Deep Secrets of the Earth - Horizon: Zero Dawn Guide - IGN (2024)


Shawn Saris,Jon Ryan,Max Roberts,+4.2k more


This is one of the many Main Quests found in Horizon: Zero Dawn. It will begin immediately after finishing To Curse The Darkness.

  • Recommended Level:21
  • Rewards: 10500 XP, +1 Skill Points

Your first goal is to reach Sunfall. Once you reach the place, follow the objective marker through town and eventually you will reach a courtyard, where a cutscene will play. During this cutscene, a woman will talk to you, which unlocks a new side quest, if you wish to partake in it.


Use the Secret Entrance

Otherwise, when the cutscene ends, turn around and exit the room. Immediately look left for a gap in the railing where you can jump down and wall climb down the cliff.

When you reach the bottom, you'll speak with Sylens and then be able to rip off the wood and enter the vent. Sylens warns you that the journey ahead is long, and he means it. This upcoming mission ties directly into the next main mission, Terror of the Sun, and you will not be able to do any side missions/exploration during this time.

After some cutscenes, you will finally regain control of Aloy, and be inside another Old World facility. Much like previous ones, this facility is very linear, but there are a lot of things to pick up along the way if you pay attention to your HUD.

Deal With the Shadow Carja

When you heard towards the Viewing Room, you will have your first encounter with the Shadow Carja. When you initially enter this room, you can look to your right and climb a ladder if you want to get a good vantage point and stealth around. You can also look to your left when you enter the room for a secret tunnel that will also help with stealth.

Otherwise, you can instead face the three enemies head on and take them down in close quarters. Cover can be a little hard to find in this area, so you do need to be wary of the one Shadow Heavy with the Firestriker weapon.

Look around for any Datapoints you want, then follow your waypoint to the Viewing Room to get more story about Project Zero Dawn.


Go to Central Projects

You'll head through Processing and go towards Central Projects while finding more Datapoints that explain what happened in the past. As you head through a door you unlock, you'll come up against another group of Shadow Carja. There is no clean way to stealth here from the start, so you instead want to use the doorway you just walked through as cover.

Poke your body out for headshots with your bow, or just bait them into coming down the hall so you can use traps or other weapons to finish them off. Again, be careful here since a couple of the enemies are using heavy weapons in close quarters.

Restore Power to the Door

If you want, you can continue to search for Datapoints, but the next part of this search involves unlocking a door. You'll need to figure out multiple codes in order to power this door back up and continue your mission.

The first set of locks will be on your left. This set is straightforward as you just need to scan the Faro panel and follow the instructions. The code is (from left to right): left, up, left, down, right.

The code on your right is more involved. You'll need to recover an Emitter for the missing slot, and then you need to read the Faro panel in reverse because it's upside down. First, grab the missing Emitter by heading through a door adjacent to the room you're in right now. You'll head up a ladder and soon enough find the Emitter on a table.

Go back to the code room now and install that Emitter. You can now follow the panel if you use a little brainpower. Again, the panel is upside down so you need to do things slightly different than usual. The code should be (from left to right): down, left, up, right, down.

Head back to the door that should now be powered up, and you can move ahead for another short cutscene. After the scene, you now have another battle with the Shadow Carja. This battle can be done in a stealthy manner, but you most likely need to have the Leader Strike Skill unlocked to cleanly do it. Another option is if you have the Double/Triple Shot Skill unlocked, you can put multiple headshots into the heavy enemies. Regardless of your tactics, be wary of the two enemies with heavy weapons.

After you clear this first wave of three enemies, another wave enters, and this one is larger than the last (and will be on multiple levels of the room).


You can go the stealth route here again if you want. If you do that, focus on the enemies on the second floor first. There are five enemies in total to eliminate, and there is one heavy in that group.

A third (and final) wave will then follow. This wave works like the last where you do have a moment to hide if you want to take a stealth approach, but these enemies will be a little more aggressive hunting you down. The big thing is to try and eliminate the two heavy enemies first and go from there.

Find Sobeck's Office

Some more dialogue will play out between Aloy and Sylens as you make your way towards Elisabet Sobeck's office. There is also another battle with the Shadow Carja on deck.

