creature. As undead, dracoliches are immune to to possess it. Under no circ*mstances can the spirit possess a living

anything that requires a Fortitude save unless it affects objects. body. The spirit’s original body is ideal, and any attempt to possess



it is automatically successful. To possess a suitable corpse other than
its own, the dracolich must make a successful Charisma check (DC

Gargoyle, Kir-Lanan10 for a dragon, DC 15 for any dragon-type creature that is not a

true dragon, such as an ibrandlin or wyvern, or DC 20 for any other Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid

kind of reptilian creature). If the check fails, the dracolich can never Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)

possess that particular corpse. Initiative: +1

If the corpse accepts the spirit, it becomes animated. If the ani- Speed: 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)

mated corpse is the spirit’s former body, it immediately becomes a AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 studded leather)

dracolich. Otherwise, it becomes a proto-dracolich (see below). Attacks: 2 claws +6 melee

Damage: Claws 1d4+2

Proto-Dracoliches Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Negative energy touch, ray of enfeeblement,

A proto-dracolich has the mind and memories of its original form rebuke undead

but the hit points and spell immunities of a dracolich. A proto-draco- Special Qualities: Harmed by positive energy

lich can neither speak nor cast spells. Further, it cannot Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3

cause chilling damage, use a breath weapon, or Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Illustration by Matt Wilson

cause fear as a dracolich. Its Strength, speed, Wis 9, Cha 11

and AC are those of the possessed body. Skills: Escape Artist +4, Hide +9, Listen

The proto-dracolich can transform +4, Move Silently +5, Spot +4, Use

immediately to its full dracolich form Magic Device +4

by devouring at least 10% of its orig- Feats: Flyby Attack

inal body. Failing that, it transforms

into its full form over the course of Climate/Terrain: Any land and under-

2d4 days. ground

When the transformation is com- Organization: Solitary or wing (2–5)

plete, the dracolich resembles its Challenge Rating: 2

original body. It can now speak, cast Treasure: Standard

spells, and employ the breath weapon Alignment: Usually chaotic evil

it originally had, in addition to gain- Advancement Range: By character

ing all the abilities of a dracolich. A dracolich class

typically keeps a few “spare” bodies of a suitable

size near the hiding place of its phylactery, so The mysterious race known as kir-lanans—

that if its current form is destroyed, it can possess also called black gargoyles, stalkers, or the

and transform a new body within a few days. godless—appears to be a new arrival on

Faerûn. These creatures appeared during the

Destroying a Time of Troubles (1358 DR) and have slowly
been increasing in number until the present time.

Dracolich Sages speculate that their origin was somehow
linked to the death of gods during the Time of

Defeating a dracolich is not an easy proposition. Troubles, and indeed the kir-lanans seem to hold a

First its physical form must be destroyed—a not grudge against all the deities of Faerûn, as if blam-

inconsiderable undertaking. Then its phylactery must ing the gods for their tortured existence.

be located and destroyed before the dracolich suc- A kir-lanan is only vaguely similar to a gargoyle,

cessfully possesses a new body and begins to trans- having a humanoid form and large, batlike wings. It

form it. It may prove more expedient to locate the stands slightly taller than a human, averaging about

phylactery and remove it from the vicinity of any six feet in height, and has a powerfully muscled

suitable reptilian corpses before confronting the Kir-lanan body. Kir-lanans typically weigh about 220 pounds.
dracolich itself. Their thick, fine-scaled skin ranges from midnight

blue to deep violet to black, though occasional indi-

Dracoliches and the Cult viduals are very dark red, green, brown, or gray. They have sharply
pointed teeth, hard, clawlike nails, and small, blunt horns above their

A symbiotic relationship exists between a dracolich and the Cult temples. They usually wrap their bodies tightly with cloth, keeping

wizards who created it. The wizards honor and aid their dracolich, as their arms, legs, and wings free. Strips of metal, ivory, or stone insert-

well as providing it with regular offerings of treasure items. In ed in the cloth wraps approximate studded leather armor.

return, the dracolich defends its wizards against enemies and other

threats, as well as assisting them in their various schemes. Like drag- COMBAT
ons, dracoliches are loners, but they take comfort in the knowledge

that they have allies. Kir-lanans sometimes fight with weapons, but they prefer to use

their claws for melee attacks. Their bodies are infused with negative

Sample Dracolich energy, making their touch deadly to other living creatures.
Negative Energy Touch (Su): Three times per day, a kir-lanan can

Each dracolich is a unique individual. As an example of a dracolich, empower its touch with negative energy, similar to the chill touch

see the description of Azurphax that appears in the adventure spell. If it hits with a melee touch attack, it deals 2d6 points of damage

“Green Bones” starting on page 302. and 1 point of temporary Strength damage. A successful Fortitude

save (DC 12) negates the Strength damage. The kir-lanan heals the



same number of points of damage as it causes with this attack, though “wings” form and re-form constantly as power struggles and the gar-
it cannot exceed its normal maximum hit points by this means. goyles’ essentially chaotic natures shift the dynamics within the
groups. Many kir-lanans prefer to work on their own, disdaining the
A kir-lanan can use a claw attack to deliver this negative energy company of their own kind. They rarely cooperate with members of
effect, but it must hit with a regular melee attack. It does not regain other races, particularly since most other races are devoted to one
hit points for the claw damage it inflicts, just the negative energy deity or another.
Kir-lanans make no social distinction between males and females;
Ray of Enfeeblement (Sp): Three times per day, a kir-lanan can they respect only power, whatever the gender of the gargoyle who
use ray of enfeeblement as the spell cast by a 4th-level sorcerer. holds it. They have no respect, however, for “godslaves,” as they
term other races—no matter how powerful.
Rebuke Undead (Su): A kir-lanan can rebuke or command undead
three times per day as an evil cleric with as many levels as it has When a kir-lanan wing forms, it is common for some breeding to
Hit Dice. occur within it. The weaker parent cares for the resulting child until
the young kir-lanan is old enough to fend for itself.
Harmed by Positive Energy: Because of the negative energy that
suffuses their frames, kir-lanans are vulnerable to attacks using pos- Kir-lanans speak Common.
itive energy, just as undead are. They suffer damage from cure
wounds spells, holy water, and blessed weapons. They cannot be Rothé
turned, but they are uncomfortable around such displays of positive
energy and generally seek to avoid a turning cleric anyway. Rothé are common herd animals in the cold North and the Under-
dark. These squat, strongly built creatures resemble musk oxen, with
Like undead, kir-lanans are healed by inflict wounds spells and curving horns, cloven hooves, and long, shaggy coats of thick hair.
other applications of negative energy.
Skills: A kir-lanan receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks.
Rothé bite and slash with their horns. They are not particularly
KIR-LANAN CHARACTERS intelligent, even as animals go, but they do have an instinctive wari-
ness of being surrounded or penned in. Creatures that try to sur-
Kir-lanans frequently advance as fighters, sorcerers, or occasionally round them, herd them, or raise nets and barriers around them learn
as necromancers. Their favored class is fighter. They cannot become that rothé instinctively react to any encircling movement by drift-
clerics, druids, or paladins, and they can never use positive energy in ing away from such traps, even as they continue to graze.
any way (for example, kir-lanan bards cannot cast cure light
wounds). Kir-lanans may never use divine magic, since they never Stampede (Ex): Panicked rothé first attempt to break free of crea-
worship deities. Though they occasionally become rangers, they tures who are harrying or herding them by outrunning them as a
never gain the spellcasting ability of that class. herd. If this is impossible, the rothé turn to face their opponents and
charge in a solid wedge of packed flesh. They run over anything of
KIR-LANAN SOCIETY their own size or smaller, dealing a certain amount of damage for

Kir-lanans cluster in small bands, led by the strongest—whichever
individual can seize and hold onto control of the others. These

