Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

I 1-1. THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 119 1877-SIXTEEN PAGES. 15 BOARDING AND LODGING. HOMES AND CARRIAGES, BUSINESS CIIIIICES tNA1 CH INCE FOR GOOD ROTEL 34 AN 1-S sure and lease of best-loeated hotel in one of eittelt of fer at great bargain, as owner has other business in South.

Also. furniture and lease of the most nioney-maging hotel In flourishing city Of i0.000 population on Pittsburg Ft. Wayne Railroad. bargain. HAIR illtuTHErtS, 69 Dearborn-st- Room 19.

west SideContinued. r9 WEST ROOM FOR tit gentleman. and room for two ladles. with board; very reasonable. 4 71 WEST A few good day-boarders wanted.

HOARDING AND LODGING South CORNER PRAIRIE-AV. AND .01 suite, with board. rpwo OR THREE SINGLE CAN GET rooms and board In a strictly private family on Michigan-av. between Eighteenth and Twenty-finit- eta. AddressS 75, Tribune office.

AVII ARAS-AV. 'NEAR SItTFENTR-ST--TWO el large rooms with b4ftr4. only ()met, stiolioos gentleman wanted for room-male; refPrimees exMoutged. Address. with references.

bi, tribune office. SICRUHRATIF HEAL ESTATE. 11-41()It SALEHAVING PliopEitTY IN SOME OF the most cligttle locations in Englewood. I have decided to build several houites that, shall be destraule homes in every sense of the word. The peculiar circ*mstancets will enable me to offer such prices awl terms aa perhaps cannot be found elsewhere.

Application in person or by letter at e.nglewood will receive prompt attention. A few houses now ready; will build others to suit. H. B. LEWIS.

SALEOlt EXCHANGE-5. 10. Oft 15 ACHES of property northwest of city limits; will sell at a barsaia. Address W. F.

O'BRIEN 63 Wells-st. SALETHE BOSS 5100 LOTS AT CLYDE. 5 1 'Thiel' this stde ofTsrng. 21.s mile from limits. I bock from depot; $15 down; 5 monthly.

STORUS 4 10 94 Room 15. 4SQ WEST NICELY tp forntshed sooth-front square room to rent, board, suitable for two. 'MOUSES AND CAURIAGES illrosimNaDndAC- turned to 125 Michiran-av. Wednesdays and Saturdays No extra charge for taking out or bringing in. Addreaa HARRY A.

KNOTT. Pea Plaines ill. 17 miles Irdat Court- liouset. ReferencesHibbard. Spencer Geo.

L. Onia. Commereial Nati IVIE; Culver 122 WiIam Thomnsou. Reaper Block; Carvl Young. 125 MIhigan-ay.

WILL WINTER A FEW FOR st.lsorEit lir.t.k: will give anidivatit* referenee to UV desired numher of mv sat-slu*t Address FRED M. WOODS. Downer's Grove. 111. OF TUE iiiG-dtI1011SFSTNTITE: city 6 years old.

lady could drive. for elehange fur arge truek horse. Address 5,1. Tribune ottice. QLEIGHSTHE FrxEsT SLEIGHS EN THIS NI Mtket at low rgurea.

wnolesitle or retail. I. S. TOWER 103 South Clinton-at. ADDLF ITORSF ANTED ITATIND THE DIFFERent gals.

medium Ore. mare preferred. Address, git tag price. Tribune udiee. FRONT ROOMS kQ.III Ni TON.

-CT cE1 -187 OUT with boa.rd. for gentlemen. a 9 9 WEcT tri A TIENT WITH FIRST-class large south front suite furnished; every convenience; terms reasonable. SMALL. NEAT en and four private oyster room, carneted and complete.

to rent at 125 per month. Apply St Elmore Hotel, IlMsouth Balsted-st. rNt-RrAt OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A thoroughly eatabitylied office business In a neighboring city: business has branches in every city. and le paying $3 per annum: Present manamr in 000r heath applicants must have unexceptional refer. and pay $4,000 to secure the office.

Address 95, Tribune office. Ot JUST RECEIVED FRoid the country. good for all work; one week's trial given; call arid see them; must be sold. One six-eest coupe rockaway: 1 four-seat rocksway, been in use apout six montna. good as new; 1 six-seat 'tens' On -top carriage; I four-scat 1 elareneet 1 family carriage.

A No. It two jump-etsat buggies, nearly Dew; 1 four- seat California carriage; 2 mide-spring top buggies. made by Coen Ten itroeke, but little used; 3 square-box do made by the same: 5 top Miggies. by Pennoyer 3 made by t. Willet 5 secondhand phaetons.

nearly new. first-close make: 7 new phaetons. two and three springs. two with leather cushions and batik's; 4 second-hand demoerat wagoust Spew do. 7 new open meondhand 1 platform sprine wagon.

Cortland make; 1 skeleton road wagon; 3 sulkies; I canopy-top basket 4 tweontihand top side-liar buggies. nearly new; 5 one-seat democrat wagons: 3 open side-spring top delivery and grocery wagons; 7 open delivery and express wagons. new and second-hand; and a large lot of even. hand such as coal and farm wagons. that must he oefore the st of next month; aim a large stoek of such as wcond-hatid buzif v.

new bugire. new dirtiblsi. second-hand tioutde Maness; also (arm and 'earn harnetot--in fact. all kinds of harness And anything In our line you can find here; home-blankets, ferretblanketa lap-robes. some cheap and A No.

1 girths. halters, buffalo-robes. etc. Money advanced. Will sell on montirle payments, and exchange.

Horsc s. wagona, and buggies let Mr the day or Remember the placeone him Muth of the Palmer B)urse. R. C. 240 and 251 stste-et.

90 NEAR woor)suITE GOrlD rooms. furnished. warmed; good board for two, $IO per week; also single room. 1 WEST PRETTY 110()M 1- to let. furnished.

en suite or single. with board; toe location; family small: terms moderate. North Side. :3 I LAROF ROOM OR SUITE of rooms handsomely furnished. with board; private faintly; references required.

yl I WO Rooms'. ELEGATLY ntsbed, modern Improvement: taole fir.t-eWv: pleaaant home for young gentlemen; terms ery reasonable. 4 GR ANGER-ST. 17TRN NITED OR UNFrri- nished rooms to rent with hoard; private family. 1 FrRNIsino room ST-TT AMY ir for two: aho a front alcove room unfurnished, except carpet and bedroom set.

with board. MITAT-M ARK FT WITH A FIVE-YEARS leabe of 2-wory house at $15 per month; tools and 1ximee8 complete: reason for selling. going West. PETEH SIIIMP, 1771 State-at. PARTY WITH A FEW HUNDRED 1)01-I, ARS Call get In a good paying business for the whiter, airesfly est abl a or ploaoTrapher preferred.

TRUESDELL BROWN. t. t. t. t.

t. to WEST RENT WITH 1, -LC, board to couple willing to pay a fair price for first-class accommodations.a nice front alcove room; no other boarders; references exchanged. 1799 WEST RENT, A SUITE of furnished rooms. with board. SHLAND- AV.BOARD AND THREE DELIG13Tit ful rooms.

furnished or unfurnished; all the modern Improvements: near street cars: no other boarders; will rent, for light housekeening; terms low. Address 35. Tribune office. 4 croon FOR A RINI NEsg Wrt if it 34 si cash to Inveat In a safe and profitable business already established. Call at 35 West Madison-at.

N.B. BEERS. rpwo CTIF AP HORSES FOR kLE. INQrIRE AT 584 before 7:30 a mor at ter 6 p.m. NN" ugunily tante stork of our own manufacture of pleasure and the quality of which is UT111rpaA.ed by any in the trade.

We also bave In frock elegant counes, brouebama. roetaways. and the celebrated Concord express wascons and trucks at moat retoiottable Drives; alAo. few rood seeond-hand phaetons and lingzies, and coupe rockaway cheap: an inspection solicited. PENNUIEtt CO.

390 to 396 RENT IN A PRIVATE AM5i-I fly. a pleasant room, all modern conveniencec furnished with or without board, 9 FINEIX-PPRNISIIE9 and third floor alcove chambers. with first-class table, to parties without chiblren.Near business. Pi', GRANT--PLACE. NEAR LIN-COLN PARRI have one suit of rooms to rent with board on the second.

or third floor. low to responsible parties; house with all modem improvements. COUNTILY REAL ESTATE. SALE-435 PER ACRE--18- ACRE FARM: all fenced; 40 acres fine timber; 13 head of bogs. sheep.

all the farm tools. crops. etc etc. house. barns, orebard.

water. and the hest of land, toree miles from Woodatock, Mellenry County. AU this for fi35 per acre. imiti, bottler unless you want tA) Iiiy. 3.01 ki down, balance 6 years.

$40 per acre--240-aere farm: boogie 10 rooms, fine orchard. water. 100 acres timber, 17 miles trom Chicago. in ll'ook Count y. Terms easy.

4.5,0-140-acre farm. 25 miles from Chicago, all fenced, and the best of land. It la worth $100 per acre near depot. T. B.

BOYD. Room 7, 179 Madison-it. 1-NR SALEBy .1. H. KEELER.

1(53 CLARK ST. I 140 acres 25 miles south 41 city. near depot; only $30 per acre; etedi and time-so acres 20 miles south of city well Improved; a decided bargain 70-acre farm one mile from Geneva. 70-aere farm near Grove. So-acre finely-improved farm in Buresm County.

Several tine farms in Northern Indiana. VOR SALE--FARNN-WE HAVE A LARGE NUM: I' ber of desirable farina for sale at lowest rates and on fermi; to soft. in Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska, and Texas.

Several splendid ranehes of from 500 to 3.tOti acres; 150. 000 scree choice Texas lands caret oily selected many years ago from the public nomain. and lucateti In old localit les. We are ant hordm 1 to make Sotin exchanges. I 1.I A lit L.

PIERCE I Real Estate Brokers.143 LaSalle-st. 13M4INESS MAN WITH fil.000 TO INVEST CAN secure 111 Interest In an established manufacturing business; onecial line of household furniture a mouoply; demand unlimited, GEO. HOLT, 35 West Madison-st. FLOUR STORE SOUTH WATER-ST. LOW rent: one who wishes to engage In such business will do well by addressing 85.

Tribune dice. SHLAN D- AV A N'D SPITE OE with board. to a enulde $50 a month; hoard, tre. light fur a young $5 per week. 4, Trthune.