There are six enemies to deal with in this room. You can't easily snipe them through the vents from above, so you'll have to drop down and deal with them. The same general tactics can apply where you either go with a stealth approach, or go in loud and make sure to get rid of the heavy enemy first.

Various Datapoints and story bits will play out at this point. Follow the waypoint to Sobeck's office and consume the heavy amount of lore that's being thrown your way at this point. Climb up an elevator shaft to get to Sobeck's office and continue your story download there.

After collecting a couple specific Datapoints in Sobeck's office, you'll get a cutscene that will end this mission and lead directly into Terror of the Sun.

Up Next: The Terror of the Sun

PreviousTo Curse The DarknessNextThe Terror of the Sun

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Deep Secrets of the Earth - Horizon: Zero Dawn Guide - IGN (2024)


How do you solve deep secrets of the earth? ›

On the left of that room as you enter it, behind the wall with the solvable puzzle, is another door. Through there, crouch down and turn right, through a low vent, to another room that has the item you need to fix the lock. With that restored, the code, from left to right, is: Down, Left, Up, Right, Down.

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The point of no return is only for the upcoming dungeon. It just means you can't back out and leave the dungeon once you enter; you'll have to see it through to get out of there. There's lots of main story missions left after it. Don't worry about side quests, you'll have plenty of time for them later.

What is the code for the door in deep secrets of the earth? ›

The code should be (from left to right): down, left, up, right, down. Head back to the door that should now be powered up, and you can move ahead for another short cutscene. After the scene, you now have another battle with the Shadow Carja.

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Deep Secrets of the Earth is the seventeenth main quest in Horizon Zero Dawn.

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Shield-Weaver – The Ultimate In-Game Armor

This armor is almost mandatory for attempting a New Game+ run on higher difficulties since many machines can kill Aloy in one blow without it.

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There is No Point of No Return

This allows you to finish any remaining Side Quests or Errands in your Missions List, so you won't be missing out on any content.

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14 The Frozen Wilds DLC

There's a whole expansion waiting for those who finished the main quest. The open-world action game offers more content as Aloy is thrust into a standalone side quest. The northern reaches of Aloy's land open up, allowing the player to venture into the snowy mountains.

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Upon completion of the final quest, The Face of Extinction, the game will reset to a state just prior to starting the penultimate quest, The Looming Shadow, although you will retain any items or XP acquired during the final quest.

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The two six-digit codes needed to unlock the doors during the Forbidden Legacy Side Quest are as follows: First Locked Door Code - 102023. Second Locked Door Code - 402625.

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How to Find the Door Code in Death's Door. When reading the Bad Urges Text Datapoint, found on top of a crate amongst some rubble in the northeast corner of the room, you'll discover a code. This code, 7482, can be used to unlock the door via the nearby terminal.

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The Carja (also referred as the Sun Carja to differentiate themselves from their splinter tribe) are an advanced and powerful human tribe in Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West.

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This game is really fun

there is a couple splashes of blood whenever you kill of damage someone but nothing a mature audience can't handle as it is only a small amount. This title has: Great role models.

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Thunderjaws. Thunderjaws are an Apex Combat Machine, meaning that it's one of the largest and most dangerous of all machines in Horizon. It's a huge bipedal machine that has bulky legs, a long body, and a thick tail resembling a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

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At the end of the credits, Joy finds out the secret. The secret is that Riley burnt a hole in the rug.

What is the combination to the doors in Horizon Zero Dawn? ›

Restore Power to the Ancient Door puzzle
  • The one on your level is solved by turning the dials to the following positions, from left to right: Up, Down, Left, Right.
  • On the bottom level, one with a broken pink box and datapoint next to it goes, from left to right: Up, Right, Left, Down.
Feb 3, 2021

How to solve the holo lock in Horizon Zero Dawn? ›

Use the Focus at the locked metal door to get pointed to the mechanism you need to interact with to open it. Turn the Holo Lock counter-clockwise twice to get a reaction out of it, then head back to the door. You'll find that the door has changed in accordance to the Holo Lock and will open.

How do I restore power to the bunker door in Horizon Zero Dawn? ›

Once you've made your way back to the ruins, make your way around to the right and slot two Horizon Zero Dawn power cells into the broken hologram slots. The holograms will jump into life, but you'll have to swivel them into a specific position to make the doors open.


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