Hit Dice: Rothé, Deep Rothé, Ghost Rothé, Surface
Initiative: Medium-Size Magical Beast Large Magical Beast Large Magical Beast
Speed: 2d10+2 (13 hp) 4d10+20 (42 hp) 3d10+9 (25 hp)
AC: +2 +1 +1
30 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft.
Attacks: 13 (+2 Dex, 14 (+1 Dex, –1 size, 13 (+1 Dex, –1 size,
+1 natural) +4 natural) +3 natural)
Damage: Bite +2 melee, Bite +11 melee, Bite +6 melee,
Face/Reach: 2 horns –3 melee 2 horns +6 melee 2 horns +1 melee
Special Attacks: Bite 1d8, horns 1d3 Bite 2d4+8, horns 2d4+4 Bite 1d8+4, horns 1d4+2
Special Qualities: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Stampede Stampede Stampede
Saves: Resist enchantment, dancing lights, Darkvision 60 ft., jump, resist Darkvision 60 ft., resist
Abilities: darkvision 90 ft., immune to mold enchantment, silence enchantment
and fungus, cold resistance 20
Skills: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +1 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Feats: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16,
Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 9 Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 9 Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 9
Listen +5, Spot +2 Listen +6, Spot +2 Listen +5, Spot +2
Alertness Alertness Alertness

Climate/Terrain: Underground Any cold land Any cold land
Organization: Herd (11–20) Herd (11–20) Herd (11–20)
Challenge Rating: 2 2 2
Treasure: None None None
Alignment: Always neutral Always neutral Always neutral
Advancement: 3–4 HD (Medium-size) 5–8 HD (Large) 4–6 HD (Large)



each rothé in the stampede: 2d4 each for deep rothé and 1d12 each Shade
for ghost and surface rothé.

Resist Enchantment (Ex): Each rothé has a mind of such deter-

mination that it gains a +4 racial saving throw bonus against Shades were once humanoids, but they have traded their souls for

Enchantment spells and effects. the essence of shadowstuff.

Most shades appear as humanoids of their former height and

Deep Rothé appearance, but with grayish or nearly black, dusky skin and veiled
eyes. They are often thinner than normal for their races. They favor

A staple in the diets of many drow and duergar communities, these somber clothing and wear armor if they so desire. Shades can speak

herd animals of the Underdark are small, standing only 4 feet high whatever languages they knew before their transformations.

at the shoulder when fully grown. They are powerfully built, Shades have an affinity for shadow, and their capabilities are

being on average just as wide as they are tall. They weigh linked to the light conditions around them. They gain powerful

about 700 pounds. They have dirty abilities any time they are within shadows or darkness, but in

brown coats, darkening to almost bright light they are all but ordinary mortals.

black on the legs and under- “Shade” is a template that can be added to any

belly, and dark green or humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the “char- Illustration by Sam Wood

black hooves and horns acter”). Its type changes to “outsider.” It uses all the

(ivory if freshly broken character’s statistics and special abilities as a

off or growing back). starting point. In well-lit surroundings (a

Their eyes are yellow or daylight spell, outside on a sunny

pinkish. day, or in a brightly lit room),

Dancing Lights shades have the exact abilities

(Sp): Twice per day, a of the character. In darker

deep rothé can cast surroundings, shades gain the

dancing lights to following benefits:

signal other mem- Hit Dice: Same as the

bers of the herd, character. In darkness, the

conveying infor- shade gains additional hit

mation about the points for its increased

presence of food, Constitution score (see

danger, and so on. below). These are not

They cast the spell lost first as tem-

as 4th-level sorcerers, with a porary hit points

range of 140 feet. are.

Immune to Mold and Fungus Speed: The

(Ex): Rothé are immune to any shade’s speed

ill effects of contact with mold increases by 20

and fungus or their spores. feet in darkness.

AC: A shade

Ghost Rothé gains a +4
deflection bonus

These giant rothé are named for their Rothé (the big animal); Tressym (the small one) in darkness.

white coats, their nocturnal gallops, and Attacks and Damage: Shades

their unusual spell-like abilities. Many wayfarers in the North have gain a +2 competence bonus to their attacks and damage in darkness.

been startled by a silent white rothé suddenly leaping over their Special Qualities: The shade gains the following special qualities in

campfire and galloping off into the night. darkness:

Ghost rothé are about the size of bison—roughly 6 feet tall at the Control Light (Sp): Shades can decrease the levels of light within

shoulder and 9 to 12 feet long. They weigh 1,500 to 2,000 pounds. a 100-ft. radius of themselves by a factor of 10% per level. This

They dwell on the surface in cold lands and are a favorite food of decreases the overall effective range of vision for characters and

remorhaz and polar bears. creatures dependent on light by the same percentage. For example,

Jump (Sp): Once per day, a ghost rothé can cast jump as a 1st- a human can normally see 20 feet by the light of a torch. If a 5th-

level sorcerer. level shade were to diminish the light by 50%, the human could see

Silence (Sp): Once per day, a ghost rothé can cast silence as a 3rd- only 10 feet. Characters within the affected area gain a +1 bonus to

level sorcerer, but it can only center the effect on itself. It uses its Hide checks for each 25% decrease in light.

jump and silence abilities in concert to escape pursuers, typically by Fast Healing (Ex): A shade regains 2 lost hit points every round.

leaping across a gorge. The shade cannot regain hit points when in bright light.

Invisibility (Sp): A shade can use this spell-like ability only upon

Surface Rothé itself once per round as a sorcerer of its character level.
Shadesight (Sp): A shade has 60-foot darkvision. It can see nor-

Bigger than their subterranean cousins, surface rothé (also called mally through any darkness effects, but not through fog, invisibili-

high rothé) have longer legs and heavier coats. Large herds of them ty, obscurement, and so forth.

roam in the mountains and glaciers of the North and the northern Shadow Image (Sp): Three times per day, a shade can use this

Moonsea region. When attacks from gnoll and orc bands grow too spell-like ability (similar to the mirror image spell) as a sorcerer of

fierce, the rothé herds tend to move out onto the frozen, icy dunes its character level. The ability creates figments of the shade (1d4, +1

of Anauroch. per three levels).



Shadow Stride (Sp): A shade of at least 8th level can vanish from darkness), Intimidate +3 (+4 in darkness), Jump +4, Knowledge

its current location and reappear in any shadowy area within 300 (arcana) +7, Listen +4 (+8 in darkness), Move Silently –2 (+6 in

feet, as often as once every 2 rounds. Using this ability is a move- darkness), Search +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +7, Spot +4

equivalent action, so the shade can use another ability, cast a spell, (+8 in darkness)

or attack in the same round. Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power

Shadow Travel (Sp): Once per day, a shade of at least 12th level Attack, Sunder, Scribe Scroll, Shadow Weave Magic, Silent

can use either teleport without error to reach a shadowy locale on the Spell, Spellcasting Prodigy (wizard), Weapon Focus

same world as the shade or plane shift to access the Plane of Shadow. (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword)

The shade must be in shadows to use this ability. Alignment: Neutral evil

Spell Resistance (Ex): Shades have SR of 11 + character level. Spells Prepared: (4/3/2; base DC = 12 + spell level; 25% chance of

Saves: In darkness, shades enjoy a +4 luck bonus on all their saving spell failure): 0—detect magic, ghost sound*, open/close, read

throws. magic; 1st—endure elements, shield, true strike; 2nd—protection

Abilities: In darkness, the shade’s Constitution and Charisma from arrows.

scores increase by +2. Spellbook: 0—arcane mark, daze*, detect magic, detect poison, dis-

Skills: Shades gain a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks in rupt undead*, ghost sound*, mage hand, mending, open/close,

Illustration by Sam Wood darkness, and a +8 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance; 1st—chill

They suffer no penalties due to touch*, endure elements, shield, silent image*, true strike,

darkness. Otherwise same as the ventriloquism*; 2nd—hypnotic pattern*, invisibility*,

character. protection from arrows, shadow mask*, shadow

Feats: Same as the character. spray*.

*Base DC = 13 + spell level.

Climate/Terrain: Any land and Possessions: +1 evil outsider bane

underground greatsword (“Ironfang”), +2 cloak of

Organization: Solitary resistance, breastplate.

Challenge Rating: Same as the charac- Challenge Rating: 13

ter +2

Treasure: Standard Trained early as a wizard, Leevoth

Alignment: Always nongood lost interest in the magical arts

Advancement: By character class except for how they applied to

combat and tactical situations.