PLEASANT ROOM WITH BEDROOM it connecting, each with a clothes-press: all modern Improvements, nicely furnished. with board; fine locality; ai4o a abide room for one gentleman. Address Di. Tribune Office. 1 CITY MEAL ESTATE.

SALE-BY T. B. BOYD. ROOM 7. 179 MADI- dil pio each-Half down.

2-story and basem*nt brtels dwelinge and lout 27s1ii5 each; houses stand Moue fr-a anatiear; tills is just what the houses were auctiond for 2 weeks ago under a mortgage: water. gas, hist5-roum; one block of street cars, us Irving. pee. 1.500-$1.000 down. 7-room eottage and lot Snx125, cot front.

On north of Thirty-lifth-st 7. alit give you oae lot 2.5zi25 If you will buy the cottage and lot. a snlendld 2-story and basem*nt 11.roonn modern brick- dsellitif and It 2'2117 5. east friint, on north of house bobeas. spaling tubes.

Lath. hot anti cold water, and is well built; this house and lot la worth 8,000 in good time. swo ner foot ft lot left 25x12l to alley. east front. on Etto.e...t., between Superior and this la vne of the ancat rr.i.ittent parts of the city; In good times Is worth 4250 per foot; you will never get another cnstice for such a bargain.

per foot-751 Hsi, east front. on corner Wabash-- ay. anti Forty-si 03-st. via) esch-3 tots on between Leavitt alio indipcy. fr.50-A aulendid 12-room brick dwelling and lot 24 WO.

on between Twenty-uintla and I tilr- i5.5Nice modern 10-room brick dwelling. brick tarn. and lot 221125. on Washington-at- near Wood. and dwelling over lot 241,10, corner and ineteentn-sts.

rents now $40 (this la a bargain). 0-A 2-story brick store and lot 25x135. south front. on liallson east of Leavitt. I VOR 500, I.

500 DOWN. BALANC rE- easy. one Of the handaoutest octR.gon stone front dwellings and lot on Ashiaud-av nouse is new and tour ev ry modern improvetuent. cost $-0100. and is just finished.

tlits Is one of tire greatest bargaina ever offred in this call at once and see IL T. B. BOYD. Room 7, 179 Madison-at. CDR SALE-BY STREET-- Jr BRA rivotta 71 A Sit- j- 4-Two-story frame house.25 foot bit and barn.

On near Thirty-first: very mat blirkplin. Lot! age and loL Langley-ay near ch ry-on-st. Brii house and lot. Johnson-place. 711rei brick houses on Welaiter-av.

All lege splendid ivetementa. A long Est of rare bargains in city and suburbs for sale and exchange. eALE-4 ELG EANT 13RICK Rrpuci S- sinh at a great bargain; I oreatigate. ADOLF IFILE. 150 Dearborn-at.

Room 19. SALE-141o- F. NEAR COTT AGE Grove-sc. and tile South Park. worth $350.

kpoLF REILE. 150 Room 19. INK SALE--Olt EXCHANGE-Fott NEW-YORK I or Brooklyn improved property. est and 66 COLE.

144 Dearborn-at. itji: SA1E-FINE STONE-FRONT ONCAII-MET: ay. and Thirty-second-St. for eitsv terms; egiat $4.500. J.

HENRY EOEF. 14 Reaper 'Block. Liiiit SALE-OIL EXCHANGE-FIVE DWELLINGS, 1: a to improve, will 15 to 20 per cent on price asked. Call at 155 Park-ay. VOR SALE--SEVER AL GOOD HOUSES ON NORTH 1F Side.

chap for cash and time. Call and see me befrre buring elsewhere. J. B. MALLERS, Room 5, lid Washington -st.

it SALE-LOT '20X100 ON BET twecti State anti Dearuorniternts half rash. balance us time to suit purchaser. Apply at 4i)3 Wabash-ay. 1-'OR SALE-MAKE AN OFFER FOR 80 FEET ON a corner of ougress-or. will se il half rfcei rare chante for cantialisia.

GRAHAM is KEL EY. 14O Msaison-at. Itoom 1. -POR SALE-A CHOICE LOT ON ITC NEAR la-Site. at S.A) per foal.

C. J. III MBLETON 14 Reaper Block 'ARCO STORE: OLD STAND; WILL SELL CHEAP Li for cash or part real estate. 92, Tribute office. TENT.

TINFT-RNTSIIFT). 1 a very pleasant front alcove room with all modern conveniences; aim) single room, with board. 9-1 AV.FrENTISHED ROCAIS WITH or without hoard; 'Imo. day board. Reference.

1 0 RENT WITH FIR I class a suite of front rooms; also a south room. for two gentlemen. NI7IINTFR YOUR HORsFS AT TTIF 1RFST CON- strueted. most reliatue, well recommended. and cheapest to.rse winte-resort in Cook County; the Proprietor nights' nesoonsib'e: all horses retched and delivered tree of charwe: St and I- rsil Per "reek.

For Particulars apply to owner. P. 1.14 HIT- iiT 93 Wegt northwest corner of Jere-Am'. where all Orders for horses receive prompt attention. Nir ANTEDA WAGON SUIT AGLE FOR RACLIN tallow.

Address 7L Tribune WANTFOFOR CAitit. 2 LARGE HORSES OR, 1 mules. 40t1 West 1111111S01)-13t. DRUG STORE FOR SALE ON SOUTH SIDE AT A bargain for cash. Good reasons given for sailing.

Address 36, TriOune office. 1145 AND 1147 SEAR I II I wanted horses to winter. Bugs Oeti stored free of charge; have romn for 50 huggiest 14 large box stalls and 55 open stalls. 5 feet wide: warm lots for bases run In. The fact, that food is (meat" all comes front the farm, and costs bat the rng: I shall winter and board grocers tritek.

and work horses from Sim, ern. Ills and $le per month: the best care of things left in my care. Horses clipped by an expert at $3 per bead. DICK WHITEHEAD. Proprietor.

BARGAIN IN HOR SES. CARRIAGES. AD it buggies: livery stock must he (osed ont: 10 good business or buggy horses from 5341 to AS: all are reliable and speedy; also the well-known little handsome trotter Mollie. can trot a mile in 2,17 moss only $115: cost $325; also a chunky work-home. a little sore.

for V15. Call at 371 West Fifteenth-1st block east of Blue to-day or during tbe week. 4 WORK. HORSE: GOOD CON dition: without a fault; express wagon. good as new; must sell; wlil sell separate: young, fresh milehcow.

te. yes 17 quarts per day: dyear-old hay horse. 1050 lh s. sound. clever safe driver.

suitahle for family; use any trial. 3443 near Twenty-ninth-st. NEAR UNION PARKTO RENTTO TOCNG married couple trst-class furnished south front room, with boArd. in a stractiv private family. Address 92, Tribune Mee( VC THE WEST STDEFRONT ALCOVE ROOM.

1 hack suite, and two sintrie rooms: parties who are willine to pay can have the comforts of a home and good table. Address 64, Tribune office. Von BARTENDERS OR GOOD OYSIERM t' First-class chance to enter in a solid and old estabiished buAness In very central location; can be kept nnen nay and night. Must be able to Invest $600. Address 23, Tribune office.

1 'NORTH DEARBORN-- AV. TO TIVNT Jtt hoard. a larsre. nleelv-turnighed room, hot and cold ester, and all modern conveniences. 919 RENT Filowr ANT) back narlors.

with marble mantel and yast terms very reasonable; bath room, hot and cold water, 0001) FAMILY 110ThiE OR PARSE sold boozy for good clear suburban lots. GAIINER. L-01 La 'Room 4. VOR 4j FOR EXCIT ANGE-1MPBOVED AND unimproved and In Kansas. Nebraska.

Arkansas. Texas. and Missouri. and other States. 2340 city prooerty.

Dealers In city. couni y. and town bonds. 3 West Madlson-st. N.

B. BEEBS A CO. von SALEOR EXCHANGETO HOTEL MEN U' Furniture of a hotel at a State capital of 20.0000 inhabitants; long lease: a bargain for a good hotel man. Address 47, Tribune office. South Side.

PARK ROWTO RENT. NICE FURNISTIED (-1 rooms, wit board. 11 FLIT DESIRABLE ROOMS. with board; private family. WANTFOTIIE rst? OF A HORSE FOR THR hoard; will Rive good care.

Apply to Lmpire Bedstead 3.S3 West Madiaoust. DT-RING THE WINTER FOR keeping. or NON rav small bonus; bevy of Apply at 177 Walnut-st. OR SALEA 1711T-CLASS STOCK olr GROCER- ls. Including horse and wagon; no fltures; ha I good i ash trade one of the very best locations.

Address() 74, Tribune office. r011 SALEbik)-AClig IOWA FARM AM) 200- 2 acre farm in Illinoi at prat bargains. Also. farms in ii.Vnels 7and adjoini States for sale and exchange. MA' c() I vs RilOrn 2.

.2 Lnqalle. I l'CTION SALE OF BITGGIE. ET 7... daily at 2 rt. rn-.

Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a. m. A Patent wheel top buggy for sale chesp. 271 West 4 FIRST-CLASg CONCORD TOP BUGGY, COAN At Tenbroeke mike: a light delivery, and 4 open very cheap: horse. harness, and covered wagon for $35.

llig West Lake-st. 1:41011 SALECDF.APCANDY AND STATIONEllY I store. 265 West near school; teatiOn for selling, owner going East. AVANTEDA LIGHT PANEL BOX COVERED DE1 liverywagon; must be chum. Addrots 31.

I FLEMIDGE-COVRTFT-E0 A NT vrtzNi SITED rooms. Ingle and en suite, hot and Cold water; first-elass table board. TWENTY-creOND-ST. TO REST WITH It board. plesAant room.

Ronal front suitable for two gentlemen; also single room. Tribuue oilice. 999 EAT OH AN 4.. ni3Oid front rooms. two parlors, furnished, with or without hoard; prices reasonable.

999 A ItOtxEWITH ern imnrovements. a desirable room for a gentleman sol wifo or two gentlemen: also a single room; good table; references. ')9r ONT LARGE REArTIFT-T. furnished TO.OTT1 closet hot and cold water: good table; at very reasonable terms. 9 I 0 PEA1R(IR- AV.COMFORTABLE SUITE of rooms.

nicely includirm secoort story front. with hogril. for rentlerisn wife or two or three gentlemen; very pleasant location. 9in AST 'VDT A.N grITE Olr SOVTII front rooms suitable for three or more; also 2 single rooms. AITANTEDA SOVND SET OF OrtILE kn neA.

tor heavy Aoniv to W. LITTLEJOHN. Thirty-ninth-st. sad Vincenne4-av. )11 SALE--ONE OF THE BEST ESTABLISHED cloth grocery stores: sufficient reason Will be given for selling: folly cash ran buy It; no agents need auply.

