Deep Secrets of the Earth (2024)

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Deep Secrets of the Earth (1)

Head to Sunfall and explore the area a bit to loot some supply crates. When ready, follow the mission markers to the courtyard where a cutscene will take place. This scene is connected to two new sidequests, Traitor’s Bounty and Queen’s Gambit. You can complete those two first before heading down the massive bunker under Sunfall.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (2)

Follow the objective marker that will lead you to the terrace where you can use the rock pillars and walls to climb down. Break down the wooden planks covering the entrance then head inside. This is pretty much straightforward. Like the other bunkers, you need to explore around and scan the datapads you encounter to register them to your Notebook. Your objective is to reach the viewing room.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (3)

Unfortunately, the exhaust vent that activated earlier caught the attention of some curious Carja personnel. Deal with them however you want then continue scanning for datapads and following the mission marker. Upon reaching the viewing room, Elisabet Sobeck’s holograph will play.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (4)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (5)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (6)

After viewing the holograph, head to the next room called Processing. Scan the optional datapoints there then continue deeper in the facility. You have to reach the part of the bunker called Central Projects. If you consult your map, it should be located on the northwestern corner of the current floor. If you also check the southern examination room, you’ll find a Stranded Necklace (part of a special set that can be traded in Meridian). There are more datapoints to register her so do so as you please then continue following the objective marker.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (7)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (8)

You’ll encounter more shadow carja heavies along the long corridor. Use your blast sling or fire arrows to get rid of them. Central Projects is just right after the bunker door. However, you have to restore power to it first. There are two power nodes that you have to reactivate, just east of the bunker door.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (9)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (10)

For the first set on the left side, simply follow the directions of the displayed arrows on the code nexus to unlock a separate door leading to the storage room, in the adjacent corridor. Enter the storage room then climb the ladder up then crawl through the vent to find the spare emitter. Pick it up then cross the tightrope to reach a large container in the other side of the ledge, then drop down to the power nodes.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (11)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (12)

Install the emitter. Examine the code nexus to learn that the settings have been transposed and set backwards. So starting from the rightmost node from the nexus, rotate the nodes in this order: DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN. This should restore power to the door. Head there and continue to Central Projects.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (13)

There will be a whole platoon of Eclipse cultists here. Kill every cultist in the room and wait for their reinforcement to arrive from the blast door. Two of them are heavy gunners so make sure to use your blast ammo and fire arrows to deal with them. After killing a heavy gunner, you may use their heavy weapons against them. After clearing the rooms, you’re free to explore again. There will be new datapoints as usual so scan them if you want to.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (14)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (15)

Continue following the mission markers and find the stairs leading to the upper floor. You’ll find more cultists in the main room but follow the pathway for now. This will lead you to the stairs and the door leading to the room where the cultists are. Engage them or slip past them if you want. Continue following the objective marker and scanning more datapoints along the way. One holo-projectors along the way will play a recording from Tavis Tate, explaining HADES’ supposed function.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (16)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (17)

Continue following the straightforward path until you reach the “cradle” facility. You can play the holo-projector if you want or you can just go upstairs and into the elevator shaft. Use the ladder to climb and reach the upper floor.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (18)

Continue to the next room and scan more datapoints to playback holo-recordings. Head to Sobeck’s office to update the objective. Before interacting with her terminal, loot the container and scan the datapoint on the table. When ready, access the terminal for a cutscene. Quest complete.

Deep Secrets of the Earth (19)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (20)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (21)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (22)

Deep Secrets of the Earth (2024)


What is the code for deep secrets of the earth? ›

With that restored, the code, from left to right, is: Down, Left, Up, Right, Down. (The datapoint says it's backward, but that isn't awfully clear - it's double backwards, in both order and direction). Enter Central Projects - Go back to the locked door and head through.

Can I do side quests after Deep Secrets of the Earth? ›

The point of no return is only for the upcoming dungeon. It just means you can't back out and leave the dungeon once you enter; you'll have to see it through to get out of there. There's lots of main story missions left after it. Don't worry about side quests, you'll have plenty of time for them later.

What is the combination for the deep secrets of the earth? ›

The code should be (from left to right): down, left, up, right, down. Head back to the door that should now be powered up, and you can move ahead for another short cutscene. After the scene, you now have another battle with the Shadow Carja.

How to get the mountain that fell quest? ›

The mission The Mountain That Fell is one of the many Main Quests found in Horizon: Zero Dawn. It will automatically begin after you complete The Heart of the Nora.

How far into the game is Deep Secrets of the Earth? ›

Deep Secrets of the Earth is the seventeenth main quest in Horizon Zero Dawn.

What is the deep dark secret? ›

At the end of the credits, Joy finds out the secret. The secret is that Riley burnt a hole in the rug.

What are the secrets of the earth? ›

Through this mantle rise plumes of hot buoyant rock, in a “bottom-up” form of tectonics. Close to the surface, these plumes melt to produce a thick, light crust above a thin layer of cooled and rigid mantle. Together, these two layers form a primitive shell known as the lithosphere.

What is the last quest in Horizon Zero Dawn? ›

Main quest line

Upon completion of the final quest, The Face of Extinction, the game will reset to a state just prior to starting the penultimate quest, The Looming Shadow, although you will retain any items or XP acquired during the final quest.

How to restore power to the ancient door in the grave hoard? ›

Restore Power to the Ancient Door puzzle

Firstly, scan the room for these dials and their accompanying pink boxes on the walls. There are three sets - one on your current level, reached by hopping across a gap to a golden bar, and two on the level below. The dials turn green when solved.

How to get Sylens lance? ›

The Lance is acquired at the conclusion of The Mountain That Fell. The Lance will then be permanently equipped as Aloy's default melee weapon, replacing the obsolete Spear that preceded it.

How to get GAIA Prime? ›

When can you get it: During or after the mission The Mountain That Fell. The final power cell can be found in the ruins during the mission The Mountain That Fell.

What is the code for ancient armory? ›

So the dials should be turned: right, left, top, right, left. This will allow Aloy to collect the armor - open the Outfit Box in your inventory to unlock and equip the Shield Weaver outfit.

What is the code for the bunker in Horizon? ›

Code for locked bunker door in Death's Door mission for Horizon Forbidden West. The code for the locked door during the Death's Door mission of Horizon: Forbidden West is 7482. To find this code, you need to head to the southern section of the room where the locked bunker door is located.

What is the code for the hidden tunnel in Horizon? ›

What is the Spinebreak Door Code? The code to unlock the door in the Spinebreak is 2054. As with most of the other door codes in Horizon Forbidden West, players can find this out for themselves by scanning a nearby Datapoint.

What is the code for the underground in Horizon Forbidden West? ›

For those who just want to get on with things, the Nights of Lights door code is 739135. Entering this code will unlock the door immediately; allowing players to grab the ornament and return to Stemmur without needing to explore the rest of the ruins.

What is the code for Horizon Forbidden Alva? ›

There are 2 door codes you will need for this Side Quest. The first door code you need is 102023. The second door code is 402625. You need to enter both of these in order to complete Forbidden Legacy.


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.