Sample Shade Leaving his arcane studies
behind, he practiced the arts of

Here is a shade using a human Wiz3/ war, occasionally learning

Ftr8 as the base creature. magic to enhance his martial


Leevoth, Male Human Shade Leevoth is now a captain in

Wiz3/Ftr8 the armies of the City of Shade.

Medium-size Outsider He works primarily as an

Hit Dice: 3d4+6 plus 8d10+16 (73 enforcer, directing other sol-

hp); 3d4+9 plus 8d10+24 (84 diers in their efforts to keep

hp) in darkness the city running smoothly. He

Initiative: +6 also is called upon when minor

Speed: 20 ft.; 40 ft. in darkness spellcasters cause disturbances,

AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 breastplate); 21 in and he uses his spells to gird

darkness himself with protections before

Attacks: +1 evil outsider bane greatsword entering battle with rogue wizards.

+14/+9 melee (+16/+11 in darkness) His greatsword Ironfang is greatly

Damage: +1 evil outsider bane greatsword Leevoth feared by the citizens of Shade, for it
2d6+7/19–20 (2d6+9/19–20 in darkness) cleaves through the corrupt magical flesh of a

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. shade with amazingly alacrity.

Special Qualities: (in darkness) shadesight, control light, invisibility, Rumor has it that Ironfang was forged by one of the princes of

shadow image, fast healing 2, shadow stride, SR 22 the city, who was later slain by Prince Hadhrune over some dis-

Saves: Fort +11 (+15 in darkness), Ref +9 (+13 in darkness), Will agreement. Leevoth does not comment on the rumors and serves

+10 (+14 in darkness) Hadhrune as loyally as he does any of the other princes. If a group

Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14 (16 in darkness), Int 12, Wis 13, of soldiers were to leave the city on a mission, it is likely that

Cha 10 (12 in darkness) Leevoth would be chosen as commander, for he has proven many

Skills: Climb +2, Concentration +8 (+9 in darkness), Hide –2 (+6 in times his competence, skill, and discretion.


Lyrabar 202,203 erwinter 169, 176, 27
mage runes 27, 28 erwincer RiverJ76

thawk Tower 202

6,108, lll, 113,116, 5 241,244,241; 246,250,
f0,Y9, 90, 94, 120, 122, .
US, 230,242261, 129,130,137, lrl, 172,
0 160,161,187,190,193,
est drOl. 2 0 5 199, 201, 207, 206, 207,
208,209, 210, 217,226,
Lliira 22,23,11l,
. River Chionthar 222,227

River Dessarm 78, 167, 168,


235, 241, 245, 249, 261, Vale of Lost Voices 124 Warlock’s Crypt 296 144, 264, 268, 269, 270, Yellow Snake Pass 225
266, 267, 268, 269, 290, Valkur 23, 199, 202, 234, Warriors’ Crypt 296 271, 273, 281, 283, 299 Yevenwood 121
291, 293, 294, 295, 297, Waterdeep 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, Wetwoods 216 Yhaunn 189, 190
298, 308, 309, 313, 314 252, 254, 258 Wheloon 113 Yhep 152
Underhome 191, 192 Valley of Lost Honor 104, 27, 28, 32, 79, 85, 90, 91, Whisper’s Crypt 296 Ylraphon 162
Undermountain 179, 180, 95, 104, 105, 154, 165, White Ford 119 Yondalla 9, 25, 26, 195, 196,
181, 269, 283, 294, 295 297 169, 170, 173, 176, 178, Wild Coast 104
Unicorn Run 166 Var the Golden 85, 198 224, 227, 228, 264, 266, wild elves 13, 15, 22, 24, 26, 240
Unthalass 186, 187 Vast, the 13, 22, 23, 24, 27, 268, 269, 270, 271, 275, 27, 30 Yuirwood 22, 199, 200, 263,
Unther 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 281, 282, 290, 293, 294, wild magic 54, 57, 58, 78,
28, 32, 85, 87, 109, 143, 32, 85, 159, 161, 162, 202, 298, 299 204, 252, 264, 271 269
183, 184, 185, 186, 233, 214, 217, 263, 268 Waukeen 23, 105, 108, 111, Winding Water 225 Yûlash 124, 160, 162, 163,
262, 263, 264, 265, 266, Vast Swamp 112, 132 112, 113, 142, 153, 154, Wineflow 128
267, 268, 269, 270, 271, Velarswood 131 182, 188, 190, 202, 209, Winterkeep 145 269, 271
299 Veldorn 85, 199 214, 217, 218, 234, 242, Winterwood 152 Yurtrus 240
Urdlen 240, 258 Velen 158, 268 246, 255, 258, 264, 265 wizard class 9, 13, 27, 28, 40, Zakhara 79, 85, 102, 146,
Urlingwood 204 Velen peninsula 150 Waymoot 113 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50,
Urmlaspyr 189, 190 Velprintalar 199, 200 Wealdath, the 158 52, 237, 244, 248, 252 230, 258, 261, 270
Urogalan 240 Velsharoon 9, 25, 211, 222, wealth and privilege 81 wood elves 13, 15, 22, 24, 26, Zazesspur 157, 158, 268
Uthgar 9, 23, 168, 234, 252, 234, 237, 244, 258, 272 weapons 97 28, 30, 80, 120, 125, 298 Zhentarim 99, 112, 114, 152,
254, 258 Vergadain 238 Weave, the 54, 55, 113, 247, Wood of Sharp Teeth 225,
Uthgardt barbarians 85, 166, Vhaeraun 13, 23, 121, 123, 262, 280 297 162, 169, 170, 187, 189,
168, 169, 172, 235, 254, 125, 128, 129, 165, 236, Well of Dragons 228 Wyvernfang 132, 297 209, 210, 218, 225, 227,
297 245 Western Heartlands 13, 14, Wyvernwater 79, 112 229, 265, 271, 274, 275,
Uthmere 202 Vilhon Reach 10, 11, 17, 20, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, Xanathar’s Guild, the 178, 276, 277, 281, 283, 293,
Vaasa 13, 17, 22, 26, 27, 32, 23, 24, 26, 28, 32, 79, 85, 28, 82, 84, 85, 162, 222, 281 295, 296, 298
85, 108, 109, 270, 271 90, 105, 142, 143, 144, 266, 272, 274, 275, 282, Yellow Rose (monk order) 25, Zhentil Keep 87, 116, 118,
Vaasan Gate 107 156, 215, 218, 264, 268, 298 107, 270 120, 126, 127, 132, 133,
269, 273, 290, 291, 298 Westgate 26, 115, 142, 143, 137, 159, 160, 161, 162,
Voonlar 161, 162, 163 163, 164, 165, 171, 222,
Walls of Halruaa, the 194 264, 265, 269, 271, 281,
282, 283