Address 44 37, Tribune dice. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED-1 HAVE CALLS EVERY DAY 'EMI property. promo divelPngs. and iota.

in ilifferent rams of city. 'parties wanting to seli iow for cash please call on T. H. Room 7. 179 Mai.tipon-at.

Air ANTEDTO NEGOT1 ATE FOR THE prucliAsE of a brick dwelling 'rif not less than ten rooms, with modern improvements and convettlent streetcars. Address I 1 Tribune UCTIONI StLES OF HORSFS. F.X I press and groeery wagons. single and double harnesses. etc.

Tuesitlys. Thursdays. sad tsatnrdsys. coin- nvuleing at10 a. at WHEN; toq and stock on hand Rt private sale.

Axrt vunNh giving good on suburban real estate for five months. Address (4 93, Tribune odice. 1 TrE, wittr trat.Tcraansi board. ANT) IR EAST SUITES 1 and sin ele rooms with hoart; fire. water.

and gaa In rooms: baths, $.3 to and $7 per week. OR SALEOWING TO POOR 'HEALTH BY THE owner. a quarter Interest is offered in the Frost Manufacturing Comnany of Galesburg III. a general foundry and ntschine business. been In successful for twenty-two years.

Address the Frost Manufacturing Company. Galeshurz. III. IITANTFD--TO RVY, A CHEAP WORK-TEAM; halt down, balance in monthly payments. Address L422 Indiana-ay.

GOOD, KIND GRAY MARE FOR SALE CH l', I or will trade for turnit are. Call Monday at 289 Alilwan kee-av 4 TTENTI ON ATTENTION WAG( )N-1. new and ecohd-thutd. tor sale cheap corner Canal and Adams-sta. 9 1 CI itsT BoARD AT PIM 1,7 $350 rer week- 3( 140t VNT kVA- ntshed south front room; good table.

reasonable. inRooms AST II A with or without board; all modern improvements. Ork AST FROST A-4 room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. with board. rk 0 AK- AV.

--FFTCCISTIED OR UNFFTINIsTIEll rooms with board fur gentleman and wife or yonag gentlemen. VOil SALE A FINELY FITTED-VP RESTA15- I' rant. with dining-rooms attaebed, doing good bustnesqt will be sAti for half its real iow rent terms easy. Apply In No. Itit East Adams-st- VOR SALKPART INTERT IN AN ESTAR- 1' businetwt staple article: renrel: investigation requested.

Address (..1 7,3. Tribune office. .11 rtTrE1 Fat -BOA BIT bilitv and care. Address PARSONS. 428 Lumber-st.

V1 TANTEDTo HIRE A 110RSE FOR THE WIN: ter. cheap: kind treatment cuaranteed. Address ROBERT S. NICHoLSON. 32 South tirren-st.

co nGOOD gOUND HORSE. BrGGT. ANT) ARD LI1P neKK only tt40 If taken to-day. 3909 corner Thirty-ninth-Kt. KY KIND OF NEW HAND-sIADE HARNESS TO exelilmze for coat.

furniture. groceries. or dry goods. ti4. Tribune office.

THE PRICE. NEW AND SECOND11 hand top bupwte s. one new phaeton. and road at 44 FliOVT Prio Ma To 01; Pi rent with twoird for nentleman and wife or two gentlemen; also, one back room. 9 TNDT PLE A ANT FTIVIIF11 ST: lt or unfurnished room with or without AV ANTEDF.0PC CASHIA LOT WITH OR Wan- oill a house.

north of Twenty-seventh-st. between State wad CAI Addresa 4. Tribune A nkti; Tan Id ON 0 ay. assume lneumbrance and pay balance in first-class. clear solturhan lots Als t.

a barge in An a house and two or three hos worth $2. too to cash. STICET 71 Washington-at-- 1-toom 4. ANTEDHOUSETWO-STORIES AND BASET mein brick or stone. In tieturaule neightterinsd; ray part cash or assume inentlibranee.

atd for the dilIerJnott in value five a very beam ifol rtundenee at Oak Park. near the depot. with lot loov165, thielt set with fruit and ornamental trees. W. FIERcE Leal Estate 143 LaSalle-st.

WANTEDA -PARTY FROM llOgTON to boy from 1 ttou to motto Beres of good Western land; lots the cash In and will investigate anyt presented; all communications strictly eonft lal, rive logationi must have a bargain- 27, Tribune Moe. Nal kt.FCHEAP FOR CASHON SOUTH SIDE anitly grocery stock and tistur s. two horses and wagons: store Is well Milli0Pd and doing a good busi goal chance for any one wanting a business. Ad Ire 63, Tribune office. LOST AND FOUND.

BET, THE BEST DELIVERY it in town. Painting and repairing. Tiros set for cents. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAit LIN'S, 47 9 to 9 Mt TO-qT.

PLY, kg SO FRONT. h) we11-furniQhP4 room for sinzie person, with hoard. Terms mo4erate. VOUNDON WEST A No ft WIT. I Owner can call on C.

A. MORSE, jeweler, 223 West Maclison-st. wart BOARD, AT moderate price. References. 91 FAT HOUSE': I best sinzie rooms snd board in city for $5 to $7 per week; restaurant tickets, 2.

I meals. $4. PECK-CoURTNICELY FURN II ISHED FRNT 3, and rear rooms on nrst and second floors, single or en suite, to rent with board. ROOM OR ACK parlor suit to rent with board reasonate t-n-rns. conveniences.

Small private family. LANGLEY- NV.VERY FINE FRONT ROOMS I with or wit-hoot board. 971 NORTH Cl ST-IT O. 12--To RENT. I tnrni.bei frmt and bed-room to one or two gentlemen; no othor boarders.

NICE. STYLISH FItit SALE, it or eyclIance for gent's watch or diamonds. Address 67, Trihune office. 4.ITIIE WROLE INTEREST IN A LONG- establish-d produee ennimisalon bu-iness: city and country tradn tor cash or will 'trade; tory -easons tor withdrawing. Address 7d.

Tri hone ()Moe. VOR ktE-13(01KSToilF, sn SOUTH stock and fixtures. either the whole or in lots to milt customers. OsTLAqT SUNDAY, FROM 65 NEAR 14 North Wells. a brown Scotch terrier dcor tfetualet.

about 6 months old. with a tesiner collate on. The tinder will be suitably rewarded. ttSTAT HALL. SATURDAY A7tIOAT.

A a purse containing a small sum of monev. rsitroatt tiket. and pars. Please return to Cashier Record-ere office. $3 Madison-sr.

Ut()ARDINGA InD RELIABLE PLACE. AN I) It good earn; i win take 50 hor.les to winter st ner week. gran. end the sante liberal terms with: good shelter and plentv of good feed. Address DANIEL KELLEY.

Wheaton. hi -1LA- )IISALEFOlt EESi Tit AN THEY CAN BE built. three 12-roout brick houses on and six with 9 mount on Weat Ada tiot-st. all new, wit sti the latest improvement: terms easy. ABNER TAYLOR.

Room 3, 78 Dcartorn-at. von SALE--A LIME. WELL-BUILT -PRICK thaw. cueing on corner lot 2.3 ft. front ott ioryttrwt we.t of tlummv traolc; will be sold very low 11 for at once.

77, Tribune UOR SALEB ALASLOTS ON WEST POLKf st $1,40 each', lot4 corner Eiglreenth-wt. nod near fig.len-av well-bnitt p-room house. lot, and oarn on But teractd-st. north of raved street. worth aill elear; etaly Sioney to man un real "tate P.

BALDWIN, 78 Room I. ALECHOICE LOTS-50 FFET on near Twenty-whith-st. eait front. 40 feet on jut north of fan frcnt. too fect corner Michigan-ay.

ani at front. CO feet corner Wabash-ay. and anti twoith Apply to JOLLN P. ous(xEtL wa.iAn,..,ton-ta., Room 7. NIT ANTEDONE AEGE AND ONE SMALL farm for dm0ral 1 evv prpertT.

all or address D. W. i LDRED. O. 4 4100!) HOME FOti! TWO TorNG :1 im-stion on North nefar bTOneas eentre; mosv deairsbip room in bonqe of il molern im.rovem.nt,: first-095K; torn resmnabie.

Address, stating' references, 59, Triblne oftlee. VERY DESIRABLE NFIGTIBORROOT) ON: I North Sido. twvard for ef.ntierrilln awl 1We. In orivat family: re given and resluired. Address 91, Tribune office.

UDR SALESTORE rixTrREs. STORE FOR rPnt: hest corner on We At Side for or any other businoss. Address iSrk Tribune office. r7i) FAST VAN NEAR STATE pleasant front rooms. nicely furnished; good board if desired; terms to snit the times.

UDR SALEA. COFFEE-HOUSE AND HESTAIIIU rant In centre of city. with tit-A-claw' cu.torn, ADoLF HEILE, 19. 61 A SANT ROOMS a and board. Dav-boarders wanted.

I owrON NEAR CIIICAG4)- A a black Finder will be rewarded by returning to 44 Wabash-ay. 1: AM) WHITE ST. rilAP.I,ES SPAN- I lel him 3 mon, hi oil, and a yellow and white English setter Wsoo 18 weeks uld, from de Nortit Ann-at. A reward will be given. ANTIpTWO LOTS IN BLOCK 27.

SDEF- reld Addmom for all east'. HARVE1 T. WEEKS, tA Washington-st. WANTEDA TIOVSE AND LOT WORTH FROM $2 410.) to S5.ts frame preferred: will pay all cash. Address 69.

Tribune office. ANTEDA CHOICE PIECE OF DITSINESS OR 1V residence property on Rest Sete. worth A.o0() to $7.000: pay in some A 1 tannery stock and cash. Addreais al, Tribune office. 14ft PLEAS ANT ANT) WELL- fornishekl rooms to rent cheap, with or with 1:011 SALEI likVE A FIELD OF CABIA 101.F at I cent a head would amount to about $30o: I will take for it $3 J.

Parties wishing can have the priviiege of buying on the field. W. L. SAMPbON. Forty-fourth-st.

and Ashland-ay. EIOR SALETITE PROPERTY OF A MEItellANT who is leaving the city on aceonnt of having. 111- health; 3 One Is a bay Ilamtiletonian horse. 6 years of age. 1V4 hands high.

with a on flowing mane and tail and four black legs. he Is stoutly built. he la very speedy. be Is seared of nothing, and stan wit hop tying and is warranted sound; also. one good worg horse.

in single or double. and 5 years of age. and one rangy stylish black horse; he is a good business, family. or coupe horse. is fl year, of age; also.

one coupe with pole and shafts. and 2 eyeelient top imegies, and double harne-a. blankets. and everything complete. and a fresh mileb cow with a rail' 3 weeks old, to give from 16 to t-ri quarts of milk a day; will sell separate or together at a saerlice.

Antly at No. la between MiehIan and Walnisti-a out board. 1 7 Iv a 117 ries mDEZ Te. FIRST-CLASS 1 8 ti IT OSTPorKtrrtooK. ern CONTAININC4 14 anout $13 awl swine The tinder w1I be liberfifly rewentd I retorinn it to Mho e.1.1,11:; at 394 Thiny-tbirki-st.

SALEA COTTAGE AND LOT. ONLY Von; must he seld st once, owner is leaving city. A Plwl fl second door from Indiana J. BRADLEY. WANTEDCORNER LOT SO TO WO FEET, WEST to move row of 2-story and basem*nt houses on.

South Jefferson-st. OW 'WORTH SIDE, A with hoard for marriod couple. or twci sinrie private family; no other hoarders. Address 62. Tribune office.

TARGR ROOM TIANDQOMFLY rUircistiFy) and having' all modern eonveniences; also sinizi, room with location COnVATliont and very desirable. Address for three days, 38, Tribune. yrwo GENTLF 'HEN CAN FIND GOO! TABLE board by addressing for three days. act. Tribune.

"IWO OR A St A RltIED COT-my i can be fitrakhcci with a rood home on the Vorth Side; terms reasanable. Address 57. Tribune office. WANTEDBY A Tol-NO CoPPLETWO Ort three gentlemen boarders. Pleasant TOOMS and good table.

Address 1. Tribune Mee. PEW ARDTOgT FROM BARN IN REAR OF 7. 58 noon Park-plsee. Omit two weekA 1110.

ono Fo.71i.h terrier pup. about 2'. mom b. wnite, eloose-cruppel. C.

II. LACK. loa East VOIL SALEA FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE AND It' retail hmainess, consisting of a confectionery, baSery: will take part in Iowa lands. Apply to L. E.

INGALLS, dotieL AU. SALEGOODWILL. FliTtIZES. TOOLS. and splendid stock of stoves on commiasion- in Rtore in one of the best ad most central business locations in the city.

To a good party arrangements will he made by party sebinz to continue the agency without his beind olillutated to buy all of the stock. This is a rare o7iportunits- for steppinz into a good business. APPlir WM. L. PILILCE at real-estate agents.

141 and 143 LaSalle-at. 7 TI LOT ON ktF NEAR iT Thirty-tft-h-sti. or In g.00d loc- at Ion- near ibat vie-lo- fty- slate lowest tern. I ill pay strietiy cash; must be a 3 3. Tribune Wee.

OR friLEExPnr.s.s-w GON, $25; BUGGY, $25; harness, $5. Rootra 41 Dore Block MICHIG MINUTES' WALK front Ma nfrelv furnished rooms, with fire and first-class board; f5.50 to 6 per week. 9 a ROOMS, ryfi nialleci or with board; reasonable terms. -v FEET FRONT- lutFana and 400 feet south of ledisrs-av. and Fifty-first-at.

bor.e-car wUl net gout md on easy terms. Apply to E. W11.1.1A.116. 1011 SALEAT GREAT SACRIFICE. TIII.FE LOTS and one house.

12. 14. it Gold-at. Apply at 263 Forquer-at. noAnnING AND LODGING.

6)Q 9 MICTIM AN- AV.GOOD ROOMS AND BOARD at reformable rates for the winter. uon SALEONE SECOND-RAND 5-GLASS AUNdau in good order. 35 East up-stairs. VOR SALEON WEEKLY OR MONTHLY AY-I mentsTop and ()Two buggies; too and open wagons of every kind and for every business that you mat want to sail into: wiil sM at cost or less for ail work warranted at the sale. M.

O. HULL, corner of Areher-av. and Bushnell-mt. PL1AAST. utelv furnished front room; ate back room to rent, with board.

at moderate price. voR REASONS MADE KNOWN. I AM COMPELLED to dispose of a very profitable, money-making business; $W) reonlred; will remain with the oureh4ser a month without pay. For particulars call at ttoom 79. nxitNrS ITOrqr.

COIOTER CANAL ANT) I Pourd. i.r,o; fir.te!nolq boird. with wood room. $5 to ir P.16 vrePtr. rise board.

$4 50: loch-fires. so rents. Good front rooms to rent. with or without hoard. nese Side.

Et) OR PARTLY FURnbihed rooms to rent, in suites or single. Also day boarders accommodated. 11 AVDSOM FITRN moms, en suite Or sinzle, with or without board. 'NORTH SANG AlION-ST--Goor) Accommo- -1- dation for one young laly at $4 a week; with modern improvements. of piano.

VOR SA-LEBLACK MARE- 5 YEARS weints pounds; warranted; will sacrifice her. Barn 199 near EnUey-st 309 FURNISHED ROOMS' to board, for single gentlemen or couple; terms moderate. 90,01 ABAsH. Y-0 suite of rooms; algo stncle rooms. heated; boost.

and table day boarders accommodated; references excbanged. 1.7011 ALFA ((()I) PAYING SALOON ON THE t4-1e. or a half-interest in a No. 1 saloon on the North Gout reasons fur selling. Address 107 Chicago-8m.

corner Sedgwlek. 1, -1 OR SALECHEAP-1 GOOD, GENI HoESE. lit for lady to drive. $50. and 2 Der buggies, at 66 Michigan-st.

PLEAS kNT FURNISHED It room with trst-elaas board. Terms low. rOARD and room for two; also day boarders wanted AM ATECTI PRINT- j4 ing oitice; cost $175; take $OO Address 21, Tribune office VOR SALEON NORTH 4ti FEET frott by 10 deep; easy terms. Apply or address 127 Vlucennes-av. VOR SALE-53x125 FEET ON SOUTHEAST COR1: ner of Indiana-ay.

and Thirty-fifth-st. (Douglas rseei. This is the tnioit desirable location In the 'South Ditision for Nock of retail l'rice. 8S, A ppiy to JOHN P.

OLINGER. 58 Room 7. VOR, SALEA STONE FRONT ON ASHL.AND-AV. for ha tbe coat of the building. or will trade for whisky.

Address Tribune (once. t'011 SALEON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. OR EX-change. a good eiedit-room house. with barn and larze grounds.

at Wicker Park; a line hou ne-foorth Lock at Maywood; a nice and 2i1 or 52 feet front West and a live-room cottaze on a large lot northwe.t corner of Arnold and thirtythird-At. 8 tuft. Tribune office. L'OR sALESsoo DOWN. Two-sToRy AND DAcE- 1' ment -brick house.

For terms Inquire at 861 WeSt JSrkA01-Et. EloR SALEA CAR-LOAD OF RORiES THAT I' will arrive at 12 oelock to-day; thee are all sizes anti all prices; trial giVen with each call if you want the worth of your money. 19d near Loomis. OSTON rranky EVENING. () betwem Twcift it anti Raton-doh.

or in an Etrnss'an tr-11 locket containing hair. A liberal rewsrd will be given on its return to lira. G. M. HELL State-st.

OST A NEWFOUNDLAND PT-P. NE A litY IA grown. black. with white nu. tip of feet and tail.

A suitable reward will lie raid for returning him to 322 We Madison-at. OsTPitYSIV71 A NS DIARY. LARGE SIZE. ANY I one linaltm the above and it at Room 137 East Ma.lisou-st.. will be rewarded.

F. R. IVES. OSTEARP.ING (EN VS1 ELFA. ON AST A day vicinity of 1I ated-iti.

bei wren Polk end Congres-i-st, A reward will be paid at 271 South Morgan-st. WARD--N EV'''. CORNER 11 ANDOLFIL IA et. and a ring. Fiwicr will reek ive above re ard -turning r2 OSTRETNTERN SIXTEENTH AND TWI7N4 on the Michigan Cent rat Railway track.

an onyx ear-ring. Finder will receive a rtwird. 564 litchLran-av. CTOEENAVILL PAY $2.1 FUR RETCHN OF 3 coats stolen from 2tio South Canal-st and no questions asked. Address 1 lit, Trihnue office.

CTOLENF11011 73 NORTH ON-Ear awl tifit coat, containing several books. and eitzar case- Ntr. please ret urn the looks lib and (Azar case, and you may keep the coats. Will ask no questions. REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF articles taken from 213 Aanland-av.

last Thursday evening 9119 MTrTIIG AV- AV.FRONT ROOMS, SINGLE ej and en entre, with board. -10it MICIIIGAN--IV. ANDSOMELY FUR- 1 nished extensive room on minor floor, with TytOWNT'S HOTEL. 'Zift rooms.a1,11 hoard. $3.

t5.50, $6 per week; rooms without board. 12.50 and $3. 1ILKlIFNCL-11017SE. 351. A.XD scate-st.

corner ltarrlsonWell.fornished rooms. with first-class boird. $1.50 to 2 ver dstit per week, E43, $7, and table board. per week. OPT A' HOTEL.

52 '411Eint kli-sT CH TC AGt rsonened and newly-furnishedPatties Whiling' hosrri will find it to their advantws to call. as they will be accommodated with firstrises rooms and board on ressonable terms. Day-board cheap. Ladies accented on reasonable terms, witb all home comforts. NOT'sE.

172 NORTH BEArrs A tifol stilts of front rooms; also an RiOnve on narlur fioor, with first-class board. Lest of references. 161 ABERDEEN-ST. NICELY FUTOCISILED 2 front rooms. with or without board.

board. 110R PALEMEAT MARKET ON MAIN THOlt oughfare. West Side. doing good cagh business. Good reason for selling.

Address 7. Tribune OR PALEA FINE SALOON RFSINESA, DES' mirth loented near the Board of Trade. now doing fair business. Terms chew', and easy. Must, sell this week.

owing to stekneagt and other business. Address I 13. Tribune dice. tioa ILOR EXCHANGEA HACK, IN 6009 11 condition. at a bsrgaInt have no use for It 152 Dearborn-IL.

Room 22. von ALEWE HAVE A vEnv FINE 11.0A064TER 1 for sale civ.qn; comes from trotting stock and is very speedy. Telegraph Stanles, 2o0 Arrade-eourt. WAD A NEAR BlIsIVESS 41-r trictThree pleasant rooms with board. one 1:1120 parlor for gentleman and lady or 2 gents; terms reasonable: all modern Improvements.