PLAYTESTER CREDITS Glawtschew, Mark Goddard, Lance Goetz, Jon Olivera, Richard Olson, Steven Orr, Damian
Goldstein, Catherine Good, Lisa Gordon, Andrew Osisek, Robert Overman, Tammy Overstreet, Seth
Daniel Adams, Russell Ahrens, Chris Altnau, Dave Gristina, Ollie Gross, Michael Guenther, Todd Owings, Karl Paananen, Marceline Padgett,
Anderson, Bill Anderson, Dean Anderson, Brandy Gustafson, Brian Gute, Bill Guyer, Steve Hadden, Charles Padgett, Leigh Padgett, Andrew Pagel,
Antill, Todd Antill, Frank Armenante, Marisa Cynthia Hahn, August Hahn, Michael Haley, Jon Andrew Parker, Scott Parks, Goon Pattanumotana,
Arredondo, Thomas Arredondo, Niels Arum, Hamlin, Steven Hansen, Julian Hardman, Bruce Gavin Pattanumotana, Tracey Peart, Brian Perry,
Wayland Augur, Daniel Ayoub, Alanna Baker, Hardy, John Harnes, Michael Harris, Michele Lee Pickler, Rita Pin, Patrick Pittman, Brandon
John Baldwin, Robert Ball, Jeffrey Ball, Jr., Jacob Harris, Jason Harrison, Jeremy Hart, Joe Harter, Plunkett, Daniel Pogoda, Clint Pohl, Sydney Polk,
Bara-Skowronek, Jay Barber, Jr., Rebecca Barlow, Mark Hatch, Jason Hatter, Jonathan Haulund, Sean Potter, Russell Powell, Russ Radcliff,
Maslon Barry, Marty Bartoy, Daniel Bates, Carl Julie Heckman, Michael Heckman, Michael Leonard Radcliff, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Behr, Steve Bennett, Dan Benson, David Benson, Heiser, Scott Helgeson, Carl Hentzelt, William Anders Rasmussen, Brandon Rech, Richard
Douglas Benson, Anders Berland, Lucinda Berry, Hezeltine, Quentin Hidalgo, Nick Hidalgo, Samuel Redman, Scott Reed, Thomas Refsdal, Rick
Roger Bert II, Scott Beyer, Harry Bohl, Anthony Hillaire, Kirk Hockin, Stanley Hodges, Daniel Reynolds, Matt Riek, Dan Robbins, Kathryn
Boyer, Thomas Boyer II, Henrik Branebjerg, Hodges, Mike Hofmann, William Holder, James Robinson, Bill Robinson, Jr., John Rodriguez,
Christopher Brehm, Jason Broadley, Troy Brooks, Hoover, Jr., Olav Hovet, Justin Hudgens, Tyler Rodney Rourke, Robert Roxby, Jr., Warren Rus-
Scott Brotherton, Kevin Brown, Sean Brown, Hurst, Jason Hyland, Jeffrey Ibach, Jeffrey Ikard, sell, John Ruys, Jim Sales, Rob Sanders, Michael
Craig Bucheli, Michael Buckalew, Eirik Bull- Pete Jensen, Kurt Johnson, Jay Johnson, Michael Sanderson, Jason Sanford, David Schlieman, Jr.,
Hansen, Jason Bulmahn, Martin Burns, Pat Johnson, Robert Johnson, Edwin Jones, Aaron Oliver Seilz, James Sharkey, Jr., Lee Sharp, Jacque
Bussey, Jr., Ed Carmien, Allen Carnahan, David Jones, Erich Joseph, Doug Justice, Rose Justice, Shepard, Chris Shepard, Debbie Shepard, Ken
Carnahan, Lori Carnahan, George Carnahan, Jeff Kahrs, Kevin Karty, Nathan Keller, Brandon Shepard, Randall Shepherd, Michael Shorts, Jeff
Thomas Carpenter, Chris Carter, Angela Chan, Kelly, Sean Kelly, William Kerney, Shane Kier- Showiak, James Simon, Michael Simonds, William
Barbara Chandler, Chris Chandler, Kent Chen, stead, Cortney Kinman, Roland Kippenhan III, Simonds, Bryan Sims, Charles Sismondo, Gerald
William Child, Brad Christensen, Tod Chubucos, Shawn Kirkham, Jay Kissell, Brian Klement, John Sjerven, Geoff Skellams, Derrick Sloan, Heather
Al Clover, Dan Cluley, Mike Colasante, Patrick Knott, Jonathan Koppel, Ken Krenzer, Jonathan Smith, Michael Trezevant Smith, Kelly Smith,
Collins, Lance Comfort, John Compton, Joseph Kressin, Florian Kriesel, Fabian Kuhbach, Gary Scott Smith, Kevin Snyder, Jennifer Sorenson,
Coons, George Coontz III, George Coontz IV, Labrecque, Ron Lace, Tammy Lachmann, Renee Dustin Stacey, Erin Stapleton, Curtis Steinhour,
Theodore Coop, Lawrence Cormier, Rex Crossley, Landin, Lori Lane, Rocky Lange, John Lawitzke, Maryrita Steinhour, Christian Stenerud, Kim Still,
Wesley Cummins III, Marleon Cumpston, Melissa Arthur Lazaro, Ben League, John Lefever, Kevin Chris Still, Jason Still, Jeff Stolt, Daniel Stone,
Cumpston, Robert Cumpston, Monica Current, Leistico, Sascha Lieber, Christopher Lindsay, Keith Stratton, Rodney Sutter, Keith Talbot,
David Cuthill, Christopher Dauer, Scott Delahunt, Pamela Lindsay, Andrew Liske, Rich Livingston, Marc Tavasci, Ryan Taves, Cory Teague, Josh
Michael DeMeritt, Shelia DeMeritt, Donald Scott Llewelyn, Eric Lopez, Richard Lopez, Teague, Michael Tedin, Andrew Teegarden, Mark
Dickey, Eric Dobrzelewski, Matthew Domville, Sebastian Lucier, Anthony Ludlam, Jon Lundeen, Templeton, Thomas Terrill, Gary Theseira, Scott
Rion Donovan, John Dorman, Ryan Downing, Jeremy Lutz, John Lynch, Kurt Macholeth, Paul Thomas, Wayne Thomasson, Bradley Thompson,
Jason Dozois, David Drapak, John Dritsas, Philip Mackley II, Patricia Maeckel, Clay Maeckel, Todd Thorpe, Charles Tinsley, Catherine Tinsley,
Dunn, Christian Duus, Raymond Dyer, Maureen Michael Mandet, Vlad Marinkovic, Greg Marone, David Trotti, John Tucker, Chris Tulach, Sven
Dyer, Raymond Dyer, Alan Eaton, Phil Edwards, Michael Martin, Neil Maruca, Greg Mason, Ude, Jason Ufkes, Thomas Vail, April VanBuren,
Todd Egan, Jocelyn Eisenhower, Miya Ekholm, Frank Mathenia, Chris Maxfield, Thomas Jason VanBuren, Nicholas VanDenBrink, Cheryl
Jeff Ekonen, Troy Ellis, Robert Emerson, Paul McCambley, Joshua McClure, John McCullough, VanMater-Miner, Philips VanMater-Miner, Mar-
Eserkaln, Timo Etter, Jeremy Evans, Nigel Mary McDonald, Robert McDonald, Brandon garet Vining, Bryan Vining, Robin Vitti, Joseph
Evens, Lonnie Ezell, Beth Ezell, Dwayne Farley, McKee, Janet McKellar, Miles Mcnally, Andrea Vitti, Daniel Vitti, Marc Wagner, Clint Wagoner,
Brian Farmer II, Darryl Farr, Lon Faulkner III, McVittie, Darren McVittie, Joseph Meeks, Jan Scott Walker, Charles Walle, Katherine Walle, C.
Daniel Felts, Lori Flood, Andreas Fog-Morris- Mildenberger IV, Micheal Milford, Clinton J. Walle, John Warren, Russell Waters, Kevin
sette, John Ford, John Ford, Calvin Fort, Margot Miller, Melinda Mongar, Brad Mongar, Timothy Watkins, Michael Webster, Dirk Weigelt, Bruce
Foster, Justin Franklin, Dale Friesen, Karen Moore, Philip Morey, Scott Morgan, Nicholas Welch, Jason White, Jason White, Jessica Wilke,
Friesen, J. R. Frost, David Fulkerson, Anne Fuller, Morgan, Ray Mosco, Ken Mowrey, Chad Mowry, Kristian Williamson, Michael Williamson, Joshua
Helge Furuseth, Joedy Galloway, Chris Garcia, Stephen Mulrooney, Patrick Murray, Jonathan Winters, Scott Withington, Noel Wolters, Ronald
Carlos garcia, Corey Garrett, Susanna Gasque, Naughton, Josh Newton, Wes Nicholson, Thomas Woodson, John Wyatt, Brad Wyble, Jeffrey
Sarah Gaultois, Sean Gaultois, Benjamin Gehrke, Nolan, Christian Nord, David Nowell, Dean Young, Michael Zaret, Theodore Zion II,
Omar Ghannoum, W. C. Giles, Matt Glavich, Nick Nyquist, Kevin Odom, Brian Ogaard, Matthew Stephanie Zuiderweg


FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign Setting Errata

Here are the rules corrections and official errata for the first printing of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. These corrections are
being incorporated into the 2nd printing of the book. Additional, typographical corrections and clarifications are also being made to the
book, but these are not necessary to use the book in your game. As always, we’re happy to address specific rules questions you have;
contact [emailprotected]. Thanks and good gaming!

p. 7, Elminster:
Elminster's CR: Change from 45 to 39.
Also, change “Knowledge (local)” to “Knowledge (Dalelands)” in his skill list.