43p WAR A ARGE FURNISHED ROOM, 0 sccond door, with board. Al IC IG ROOMS, MP furnished or unturni-hel. with first-cia-s board: also day board; all modern Improvements; VOHSUEOF EXCHANGEONE GOOD 110 AD mare and top buggy, harness. Address or esti 217 Vest well' h-st. La Olt SALEA NEAT LITTLE CIGAR STORE.

cheap for mall. Apply at No. 9 Exchange-place. SALETHE PEST PAYING CASH GRWERY on the south Side; only small capital required. G.

S. 14 9 Room 9 1 7 NEAR JEFFERSON PARKONE I very desirable large back room. newly furnished. hot and mid water. board; terms low.

911 ROOMS TO RENT. wan board. Terms 'moderate. 9rk NORTH RUE EAST room, furnished or unfurnished. suitable for two geutlemen, with board.

Private 9 1 A tiEEPEEN-sT. NICULY FURNISHED ad-t front rooms. single or en suite. 'Moderate prices to permanent parties. Nyith first-class board.

94 ABE LAROE ROOM. WITH closet. to gentlemen, or maa and wife, with board; $10 rer week. I FRONT ROOM TO I 'V rent with board: terms moderate. TflVT 11017,47..

219 ANT) 221) $1.50 per day. $5 to $7 per week. Table hoRr fe 3.75: hoard for the wintor at special rates; strictly fl rst FOR SALECHEAP-2 PAIRS' OF FINE MULES'. 2 ponies. 2 phaetons.

2 light wagons and harness of an kinds. at 70 South SALEONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN the city. new stone front house: elifill(teliCrti. for. ItaCe.

modern improvements. paved streets; must be ioL GroL.I.D. 12 Mecormick Block. Volt SALECOTTAGE OF SIX POONIS NEAR r-N1- Park. lot to alley; two-story frame house.

ten outh lot 1.0,7h of Van MUSE be sold at a 12 McCormick BLock to a EAST OF WEF.T1. ers-mv. 50. or 75x1041 feet; very low. Several very thestraCde residences on the even near some good uargains.

1. W. 132 pOR SALe.Goon BROWN HORSE, CAN TROT I tn one lance brown mare; a cheap pair of ponies, E. C. AN THON A 1s3 HOTFL.

1451 AN-ni 'fro WAMActf- vt (AAR 'hoar I and cool rooms ct.541 Per day: Poardera for the winter wantel at very low rate. without board, E2 to 4 per week. crirtnoN-corrr noTEL. 503 AND 5115 WEST wltr ploasant furnished rooms; table first class; terms reasonable. 7-1 A A SOMF1X I ni.ived front rims: exPellent heard: hot and cold it-ater and all modern rid ate family.

481 BOARDERS WANTED. 499 MICHIGAN-AV. NICFLY FURNIglIED rooms with first-class board from 4 to $5 tier week. SALEA IliFstril OFNT At. OFFICE 1 and practice.

within fifty miles of portalation. 3.14tot oniT Mee: Holly water-workit Satisfactory reasons for Beijing Out. Address 14. Tribune. 111011 SALEOR EXCHANGESTOCK AND Fly.

i' tures of an established sadtP.ery and harneiol the most complete and eleirant assortment this he Of New York: all Pew and clean stock. Cash inventory between and choice locat ion on thoroughfare of the city Ill-health forces me to give no hasiness; will Bell for cash a4 it stands. good will included. or exchange for unineumbered improved city property. Call or address J.

C. SAMPSON Leal Estate and Renting Ageney.144 LaSalle, Otis Block rflAKEN VP. AT 14A Nt1RTII A large ox. Owner can have It by proving property and paying charges. REWARD AND NO FOR THE return of the watch end chain taken on wit1.a,h-av.

cars between Van Buren sixteenth-eta. on iNaturday. Nov. 3. Address i.

Tribnne AND SINGLE rooms. with board. VOR SALE-13 HEAD OF WORKING IloRSES; 1: prices from $25 to $75. Call to-day and Monday. at 223 West Tweifih-st.

UOR SALEA LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEComl-hand tmggtes at low prices. E. C. IlAYDE, 731 and 733 State-lit. IN0q0lt ROUSE.

17s1 OPPOITTE Palmer limiseNbelv fornisbPd r00111111. with bgard; day-board 14 per week; meals 2 5 cents WBAZHAV. DESIRABLE ROOMS TO rent with board. a ADA-ST TIFTWREN MADTsON AND WASH-'it UP ingtoni4dite of TOOITIS, coneisting of lack parlor and bed-roonl, nicely furnished. to rent with board.

FLIZ NICE FURNISHED LOON( 'IL I with board and modern improvement. r. 1 1 WAB NSH- AV.PLEASANT ROOMS, SIN- 1 gle or en suite. with hoard. GENTLEMEN CAN Po Pt, nnd nrst-elass board and room in private family.

HORSESA CAR-LOAD tliF HolisES AT MY stables. Nos. 360 and 362 Nitwit) drivers. and 3 matched pairs. one No.

I coupe horse and one pair mules. 2.200 These horses and mules are from Trenton, Mo. Country. TIOARDING FOR GENT AI) WIFE WITH 1) private family at Englewood. Superior aecommodations at very reasonable rates.

IOC Tribune ()thee. TN FVANSTnNA NICE. SMALL FAMILY CANN obtain a nice boarding place by addressing Tribune office. SEW( MA(III NES A WPEELER WILSON SEWING MACHINE ANT) mini: mull anti earl'. very near iww.

to be boid cheat) for cub. Appir at 85 Wet adison-st. 1-7, on sATEOVI7 I top In fine order, one-third value. 4122 V. iseksoli-bt.

47 SOUTH ASHLAND- A V.BOA 11D AND VERT desirable room. Everything first-elas LIOR SALEOR XCIT 1 home4 centrally locared. with riti feet inCIIITImince -t700, due in 2 Years. Will sell equity for eipsh week at a kkacritice. or would take par; cRl1 and talanee in dianionca or similar personal prOperty.

PrPpertr now paying 10 ptr cent On value asked. Ad-Ire! 22. Tribune oMee. L'OR SALEAT A SACRIFICENICE FRAME, brick basem*nt residence: furnace. bath: fine WO cathlu balance time.

Ad-teas .:6, Tribune Mee. VOR SALEA 2--FORT STONE-FRONT DWELL' lug. with lot 37,.012.5 feet arpt a rood barn, near tqrner tipeoln and for S. 61 Dearborn-sr. '1-1 NEAR -Y Handsome furnished front room.

with board, at low figures. L7011 FINEST SINGLE AND DOUBLE PoRTLAND cutters and lowest prices go to BATIIAWAVS, eo State-st Q----SOFTH IMEAR MA.D1SON L1 Firsi-ciss4 aecommodations tor a few gentlemen anti their wives or sinole gentlemen at reduced rates. Miscellaneous. MHE IRVING IFIVSE. 21s will take for the winter a few families and twenty Ongle gentlemen at very low rates.

strictly first-elass. VOit SALEOH WILL EXCHANGE FOR GOOD wark. horse, one good double wagon with coat-box. 440 Weat Madison-at von LEFIRST-CL kSS DOMESTIC SEWING machine cheap: coat $60. t.1 72, Tribune unice.

rf, )1t GOOD NEDTT-m sFw bur maelline In perfect Order. for t10 malt. can at 293 south Halsted- at. 58 1 TO REST, WITH RENT WITH BOARD, bandbomely-furnished front room in private family. FOR SALECHEAP FOR CASRSALOON DOING a cpiod business.

Apply at 127 Fifth-ay. Eloit SALEA RARE CHANCEGROCERY AND saloon on corner: must be sold: cheap for cash; going to Europe. Address 54. Tribune othee. LIOR ALEPRODUCE COMNItsi-AoN BUSINEs.

eatabilshel eight years. on South splendid chalice; other business requires immediate attention. 'V 69. Tribune Mee. -volt SALEA SALOON DOING A yowl Tftying h'Isinesq.

ReaziOn for aellinx. the owner wish 's to go to Florida for his health. Address 35, Tribune office. 17 OR SALECHEAP-1'O1K PEDDLERS RIG AND route. 703 near Twenty-second-fit.

VOR SALE RESTAUR ANT. GOOD LOCATION I and bu-iiness. very chean for cash; last chance; 10111St be sold hefore 12 tn. Monday. Reason, leaving city.

Apply at 234341 South State-at. UOR SALEONE OF THE BEST LITTLE HORSES 1 In the city. Call at 193 East WaohlagIon-st 'Loom 10. T. T.

FURLONU. RAVE A le MAellfxr, ntooly new. whieli I will exchan ut. for dry iewelrv. fart 'tura.

or carpaa. Apply or addreaa loo4 West Mad 4Q SOCIII RENT. A 0 front sleove room. handsomely furnished. with board.

also single rooms. SOUTH ROOMS P-r wi ft board. hot and cold water. privilege of batnroom. One door from Madison-st.

7 9 WEST MONROE-ST. FIRST-CLASS DAY board $.3 per week'. (IQ A411LAND SECOND DOOR SOTH OF Yk furnished rooms on third poor, with board and tire, at very lowest terms; all comforts and conveniences uott SALT'EXPRESS WAGON CONCORD AXLES. patent wheels. nearly new, with barness, for $65.

In rear 1498 Af FIRST ill; reference. 941. Tribune HOARD WANTED. 1)0ARDBY A (OUPLE. NICE.

QUIET. AND I cory quarters for the winter: with widow lady where there are no other boarders preferred. 10 minty ea' walk from Post-Ottice. Address. for two days.

5. Tribune. FTRNISH1 ed rooms. StriErle or en suite. for gentlemen; breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner if desired; references.

P1 9 FUR010 ntshel rooms, modern ronvenieneeS, with first-class board; family small. Billiard room. roH SATEAT A DECIDED BAEGAINA STONE 1 float house on east of Union Park. Piision given. Aiso corner house.

east of the park, -wing for 11 per cent. H. C. 3101EY. Clark-at.

roR SALKBRICK STORE ON SOUTH WATERY st renting tor over 10 per cent tat value. h. C. MOREY, St5 clark-at. WILL FAX CASH FOR ANY IcUMBER 01? StnePrmaehine.t.

If cheap. Loan Mee, 125 litstm 2. up-stairs. VOR HORSES AND BUGGIES Fon A farm 25 miles from Court-House. or hodPe lind lot on south Side.

OSCAR FIELD, 165 684 PLEAA.ST ROOMS. furnished, with first-class board. 1-)0AnDIN A PLEASANT FAMILY. Fl IR A IP married lady. with infant child.

for the winter. A ddreas immediately with full particalata. Mrs. RAY LEE. Box 315 Chicago Post-tlitice.

CEWING MA( HINES OF ALL KINDS AT THE 4, very lowest prices for cloth or monthly Payments: we take old machineg In exchange: all nds rented and repaired: we keep needief anti Darts Of all machines. J. C. SPENCER, 412 West Madison-st. pat .7 SUITE OF DESIRABLE furntqlwd front rooms for gentleman and wife 01 family; private house and good faille.

1p011 SALEIn HEAD OF HORSES-1 PAIR OF 1: horses. 2.43(10 ihs: 1 pair of horsta, 2.5()1l 1 pair of beavy snares, 4400 Itai: 10 good siie drivers for express or delivery wacons Will tie sold at a sacrifice by soon at 463 Wtsgt Malison-st. EN; it SALEOHEAP. A CANDY- STORE AND FAOtory on first-class thoroughfare. Owner going in the country.

23. Tribune 01 Zee. Oil A ECONFECTI6NE HY, kKERY. CI- gars. trihaeen.ete., cheap.

rent free till 1st of June. Inquire at 547 West Niatlison-st. I )0A RD FOR COUPLE ON AVENTE EAST OF near Tturtv-ttcrond-st. wo front rooms, bath, hot and cold water, barn, etc. 95.

Tribune. FRONT ROOMS ON 1)7 third floor to rent with board; reference 10 SOUTH NICE- 1y-turni-die4 front rooms. with or without board; private fatuity. 17 SOUTH PEORIA-ST. SINGLE FitoNT 1,4 room to r.rit9 with board; modern Improvements: nriv4te family.

tQ NICE SUITE OF FUR.11 nisbel rooms. with board; both bet and cold water: house heated by furnace; a rare chalice for gent ad wife or two gents. 'WILCOX GIBBS AS GOOD AS st2; 11 Florence. Wheeler WI leon. l5; SInger.

folding cover. latest Improved. S25. 2.49 Milwauke-av. VOR SALEONK TEAM OF 1101iSEi 2.300 Ile, one team of mares one plod.

5-ye8r-olil pony. 208 one block west or Blue Isiand-av, DoARD AND Rooms FOR A YOUNG MAN AND metier. Address 71, Tribune ()thee. I kl, on F---LIVERY-STARLE. WITH STOCK AND stable.

cheap for cash. Address 20. Tribune. 697 PliErtisilsr; front room. with good board; references.

T)OARDBY A AND WIFE AND 1) furnished wolth-front of room west of rnion Park. A ddresa. stating terms, 8:2. Tribune ()Mee. Voit SALEAN EXCI1 ANGE --Ilt-F4NESS BLOCKS centrally paying rood interest on invest-, CUM, from to i4ise.4AAt.

at great for Also clear inside improved ac1 unimproved Property and ca4h to exchange for good business prop-cif. Choice residence at bausins on Michigan and adier avenues in city. and at Hyde Park and Ken-'wood. ULBICH BARN ES, 99 Washington-st- OR SALEAT A BALGAISA CORNER LOT. Fkrtil9, with brick buildimis (renting at low figures far per year.

on between Clark-st. Ind Lake Shore orive. As itivision-st. is a main road the West Side to this drive-way, all property in tots locality will be valuable. Call 5ionekiv at 114 goom 5, for price, etc.

F. C. rIERLINGVOR SALEEXCEEDINGLY CHEAP-10 waicK good central Iden Hon. rented: will excite ge. Ilt3 East Loom 9.

Exchange Buidling. VOR SALEOR EXCHANGESIN STON E-ERONT dwellings and stores: also nine brick dwellings in very good locality on est Side. All the tuildings are sew. web-built. ard splendidly arranged.

ADOLPH Loa 41 129 and 13'1 LaSalle-st. VOR SALEA GOOD SAFE BrAisEss. SITU on West Side. For a man witb a small capital no opportunity can be round Addreas or apply at 440 West Niadiaon- t. Ph 1 nilerY hlst-RseEallim-rtillekrn illtplirI vi- ment a.

2, Trittune ta A NFW SINGER MACHINE; Pe oil marhinrs exch anued machines rentAA: several wool machines from Crt to IS. SINGER Soutb IMEtioriti) ALL KIMNS SHUTTLE 50 LATE machmee, warranted. at half the lowest prices. Private loan office, 1 2s Room 2. 111)-tdairs.

100 SOUTH Oft 4 GENTLEMEN ir ran be accommodated with pleasant furnished rooms. with or wittiout board; terms reasollable; private famliy. FRONT .1 3 wA t'iA n. board; N. TaviTo slit'ng(I)el QM! RENT, ROOMS SINGLE or en suite, with good board.

at prices to suit the times. DOARDIN A PRIVATE FAVIllir I band, wife, and danahter of 15. South side. east of and north of Twenty-isenond-st. Address 53.

Tribune office. UDR SALEErIZEKA JUMP-SEAT ToP-RUGGT; cost a rear ittrO last sto-Ine: In s-21ndi1 order: just painted; for $100. EAGLE PAINTING 45 Jack IWOR SALE SPLENDID RIG, END-SPRING leather-top boggy; cot hat, mare, 6 can trit In So: cost $2')0; harness, nia le by Taylor; cost $5. Will sell tr. entire rig for $2oid.

If b-lore Tuesday night. 1 nluaL have money. 422 Matti, voa WILL HUY THE STOCK. FIX' tures. and ziod will Of a restaurant.

Good ufasons for selling. Address 4,5, Tribune office. 1 91 SOUTH d-d I with board; modern conveniences; reasonable terms. 819 RSIsli El) ROOMS WITIT Amd board very reagonable. Day boarders wanted.

DOA RDA YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE I a Mensant home for the winter; state full particulars. Address 3. Tribune office. 1 )0ARDAND NICELY FURNISHED RDOM DTI I suite of rooms by gentlemm and wife; Cool references and prompt paw State terms, which must be low, and address 97, office. InAcnINERY von SALERESTAURANT IN GOOD LOC ATION.

ehean for cash, or part in trade. F. BURCKY 180 Esit Randolph-st. WOrt ALETHE LEfitsE AND FRNITURE OF A .1 hotel. centrally bleated; building suitable for a hoarding or lodging house, Will all or part of furniture.

Addresa 6, Tribune Mee. (2 9 fk MICHIG AN-AV- PLEAsANT SUITE OF ti7s3ti rooms (second floor), with board; references. 835 To Tw.AND BACK FAR- 871 DESIRABLE SUITE TOOTIM furnished or unfurnished, to rent with VOR. SALE-4 HAVE TWO RIGS To SELLTIIAEJ: ton. almost new: trood family sound and kind: rubber-trimm, harness; Cs a fine road mare.

years old. sound and kind; side-bar lestber-top buenPw last May. and harnesa. This7rie must bm sold at once; wul UI settarste: all first-clasa: come and make me an offer. Cali at drug-store, corner of Madison and West.

Side. VOR SALEONE BOILER. 50 INCHES BY 1514 feet, with 46 3-ineh one boiler. 30 Inches by 9 feet. with 20 flues: one 20-horse tubular boiler.

noir In use: and one sinftil IfN01110tIVO boiler. all In first elms eoniiition and very cheap. general ninchinery in great- varety at sPhINGEWn LronYard. 56 to tot Chnton-st. SALEA BLACKSNI1TH-STIOP IN.

G0011 cation; shop 22i413.57 feet. Addreras 19. Tribune. 1 Q) NORTH Pt) men esti tdeasant room with hoard In prlate family, where there are no other boarders. 1 kS kNT ROOM WITH I 4) board: hot and cold house heated by furnace: very reasonabie, I 9 SOUTH OR THREE tivi persons can find board and furnished rooms: small family.

171 WEST ADAMS-ST. FURVIsTIED ROOMS. with hoard TernIP rest4onable. Convenientto cars. Bath, hot and cold water: good table.

I )0ADD RDBY MILE A ci GE7sri LEM AN' 1 home in small private faintly; must be drst-class In every particular; references furnished. Address 72. Tribune office. trat-class board. VOR SALEA NEW AND VALVABLE PATENT; by every lady.

Entire right of the United States or State rights. Address 20, Tribune office. 1011 SALEAN ELEGANT STONE-FRONT HOUSE on We4t Side; A 1 location; small paymeut lribune office. FORSA LEB A 3 deer). 52, 5f 0: Choice marble fronts, 3.000.

JJ STORIN. 94 Washington-at Room 13- FOR 7SALE-25X1o5 oN NEAR VAN Buren; take a part in clear city property. J. KEELER, 163 Clark-st. FOP.

SALEA GOOD 9-1VOM HOE IN GOOD ordvr to move. near and ChV tor cash S. M. MILLARD. 152 Dearbora-st SALECHEAPOR TRATWFOUR-HOTtit tire-box boiler complete.

JAMES C. WATSON 12 4 Mich titan -at Ori9 ROOM FOR ft feJ aentleman and wife, or two gentletpen, with board, at $50 per mootb; also single room. nC) SUITE or ROOMS nicely furnished, with or without board; terms reaKonable. 1130ATID(ENTLEMAN. WIFE, AND CHILD 12 1) years old wants nrst-elass hoard; private family; West Side; alcove room preferred.

14. Tribune. BOARDAND Room BY A GENTLFM AN OF ti5: quiet home. with or no other boarders: with widow lady preferred. Address Trioune Once.

I -)0ARDWANTED, BY-11EsPONSIBLE ETV. two or more pleasant connecting rooms, furnished or unfurnished. with b9ard for gentieman, and two young South or West Side. Address 83, Tribune offlee. EILDER AND FEED STORE FoR SALE.

Mil horse and wagon; doing a good business; or will take a partner witn a small amount of money. Apply ou the premises, 747 Veit Niadison-st. EvOnt SALEAT A BARGAINOR RENTGOOD little cluar store and lunch roAnt also guns and fixtures of Apply at restaurant 177 East Monroe-at voR sAirAT A BARGAINGOOD LIGHT horse, trots well. whip never needed; call to-day If deAred. South Jerterson-st.

OR kLEA SORREL HORSE 1f3 HANDS MOIL 5 ve'ars 0 id. by the most littlish gnitieman ariving horse In the be is sound. wii bout a blemish. anti can ne driven by a lady: will Boat for ball vaiae. thP owner ta leaving the city.