p. 8, Character Races:
Last sentence of this paragraph reads: “Humans, half-elves, and half-orcs don't have any specific subraces in Faerûn...”
Change to: “Humans and half-orcs don’t have any specific subraces in Faerûn…”

p. 9, Character Region:
Second sentence of this page reads: “If you choose a region that matches your character's race or class...”
Change to: “If you choose a region where your character's class is favored...”

p. 9, Region-Based Skills:
Replace this header and the two following paragraphs with this text:

Region-Specific Skills
A character’s region may also affect his or her list of skills. As a general rule, characters with the Knowledge skill often focus on the
region in which they grew up, although characters may focus on regions in which they have lived as adults or which they have studied in
Regional Focus: A character may choose to add a regional focus to the geography, history, nature, nobility and royalty, or religion areas
of the Knowledge skill. The regional focus provides a +2 bonus to Knowledge skill checks that pertain to the region in question. For
example, a character may choose Knowledge (Sembian history) instead of Knowledge (history) in order to be particularly adept at
Knowledge (history) checks pertaining to the Sembia region.
Local Knowledge: The Knowledge (local) skill per se does not exist in the Forgotten Realms campaign. Instead, a character who chooses
the Knowledge (local) skill must specify the region his local knowledge applies to. For example, a character familiar with legends and
personalities of Sembia would simply take the Knowledge (Sembia) skill.

p. 13, Drow, Regions:
Add after last sentence: “Drow hailing from Cormanthor or the High Forest may instead choose the Wood Elf region and its associated
feats and equipment.”

p. 13, Drow, Racial Abilities:
Add the following bullet:
• Proficient with either rapier or short sword; proficient with hand crossbow and light crossbow. This replaces the standard elven weapon

p. 15, Wild Elves: Add the following line:
• Favored class: Sorcerer.

Wood Elves: Add the following line:
• Favored class: Ranger.

p. 23, in Table 1–3:
Lathander: Change “…Sembia, Western Heartlands” to “Sembia, Waterdeep, the Western Heartlands”

p. 23, in the list of nature deities:
Replace Cyrrollalee with Sheela Peryroyl.

p. 28, Character Region, Equipment:
1st sentence: Change “…preferred for his character class or race.” to “…preferred for his character class.”
Also, 1st paragraph: Add at end of paragraph, “If multiple choices for bonus equipment are available in a region, you may choose only
one of the options listed.”

p. 36, Inscribe Rune:
Change Base Price to Market Price and cut the last sentence here.

p. 37, Mind Over Body:

Benefit: Add after 1st sentence: “(For all ensuing levels, you revert to your Constitution modifier.)”

p. 37, Persistent Spell:
Second sentence Change: “Spells of instantaneous duration cannot be affected by this feat, nor can spells whose effects are discharged.”
To “Spells of instantaneous duration, spells with a range of touch, and spells whose effects are discharged cannot be affected by this

p. 43, Change the last three Base Attack Bonus values in the Divine Disciple table to +2, +3, and +3.

p. 43, Lay on Hands class feature of the divine champion class:
Change "1 point of damage per divine champion level plus her Charisma bonus"
To "1 point of damage per divine champion level times her Charisma bonus"

p. 48, Hierophant, Requirements, Skills:
Change “Knowledge (religion) 15 ranks.”
To “Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (nature) 15 ranks.”

p. 52, table:
Change “Rune Caster Base Price”
To “Rune Caster Cost to Create”

p. 58, Triggering Runes:
1st paragraph: Add to end of paragraph: “Triggering a rune deliberately is a standard action.”

p. 63, Family domain granted power:
Add "Once per day" to the beginning of the granted power's description.

p. 70, Great Shout:
Strike the existing spell and replace with the version below:

Great Shout
Evocation [Sonic]
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Line 5 ft. high and 5 ft. wide, and a cone (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

You emit a thunderous, devastating yell. The primary effect is a line of intense sonic energy 5 feet high and 5 feet wide and as long as the
spell’s range. Stone, crystal, and metal objects in the area take 20d6 points of damage. Creatures holding vulnerable objects can attempt
Reflex saves to negate the damage. Objects that survive the spell’s primary effect are not subject to the secondary effect.

The spell’s secondary effect is a cone of sound centered on the line. Creatures within the cone suffer 10d6 points of damage, and they
are stunned for 1 round and deafened for 4d6 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the stunning and halves both the damage and
the duration of the deafness. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level
(maximum 20d6). Creatures holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with successful Reflex saves.
A deafened character, in addition to the obvious effects, suffers a –4 penalty on initiative and a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell
with a verbal (V) component that he tries to cast.
The great shout spell cannot penetrate the spell silence.
Arcane Focus: A small metal or ivory horn.

p. 96, Alchemical Sleep Gas:
2nd paragraph: Change “…fall asleep for 1 round. After 1 round, the…”
To “…fall asleep for 1 minute. After 1 minute, the…”

p. 97, Blade Boot:
Replace the entire item description with the following text:

Blade Boot: Custom-fitted to the wearer’s boot, this device consists of a sturdy sole assembly concealing a spring-loaded dagger. The
buyer can add one blade to either of his boots at the given cost, or buy a matched set for double the amount.
The wearer’s movement is not impaired when the blades are retracted. With one or both blades extended, the wearer cannot run or
charge. A monk using a blade boot can strike with his unarmed base attack, including his more favorable number of attacks per round, for
normal blade boot damage. The Weapon Finesse feat can be applied to blade boots.

A character proficient in the blade boot can attack with single blade boot as his primary weapon, or with two blade boots as if attacking
with two weapons, provided he makes no attacks with his hands. He can instead choose to attack with a weapon in his primary hand and
use a single blade boot as his off-hand weapon, but in this case he cannot attack with an off-hand weapon in his secondary hand. A
character cannot attack with a primary weapon, an off-hand weapon, and a blade boot in the same round unless he knows the
Multiweapon Fighting feat described in the Monster Manual.
A character wearing blade boots gains a +4 bonus on Escape Artist checks made to escape from rope bonds.

p. 117, Dalelands Map:
Scale bar: Change scale bar to read “80” instead of “40”.

p. 174, North map, scale bar:
Change scale bar to read “80” instead of “40”. Make it 1 inch long.
Move Olostin’s Hold icon to other side of road, right up under the eaves of the forest.

p. 190, Important Sites, Selgaunt:
4th sentence: Change “(N male human Nob4/Wiz3)” to “(N male human Ari4/Wiz3)”

p. 193, Plots and Rumors, The Runaway Guardsman:
2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence: Change “…not in the hands of their enemies”
To “…now in the hands of their enemies”.

p. 235, Bane’s portfolio:
Cut “strife” and capitalize “hatred”

p. 235, Cyric’s portfolio:
Add “strife”

p. 239:
Add "strife" to Cyric's portfolio

p. 247, Mystra's writeup, 2nd paragraph, sentence that currently says:
Sites dedicated to the goddess are enhanced by the Weave to allow any spell cast by her clerics while in one of those sites to have one
metamagic effect without the requisite need to take up a higher-level spell slot.
Should be amended to:

Sites dedicated to the goddess are enhanced by the Weave to allow any spell cast by her clerics while in one of those sites to have one
metamagic effect without the requisite need to take up a higher-level spell slot (the metamagic effect ends if the target of the spell leaves
the site).

p. 273, 1st col., Cult Wizard:
Change feats from: “Brew Potion, Great Fortitude, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell
Penetration (Necromancy)”
To “Brew Potion, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (claw bracer), Great Fortitude, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell
Focus (Necromancy)”

p. 275, Khelben, Special Qualities:
Chosen Spell-like Abilities: Delete “wraithform”, insert “gaseous form” in alphabetical order on list.

p. 276, Alustriel, Wizard Spells per Day:
Change: “Base DC = 18 + spell level, 20 + spell level for enchantment and transmutation”
To “Base DC = 17 + spell level, 19 + spell level for enchantment and transmutation”

p. 287, Creatures, Hinnar
Special Qualities: Change “Specialist Defense: Adds +1 to DC for all saving throws against her transmutation spells.”
To “Specialist Defense: +1 bonus to all saving throws against transmutation spells.”
Also: Spellbook: Strike ray of frost from her 0-level spells.