Alp-PLY at the rear 830 Prairie-ay. VOR LECHEAPA FINE WHITE SADDLE pony. 5 year old. sound. Inouire at t.

Depot M. C. R. R. pug SALECHEAPTWO Iii-ITOTISE AND ONE ji 4-bnrae tnbular one u.

0 Ames' portabis boiler and engine. a-borte; alwr one atatt onary enelne. 8x12. and one do el all nearly new and In perfect orler. JuliS DAVI, 75 Ntichlitart-st.

(177 I eflOICE SUITES, FUR. nisibed unfurnisbed.for first-class families or single gentlemen; good table; everything new; 170, WARREN-AV. ONE LARGE AND ONE t) small room. separate or en Pliite for two or more. wilh board; in private family; modem conveniences.

91 UNFURNISHED south-front room and alcove with board in private family. Hot and cold water. 6) ROOM. WITH I trst-class board. for gent and wife Single gents; brick house.

WEST ROOMS with fit board at rewonable price. ALCOVE it, front room to rent. with board. 1 00 9 Ws ik. 13 elyNfEuA It Er wS eitos board; references.

Volt SALkA GOOD PLATFORM-SPRING FED- I' wazon. with top and brak: in good r-pairt ran bo butight at a low price. Addreas FELLOMs, Rockford. VOR SALE-1 4-TIORSE POWER CALORIC gine in good orier. The most eennomiesi power In U.

III1SAIL HADLEY I 63 and 63 Washington-St. INF FINE NEW 3-IIORSE POWER STEAM ENr enc. only $2,10: one boiler-feeder. $50: and a splendid ftre-enitine. adapted t3 large manntisittirem ttr S-Ps3.

Addressor Caa on J. W. BL0LASEIL 237 btate-st VAN-TEOIMMEDIATELYA faTE Tt BTt A 11- ley hammer H. to. 38 South Cali al-St.

FOR MITRE-MA- 1 ehipe for tnaltinz nIcture and stretcher Immesh Ad fres. 2. Triiiiine office. I 0111 WABASH- AV.TO RENT. EAST FRONT ij alcove; eeJd beard autt terms restoonablet siso other eiugie rooms.

Skt.E.--FIRST-CLA3 MARKET FIXTUrtES, with a fair business. innuire at 313 Wabash-nv. XLE ROTEL 35 ROOMS. liESTAPR first kitchen basem*nt; all in splendid order; furnitur, doind large traolet full Mouse; very low rent; no incumbranee: best location in city; will buy. Athireso Tribune office.

CAN OFFER PARTIES WITH A FEW rnors ANT) 1 ciounrs seeking business. a rare chance for Investment. rhorough investigation solicited. Address 2, Tribune dice. QTOCK OF GROCERIES.

FIXTURE. HORSES ant wagons of a first-class store for sale cheap: a rare chafl co! to step into a good JAMLS A. WHITAKER. Assignee. 131 South Waterst.

1L'Oft A LECHEA P. HA RVESS. AND TOP I buggy in perteet order; is otentie and af rai of nothinz: or will trale for a ligtlt carri: goosl order. Lail at, Dr. 60MLELS' office.

Aimed Pacitie Howl. Ipoit SALE-4 HEAVY DRAFT HORSES, FlioN1 i 1.300 to 1.100 Nnuis, all sound; also 4 low priced horses. Cali at ffest Twelfth-t. VR SAE-By J. H.

KEELE, tea CLARK east of Leavitt a bargain. leorta- scuth of Van Buren. 25t id uar- "'art north of 25x1i25; last cash offer takes it. OR SALE-BY D. P.

NEWELL REAL ESTATE -1 ai-ent. Isiii West splendid residence en AAliiirld-eW-. near a auis)n-st. a trmgato if sold this Itionn. Also several tiestrabte Mitilding aeLeS.

We are inducements to Murders. FOR SALE-TWO norsEs. WITH LARGE east front. on ntar at such iow prices that it will astiml.ii the natives; large tan Cl the ourchas s. can remain three years.

't his. triirrtY inlet be seid for what it will iting. I mean JuLL liltiLLOW, 376 State-st. Full HOUSE, WITH 37-foot lot, Van near Lincoln. In tier- ISCt order; SLOto cash, balance time.

77. Tribune. BEST IIAIZGAIN IN the city-A two-story and cellar stolle-froitt house fl'n 12. ePi with all modern improvements. on V.

tiros' t-- Juig wet of Lwo Works south of cars. Now is your time if you want to buy L.Ille Audreaa or call on FREDERICK. EACH. 'West l'isr I sr. -DOARDFOR A FAMILY OF TTMEE OR FOUR, persons in a private family, where there are no other boarders, Address V17, Tribune otnee.

DoARDFOR. YoUNG LADY IN A PRIVATE I 111 family where there are no other boarders. Address 59. Tribune entice. 111130ARDON THE souTH SIDE FOIL GENTLE1 1 man and lady in a quiet private family; board for lady only.

Address tiO, Tribune I enY.Eik A PRIVATE th Itly-I'11eTo -sk a.V of State terms moderate. AddresT :19. Tribune. A EN LEM AN; FURNISHED ROOM I I north of Twelfth-st. wRit or wit bout board.

dress. stating priee I 44: Trilmne DOARDAND ROOM I-, A LADY IN A rate family wh,) mind their own business. West Side, near Union Park. preferred. O.

-fribune. 1066 FUR- 10S1 IwTh. board also one or two other desirable rooms. WEST FURNISHED $uite of rooms. also front vita board, in small family.

Terms low. WEST AND 46.4P small rooms, single or en Fatte. on first and SCCOMI to renr wit it sunny exposmtl. 9( 1 WEST WASHING 4mo 1- Dished rooms and good board at reasonable terms. WEST RENTA It back parlor.

en suite or single. Also. trout ball bedroom: with vol ward. 1119 o- slo two small beated rooms. House 40-frOqSE POWER RebILER MA- I 1 rifle Or JAMES G.

31cBEA'N, 73 Cark-bt. VOR SALEAT COSTONE orEN-rop ery wazon and one top end-spring souare-box buggy- Call at 31 5 West Tay lor-st IIVANTEDA 24 011 30 INCH IFFED-MILL. TO I iv rm. or buy. If a bariain.

114 13, et) West, FirA LEA VERY FINE YOUNG MARE. pr1z1 rtty sound. and rube, CLO4 balf price. Inquire at West Mwilson-st PC() PRAIRIE-AV. NICELY FURNISHED rooms.

with board. References. 1 -)'t "12,1,1 -AV. Val gentlemen. 1449 buard.

in private S.ANT ROOM. WITH WEST RooMS. ft 8 with or without board. for ladies or gouts. f)j WEST AND wife.

or two gentlemen an have furnished room or suite of rooms, with board, in a private family. 1100ARD--Is YoUN41 GENTLE NT A WANTS 110A nr) In a private faintly ea'. of clark-st. and frith of liinTICT down town; 8 o'clock supper. Address 37.

Tribune dice. 314 WEST WASHINGTON-ST. PLEASANT furnished ruorns with board: references. DOARD- FOR A CHRISTIAN YOUNG LADY WHO 1) is employed durinff the day down town; mull ilk a nice. gide: family.

here there are few or no other Uoaruers. South -tde preferred. Torras tuust be moderate. AdUress 71, Tribune office. SUITE OF FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS IN A x.

private family. 740Nlichtfran-av. 1 )(5-ARrasoFortAN AND WIFE. WITH FRONT suite. in a family without children.

and where there are no boarders; good 10'31i011 on Prairie-ay north of 59. Triune office. 318 NS I--I ALCOVE room. newiy and nicely furbished. with first-class table; also furnished sMede rooms, with board.

in private family. In siAlue-froit residence; references I loon H01sE AND EKPitt.TSez. WAGON. wiTH 1 young to drive make himself generally useful. cat be engaged reasonaoly.

Addresa West tible. I C)i frit'S TO ndA i The vird have told horses wintered by R. W. RAI and have measure in saying that they re-eived eteelfent eare. and wre returned to us in the spring in in- coadition and ready for worg.

.1. V. Clarke. r.toi. President Hibernian 'Marble.

Weird of 't rade; Crosby. Board of Trade: sheldon. Board of Trade; W. F. Petronnet.

Board of Trade. Appiy at bta East Boom I WiNTERED AT ATw000 PLACE 'FARM. only miles fiOin city limit-tit hot stalts if des toest or l4 relerenees; at the lowest Leave order; with D. J. N.

161fld 19,4 eit-it Washinzton-st. or address ColiNk.LILS nt.ILLIVAN. Att. 1)0ARDUV A YJUNG LADY IN A FAMILY' I) where there ive ono or to young: ladies of references given and reogireci; give price and 2. Triione I)OAROINGWITII PLEASANT RoComS.

IN A I11 'rate bod.eGri near city limits- Address lrilidue office. POARDFOR Fi)it OF LR(il partially furnished house on West Side. J9Q1, WEST ALCOVE suites or smile rooms. modern conveniences. furnished or unturitibued.

with choice tioard. Dayboardere accommodated: references exchauged. a wEST FURNISHED ticrti room. with board. -OPENING YOU NG MAN WITH A .1 tea- hundred dollars; business legitimate.

and will make hairisome returns this whiter. Full In estiga Hon solicited. Address, for three dAys. SI. 'Irtuunett PO CAPITALISYSA HAtIE CHANCE FOR ONE or two parties having a cash capital to go into an established manufacturing business In Chlengo, 119W i and cleiding large prolls.

This 14 a sate and legitimate investment awl will bear the closest Investigation. The highest references given. Pre ent owner will retain an Interest. For furz her Information apply to J. MILTON OLIVEIL Room 37.

97 Clark-st. OF THE T. MARE Hotel, 1146 Washington-at- Is for rent; rent taken In board; au eleedent l'AIXABLE MANUFACTURING INT EREST. WI employment. offered for businftts.

implement; worthy of attention- Room 8-118 Dearoorn-st. IVANTEDBUSINE-S OR WILL exkliattee real estate, notes. anti elks and pule piano.r lore and Buggy. Address, with particulars. 44, frihune (Mice.

VriNTEDA GOOD RELIABLE MN WITII from to LA) Joan in a legitimate the following oints: Absolute security for ealital furnishe experienced partners already In: ar legitimate business that has made many Men wealthy iat ge profits; and capable of unlimited Addrese-T 70t, Tribune We. IIT A TEDA ARTY' WHO HAS MEANS TO AS1 gist In briwinte into use a patent setf-adjuming hitching apparatns connected with the of the vehicle: can be applied to buggy or carriage. Horse can be hitched without leaving the seaL Noue but those nietsiling business need apply. Address W. G.