p. 288, Changes to Table 8–1 (Level Adjustments):
Aarakocra from +1 to +2
Bugbear from +3* to +4*
Centaur from +5* to +7*
Hobgoblin from +0 to +1
Hybsil from +1 to +2
Kir-lanan from +6* to +8*
Lizardfolk from +2* to +4*
Ogre from +5* to +8*

Shade(tt) from +2 to +5
Troll from +8* to +11*
Wemic from +7* to +8*
(tt) Character must be at least 5th level.

p. 303, 2. Fiery Hallway:
Trap: Change 3rd sentence from “Creatures in the target area suffer attacks from four of the flasks, while all creatures within 5 feet of
the target areas take splash damage (and each of the target areas takes splash damage from the other target areas’ flasks).”
To “Each creature within the target area is attacked by up to two flasks. Any additional flasks simply crash to the floor for splash
damage. All creatures outside but within 5 feet of the target squares take splash damage, and all creatures within each of the target
squares take splash damage from all flasks falling in the other target square.”
Alchemist’s Fire stat line: Change “CR 2” to “CR 4”
Alchemist’s Fire stat line: Change “1d6 fire” to “1d6 fire per flask”.

p. 303, Complex Acid Trap:
Glyph of Warding stat line: Change “CR3” to “CR4”
Also, Acid Flask and Thunderstone Trap: CR 8; +5 ranged touch (1d6 acid, 1 acid splash); sonic attack (Fortitude save DC 15 for each
thunderstone); Search (DC 20, possible only if searcher first succeeds at a DC 17 Will save against illusory wall in ceiling); Disable
Device (DC 28).

p. 303, 6. Werewolf Lair:
Creatures: Change “Creatures (EL 12)” to “Creatures (EL 11)”

p. 304, 7. Cleric’s Chamber:
Glyph Trap stat line: Change “CR 3” to “CR 4”

p. 304, Varlae:
Spells Prepared. 4th level: Change “emotion” to “emotion (hate)”

p. 306, 12. Glyph Traps:
Glyph of Warding trap stat line: Change “CR 3” to “CR 4”

p. 309, Riding Lizard, last sentence: Replace the last sentence (“A light load for a riding lizard…”)
With: “A light load for a riding lizard is 233 pounds or less, a medium load is 234 to 466 pounds, and a heavy load is 467 to 700

p. 309, Tressym:
The 2nd line of the tressym's skills entry (“Silently +9, Spot +4”) is currently under the first column. It needs to be shifted right to the
tressym column.

p. 313, Kir-Lanan Gargoyle:
First full sentence this page: Change "but it must hit with a regular touch attack"
To "but it must hit with a regular melee attack."

p. 314, Shade:
Special Qualities, Invisibility: Change “once per turn” to “once per round”
Also, Add "The shade can only use this ability on itself." to the end of this ability description.

p. 315, Sample Shade, Leevoth:
Special Qualities: Change “120-ft. darkvision,” to “shadesight”
Special Qualities: Change “shadow blend” to “invisibility”
Special Qualities: Change “mirror image” to “shadow image”

FORGOTTEN REALMS is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

Reghed Glacier World ood Cold Wood Citadel Ice
Adbar High
Sea urkwood
of the L w Citadel Hlaungadath
Moving The
Ice Dale of CragsMirabar oo Felbarr The The Tortured Land
e iv er Surbi M
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nd ilve r Marchesn Silverymoon Ascore

Icewi he


Nesmé Nether Mountai ns Ilin

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R Nest R iver
Evermoors The
w Longsaddle
The inte Hellgate Anauroch Border Fore st
Keep The The Plain of Azrrhat ive
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Luskan Forest At’ar’s Mts. r Stoja
Looking o ne
ood The rag
W Grandfather Glass r Peaks i
r Thu nCitadel of ons p Phlan
Tree The
N ever the Raven
The Lost High
Yartar D River Tesh Zhentil

Neverwinter Fallen Yuˆ lash

Sword M Triboar Forest Graypeak Mountains Empire


Unicorn Run
en Lands City

Stone Star Mou The Black Road of of D Hillsfar
e es ertsm
Red Bridge nts Shadows Shade Minesouth Mountaiins Dagger Voonlar
of Falls
Mere Larch rest

of ry The Gr Tethyamar Myth Drannor


Dead Men Goldenfields Llorkh Lonely aycloak SeaScSp ires Corman
Loudwater Moor
The Rive r Dessarin imita r Shadowdale
Whalebones Hig hstar Lake
Ardeep F oFrogrest H vereska The Ashabenford Essemb
Korinn ills
Archipelago Waterdeep Secomber

o tten E Saiyaddar e
Forest River Delimbiyr oonsea R

Coast Marsh Evereska
The Sword
istyDaggerford of The M The Dalelands
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High of Well of
Lizard Moor Serpent
Trade Way
Ruathym Castle il Farsea The Stonelands Tilverton
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of Saerl
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Orlumbor Troll Hills Bridge Wyrms Hill’s Edge The

Soubar Hills Hluthvar Vast

The Trielta The


The Troll Reaching lls ntains Suzail Marsember Daerlun Urmlaspyr
Moonshae Claws Woods
Winding Water Triel
Baldur's Fields of Elturel Scornubel Asbravn The Dragonmere Westgate
R itvehreCdheioandthar
Gate Proskur

Ilipur Teziir

Isles Mintarn The CoastWay Iriaebor Pros Reddansyr

Cloak The Wood of Berdusk Trader's Road The Dragon Starmantl
Wood Sharp Priapurl
Sea Teeth Greenest Easting Elversult Coast Ce
of Candlekeep
Moonshae U l The Greenfields Troll M Arm Gulthmere
ld u the Lon g
Iron Caer Calidyrr Trai
Keep oon n t's Ru nMountainsntains
Beregost Lake of Nathlekh
Durlag's o

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Oman's Nashkel Gia The Assam The Wetwo ods Orsraun
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T he Cloud Peaks Keczulla
The Twin
Sea Towers L . Weng Eshpurta Shining


of Athkatla AmnCrimmor Ormath

Snowdown Lheshayl

Moray Swords Purskul

Caer RiverEsm Esmeltaran Snow
Corwell L ak e Esmel
Gwynneth TheTrade Way Shil m is ta flake Mo untain s Deepwing M
The ts.
Deepwa sh Surkh
The SmallTeeth Clove n MounWtinatienr csloak riv

Irphong Brost

Nelanther Murann


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Ioma Firedrake Bay Riatavin mlarandin Mts. The W
Saradush O int
Nemesser Mosstone


Th e Rac e Starsp ir e Moun tai ns

Zazesspur TethyrCastle iv er M inta

Ri ver Sulduskoon Ankhapur

Darromar Saelmur

River Ith ntains R
Alamir M o
Sundrah Myratma gis Forest ofM Mintar The
Memnon A Marching Mountains ir Arnrock
Lantan River The Lake of Steam

Sambar ver u Yeshpek
Sambar Run Calim Desert C al im Ri e Almraiven The Border Kingdo
Neth elp tar

Stand The

Trackless Anchoril Calimshan River ofIc Spider
Sea RSwamp
iver Sc
Fort Beluarian Yallasch ood



Mother-Of-Mists Port Nyranzaru

ffs erSosh Riv Port Castigliar Urbeth Sheirtalar
en s tar Mezro
T Tharsult
Mistcli River Tiryki
The Shining Sea

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N ntainsC a Ta shal
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Ju Hazu Pass
S of Flame L lath
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Black Jungles h
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est W w A
Samargol Thindar a ll e alagar



The Great Glacier Icelace Lake The Cold Road Icerim Mountains






assVaasa Ironspur

o Icelac e River Peltarch
Delhalls The North Great
Country Ice Sea
DamaraM RiverPelauvir e N'Jast
Gian tsp Th e Gol den Way
Talagbar The Long Road Jiyyd Almorel