EISIILits Grand CrostAing. Cook ILL wILL BUT LUX oF SALOON. OYSTER. Y.L.7t-4t, restaurant. etc.

city lieense; big bargain. Call to-day. J. W. CoUCIL Ise; West Madison-st.

TO i.000 WILL SECURE A RELIABLE v. a party half interest in a profitable ba41- 11cas. L. P. iWiII.

7b Dtalipara-IL. Room 144 DOATiOING FURNISHED ROOMS. I) with 111'g-class table, for mamef or couples on In Itana-ar. terms reasonable. Address E.

47 Tribune ()Woe. DOATtl)--FOR TI4E C1111.1)EN. FiM 2 'r) 5 I) years old, quic; and htellizent in a plain. comfortable home. Address 3.

Tribune office. CEA II VOY AVE'S. TORD.NadEafty and Saturday. Clairvoyant sittiligai (tally front 11 to 3. IL Woe- Fa.St; ere eTMe.rotpall l41N- ST.

3 CIO SEE THE SEVENTH DAUGHTER OW THE teventh the wonder of tho world In Ing re. 0Tc-sent, and future; tells how to romver 104 anti tcolen art hItla aettito quarrels between brings separate4 to h-r through charms. an4 mas," home given Or no ear. near It ADA NI BR, WN CI- AI livoyANT DocTREs .01 75 near Mallaon.

ATADAM MAYNARD. CLAIIITOYA7U. FEE. I. Al I Materiatzlnit sfances stwday and hur--41sy evenings by Dr.

MATHEW; 50 cents. P57 West 2.ladison-44. ADAME MILSOM. NATUB 'it CLAIRVOYANT. near Tnirty -A rat.

Latiantiarted It ADAME DE VILLE. TILE MOST WONDERFUL clairvoyant In the world. 121 West Madison-pt. I ADAME ROS'A TRASCE MEDIUM. WHILE 111 win reveal twr visitors their profound secrets.

241 West Madlwm-st. LAT WRITING. MA- tertaliZal1011: strii-t tea; eJtontiona; to-nIght air. 573 nI)-FL'airo BUILDING 111.4STEILIAL DOZ. LocKs.

Rsorts. ji butia; zreat bar4ams In builder imamnal. A. WitELI.El4 1 14.1131411AN RE 4IA ESTATE, ron 11 ALE-5 ACRES. NEW 0I-SE.

JUST OUT- side city limits; price 300, Stitt down. balsuce 5 Years; 14 places to be fond; cheapest property in the Inarket and shown free; your money for a garIen or investment. safer (Ilan savtngs ''alats). J. G.

LA bLE. RoJm 39. Da wasitinston-st. FOR gALE-1190 WILL BUT A BEAUTIFUL LOT 1 one block from depot, at Lauranze. 7 tones from ICateaeot $15 down and $.5 mont hiy; cheapest propert-y In alarat.t., an.isi,own al free; 10-ccnt tram 1 airtIklY 011.

IRA BROWN, 142 'Zoom 4. i 0 SALEPLENTY OF CHOICE SUHrlIBAN i Dttrierly by honest men. Look out for sharotTsl For I artActthrs addie.4 ALVIN CRANDALL, 77 biadi1 basem*nt. FOR ANT) LARG 1 SALFNEW TIOFSE LOT i depot, ttt 114111mM Park. cheap and Wog time, Pnrt who whl occupy sante.

tiEttt oliti; i slighliind Park. or ar2 Laalle-st. 1 FOL. SALEAT ENGLEWOOD. GROVE LOTS.

and houses and lots. live minutes' walk from de- 4 "14 ochtrols, churches an4 markeis; gas. lake water. I and sewers; will butid to ord. best property for the Money in Cook County; shown free: only 30 I de: 54 trains daily.

Call on a.F.t. WILL ARO. Loom 6. I ko or C. U.

Pt RR on property. corner 1 tixtl-fitth-st. and Wentworhav. 1 FOR SALE IIENT OR EXCLIANGE CHOICE residence propery houses and lets. at Summer- dale: lake tare.

R. tiELEIL southeast cur- Ler Monroe imd Maritet-sts. 1.10R SALEBUY COTTAGE HOME Iten0: POULTRY' house and yams. WO: lots (woe S100; $.1 tun tl aii.r MIL li I) ti. sni.b., ute DOA nn AN I) StlEr 11-1- FRONT HEATED morn.

for reveetabie lady; prompt pay; state terms. NV 9,, Tribune unite. 1)OARDWARN1 FURNISHED R4 )0M. BREAKS) fast and noon (linnet in private family. or few hoarders: comfot more than yle desired; South Shier.

north Twenty-seeoud-st. Address, giving terms, 18, Tribune mitre. It ortsEs WINTERED Id 'MILES FROM THE CITirt I I nnsurpaqsed accommod.nions for gintitnaen's road and carria4e bore; warn barns wan clay Ion. Address H. st st st $4 st st IALUMET NEAR TWENTY-FOURTH-ST.

1i Good board. with two front warm rooms connecting, for two gentlemen: private family; terms moderate. 10o, Trioune ottioc. NhAIt gamily furnished rear parlor. alcove.

and chamber. furnace. to young married couple warting first-class accommodations. Address X. Tribune office.

1 I PEELIIIra Arlington Heights. Cook Co. 11-0HSES WINTERED AT THE BEST STABLE IN I I Chkazn. at to per month; grain and hay in yard davtiizie. to62 and 964 J.

T. tirti-EN. WEsT FURNISH ed rOoTTIS to rent with or without board. All modern Improvements. Si I NEWLY ti)i- I furnished south front room with nrst-elass board $12; day boarders wanted; bowie has all modern imitrovemems.

6)---Nr ES ROOMS TO t) die rent. furnished or unfurnished. with board. II WEST RENT.WITH e) Et) board. furnished rooms; all modern improvements.

oi 1.7 WEST RENT. WITH oiJo board. furnished or unfutnished rooms and suiies very ret-sdnahle to good parties. WEST VAN FRONT ROOM, e)eri furnished. with gas.

bath. hot and oil() water. street ears pass the door. with gwd boani, suitable for two geuts. It I WHIG AN NEAR Al udfurnislted front alove room 4 except carpet); also room: A No.

I board: twe of bath. references given and required. Address 22. Tribune. STORAGE.

COMPLETE STOREHOLE FOR ALL bold and other personal go Kis. 200 to 20.3 Randolph-st. (Hale Building): lowest rates; cissn advances. VIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY. 7a AND P.0 VAN Buren-st.

facilities for stora7e of furniture and gen- eral merchan.dise; advances at legal rates; safety vaolts. 1 NEAR BUSINESS CENTRE-- ATI Two responsible gentlemen tired of hotel life can obtain a home in a 5'mail private family. Address. with name. 93.

Tribune (Ake. I I 165 Michigan-ay igEtL: 1 1 onsEs WINTERED AT MY IITDE PARK 11 We; grain twice a (13y Cali and ace tatt before turuind out. FIELD. 1 43 Miao-sv. 1)ERSONS SEEKING BONK) OR ROoNIS, PUBLIC or private, any locality, Implied free at the lioardinglionse Agency, 123 South Room Ai, QTORAGECLEAN EST.

SAFEST, AND CHEAPEST t.7 to tee city. Loans at 10 per cent per altaittli. and itorettuuse, 6 63 autt 6 ,45 State-Bt. M. i.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is Chicago Tribune Republican or Democrat? ›

The paper retained its Republican and conservative perspective in its editorials, but it began to publish perspectives in wider commentary that represented a spectrum of diverse opinions, while its news reporting no longer had the conservative slant it had in the McCormick years.

Who is leaving the Chicago Tribune? ›

Other notable writers walking away from the Tribune are John Kass, Steve Chapman, Phil Rosenthal, Steve Johnson, Mary Ellen Podmolik and Susanna Homan, who is the publisher of Chicago magazine.

Can you read the Chicago Tribune for free? ›

On, there are three levels of participation: Non-Subscriber: You can read a limited number of articles at no charge.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most respected newspaper in the United States? ›

The New York Times

One of the most trusted names in U.S. newspapers, The New York Times is also one of the longest-running names in print. Like WSJ, the New York Times is doubling down on digital and has announced goals of reaching 15 million total subscribers by the end of 2027.

What kind of newspaper is the Chicago Tribune? ›

Chicago Tribune, daily newspaper published in Chicago, one of the leading American newspapers and long the dominant, sometimes strident, voice of the Midwest. The newspaper—as well as its parent company and later media conglomerate, the Tribune Company—was founded in 1847 by three Chicagoans.

Is Chicago more Democratic or Republican? ›

Traditionally, Chicago, East Saint Louis, and the Quad Cities region have tended to vote heavily Democratic, along with the Central Illinois population centers of Peoria, Champaign-Urbana and Decatur.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday. Chicago Tribune was launched in 1847 and is published in Chicago, Illinois.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

On Saturday, the Freedom Center printed its final edition of the Chicago Tribune before facing a demolition deadline and planned redevelopment into a casino. Tribune Publishing is shifting printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, which it purchased in May 2023.

Who took over Chicago Tribune? ›

Alden Global Capital completes its $633 million purchase of Tribune Publishing, taking the Chicago-based newspaper chain private.

How much does the Chicago Tribune cost at a newsstand? ›

As of now, the price of a Chicago Tribune at a newsstand is $1.50 for Monday through Saturday editions. Yes, you read that right. A dollar and a half for a paper that's probably going to end up as bird food. It's like paying a premium for recycled paper and ink.

How much does an obituary cost in the Chicago Tribune? ›

Starting at $315.00. A printed notice in the Death Notice section of the Chicago Tribune that references a Maiden Name and refers reads to see the notice under the person's married last name.

Can I get the Chicago Tribune mailed to me? ›

To manage your print and digital subscriptions, start a new subscription or submit questions or complaints about home delivery, billing or vacation holds, call 1-800-TRIBUNE (874-2863) To contact customer service online, go to HOME DELIVERY RATES (Weekly rates*) MON-FRI SUNDAY 7DAYS ...

Can you go inside the Chicago Tribune? ›

Is the Tribune Tower open to the public? While the interior of the Tribune Tower is primarily office space, visitors can appreciate its architecture from the outside. Additionally, there are often events or exhibitions related to its history.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the most popular news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.