NarfellGlister Bloodstone Spiderhaunt

un Darmshall Village ir Bildoobaris
ta ins M
Bloodstone Heliogabalus ane Immilmar Mulptan The
Hulburg P Trail’sEnd Rawlinswoooundtains sh Endless
Nighthawk Wastes
Praka Grea Ilmwatch Tower ood
Uthmere enw Lake of Mist s
Mauberg’s sh
Oak A
Melvaunt Valls Clymph Tower Lake A
Tower Threespires
aThentia Rashemen
ns el Keep ttu rImphra s Rive r
Mulmaster Monastary of Kront Ashanath
The Moo the Yellow Rose Th e Easti ng Reach
Bezentil The Lake
For Tirulag
Ironfang The Earthwood
keep Glacier Mulsantir

of the
eaBell in
T he Gr rthe Deep
Elmwood Mucklestones Citadel

River Li s yWorm
hor l Daloef Lether
The rthspur ou Riv er Icehilt Two Stars MuLlsaaknetir ountain s
Flooded Tammar M
D r Surthay Sunr ise
uatham Surmarsh
p a
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p tYlraphon
M Laviguer
I m esRiver
iver Vespe
kbra Harrowdale
The Dragon ReachCalauntThe nta ins
E Vast iver ay Sur
a Fire R The Golden W
sDragon Falls Phsant

Th esk Mountains
T he ThayRiverAshaba River
fast Mountains Sarshel Nyth
Tantras r th Gray Dilpur Telflamm Delhumide
Hlammach Phent Lake
Scardale Ravens The Clearf low

s Forest

Lyrabar Thay Thaylambar

Yhaunn Tsurlagol

Ordulin Mount Eltabbar


mbi a Sea of Fallen CapeDragonfang Dragonjaw Nethentir

Selgaunt Furthinghome oun tain
Emmech M
Amruthar d
Rive r The Eastern Way Tyraturos oo
endra Bezantur d
loon Velprintalar
arondSpandeliyon s Pyarados
Isle Pirate A glAltumbel ap
of The Watchwall L athwood
Prespur Dragon Isles r
isle Yuirwood Montain s of Copper Great Wi l
Glarandar Marsh he Port

T Ghaast
Relkath’s Laothkund The Priador ˇ


Delthuntle Gan Murghom
Drag onsw ord Mountains
le Morningstar The Alaor
Ironfang The L
edarspoke Wavecrest Mount ioPhannaskull Brightstar
Hollows nt
For est

Deep Ilighoˆ n Sultim Murghyr

Thulbane T he Rauthenfl ow Lake

Alaghoˆ n


Nonthal Threskel Rauthil

ains Ixinos Airspur Cimbar Bay Mordulkin Khalab
Reth of Zindalankh
Turmishu Gildenogulandetains Aka napeaks Chessenta
M rs Messemprar The Road to the Dawn
o to
nt M Soorenar Maerlar
re the Sky
nn The
Adder Alamber Sea
Hlath Plains of
Xorhun phru

da dWay Swamp
Reach Emera C Luthcheq Shussel Purple Dust
hesAkanax se n ta
VilhonIljak Samra th kanamere Ride e Skuld Riverof Shadow
he ethm
Shamph M Mulhsorand
T he A

h oArrabar U ood
Mussum w nt
T he
C Neldorild

Nimpeth TheC ch he Unthalass Gheldaneth River of Spears
Mimph The Old Road Maert hwat River Adder M
G eth
everrwood Fort Arran River mber Mishtan T he Gian t's Belt
T he M City of the Dead
SespechThe Nagawater o The

Riv erA
W untains Raurin
inding the Dust
Ormpetarr (TAhezuLladkuetohf Salt) Desert
T River Arran The Smoking Green River Angol e r of Swords
e Black Lands
Gol Elbulder h
olden o ndalwood Adder Pea ks Ash st
Road den Plains f
Kagarr h

Th Plain e Road o
e N aga fl ow D
Ankhwood u
Torsch Forest


Dalelost Firesteap Mountain s Uthangol Mountains ood Veldorn Durpar
Yhep Sharaw
ongue Assur The Golden

Hardcastle ouncil Hills

Derlusk Cu Vaelan Water

k The Eastern Shaar rna M Ormpe' G
Qurth o lden
The d Riv er Gundan oun tains
oms Forest
a ar Shaarmid Shaarwoo The G
Th e Sh Lhesper The reat Estagund
River Shaar T Va r the
h e Rif
andrise Rift Riftwood ountains Thruldar
L atl quat M
Khoˆ ltar Delzimmer Isle of
ke Lluirwood Chavyondat
Toa ds
The Dun Hills

L Lake Lhes pen

enbog Rat hgaunt Hills Quelthiir

The Kormul River ChannathChannathwood n Shoun
Misty ireBeluir Luirenstrand
Vale The Rethmar
Channathgate Krenalir

Riv er Tala r Forest of Amtar Mortik
Bandit Wastes
The North Wall Southern
River Ammath
ount Nath
Gnoll watc h Moun tains
ver A Dead King
of the
Halruaa ake Maeru River Dambron Dambrath Cathyr

River Halar i The East Wall Rethild Maarlith The Great Sea
R s(the
Halarahh Bay of Dan cin g Dolphins 0 120 240 360 480
Great Swamp) miles
Lake River Maeru

Akhkaur Halruaa



City Ruins Port/Capital Road Low Mountains Cleared/Mix Jungle Moor Glacier Sandy Desert
Port Site Temple Track High Mountains Grasslands Marsh Barren/Badlands
Fortress Capital Bridge Hills Cliffs/Escarpment Forest Swamp Volcano River Rocky Desert

Subterranean River Forgotten Realms is a registered trademark of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
©2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Reghed Glacier World ood Cold W
w Citadel
Sea the urkwood
of L oo Felbarr
Moving Dale e ofTheMirabar Mithral
Ice T Crags Hall M The Silv
nd Spin
The Icewi he iv er Surbi
The S
n Silverymoon

iver Mirar Nesmé Nether Moun

Griffon's R Evermoors Everlund Rauv in
Nest R iver

w ood Grandfather
inte W
r Tree The
N ever Yartar The Lost High
of Triboar Peaks

Dead Men en Forest

Stone Star Mou
Red Bridge e

Sword M nts

Unicorn Run
Goldenfields Loudwate

Waterdeep Rive r Dessarin Secomber Hig hstar L

Ardeep The
Forest River Delimbiyr Moor

The Coast istyDaggerford
Whalebones The Sword M FoThe

Trade Way




Korinn Trollbark Forest Bo
Archipelago B
The Crypt The
Moonshae Orlumbor Troll Hills Claw

Winding Water Fields o
Baldur's the dea
R ive r Chio

Isles Mintarn The CoastWay

Sea Cloak The W
of Wood Sh
Moonshae Te

Iron Caer Calidyrr Beregost
Alaron Candlekeep Du


Oman's N
T he C



of Athkatla

Moray Snowdown Purskul

Caer Swords




Wood Citadel

Adbar Ice

The The Tortured Lan

Ascore Ilin
ve r MarchesSundabar

ntai ns

ellgate Anauroch Border Fore st Whitehorn Ride
The The Plain of The
Far Standing Stones Azrrhat ive
Forest RMts. r Stoja
At’ar’s ne
Looking orag
Glass Citadel of ons pr Peaks Phlan
Thu n
the Raven

The D River Tesh Zhentil
Lands Teshwave

Yuˆ lash

Graypeak Mountains The Black Road Empire D Hillsfar
es ertsm
City outh MountaiinsMines Dagger Voonlar
of Falls
of of
The Gr Shadows Shade Tethyamar Myth Drannor
Llorkh Moor aycloak ShadowSc Sp ires Corman
er Sea
imita r

F oFrogrest H vereska Ashabenford Essemb
ills id
Lake The

o tten E Saiyaddar e

Marsh Evereska oonsea R

of The M The Dalelands
Chelimber Battle
of Well of

Hills il Bones Dragons Farsea The Stonelands Tilverton Highmoon
Str eam
Hill of Marshes de Archw
Lost Souls mhorns Hullack
Forest Archenbridge
pent’s Ta ing Skull Gorge
River Reac h Su Sem
Forest ns et M ou
Ser Darkhold The Stor
The Far Hi

of Corm Orp Marsh Cor myrKFionrge’sst River Arkhen
of Saerl
oareskyr Tun

Bridge Wyrms Hill’s Edge The
Soubar Hluthvar Vast

Trielta The
e Swamp

ll Reaching lls ntains

ws Triel Woods Suzail Marsember Daerlun Urmlaspyr


Scornubel Asbravn The Dragonmere Westgate

Ilipur Teziir

Iriaebor Pros Reddansyr

Wood of Berdusk Trader's Road The Dragon Starmant
harp Priapurl
eeth Greenest Easting Elversult Coast Ce

U l The Greenfields Troll M Arm Gulthmere
ld u the Lon g
oon n t's Ru nMountainsntains

urlag's Lake of Nathlekh
Cloud Peaks
The Snakewood Plain Wet River
The Twin
Towers L . Weng Gia The Assam Orsraun
Wetwoods M

flake MoEshpurta Shining

AmnCrimmor el Plains Ormath


Esmeltaran Snow
Deepwing M
RiverEsm L ak e Esmel
The ts.
r m is ta Deepwa sh Surkh

Small Tee th

The Great Glacier

Castle Icelace Lake The Cold Road




assVaasa Ironspur

o Icelac e River Peltarch

M River Pelauvir
Damaranvur e N'Jast
Gian tsp
Talagbar The Long Road Jiyyd

NarfellGlister Bloodstone


un Darmshall Village ir Bildo
ta ins
Bloodstone Heliogabalus M Nighthawk
Hulburg P Trail’sEnd Tower

Melvaunt Valls Clymph Tower
Tower Threespires
ns eKeep ttu rImphra s Rive r
Mulmaster Monastary of Kront
The Moo the Yellow Rose Th e Easti ng Reach
Bezentil The
Ironfang The Earthwood
keep Glacier

of the
eaBell in
T he Gr rthe Deep
Elmwood Mucklestones

River Li s yWorm
Grea Ilmwatch
hor l Daloef Lether
The rthspur ou Riv er Icehilt Uthmere
D r
nt iForest
p tYlraphon
M Laviguer
I m esRiver

kbra Harrowdale
The Dragon ReachCalauntiver VespeVast ntains Mauberg’s Tammar
R Fire R Oak ay
E The iver
a Nyth The Golden W
Telflamm Phsant
sDragon Falls Th esk Mountains
T heRiver Ashaba
Tantras fast Mountains Sarshel
r th Gray Dilpur
Scardale Ravens Hlammach

s Forest


Yhaunn Tsurlagol

Ordulin Procampur

mbi a Sea of Fallen CapeDragonfang N


Selgaunt Furthinghome oun tain
Emmech M

loon Velprintalar
arondSpandeliyon s
Isle Pirate A glAltumbel Yuirwood
of The Wat
Prespur Dragon Isles
isle Glarandar M

Relkath’s Laothkund




For est Morningstar Wavecrest Mount
Ironfang Thulbane

Deep Hollows

Ilighoˆ n

Alaghoˆ n


Nonthal Threskel

ains Ixinos Airspur Cimbar Bay Mordulkin
Reth of
Turmishu Gildenogulandetains Aka napeaks Chessenta
M rs
o M Soorenar The re to the Sky

n Hlath
Xorhun phru Adder

da Reach ay kanamere Swamp Ride e
l dW he ethm
VilhonIljak Samra Emera C Luthcheq
hesAkanax se n ta
Shamph th
nHlondeth U

h oArrabar ood n
Nimpeth C h h


Icerim Mountains


The North Great
Country Ice Sea

oobaris Winterkeep

ane Immilmar Mulptan The Th e Gol den Way
sh Endless Almorel
ood Spiderhaunt
enw Lake of Mist s Peaks
Lake A

ountain sLakeCitadel
Two Stars MuLlsaaknetir

Surthay nr ise

SurRiver Thay

Nethentir Thay Delhumide The Clearf low
Nethjet Mount


Rive Amruthar Tyraturos d oo
endra r The Eastern Way W
tchwall ap Pyarados
Umber L Bezantur d
Marsh r athwood

Murghyr Montain s of Copper Great Wi l
Rauthil he Port

T Ghaast
The Priador ˇ


The Alaor Gan Murghom
ord Mountains
Phannaskull Brightstar


T he Rauthenfl ow Lake


Messemprar The Road to the Dawn

Alamber Sea Maerlar


Shussel Plains of
Purple Dust
Skuld Riverof Shadow

River of S

Irphong Murann

Nelanther Asavir’s Channel Velen Firedrake Ba
Th e Rac e M


Sundrah M


Trackless Sambar Run

Fort Beluarian

Mother-Of-Mists Port Nyranzaru

T ffs Soshen s tar Port Castigliar
Mistcli er River Tiryki Mezro

he Rive r Refuge Bay
Rive rTath
MoKuobnotlaidns ntainsnglesL.Luo

N Ju of C
The Peaks hult
of Flame

E Sanrach Mou

The Wild Coast Samarach


Brost Shi o untain s Clove n MounWtinatienr csloak riv
TheTrade Way The Wealdath
Riatavin The Thornwash

ay mlarandin Mts. The W
O int

Starsp ir e Moun tai ns

Ri ver Sulduskoonal im Ri Saradush
Tethyr River ofIc
Castle Ankhapur
iv er M inta
Darromar Saelmur

River Ith ntains R
Alamir M o
Forest ofM Mintar
Myratma gis Marching Mountains The Lake of Steam The
Memnon River A Arnrock
u Yeshpek The Border Kingdo
Calim Desert C e Tulmon
Almraiven Neth elp tar
Calimshan Suldolphor
Stand The
Swamp Theymarsh

Schamedar R
iver Sc
Yallasch ood



Urbeth Sheirtalar


The Shining Sea

T he Dolphingulf Ithmong apLaushlpoioliya B
Sammarash L
Tashluta Mo
Lapalgard Tal
The Gu thlandTa shal
rHazuountains Pass
M lath
Lundeth apalBlack Mhair River G
SeaJungles Jungles h
Th w Aalagar
Thindar est W e
a ll


Mimph e Maert hwat River M
Th ho ndalwood Adder Pea ks e
Fort Arran
C Torsch M
Sespech The o
everrwood W River unta
The Old RoadOrmpetarr inding
The Smoking
T he Black
The Nagawater
T River Arran Ash
e Plain
oldenGRooadl Elbulder

den Plains


Ankhwood T T
h h

e N aga fl ow e Ro


Dalelost Firesteap Mountain s Uthangol Mou


Derlusk D

Qurth The d
oms Forest a ar Shaarmid The G
Th e Sh Lhesper River Shaar
The reate RRiftilfkteT
Landrise h


Khoˆ ltar

pen Rat hgaunt Hills

Lhes enbog Eartheart
The Dun Hills The Lake River ChannathChannathwood Swords
Misty L
Vale hesp Forest of Amtar

Kormul Rethmar



Riv er Tala r Gnollwatch Moun tains

Bandit Wastes Hil
The North Wall


ount Nath


Halruaa River Dambron Dambrath
ver A
River H i luer Maarlith
alar R
Halarahh L Bay of Dan cin g
ake Maeru
Lake River Maeru
The East Wall
Akhkaur Halruaa Rethild

Swamp (the
Great Swamp)

City Ruins Port/Capital Road Low Mounta
Port Site Temple Track High Mount
Fortress Capital Bridge Hills Cliffs/Escar

he Unthalass Gheldaneth Spears
Drag ons T he Gian t's Belt
ains Riv erAla mber Mishtan Raurin
City of the Dead the Dust
The Desert
(TAhezuLladkuetohf Salt)
Green River Angol Riv e r of Swords

oad o Lands
u st




Sharawood Veldorn Durpar

ongue Assur The Golden
The L
untains C ouncil Hills iont
Cu Vaelan Water
The Eastern Shaar rna M Ormpe' G
River Ammath o lden
Riv er Gundan oun tains

ountains Thruldar Estagund e
quat M Isle of Va r
Toa ds

s Quelthiir

Lu n Shoun
ireBeluir Luirenstrand






lls of the Dead King The Great Sea

h Cathyr


0 120 240 360 480

ains Cleared/Mix Jungle Moor Glacier Sandy Desert
tains Grasslands Marsh Barren/Badlands
rpment Forest Swamp Volcano River Rocky Desert

Subterranean River Forgotten Realms is a registered trademark of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
©2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 6193

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.